2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

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LMBO.....JA just burped during JB's "presentation".....he must have heartburn too!
[via twitter]

RichardHornsby Richard Hornsby
LDB: OBJECTION: Paragraphs 1 through ... Aw, hell Judge, he's violating the whole damn order! Judge Perry: Sustained.
1 minute ago

Richard Hornsby
I think I dated one of those girls once, the faceless one on the left...
2 minutes ago

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
yes, JB she was such a kind person, that she robbed her friends blind..yup
I may be imagining it(due to JB's long statement), but KC looks as if she is so frustrated that JB is not as good of a liar, as she is.
Casey did NOT swim on the 15th ... she claimed it was too cold!
She was such a loving, kind, considerate mother that she rented movies the night her daughter 'drowned' <cough> and spent the next day in bed screwing with her new boyfriend. Yeah, poor thing was so choked up with grief
FYI Gary Wright - Dreamweaver (1976) I've just closed my eyes again Climbed aboard the dream weaver train Driver take away my ...

Ahhhh good. Times.

Need to stop watching. I'm yelling and I'm not T home my poor sisters doggies are getting nervous.

Glad she "saved" Caylee at Tonys.
No evidence introduced in this case that Caylee drowned in the pool.
Casey "cares about others"?

Hmm, let's go to the tape:

Did she care about Lauren Gibbs, supposedly one of her best friends from high school, who babysat for free because she thought she was working?

Did she care about Amy Huizenga when she stole checks from her?

Did she care about her grandparents, parents or Lee when she stole from them?

Did she care for Jesse Grund, who she let believe initially was the father of Caylee, had his parents babysitting her kid for crying out loud, then insinuates they were involved in her death?

Did she care for anyone that she lied to for two and a half YEARS?

Did she care for George or Lee in accusing them of sexual abuse???

This is his evidence of "Caring"?

My head is spinning right now.
JB actually paused for breath, but only to have one of the "kids" bring up another jpad thing a ma jig
uuuuu...double attack on CA.....out for blood
The judge has been instructing that this is the law. the defendant is not required to prove anything. It is a right given to each and every citizen. We all share this inalienable right. I told you that Casey reacts the way she does MIs because of the environment she was brought up in. A dysfunctional family, one of secrets and lies, and I showed you this photo. You heard it testified to many times in this case. GA says she looked this way because she was working out a lot. Cindy even stood here and looked over Casey asked to return to the site. She side turned to the side I can see. I don't think you can believe they didn't know she was pregnant. You heard Lee A. and the bizarreness of the entire situation, the lie that testify on the stand. you can reject all of the testimony.

by the end of this case the state is impeaching her. They want you to think she's a liar. Although please remember what she said for us. Believe her that sometimes and not in others. That's unacceptable, that's not true. And that's not what you render a just verdict on.

Want to show you the world Casey Anthony lived in. You remember her imaginary friends? We had Zanny from 2006. she used to date Jeffrey Hopkins. Zanny had long black hair and great white teeth. Her family is wealthy and they come from New York and the Carolinas in Miami. Jeffrey Hopkins was a trust fund baby. He had a child named Zach, the Anthony's invited him over for barbecues and numerous times. Zachary used to play with Caylee. Zanny's mother was Gloria Fernandez, she had heart issues. Then there was Juliette Lewis. she and Cindy waited for an hour and a half for Julia Louis but she never showed up. Not waiting for 10 min., not 20 min., but an hour and a half. And this has nothing to do with Caylee's death. This is just something that doesn't add up. This is something that just is not right. And Juliet had a baby named Annabelle. you heard about Raquel Farrell, another roommate of the nanny. And then the guy who was maybe Kaylee's father died in a motorcycle accident. [names other names]. Her office at Universal Studios did not exist. Should work police officers down the hallway to the left and got there and couldn't go any further. At that point the police should have seen a realize something is wrong with this girl. This is not just someone lying, we need to handle this investigation in a different manner.

If you fed the drunk guy on the street and just lost his job, you wouldn't treat him the same way Casey Anthony. You step back and handle individuals individually. All the signs were there. Everything she was saying just didn't add up. Casey had plenty of opportunity to hop on a plane and go and tell George and Cindy will never see your granddaughter again. End of story.

People won't just stopped asking for Caylee that wasn't going to happen. If a person lives in this kind of world, this coverup makes more sense. a normal person could grieve. But if you don't have a healthy environment that you listen, you handle things different. You'd lie, you'd go out dancing.

I'm not proud of the way Casey behaved. no one can justify her actions. But she did not commit murder. But you understand a little bit better.

At first glance you would say the cases lies are nonsense.but you get to understand that it's not nonsense. It's not right, but it makes sense. She wanted her freedom? is that what you do to get your freedom you kill somebody? she had no motive. Casey treated Caylee well. She loved that child. no one came in here and said Casey was a horrible mother. Remember the time Caylee was running for the pool and Casey had to run stop her? she stopped her from drowning and saved her. All you heard was that Casey was nothing but a good mother.

This is not consistent with a person in a murder. This is not consistent with aggravated child abuse. This is an unprovable case because it's not true. they couldn't give you the answers because it's not true.
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