2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

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Is Linda only able to rebut on what the Defense is saying now?

If so, than the sky is the limit, cuz JB isn't leaving any topic out, plus adding plenty of his own "fantasy's" for LDB to expound upon.....
I predict and put ALL my money on LDB. She'll take care of this. JB can talk all he wants. It's not over until LDB is done, and she will deliver. I'll bet anyone on this.
The whole issue of there not being any DNA on the tape or bag is convoluted.

They KNOW that Caylee was found inside of the bag, and her DNA was not found.

How difficult is it to understand that if HER DNA is not found inside the bag in which she was found, then DNA of the person who placed her there would not be there either--all due to weather issues and decomposition?

Baez is totally skipping around that entire aspect of the "no DNA found" issue.
MarinaMarraco Marina Marraco
Steering wheel, spelled "stearing" wheel on defense exhibit. #closingarguments #caseyanthony
2 minutes ag
Priceless. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I am still waiting for the connection between GA finding her dead in the pool and RK having 'control of the body' for months.
:maddening: IF this was all an accident, what are we doing here 3yrs later ? I don't get it ! A waste ! A huge waste ! LDB is gonna knock Baez off the charts when its her turn, if Baez EVER sits down !:loser:
JB was given 4 hours and he used 38 minutes this morning. By my estimate, he's got 20 - 25 minutes left

And JB said that CM would also speak. Bet JB requests extra time! Does he EVER follow the court's rules??? :doh:

Did he just say "bag of bones"? Have some respect for this innocent victim, Mr. Baez.
I thought CM was giving part of CS.
I'd ask the jurors: "I'm going to ask you to close your eyes and use your common sense. Picture a pool in your backyard. Now picture going out there and seeing a 2 yr old floating in the pool having obviously drowned. What is your very next thought of what you would do?" Now open your eyes. How many of you had an immediate thought to scream for someone to call 911 or run to the phone and call 911 yourself while frantically trying to resuscitate the child?

I ask you: "would you take the child, run into the house looking for someone in the house to yell at for not watching the child, proceed to put duct tape on the child's head, cloth the child, wrap the child in a blanket, two trash bags and a laundry bag, put the bag in your daughter's trunk and then just go to work?"

That defies common sense!

JB is losing steam, I hope. ICA is too zoned out now to fake tears of any kind.
When his 4 hours are up, will JP cut him off? Warn him that he needs to wrap up and give him a few more minutes? Or what?
From the closings alone, it must now be clear to the jury which side was most responsible for any delays during the trial to date.
And saying that GA does not love ICA or loved Caylee?


According to who?

That's the point, discounting the content/context if it makes any sense. Meaning I think some of this is persuasive if I didn't know anything about George.

I know GA loved Casey and loved Caylee beyond all reason. If he didn't...it's a matter of whether any of jury believes the accusations.

I think any reasonable person will see George as a loving father/grandfather. Just not sure all 12 jurors will agree.

Baez is a decent orator, I'll give him that much. When he doesn't yell. He still doesn't know when to shut up and sit down which he needs to do NOW and let Cheney salvage what he can.

The jurors are mentally on their way to the Bahamas... no way they are still "listening":banghead:
Grab the bag and show the media!!!!!
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