2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

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whoa didn't Cindy go on and on and on about all the safety locks in that house?
wow cool...now he's using his OWN IMPEACHED WITNESS and makes fun of the state for having impeached her testimony to prove that she was a liar.

And now he's using this in his advantage. "how could you believe CA?"

And this was HIS witness at the time.

He stoops very low.
Does anyone know where to buy those ShamWow tissues that she uses?
I've already spoken to 4 people who fell asleep this morning during his statement.

My hubby is watching this afternoon. Er, I mean he's snoring. lol He fell asleep about 20 minutes in to Baez's closing.
I know I'm late on saying this but the ONE point I believe that Baez has right is the error in the computer report about the the chloroform being looking up 84 times. I believe that the rows got mixed up in the one report and that Myspace had been typed in the url bar 84 times not the how to make chloroform page.

The rest is nonsense

For me this has always been a moot point. Whether she looked up how to make it once or a million times makes no difference to me. She looked up how to make it and it's easy to do and chloro was found in trunk. That's what would stick with me as juror.

Also, saying LA honest after he said his client accused him of sex abuse is another thing that would really sway me to guilty. He's basically admitting that claim was crap.
OMG he is blaming CA and using her lying to his advantage again.
And according to the non liar la he thought she was alive a bit as well

Child proofing should have been done by Ica

Evil evil man
When JB stated that Casey was a good mom, did I see Casey mouth "thank you" ?

I wish the state would say, most of those who said KC was a 'good mother', KC had only known for a max of 2 months, and those that KC knew longer than 2 months were mostly young men, who would have no idea what a 'good mother' really was. Was it a 'good mother' who took her 2 yr old to beer pong parties, who took her 2 yr old to sleep in the same beds with her lovers? :banghead:
I glance at the screen and see it continues to go on and on...you know, I think JB is having the time of his life! He's got practically the whole world watching his great performance and doesn't want it to stop. Just a thought I had, that's all..........
I hope he "makes it stop".....soon........
JB: "They were neglectful for not making sure the door was locked"!?????

WTF doesn't ICA have SOME responsibility to bear in any of this????!? Im so upset I can hardly type! :mad:
KBelichWFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV
Baez just blamed Cindy for leaving pool ladder up
1 minute ago
I can't take his lies. The people who said she was a good mom admitted later they DID NOT know the real Casey. How about those check charges, JB? Let's show the jury how ICA treated her friends.

Right, and a good mom doesn't party for 31 days after your CHILD goes missing and not report it!!
Soemone's been swimming in my pool, and it was just right! OMG! Goldilocks killed Caylee!!!!

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