2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

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Uh. I'm nervous.
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Ashton steps up to the podium and says he trusts the judge's decisions and doesn't need to see it. #CaseyAnthony #closingarguments -jfell

TrialNotes Trial Notes
Mason still wants to see it. Judge: They'll let you know soon as it's available. #CaseyAnthony
Was ICA just laughing???? If so, WHY is she allowed to???:maddening:
I think CM is asking to see because he was focused on JB and not watching Ashton.
Mason is going to use this as a motion for mistrial. What a crock.

I kind of think Jose did this on purpose. He set the stage at lunch, and when he saw it again, Jose jumped on it.

I don't like Jose but he is street smart and will play dirty. He is crazy like a fox.

I hope they both get smacked with a charge and we move on.
Looks like HHBP already has a remedy in mind. Instructed all to look at the video before "I do what I'm going to do."

Casey is smiling. She might be thinking this is it..........a mistrial. But I doubt HHBP would call a mistrial. I'm inclined to think he's going to impose sanctions on both sides with fines.
I saw it as it was happening and i told my son 'OMG JA is gonna get himself in trouble!" But, like a little tattle tale JB had to call him out as opposed to having a sidebar. Neither were the bigger man or else this could have been avoided. Sigh.....
He is protective of that jury- he's not going to call a mistrial after this.
Casey can mouth whatever the hell she wants and JA can't smile? If this causes a mistrial, I'm going to change my major!
Both of them are in serious trouble. Scheaffer says he thinks there will be contempt clearly to Mr. Ashton and perhaps to Mr.Baez as well.
feel bad for JA

If JA gets held in contempt I sure hope JB does too.
It's Ashton's fault for laughing. Not everything is HHJP's fault, IMO. Ashton laughed; it was unprofessional. I'm on the State's side, but there's no other way to see his behaviour, IMO.

LOL Even super hero's have bad days!!!!
Bill Schaeffer says its gonna be contempt charges for JA and maybe for JB
I don't agree with what JA did but by all reasonable thinking he did have his mouth covered.
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