2011.07.02 Sidebar Thread

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And it begins-have ya'll seen this?:eek:
Casey Anthony's Aunt Speaks, Exclusive--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Posted by Tommy Garrett on Jul 2, 2011 - 11:59:59 PM



"She later told me Cindy found out Casey had done this. She claimed she used the money to buy a new work phone for Universal Studios. Anyhow, Shirley told Cindy that she was going to call the police and she said that Cindy told her, if she did, she’d never speak to her again. So Shirley feels guilty to this day that she did not call the police. She had warned Cindy, if something was not done to stop Casey, that she’d end up doing something bad. Now Shirley lives with the grief that if she had only called the police that Caylee might still be alive today,” said Pam.

Shirley was spot on & GA too when he said "he let Caylee down"..They all knew ICA was a ticking time bomb capable of doing anything, even harming Caylee..All but CA!! I have NO doubt she now feels terrible guilt but will never admit it to anyone.
OMG, been watching some youtubes about Diane Downs, watch the "testifies at parole board hearing" one. It is 2 parts. Wow, this is KC, her lies fly right on out at any question, she just adjusts to the questioner. The 2nd part she talks about her parents visiting, her dad is 80, she gets slighty teary, and talks about how the whackos would want her to sign a book, etc... This is the future of KC, we will hear about her again. Her parents will still see her.

Ted Bundy was much brighter than KC, I'll watch the Bundy video, see if there is anything new there. I don't compare KC to Ted though. I think KC is more of a common for convenience family killer, Ted was just killing strangers, women for some sort of curiosity and possibly anger about the lie of who his real mom was. He is on a different level.

"She later told me Cindy found out Casey had done this. She claimed she used the money to buy a new work phone for Universal Studios. Anyhow, Shirley told Cindy that she was going to call the police and she said that Cindy told her, if she did, she’d never speak to her again. So Shirley feels guilty to this day that she did not call the police. She had warned Cindy, if something was not done to stop Casey, that she’d end up doing something bad. Now Shirley lives with the grief that if she had only called the police that Caylee might still be alive today,” said Pam.

Shirley was spot on & GA too when he said "he let Caylee down"..They all knew ICA was a ticking time bomb capable of doing anything, even harming Caylee..All but CA!! I have NO doubt she now feels terrible guilt but will never admit it to anyone.

And even in GA suicide note he talks about how he had concerns but was told to not be so negative.

I totally agree that, while ICA is the one who committed murder, CA has to now realize that it could happen and she could have saved Caylee if she had followed through with her threats to get legal custody.
Sorry to be running through this discussion - I don't know if anyone mentioned this. I heard JVM say earlier this morning that when HHJP denied the motion yesterday, ICA put her head down. I thought she was either trying to control her fear or her anger.

JVM said she was definitely praying and Ms Weintraub (SP) agreed then they both nodded sagely.

Sigh, can we say post trial interviews with Baez coming up?

yeah..not exactly sure what JVM meant..if she meant at that moment, she could have been praying..she could have been just ...whatever..But the part of the video that was being played, was right after she drank the water, looked down, and put her hand kind of to her mouth..
My guess is the jurors will decide .. it will be the first time they get to have any conversations about all the evidence they were given during the trial. Standard procedure is to choose a foreperson and do a recap/overview and take a first poll at where the jurors are guilt/doubt/innocence etc. and then as they deliberate bring in reminders of evidence and testimony.

I think within about 4-6 hours they will find her guilty (because she is) and then get on with the penalty phase of the trial.

You know they are ready to clear the air from the bull, sort through true facts and do their duty and get back to their own lives.
I don't know if anyone has posted this yet,but I am watching NG-Which I rarely do-but anyhow,she is replaying GA testimony and when he was talking about how he knew what decom smells like- I read ICA lips and she calls her father a SOB-WOW!!
Hey everyone! :seeya:

After watching what seems like 24 hours of coverage in the last 12 hours, and searching this forum about a zillion times (and that 15 second rules is sure a pain when you aren't finding what you want!), I have a question...

I know we have seen the Anthony home inbound and outbound call records. And I would assume if CA was to have actually called George, at any number, to yell at him about the pool ladder she would have done it from her home phone, while standing there looking at the ladder. And there are no calls there on the 16th, just none. But I have not found CA's cell phone records, although they were put in evidence yesterday, were they released in discovery? Am I losing my marbles? :crazy:

And, since they are in evidence, if in fact CA's phone records show no calls to any unidentified number for that time frame, can't the SA team post those up in their closing argument as an exhibit? That's not new evidence... They could do something like "Here in evidence #3XX, the Anthony's home phone records, you can see there were no calls out to anyone on 6/16. And here, in CA's phone records, evidence #3XX, a call to her daughter (or whoever, I can't find the records if we have them) but no calls to GA, not his cell phone, not his work cell phone, not to anyone." That would be ok, right? :waitasec:

That one seed of doubt is bugging me and has bugged me all night.
I don't know if anyone has posted this yet,but I am watching NG-Which I rarely do-but anyhow,she is replaying GA testimony and when he was talking about know what decom smells lik- I read ICA lips and she calls her father a SOB-WOW!!

I just dont see it lol..I know she said something, but I dont ever see her lips form a b....who knows.
OMG, been watching some youtubes about Diane Downs, watch the "testifies at parole board hearing" one. It is 2 parts. Wow, this is KC, her lies fly right on out at any question, she just adjusts to the questioner. The 2nd part she talks about her parents visiting, her dad is 80, she gets slighty teary, and talks about how the whackos would want her to sign a book, etc... This is the future of KC, we will hear about her again. Her parents will still see her.

Ted Bundy was much brighter than KC, I'll watch the Bundy video, see if there is anything new there. I don't compare KC to Ted though. I think KC is more of a common for convenience family killer, Ted was just killing strangers, women for some sort of curiosity and possibly anger about the lie of who his real mom was. He is on a different level.

Thank you

I saw bits of the Diane Downs show on TV last night but felt too agitated to sit and watch it. I remember the story and read Small Sacrifices and couldn’t sleep for days.

Now I need to go back and read it again and watch the movie.

I just hope that cases like these means that ICA will be dealt with properly.

I might be remembering this incorrectly but I think it was Susan Smith who a few years back was having sex with a prison guard.
My guess is the jurors will decide .. it will be the first time they get to have any conversations about all the evidence they were given during the trial. Standard procedure is to choose a foreperson and do a recap/overview and take a first poll at where the jurors are guilt/doubt/innocence etc. and then as they deliberate bring in reminders of evidence and testimony.

I think within about 4-6 hours they will find her guilty (because she is) and then get on with the penalty phase of the trial.

You know they are ready to clear the air from the bull, sort through true facts and do their duty and get back to their own lives.

hoping....praying you are right
OMG, been watching some youtubes about Diane Downs, watch the "testifies at parole board hearing" one. It is 2 parts. Wow, this is KC, her lies fly right on out at any question, she just adjusts to the questioner. The 2nd part she talks about her parents visiting, her dad is 80, she gets slighty teary, and talks about how the whackos would want her to sign a book, etc... This is the future of KC, we will hear about her again. Her parents will still see her.

Ted Bundy was much brighter than KC, I'll watch the Bundy video, see if there is anything new there. I don't compare KC to Ted though. I think KC is more of a common for convenience family killer, Ted was just killing strangers, women for some sort of curiosity and possibly anger about the lie of who his real mom was. He is on a different level.

21mec7 :wave:

You are right to say that Ted and Casey as far as their crimes are very different, as far as most things about them are very different. You helped me to put into thought what I am finding similar and I am still processing this(as we all are, together :blowkiss: )-but right now I would say it is the "pure" sociopathy.

The idea they both had the same kind of sociopathic thinking, same with Diane Downs. They all have different murders but they are all the same "kind" of person. If that makes sense? :no: :lol:

I am both afraid to recognize a sociopath when I am speaking to one and of not recognizing a sociopath when I am speaking to one. They DO exist. Unlike the boogie man(sp?) or the "devil" we know this type of person does exist and they come in all shapes and sizes, colors and creeds, nationalities and cultures, sex and social class...did I leave anyone out? :thumb:
My guess is the jurors will decide .. it will be the first time they get to have any conversations about all the evidence they were given during the trial. Standard procedure is to choose a foreperson and do a recap/overview and take a first poll at where the jurors are guilt/doubt/innocence etc. and then as they deliberate bring in reminders of evidence and testimony.

I think within about 4-6 hours they will find her guilty (because she is) and then get on with the penalty phase of the trial.

You know they are ready to clear the air from the bull, sort through true facts and do their duty and get back to their own lives.

There's much evidence for the Jury to consider, but I feel through unsubstantiated accusations and lies the defense has created moments that the Jury will not be able to forget. These moments will define this trial, IMO.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtjQa0f-ctY"]YouTube - ‪The Jury Will Remember‬‏[/ame]
Another bizarre court moment for me during the DT witness testimony was one of the last times they called Cindy to the stand to ask her if she remembered several years ago dealing with an issue of Lee being in Casey's room at night. Her answer was no. Well, why on earth did Baez call her back specifically to ask that question if he thought her answer was going to be no????

It was like Cindy was not surprised by that question, fully expected it and did not hesitate to say no. Then Baez follows up with a similar question just asked a bit differently and again she says no so he moves on to other questions.

I can't imagine he thought he was going to be told no and asked the question anyway. It just makes no sense at all.


Cindy does lie, so maybe JB thought the jury would think the same thing, she's not being honest again.

ITA, and given that KC mirrors what she sees, as is a hallmark of a Sociopath, Caylee died shortly after the fight, of Cindy choking KC. The fight was over money stolen from her grandmother, which Cindy discussed on Father's Day with her mother, and taking Caylee away from KC. CA's assertion on the stand, of what a special moment they had that night is BS!

If you can believe what SP told her ex-daughter in law, Cindy told SP that LA was there when the fight occurred and even broke it up. But if your theory is correct, then why did GA testify that he saw Casey and Caylee leave a little after noon the next day? :banghead::banghead::banghead:
I found this tribute someone made for Caylee on youtube and I was moved to tears. The song was so absolutely appropriate and it honors everyone that was looking for this precious girl. We've all been pulling for justice in this case. I just had to share it.

I am sending many good vibes to the SA and heartfelt prayers today as they prepare to speak for Caylee tomorrow.

The MSM seemed drawn to this case 's perfect storm of: hedonism, narcissism and family disfunction. I was drawn to the many examples of humanity: people working to find one sweet little girl. In the face of this horror, people banded together and trudged through the wilderness in the Florida heat looking for this baby. Now the SA team are the ones that are seeking Justice in this case. They can't bring Caylee back but they are giving her the voice she deserved years ago. When the Anthony's brought the media into this situation they unknowingly made Caylee everyones' child. Caylee will have the justice she desrves.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyMjA2XVRH4"]YouTube - ‪Caylee Anthony Tribute - I'm With You‬‏[/ame]
Cindy knew she wanted George when she met him in the hospital, when he had a broken leg. She wanted to marry into the richest family in that town in Ohio, and that’s the kind of person she is. Casey was always weird. At age 12, she was very spooky looking even then. There is just so many layers of dysfunction to this family. Everyone knew that eventually the denial and dysfunction would lead to tragedy, but no one expected this to happen,” concluded Plesea.


Sociopaths,like anyone else, come in varying degrees. I was in so much fear for many years because of some things that happened of being around one again. I think I attract them, ha! I had to fight that fear, still do at times, until I could just take a walk again, get to know new people again.

Don't worry too much, first sign of hinkyness you will know, and will adjust accordingly.

KC, well, I would never really have known her as I am much older, but if I was in my twenties like her friends? I would have known her, hung out at Fusion, but probably not let her be a roommate. All of the lies would be the first clue. I don't think there were any clues to murdering Caylee. I think she just decided to do it in a few seconds. Geez, she couldn't even plan ahead to use stolen money to put gas in the tank that was low.

If she had gotten away with Caylee's murder, I do think others would have been killed, but only for her convenience.
I think HLN is about to show JA put the photo of Caylee's skull in front of Casey if anyone wants to catch it.
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