2011.07.01 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Thirty-Three)

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Oh, did Linda ask Lee if he deleted the searches? I must have missed that. Actually, did they ask anyone?

Nope. I don't think they'd ever ask a question they don't know the answer too. What if he decided to lie to protect Casey? I'm pretty sure they would've asked Casey though.

When HJBP denied the appeal

What appeal was this? There's been so many. TIA!!! Was it the one to start over with a new Jury that isn't DP qualified?
I can't believe that JVM still believes all of Krystal Holloway's testimony even though for most of it she was proven wrong. I'll admit I do not know if they had an affair, but it was pointed that she changed her story for the National Enquier. And she denied the affair before it. Other than that I did not find her that credible.
Hi peeps.. I missed everything today.. Is it possible for someone to fill me in as to what happened and what will happen now?

Just quoting this because I would appreciate a quick recap as well! :)
I just have to say my head is spinning now...with the ladder lie! This opens up so much more to the lies within the fam. What really happened on the 15th of June, possibly NOT the 16th! IIRC GA had to be tagging along with 'a story', pool ladder included, if he was supposedly the last to see Caylee leave the home @ 12:50 w/ICA on 6/16.

I need a fresh brain to think about this & may review the calendar of 31 days as well.


I've got a mental list going of everything CA said since, July 16, 2008, that has NOT turned out to be a lie. Not much on the list after the "damned dead body" statement.
Vinnie is doing a dramatic reading of George's suicide letter on HLN, along with a video montage. I had to mute it. I have no words, other than I thought Vinnie was better than this, and I was mistaken.
I just have to say my head is spinning now...with the ladder lie! This opens up so much more to the lies within the fam. What really happened on the 15th of June, possibly NOT the 16th! IIRC GA had to be tagging along with 'a story', pool ladder included, if he was supposedly the last to see Caylee leave the home @ 12:50 w/ICA on 6/16.

I need a fresh brain to think about this & may review the calendar of 31 days as well.


I have only been able to catch bits and pieces today. What is the ladder lie? Something new today, or just how she switched from the 17th to the 16th on the ladder being in place?

When HJBP denied the appeal

Did you see the big puppy dog eyes she kept making at Judge Perry when Mason was giving his speech? I think she believed he was really going to let her go....I was laughing so much! Ack, she's deluded, totally deluded.
I was just thinking that googling "neck breaking" or "alcohol" could be prompted by something quite random (I google some pretty weird stuff on a regular basis) and if I was in that jury I would dismiss it as irrelevant since there is no evidence that anybody broke their neck or died of alcohol poisoning here. But I would not dismiss it as irrelevant if someone in the family thought it was important enough to lie about. I would wonder, what does she know about the significance of those searches that I don't?

We all google weird stuff, that being half the magic of the internet. However, searching for neck breaking and how to make poison demonstrates that ICA was looking for ways to murder her child. That she settled on something other than neck breaking is meaningless, the point is that she was PLANNING ahead of time. And in this case, as it happens, the evidence shows that mom was searching for the poison that might well have been used to kill her child, so it supports both the conclusion of murder and that this murder was premeditated.

And that's the really important thing to keep in mind when considering this case. This is not just a mom who killed her kid in a fit of rage, nor was it a chronic child abuser who went too far, this is the WORST kind of monster on trial here. This woman researched how to murder her child. Imagine that. She gave her baths and played and told her stories and kissed her at bedtime and fed her dinner and all the normal mommy stuff, and all the while she was looking into these little trusting eyes and thinking, "Should mommy snap your neck baby? Should I drown you in your bubblebath? Maybe tonight, while you sleep, I should smother you with your teddybear? Or should I make the poison? What the easiest way for mommy to kill her little angel?"

Think about that.

THAT'S why these computer searches matter.
Ya know, it's another iorny of this case. George's suicide note ended wtih Casey ----

Like he couldn't think of the words to write to Casey.

Yesterday George's little washing his hands gesture kinda says it all to me.

Bless you, George. You truly loved little Caylee.

Yes, and thank God George is still alive. I believe with all my heart that if he had died, Casey could walk free because Cindy would do anything to spare her including lying about her own dead husband.
Watched the beginning and end of ICA's meltdown. JB handed her (probably jury instructions for deliberation) papers to read, she threw them down, waving her arms and yellingat the defense team and feed stopped then cut back with her still visibly angry, upset and being led sternly back into holding.
Does anyone know where precious Caylee is buried? I have family near Orlando and next time I go there I would like to pay my respects. TIA
Because of the VERY difficult upbringing, right?

We live with it because of the upbringing or she's a liar because of the upbringing?

I think its yes to both and also her birth order (would have to go in to way too much to explain that)
RH on WESH said that Baez made a big booboo about putting Cindy on the stand early in their case... says it was his one bombshell moment... and because Baez put her on early the state had time to do more research to rebut.

He says if they would have ended with her the state wouldn't have had time to get all the rebuttal data they had..

he says the rebuttal was surgical.. and complete..

he also said that he now thinks that premeditation is there!

(((so in a nutshell Jose Baez' incompetence and Cindy Anthony's lies now drove home the State's evidence on premeditation... also most likely why ICA looked like a truck ran her over when Court recessed today)))

Casey's not stoopid. Even she knew that she could get away with lying to her parents, brother, friends, even the police, but methinks that Ms. Anthony knew that her lies would not be tolerated in front of Judge Perry. Despite her bravado in proclaiming her innocence, Casey was skeered of HHJP. jmo

It reminds of of 'Yes, I work here. Yes, I work here. Yes, I work here. Oh, you're right, I don't work here.'

It's been "Let me talk. No one's letting me talk. Do you understand how IIIIIIII feel? Oh, nevermind."
As much as I want to get this show on the road and get the jury deliberating I am glad for a day off tomorrow. My house needs a major cleaning & I might actually go outside for awhile if it isn't too hot. I'm thinking that I need to come up with crockpot supper for Sunday too...lol
What appeal was this? There's been so many. TIA!!! Was it the one to start over with a new Jury that isn't DP qualified?

Appeal for acquittal denied. Motion for mistrial (again) denied.

Denied, denied, denied.
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