2011.07.05 Sidebar Thread

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Well if you didn't receive a text from OSentinel today either, maybe that means Ididn't miss one. I guess there was no need to report by text that jurors were deliberating. Anyone else receive a text from Orl Sentinel today?

no, but i got the one yesterday

they said they would only send 2-3 per day (i think an assurance that they wouldn't be bombing you with texts all the time)
Well if you didn't receive a text from OSentinel today either, maybe that means Ididn't miss one. I guess there was no need to report by text that jurors were deliberating. Anyone else receive a text from Orl Sentinel today?

Nothing from OS, but I got one from WFTV this morning telling me judge sends jury out to continue deliberations.
I just told my DH before he left for work,that if JB was the only lawyer on earth and I had to go in front of a judge-I would tell the judge I want to represent myself !!LOL
Well if you didn't receive a text from OSentinel today either, maybe that means Ididn't miss one. I guess there was no need to report by text that jurors were deliberating. Anyone else receive a text from Orl Sentinel today?

Phoebeb - No texts From OS for me today either
Just the one yesterday. So I guess we're okay then.

I will be minimizing now, but not signing off.
Hope to be back later.
Rose, This really bothers me for some reason, because all they have is their notebooks, and some didn't even take notes...

It's OK. The jury has all the evidence with them, except for video. There is no video equipment in the jury room, so if they want to view a video they have to request that it be played for them in the courtroom.

I'm sure they are reviewing the evidence in the room with them; they just haven't asked for any videos.
Yes I know that but does every Sally, Tina and Joan need to post that their mom did or did not take them and at what age ad nauseam?

Does it have to be complained about ad nauseum? Obviously it's fine or mods would have deleted it. Sheesh.
Rose, This really bothers me for some reason, because all they have is their notebooks, and some didn't even take notes...

I think they may want to see the duct-tape but what other evidence do they need to see again to make a decision? They cannot smell the odor in the trunk. They know Caylee was dumped in a trash bag. Even if they want to ignore the chloroform evidence they have the duct-tape. It's simple. I'm hoping they feel the same way.
Do we have any lip readers that can interpret what Casey was so worked up about in court this morning? She was riled up about something and talking like crazy. I couldn't make out what that is?
Rose, This really bothers me for some reason, because all they have is their notebooks, and some didn't even take notes...

They have all of the exhibits available to them. Jeff Ashton made several references in his closing arguments about how the jury would have George's suicide note with them and a binder containing the evidence photos and pictures of Caylee's remains. He talked about how they can spend as much time as they want looking at the pictures of the skull with the duct tape on it and how they will be able to see from different angles exactly where the tape was attached to the skull.
I'm watching HNL with the replay of JB opening statements, ICA wailing away.
I bet she is thinking, "I am SUCH A GOOD ACTRESS!!!
Someone...if you see my name ever again during a trial such as this....PLEASE remind me to stock up on groceries beforehand. I have no pasta, no potatoes, no NOTHING. I found some old tater tots in the freezer to go with dinner last night, thank goodness.

I finished off my freezer burnt tater tots a few weeks ago. Last night I ate a frozen chicken pot pie and half a can of black olives. Popcorn for lunch. :banghead:
I would just like to announce that I'm sure the verdict will be announced soon as I am taking myself out to lunch. I highly doubt I will be able to make it back in 30 minutes.

With that being said, I am so glad that I came to WS. I love reading the posts and attempting to keep up with them all! :)

Do we know where the jurors take their "special breaks?" If they are smoking I would think it has to be outside and someone would have seen them? That is if any of the 12 left are smokers and it wasn't the alternates who wanted the special breaks.

Yesterday I heard, or saw a tweet, from media, that said there are several balconies on the 21st floor and one is reserved for the jurors.
Casey Jordon saying she thinks a verdict could come today. I tend to agree with that assumption if they aren't taking "special breaks" and they haven't requested one thing so far... not even office supplies. They are working very hard and IMO they're just talking it all out. Someone yesterday (maybe Jean C. not sure) even said Juror #4 had a look of disgust on her face and shook her head no slightly towards ICA as leaving for deliberations. I honestly have a lot of faith in this jury and know they will deliver justice for Caylee.

It may just be Florida based. It's like a fast food place but IMO does have the BEST Chicken sandwichs and nuggets for a fast food.

menu here


Nah, they are all over the country. They are a Christian organization with great food and narrow principles. I overlook their social agenda because the food is so good. I'll bet ICA wishes she had a spicy chix sandwich right now...
Rose, This really bothers me for some reason, because all they have is their notebooks, and some didn't even take notes...

Gee, I get the total opposite - tells me there is compete agreement on guilt - but they are hashing out which guilty charge.

Have faith people !
OT: I need to go,now - Hope to be back

If you do not see me again, it means my computer crashed.

This morn when I started up from Hibernate, I had a blue screen warning
Something about ATI Graphics Driver.
Tried to update and correct this,but no info avail.

So I just re-started and it's okay now, but IDK.
Could this possibly be from constant live streaming?

Also, I did get that nasty virus too a few weeks ago,
shortly after I started here and following other links related to this case.
I had the free AVG , now have Norton again.

Cost me Over $200. and they had to wipe clean,back to factory settings
ARRH! What a pain.

Anyway, I'll tell you another time about the Raccoon family in my attic,
the extensive damage resulting,Wildlife Control CO, traps etc.

This is what I should be attending to now, but I'm on here.:crazy:
Have to send pics and info to Ins. Co.
My husband is waiting for me to do this.

Hoping I don't crash when I'm uploading Pics.

Hope to "see" you all again soon.

You do know that its all ICA's fault that happened. :crazy:
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