2011.07.07 Sentencing Hearing Thread

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I want an email for the date Baez is going to face contempt of court charges.
I just have to comment...I am getting a little sick of Bill S. backpeddling on his feelings before the verdict came down.

He is a defense attorney. He has a trial coming up in Sept. He can't make potential jury members mad. They apparently can render verdicts based on other things besides evidence.:sick:
Oh Please ...this is nothing but an act. George fell on his sword for Casey. With his permission, the DT accused him of sexual abuse and made him out to be a liar. River C. lied for the DT. She never had an affair with George. IMO
I wonder if they recruited RC?
Do you know of a better one anywhere in the world?

In fairness here in England she would have been charged with preventing Caylee from having a proper burial. Thats what many here dont understand..how could it be considered ok to just dump a babies body the way she did?
New charges i say

...... and so on
oh and # 1000. EMBARASSMENT to mommahood
The IRS has a lien on Casey for almost 69k, so if she gets out and starts to make $ won't the $ go right to them first?
I ask because if she makes $ and fails to pay the IRS will get her.
Bill Schaefer said that the judge didn't take the other charges into account, or reference them. But I feel that he did. He specifically said that the jury spoke "loud and clear" both on the other charges and on these. I think he was saying that he was going to be as strict as he was able with these charges by keeping all four counts, and then by giving the maximum sentence for each and having them run consecutively.

One might think that it makes little difference, considering she may only be in jail another few weeks, but I think it means a little something to Casey, who is so focused on her own feelings in the moment.
She's going to get out too soon and then be very, very rich. I want to spit on the people who are offering her all this money for book/movie/interviews.
Okay, all my suspicions have just been proven correct.

CA has been in cahoots with Jose Baez and the defense team all along.

Did you see Baez give CA the "victory sign" this morning and her smile. That's just saying, see we did it. I told you we could muddy the waters enough to get an acquittal.

We have all been bamboozled. The Anthony's, well Cindy at least has worked closely with Baez and followed the script. They gambled and they won.

I hope the whole family rots in he&&!

The ENTIRE anthony family has been in bed with the defense the whole time. They are a filthy family and for the life of me I can't understand why the State made them their star witnesses.
He's telling his wife "Relax, honey, she isn't coming home with me today."

I'd be worried if I was JB's wife. I put $$$ on JB leaving his wife for little miss felon. That way he gets control over all the $$$$ from the book, movie, and interview deals.
Who would watch that movie? People are not going to pay to see a movie involving Casey. They're just not going to do it. Even a TV movie would be a disaster for any sponsor. The book version would flop as well. The very last thing most people want is more lies from Casey. And someone thinks people would actually pay to read them? I just don't see it. The *advertiser censored* industry even has enough sense to realize this.

From your mouth to God's ears!!
You were reading my mind! I agree. It won't be announced until AFTER her team scoops her away in a limo to a safe, posh hideout!:maddening:

Don't be too shocked if we see the entire A family celebrating on a cruise..
I saw online that people are mad at Judge Perry ? why? he gave her the max that he could

The jurors were made from that same type of cloth imo...no true understanding of the law...wanting something quick whether it makes sense or not.
Actually I think down the line we'll hear from Casey being picked up for a DUI, prob within one year of her freedom.
I read there is a room reserved for her at the Ritz...they would have swooped her there had she been released today. I believe there is already a lucrative movie/book deal in the works for her...she stands to make millions on lies...everything about this case was lies and it was lies that set her free from the murder of Caylee Marie...many tears in Heaven for they cry for NO justice served for Caylee...JMHO

No justice was served for Caylee Marie :rose:
The longer she has to stay in jail, the less "newsworthy" she will be and the less money she'll make off this. She's still got a long road...civil suits will be coming out of the woodwork. I am most interested in the $$ she'll be expected to reimburse for LE wild goose chases. I hopehopehope paternity can be established and Caylee's paternal family goes after her with a civil suit.
No, he didn't. He grabbed his upper arm while flipping the finger. An extra vulgar gesture to emphasize the middle finger salute - as in 'up yours'.

Vile, disgusting man. I truly hope he's heavily sanctioned by the bar.

This from a man that blasted the media after the trial?
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