2011.06.30 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Two)

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Witnesses and events today

Witnesses and when they testified ***LIST ONLY*** - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

- Krystal Holloway aka River Cruz - claims affair with George
claims George told her that he really believes it was an accident that snowballed
out of control and she tried to cover it up
George never said he was there and knew it was an accident
George never said that Casey told him it was an accident
George sent her a letter from Cindy and George
sister sold her story to National Enquirer for $4,000
she first told LE that she did not have a romantic relationship with George
Judge read instruction to jury that KH's statement is used only to impeach
George on previous testimony, not as any evidence of how Caylee died
or the defendant's guilt or innocence

- Dominic Casey
he put pin marks on areas he searched on Suburban Dr.
not exact markings, just general locations
Orlando is 101 square miles - only place he searched for a deceased Caylee

- Baez showed video of news report of George at tent with duct tape

- George Anthony
George not know if that is his duct tape or not
asked how their pets were buried - with blanket, plastic bags and tape
Ashton cross exam - never took dead pets and thrown in swamp

- Cindy Anthony
asked how pets were buried
she handled most of the burials after Veterinarian prepared them in plastic bags
with clear wrapping tape [not duct tape]
LDBurdick cross exam - never euthanized pets with chloroform
did not put duct tape on animal's faces
Casey was a senior in HS when mom and baby cocker spaniels died within
6 months of each other - Casey was present at burials

- Lee Anthony
asked how pets were buried
his parents handled burial of pets

- Baez said they had no more witnesses, and Casey would not be testifying
Judge asked Casey personally if it was her decision not to testify

- Stipulation read to enter Shurtape Henkel brand duct tape records into evidence


- LDBurdick says they need less than a day for rebuttal case

- Mason presents argument for discovery violation regarding new Gentiva records
Judge rules it is not a discovery violation, and gives Defense Sims time to
talk to the Gentiva rep - Judge wants him to testify tomorrow

- Ashton wants jury to be able to open can with carpet sample smelling of decomp
Judge will not allow the can to go back to jury, so jury will not open it
Judge will not allow State witness Michael Vincent to testify in rebuttal
about the can

- Alina Burroughs - crime scene tech with OCSO
entered into evidence photos she took of clothes in Caylee's room

- LDBurdick enters into evidence drawings by Dominic Casey

- LDBurdick enters into evidence modified TES documents re: Joe Jordan

- Ashton enters into evidence George's suicide letter and shows all 8 pages
to the jury

- Judge tells jury it is his hope that Saturday morning hear closing arguments,
then he will give jury instructions, then they start deliberations

- Judge deals with young man who shot bird during Ashton's arguments at podium
sentenced to 6 days in jail and fine of $400 plus court costs $ 223.00
he wants to appeal - appointed a public defender

- Baez says they are filing a subpoena for more Gentiva records for July 15, 2008
Gentiva rep cannot get records until Wed or Thurs next week

Did you miss something regarding GA's suicide note? Someone told me it was read today.
Oh my gosh..are you kidding me..And what a record..Battery of someone 65 years or older.
Now, the judge did specify certain charges..Like he asked him if he had ever been arrested for blank blank blank...Maybe that was semantics..I dunno :waitasec:

Rot-roh...HHJP doesn't like playing the semantic game...maybe JA prosecuted him or is in process of prosecuting him...that would make sense...
mx cruz just said george had 4 phones, but shes mixing alot of stuf up.

Is she sure she was intimate with GA and not Dom Casey? As I recall, DC had quite a few phones! :crazy:
If that's him he looks older in those photos.

true, i thought the same thing..And I guess you are righ..But I just saw the age of 28..and quit reading..Didnt even bother to read what year lol

I just thought man...those mug shots are brutal ..:crazy:
Sunny continually said that there was something fishy about George Anthony's testimony about Krystal H because his manner of answering questions was not similar to other times. She questioned his veracity.

Today, when responding to questions about family pets, he answered in a manner EXACTLY like he did while answering questions about an alleged "affair" with Krystal H. He gave that same little laugh and had the same tone.

Sorry Sunny - after today's testimony your theory doesn't hold. I hope she will revise her stated opinions as I am sure she is wrong.

I caught a tiny bit of her on the radio earlier. Paraphrasing, in response to the question of what she thought was the best part of the defense's case, she said the grief counselor. I laughed the rest of the way home.
I've thought about that a lot in regard to Casey. I bet it really chaps her hide that everyone she knew 3 years ago has moved on. Her friends/boyfriends at the time certainly have, her family to a lesser extent since they are more directly affected by what she did. She can't go clubbing or to parties. She misses out on a lot of popular culture except for any snippets she might get on TV or radio at odd times when she is allowed. No internet, phone, or text access for the most part.

Even her family will probably manage to adjust to their new reality once the verdict is decided. They will have chili dinners and perhaps Lee will give them grandchildren someday with birthday parties and all that stuff that Casey will miss out on. The only chili Casey will have is if she can manage to throw it together out of ingredients from the commissary. :innocent:

She probably thinks of herself as very independent and not needing her family and wishing her parents would get off her back and let her be free, but she was actually very dependent on them. She "needs" them, needs to manipulate them and get money and attention out of them, she just doesn't realize it yet while she still has the attention of the trial on her.

I am with ya here, the whole thing, so pointless, so senseless. ICA deserves to spend ALOT of time in jail, if not her entire life (not a big proponent of the DP). A 22 year old girl, never to live a life and she brought it on herself, in her words "what a waste", a family torn apart and destroyed, a little baby dead before she could ever have a first kiss, a first day in school, never to be a bride or a mother.... Every day I go to the pool, feel the sunshine on my face and look into my little ones eyes I think of just what a waste....
For anyone who wants to amuse themselves in this lull - why not go over to www.thehinkymeter.com and check out Val's summary/commentary on the trial proceedings yesterday, including "Mustang Sally". Should perk you all right up....:great: :floorlaugh: :great:

THANK YOU LOGICALGIRL! Where on earth did you find this website??? I died laughing! I needed that. Thank you!
I've tried to analyze everything as objective as I can and I must say I have doubt whether the ducttape or the chloroform killed Caylee. Because that's not a requirement for a guilty verdict, I'd still be able to vote guilty on all counts. I wish sleazy defense lawyers who shall remain nameless could be charged with something too. I have no doubt Caylee Anthony was murdered and Casey behaviour those 31 days, her lies, her SILENCE for 6 whole months while her daughter was decomposing in a swamp prove her guilt to me. I think George is a messed up husband but I do not believe he molested Casey mostly because Casey Anthony and the truth are strangers. After all the lies, isn't it to be expected that she'd lie again to save her neck? I hope the jury doesn't dissappoint me. LWOP, 23 out of 24 hours in jail for the rest of her life, since she likes it so much.
Any ideas for what point the prosecution is going to make with the photos of clothes from Caylee's bedroom?
Lol, with all the commercials they play, her total airtime might equal 3 minutes.

talking of HLN, my husband is perplexed about the transvaginal mesh commercials. He keeps asking me what that is, and I have no idea, so he is comfortable deciding it has something to do with male-to-female sex change operations. :floorlaugh:
Rot-roh...HHJP doesn't like playing the semantic game...maybe JA prosecuted him or is in process of prosecuting him...that would make sense...

Humming big time..I am wondering IF the sentence JP handed down could be altered given his Legal History..Tho I did notice those links have been deleted..He does NOT sound so innocent and didnt KNOW what he was doing..He read the signage (admittedly)..and chose to DISREGARD..and apologized..Hummm This grown male is 28 years old..not a youngster..NOT so sure JP will take kindly..especially with the possibility of creating a "Mistrial"..

It does appear this young adult seeks exposure whether thru Youtubes or whatevers..but HE seems to have carried it beyond :loser:
My apologies if this has already been addressed. Does anyone think ICA will try to appeal (if she is convicted) based on ineffective counsel? Which I'm sure is a lot more complicated than it sounds...
Oh my gosh..are you kidding me..And what a record..Battery of someone 65 years or older.
Now, the judge did specify certain charges..Like he asked him if he had ever been arrested for blank blank blank...Maybe that was semantics..I dunno :waitasec:

If this is actually the same person HHJP is going to be very PIZZED
and the defendent will be spending a lot more time in jail.
Any ideas for what point the prosecution is going to make with the photos of clothes from Caylee's bedroom?

My understanding is that the clothes photographed were in Caylee's dresser (and therefore among the currently being worn clothes) are size 2T - which is very close to the size of the shorts found w/ the remains. The defense argued that Caylee could no longer wear that size at the time of her death. This evidence rebuts that claim.
I got the impression HHJP was not too happy to hear the news . Can he do anything? He was quick to ask the DT if they knew she would be making these statements.

I got the same impression when HHJP was asking Baez if he knew Cindy was going to say her employment records could not be relied upon. It took a few times of HHJP asking for Baez to finally answer and did you notice that when he finally said yes, he knew that was what she was going to say he also said LDB wasn't surprised either based on what Cindy had said in her disposition.

Really, Baez? I mean, really???

IIRC LDB was containing her fury quite well but she was steaming when she stood up to cross Cindy. If she was not surprised as you indicate Baez, then she deserved an academy award for acting as though she was surprised. Sure looked genuine to me.

So...say Casey is convicted..And receives the DP...
Can George stand up, or come back and confess. ?
My apologies if this has already been addressed. Does anyone think ICA will try to appeal (if she is convicted) based on ineffective counsel? Which I'm sure is a lot more complicated than it sounds...

Yes, I think she will. I think she'll try every trick in the book. Not to say she stands a chance...but she'll try
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