2011.07.08 HLN News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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I found it interesting when CM gave JC the interview ( snippets aired on HLN) when she asked him to describe KC,
he actually states she was always cleaning the defense table like it was her job. He then states he remembers her
friends testifying to the same about her cleaning the apartment, doing the laundry, ect...
Sounded like he was trying to imply this was a "positive" trait. Maybe he was, or, maybe he wasn't but that was the impression I got.
I instantly thought it sounded more like her m-o to me. Always trying to endear people to throw off suspicion.
JG and his dad also gave me that impression about her.
If CM fell for this maybe the rest of the defense did too. I dunno
But I would like to remind them that Ted Bundy actually worked a suicide hotline before ...well...
we all know how that played out.
Just my 2 cents.

I just love it. I don't know about your homes my lovelys but when I had a family at home and I'd start cleaning off the counters, table, dust the bureau tops in the bedrooms, doing the laundry....what would I find.....money. Laundry was the best because sometimes I'd hit the jackpot....Wahooooo. Sadly those days are gone. Rats.
several times but eventually she will have to appear or she could be jailed for contempt. When someone sues you in a court of competent jurisdiction and the case is not settled or dismissed you have ot participate. It's not optional. Even Bill Clinton had to be deposed in a civil suit when he was president and Casey hasn't got a better excuse than that.

I posted elsewhere that I will be amazed if the depo happens. It will be delayed to one reason or another.
Hey are the videos on IS with vinnie Politan, of Caylee, new?? I havent seen them before
several times but eventually she will have to appear or she could be jailed for contempt. When someone sues you in a court of competent jurisdiction and the case is not settled or dismissed you have ot participate. It's not optional. Even Bill Clinton had to be deposed in a civil suit when he was president and Casey hasn't got a better excuse than that.

True, but they said on the verified lawyer thread that it is easier said than done. It was said that IF she leaves the state then the judge can issue a bench warrant. However if she stays out of Florida then probably nothing will happen to her.
Vinnie P. has three pychs on Prime News. No lawyers. Current topic - How will Casey prepare for a public that hates her?
several times but eventually she will have to appear or she could be jailed for contempt. When someone sues you in a court of competent jurisdiction and the case is not settled or dismissed you have ot participate. It's not optional. Even Bill Clinton had to be deposed in a civil suit when he was president and Casey hasn't got a better excuse than that.

She has already canceled a number of times, last time I think they agreed to wait until the criminal trial was over. Remember she had to fill out a form and all she put down was her name and signed it. It has been a long time. lol
Does anyone know if that really TRUE? I read the blog post but that doesn't mean it really happened. I can't even imagine Nancy Grace doing that!

I doubt it :twocents: Plus was posted in 2009 the media would of been all over it if even a grain was true.
JVM is criticizing the jury. She said they did not want to do their homework, or connect the dots. THANK YOU JANE!!!!!!
JVM is criticizing the jury. She said they did not want to do their homework, or connect the dots. THANK YOU JANE!!!!!!

Jane is not being honest. For weeks we heard that the jurors were diligent in taking notes and that they took more notes for the prosecution. The jury foreman took 400 pages of notes. Now that there is an acquital, Jane and others are changing their tune. It's like we are supposed to forget what the talking heads said only three weeks ago about all the note taking!
I wish these TH's would quit saying we all respect the verdict..I don't respect the verdict... Never will or will I ever respect how they came to the conclusion they came to concerning this case...JMHO
Jane is not being honest. For weeks we heard that the jurors were diligent in taking notes and that they took more notes for the prosecution. The jury foreman took 400 pages of notes. Now that there is an acquital, Jane and others are changing their tune. It's like we are supposed to forget what the talking heads said only three weeks ago about all the note taking!

How do we know he took 400 pages of notes? He is the only one who said so.
And I remember it was tweeted that no one was taking notes on the State's closing.

From what he has told us he knew very little about the case. His ignorance shone through with many of his statements. He made inconsistent statements and legal mistakes, said things that were AGAINST the jury instructions.

And Jane pointed many of them out. He misled the jury and as the foremen he gave them erroneous information.

After ZERO evidence or witness testimony he concluded that George might have murdered Caylee. That was a moronic conclusion to make, pure speculation. And yet he says that her 31 days of bad behavior was not legally
supposed to be considered in their deliberations. THAT IS WRONG. He obviously did not listen to the prosecutions case. imoo
Jane is not being honest. For weeks we heard that the jurors were diligent in taking notes and that they took more notes for the prosecution. The jury foreman took 400 pages of notes. Now that there is an acquital, Jane and others are changing their tune. It's like we are supposed to forget what the talking heads said only three weeks ago about all the note taking!

How do we know he took 400 pages of notes? He is the only one who said so.
And I remember it was tweeted that no one was taking notes on the State's closing.

From what he has told us he knew very little about the case. His ignorance shone through with many of his statements. He made inconsistent statements and legal mistakes, said things that were AGAINST the jury instructions.

And Jane pointed many of them out. He misled the jury and as the foremen he gave them erroneous information. He also kept talking about the 15th of June? He couldn't even get the date correct.

After ZERO evidence or witness testimony he concluded that George might have murdered Caylee. That was a moronic conclusion to make, pure speculation. And yet he says that her 31 days of bad behavior was not legally
supposed to be considered in their deliberations. THAT IS WRONG. He obviously did not listen to the prosecutions case. imoo
How do we know he took 400 pages of notes? He is the only one who said so.
And I remember it was tweeted that no one was taking notes on the State's closing.

From what he has told us he knew very little about the case. His ignorance shone through with many of his statements. He made inconsistent statements and legal mistakes, said things that were AGAINST the jury instructions.

And Jane pointed many of them out. He misled the jury and as the foremen he gave them erroneous information. He also kept talking about the 15th of June? He couldn't even get the date correct.

After ZERO evidence or witness testimony he concluded that George might have murdered Caylee. That was a moronic conclusion to make, pure speculation. And yet he says that her 31 days of bad behavior was not legally
supposed to be considered in their deliberations. THAT IS WRONG. He obviously did not listen to the prosecutions case. imoo

The jurors had already taken notes throughout the case. Everybody had been giving JA congratulations on his closing. Everyone stated that all but one juror (Juror #5) were hanging on JA's words. Now that the verdict has come out is that people are changing their stories. I followed this online and on tv and I do recall everyond discussing the copious notes. One would think that by the closing people already had enough notes and understanding of the case that they didn't have to write at all times.

As someone who teaches, my motto is that there is a time to take notes and a time to listen. When one isn't listening that's when the nuances and the importance of a situation is not captured. Focusing on notes during those times is actually detrimental to comprehension. Some attorney talking heads have also noted that they prefer the jurors to listen and not miss out on things by constant note taking.

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