2011.07.04 Sidebar Thread

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T'es pas :loser:, et maintenant you have another tool to use in the next case that you help with here at WS. :hug:

oui, mon cher ami! Umm - did I mention I'm on the West Coast and my French is shockingly poor? Oh - you could never guess that??? :skip: :skip: :skip: ..................you are too kind! :heartluv:
I saw JB hug ICA yesterday after he finished his close.

Oh, I saw that hug. That was no biggie to me, looked like an arm around her, not a passionate embrace. IMO. The wftv video was ICA coming into court July 1. I was looking for something he did wrong on that one.
Where is the plus mark used in multi quoting. Just jumping off an up=thread post.
So from what we are hearing, they will go about 3 more hours today, unless they feel they are close?

I don't think they will say they are close if they aren't, as they would be keeping a lot of people in the building, so we should be able to get a feeling by 6pm est...
Sorry if this has been posted already:

[ame="http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/bestoftv/2011/07/04/exp.hln.anthony.baez.moment.hln"]Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com[/ame]

KC and Baez share a moment as discussed on CNN.
oui, mon cher ami! Umm - did I mention I'm on the West Coast and my French is shockingly poor? Oh - you could never guess that??? :skip: :skip: :skip: ..................you are too kind! :heartluv:

Hello neighbor! Lets meet at the next Timmies and await the verdict. Don't think it's gonna be long! :great: IMO the jury prob already made up their minds before deliberations began.
Justice will come soon.
Oh, I saw that hug. That was no biggie to me, looked like an arm around her, not a passionate embrace. IMO. The wftv video was ICA coming into court July 1. I was looking for something he did wrong on that one.

Here is the hug - another shot in Day 34 Part two caps.

Review your TOS.

Respect one another, whether in agreement or in disagreement. Remember that this case, and particularly this waiting time, has us all on edge. Go easy on the speculations. Go easy in general. Please.

CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13

Special break special:Jurors head down to 21st floor to smoke. Wonder how many breaks they'll need during deliberations? #CaseyAnthony -fell

uh....Do y'all want to have the Sidebar thread LOCKED on a day like today???

CUT OUT THIS TALK - the speculation about a sexual relationship or some nefarious intent between Baez hugging Casey after closing arguments today.

There is plenty to talk about. Find something else NOW.
CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13

Special break special:Jurors head down to 21st floor to smoke. Wonder how many breaks they'll need during deliberations? #CaseyAnthony -fell

After about 3 hrs 10 min of deliberations.

uh....Do y'all want to have the Sidebar thread LOCKED on a day like today???

CUT OUT THIS TALK - the speculation about a sexual relationship or some nefarious intent between Baez hugging Casey after closing arguments today.

There is plenty to talk about. Find something else NOW.

Thank you!! I agree.
Please don't lock us out
esp. since not all involved.

uh....Do y'all want to have the Sidebar thread LOCKED on a day like today???

CUT OUT THIS TALK - the speculation about a sexual relationship or some nefarious intent between Baez hugging Casey after closing arguments today.

There is plenty to talk about. Find something else NOW.

So how bout them Yankees?!
Thanks - Brilliant and well put!
( Re: O.J. I always said the same thing esp. about the Glove!)

Just one more thought before I leave you to decide who should play who in the upcoming movie, and I get on with the work of the day, which I have managed to ignore so far.

One thing that puzzled me as we drew close to the end of this trial and deliberations for a verdict.

Those who were really concerned about an outcome began to have fears we would see an outcome like the "OJ verdict".

I don't understand that comparison, because the exact opposite happened in the OJ case. The Defense was brilliant, there is not doubt of that. They took every opportunity to weezil into every loop hole, take advantage of every blooper of the SA, the CSI and a racist detective.

In the OJ case, it was the States Attorneys who were a complete disgrace. If you remember, they were in front of microphones spouting off every night of that case. Marcia Clark spent more time worrying about her media appearance and posturing in the courtroom than she did on her case prosecution. It truly was sloppy, the CSI's were sloppy, and have a racist detective impeached on the stand was another nail hammered home. But to allow a defendant to put on a leather glove that had been washed, and not fitted dry was the ultimate stupidity. All leather shrinks when wet and must be blocked or pulled onto a hand or block to fit it to size again. The SA lost that case and the OJ jury confirmed that fact.

In the prosecution of ICA, this SA has been tight, constantly on point, accurate and hard hitting. They stayed away from the soft he/she said points and stuck with the hard forensics. They have been brilliant and will not fail Caylee Marie Anthony. They will not fail.[/QUOTE]


I agree.
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