2011.07.07 Sentencing Hearing Thread

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She was so smug. I think this clearly shows what HHJP thought of the verdict.
HA! JAC will not pay for appeal! He was going to say we will represent pro bono I know it.
Not a couple of months, it will probably turn out to be at least a year...time served should only begin Jan 2010 when the check charges were complete...as far as I understand it...
HHJP may have done this also for protection, imo.
Yes Casey - YOU HAVE TO PAY! NOT with stolen money! Real money!

I just wish they would STOP giving her privileges and put her in general population!! Why does she get special treatment??? :(

Right she was found not guilty so she shouldn't be in protective status ;) put her out in general population....


How much time would she get knocked off for good behavior?
is it just me or does the judge appears to act like he knows the jury got it wrong also???
Oh please insolvency! Adding insult to injury - go away already and let us forget about all this! Ughh
I love love love that Hizzoner isn't even taking notice of her. "She" is like an insect in his eyes. Quite right, too. No offense to insects, of course.
HHJBP: Mr. Mason, Mr. Baez - anything else? Does your client wish to say anything?

CM: No.

HHJBP: The Court will make the following finding concerning the Defense motion to Bar imposition of Sentence. Count 4 dealt with the Universal employment lie - due to missing person's report. LE went to Universal, expended LE resources, to determine that she did not work there.

Count 5 - ICA said she left Caylee at Sawgrass Apts with ZFG which caused LE to, again, due to missing person's report, to develop and follow various leads to try to locate the babysitter.

Count 6 - ICA said she told two employees of Universal - Hopkins and Lewis - of the disappearance of Caylee.

Count 7 - ICA said she had received a call and spoke to Caylee on 7/15/08 at approximately 12p.m. thus causing LE to devote extensive resources.

As a result of those 4 separate and distinct lies, LE expended a great deal of time, energy and manpower looking for Caylee. This search for her went on from July thru December - over several months - trying to find Caylee. 4 distinct, separate lies. Just as the Jury spoke loud and clear on Counts 1, 2 and 3. They also spoke loud and clear on the remaining counts.

The Court sentences you to 1 year in jail - imposing a $1,000 fine on each count - all 4 counts to run consecutive to each other - giving you credit for the time that you have previously served. JB, CM - we are going to spend some time this morning figuring out her credit for time served and it's going to take us probably about an hour to sort it out due to the previous sentences she has been given, but with the good time and gain time, depending on preliminary figures, some time early August, late July, but I can't say that until I determine time served, and then the jail has to apply their good time and gain time that she has gained in this. So, if you want to wait around - and if you have a different figure, then we can get that taken care of.

I will reserve jurisdiction for 60 days to determine the cost of investigation.

LDB: Wants to set hearing - any time after 30 days.

CM: Want to see the invoices and check the validity.

LDB: She should have all the documentation within her suggested time frame.

HHJBP: Week of August 29? 25th or 26th.

LDB: Thursday the 25th. Don't know ICA's status at that time. Does Defense want to waive her presence.

HHJBP: She can waive her appearance or she can come.

CM: It would be our intention to waive.

HHJBP: I would also impose the statutory court costs. ICA - you have a right to appeal. If you can't afford an attorney, the court will appoint one. Do you wish to appeal?

JB conferring with ICA.

JB: We would like to reserve our right.

HHJBP: You have 30 days to file an appeal. Does she have the financial where with all to file appeal?

JB: No.

HHJBP: She will need to fill out an affidavit of insolvency. An untimely notice of appeal is a forfeit of her right. It is your responsibility to file the appropriate paperwork before you are relieved of your responsibility in this case.

Court in recess.
MikeDeForest6 Mike DeForest
#CaseyAnthony sentenced to maximum 4 years in prison, with credit for nearly 3 years already served. She'll get out around mid-February.

Wouldn't that mean she doesn't pay for what she did to Amy at all?

I don't get this. How can 'time served' count for more than one crime at the same time?
She's just a liar now, they should put her in "real" jail-- see how much time for good behavior she can lose!!
Sure, she can pay for appellant council.... all she has to do is sell more pictures or belongings of Caylee... her murder victim.
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