# 5 Juror Recap #1429: Female, white, 50s-60s, retired.
Pretrial Publicityy: *Remembers hearing when Casey got arrested, that a child was missing, and when they found her body. *Source of that information was newspaper and television. *Doesn't like and doesn't watch Nancy Grace or Geraldo Rivera. *Has never watched 48 Hours. *Hasn't talked to anyone about the case. *Believes she can be unbiased about the case and wait until she has all the facts. *Says "I don't judge people." *Has a subscription to St. Petersburg Times (reads it every day) and watches local news 9. *Doesn't have a computer.
Death Penalty Stance: For it. *Says "I guess I believe in the death penalty." *Hasn't really thought about circumstances the DP should apply to and shouldn't apply to. *No preconceived ideas regarding when to use DP. *No religious/personal beliefs. *Says "I'm not all that religious". *Would not try to sway another juror if their opinion was different.
Misc.: *Retired. *Has worked for a catering company, filled vending machines, worked as a supply clerk in the hospital and an environmental service person at hospital, Nurse's Aide. *Likes to garden, read, walk her dog, etc. *Describes herself as a homebody. Not a social butterfly. *Originally from PA. *Completed 11 grades of school. *Arrested for DUI in 1998 but not charged. *Served on a jury in a criminal case 2.5 years ago.
Family: *Divorced (14 years). *Lives with her boyfriend of 12 years. *Boyfriend is retired also (used to own a plumbing business). *Has 3 children (ages 52, 49 and 48). *Son has been on probation for cashing a bad check. *Grandson has been arrested for selling drugs (received jail time).
State: No challenges/objections.
Defense: No challenges/objections.