2011.07.06 HLN News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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"You dont have someone telling you this is the cause of death" JA
"I couldnt look at the skull and tell the story" JA
I'm currently living in PR and she won't be welcomed here. A lot of people here have been following the case and she won't get a warm welcome.

Maybe CM should just send her on a rocket to the Moon.

I wouldn't wish her into any country. She should be banished to an island. People are not safe around her. I'm glad to hear that most people in PR wouldn't give her a warm welcome.
OMG I switched over to Bill O'Reilly and my sil stopped in but at the very end he said something about Downingtown Pennslyvania and we all stopped talking...that's where I live!

Did anyone catch JA saying as a prosecutor he doesn't have to argue things he doesn't believe? :lol:
Can a convicted felon get a name change?
I just googled that very question and found conflicting answers. Some say that a felon can change their name as long as it is not with the intent to defraud or deceive.
I'm thinking more like a year and a day. Would that get her into Lowell????

She should have been in Lowell in fall of 2008. Baez won again and delayed,delayed and lied about not having the time to go to trial on that. After the conviction on that which would have been 2008, she should have been transferred to Lowell to do her time. What a scam put on by Baez.

Narcissist seem to always get their way. They wear people down and their victims give up.
Dr. Drew asked if where it went wrong was in connecting the dots? Ashton is not sure. Maybe the jury came up with its own scenarios? They didn't have anyone telling them the actual cause of the death.

Yakked about the duct tape. The defense never really addressed that. Ashton thought the pictures of the skull with the tape told the story, but evidently it didn't tell the same story to the jury that it did to him.
I would think it would be public record in FL. and as a parolee she has to register her address.
I dont think she is a convicted felon, and she isnt a sex offender. I may be wrong but what she was convicted on were misdemeanors. So she does not have to register her address.
JA: Jose tends to get a bit histrionic at times...
Dr Drew was on vacation for over a week until yesterday. Now he feels the need to rehash everything that happened while he was away. Dragging us all along with it. Grrrr
Is she a convicted felon on the check fraud charges? I dont think so yet
Is it true that Baez got down on one knee and spoke to ICA after closing and she lovingly put her hands on his face? If so, I need a barf bucket.
JA says the jury is not influenced by anything the lawyers do...I disagree. Maybe they are not supposed to be, but I think they are...
JA: ...to each his own (re the defense team's celebration)
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