2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

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OMG! They were EXAMINING evidence. JB must really think the jury is stupid to think LE was purposely destroying exculpatory evidence!
Totally sitting on my hands after that shot. Off for a special break after I mix a Bloody Mary. It's 5pm somewhere. :banghead:

its 5pm here in the UK! OMGee i cannot listen to JB! his juddering and stumbling over words, my brain cannot take in what he's saying at all. every time he starts a new sentence i have to concentrate harder to get it, and forget the rest. i guess thats good for the state, but poor jury! im just going to do my washing up instead.
Michael Vincent says he smelled a dead body. Mr. Arpad Vass, Cindy Anthony, she said so because this was her third goal and she wanted the police to come. Mr. Birch did make a statement until nine days later. We have George Anthony, and Neil Haskell, the $40,000 man who explained several theories. The manager at the Amscot lot. She smelled garbage. Tony Lazzaro, he got the gas can for Casey and was right near the trunk. A police officer who picked up the car. Maria ?? who sat in the backseat with her boyfriend, she didn't smell it either. Sgt. Hosey ??? it was at the home, he didn't think it was suspicious to call the crime scene investigator. Why? Because the trash was a plausible alternative. he thought that was probably the source of the odor. The young man who handcuffed Casey, Yuri M. who was the lead detective, did nothing. Brandon Fletcher, a corporal who did not smell anything. Adriana >>> did not smell anything. I know you heard a lot of evidence that the smell and the car. Once you hear the list of how many people you have to eliminate ... even if you look at all these people and give them the benefit of the doubt you still have a lot of people who smelled nothing. You have to have some doubt. This is a significant amount of people from various backgrounds. You may have some reasonable doubt as to who smelled what.

the state of Florida presented to you a neighbor by the name of Brian Berner. This individual is a heavyset guy became a peer and he testified that Casey borrowing the shovel. if you remember his testimony, the police asked him to shut his eyes, and Mr. Berner didn't see what was done with the shovel. the state wants you to believe that Casey in broad daylight attempted to bury her child in the backyard. That doesn't even pass muster at all. Mr. Ashton said she buried her like she buried her pets. I'll get back to that in a minute. They are saying speculate now. Let's go speculate as to what happened with the shovel. You can easily speculate and try to open up the shed to get the gas can. You can easily speculate that she was doing whatever ... we brought you the people from the FBI of the shovel, the state didn't. The shovel had no evidence, no hair, no DNA, there is no evidence. So the state besides to just speculate. That's illegal.

This evidence was changed. This evidence was altered. you know what foods in there. The state wanted to dry it out. They don't want any other evidence to come out as to what actually was in that car. of course you can find anything. It was altered. It isn't something a police officer is supposed to do, or a crime scene investigator. They should be preserving evidence. so you can make an intelligent examination of the evidence.
omg... he did not.

They want you to know who cut the cheese. -JB (referring to the fingerprint dust on the velveeta pack.)

JB, this is NOT the time for jokes, the jury won't appreciate that at ALL.
Why DID she borrow that shovel? I mean, the borrow part. Why not, regardless of what she did with the shovel, why not just use one of the shovels they had? Is there a theory on this?

Wasnt the key in the garage? why break into the shed? set up?
Baez has truly butchered this defense!

Which arm did she prefer for the needle?
Folks, we are listening to what JB has been telling ICA for the last three years.
JB's "cut the cheese" showcasing the one-sided rivalry he feels with Jeff A (pigs in a blanket). For real. IMO
Boy, do I wish they could bring the cans into the jury room.
I think it's revolting. Everyone is wrong/morally bankrupt except for KC who is a young, pretty victim. Ew.
Picture Baez tried to get in:

If I were on that jury I would think Baez is criminally insane. I'd be very frightened.
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