2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - STATE CLOSING ARGUMENTS

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Whatever is JB going to have to talk about for 4 hours?????? Since he is not allowed to make things up he is in deep doo-doo
OK this is freaky: I am watching online but have HLN on, muted. I looked up from my laptop and somehow the channel had gotten changed to Disney Channel. My dog wasn't near the remote..sometimes she sits on it. I hadn't had it on earlier to toggle over..somehow it got changed to cartoons. :eek:
This man is brilliant...specially in his use of the word "impressive".
I have been wondering since Casey didn't take the stand can she be one of the 4 that will speak today in her closing arguments?

No, but I think she can speak in the penalty phase...
JA: Casey's lies fit the audience and the necessities of that audience.

IMO, JA is saying that the Jury throughout the trial has been her audience
ICA can't decide if she loves JA or hates him----He keeps saying she's smart....how conflicting!
I love the way JA is admiring ICA's mind and saying how nimble her mind is. Amazing memory that she can remember the lies from a year ago and weave them in.

Always focusing on placating CA - contradictory lies depending on the audience.
I'm wondering if he keeps calling her "smart" "impressive" etc., to try to get her to preen in front of the jury.
casey softening with all the compliments (about her lying but still compliments)
Whatever is JB going to have to talk about for 4 hours?????? Since he is not allowed to make things up he is in deep doo-doo

I think you answered your own question. He will talk about alot of doo-doo.
Great for JA to point out that she makes up new lies..."depending on the audience!"
My word she looks super-evil this morning.

Ashton is doing a great job. Good choice for the closing, IMO.
He's also trying to drive home that if she is telling all these bigger better lies, the jury should consider that's exactly what the GA and LA and drowning was...a bigger better lie.
OMG I am loving me some JA today...!!!!

"imagine remembering the lies you told a year ago and incorporating them into new lies... it's really quite impressive"

the cynicism drips from his mouth....

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