2011.07.09 - Per Mason, Casey is not going home

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Now they are saying that the story about her being unwelcome at home is not true, according to Anthony attorney...and the link is gone I think...

Here's the disclaimer ABC News just published:

ABCNews.com published a story earlier today stating that sources said George Anthony did not want Casey Anthony to return to the family home when she is released from jail. George Anthony's lawyer Mark Lippman has denied that George Anthony made that statement. "George has not expressed his feelings one way or the other. At such a time when he is ready, he will express what he wants to say," Lippman said.
I agree that Joseph Kennedy was shady nine ways to sideways. However Prescott Bush was in on the action from the beginning, http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2004/sep/25/usa.secondworldwar, and many other sources out there.

When I say let's leave politics out of this...I don't care what CA and GA's political leanings are. And I seriously doubt ICA even has a clue. She's probably one of "those" people who could not come up with the name of the current U.S. Vice President (Joe Biden). I have family that, sadly, would be gob-smacked if asked that question.

eta: I love my lambchop!

Perhaps we are all being short-sighted. What about KC stumping for Sara Palin? Or Obama Or Bachman? Please notice I included both Democrat and Republican and Tea Party.
Here's the disclaimer ABC News just published:

ABCNews.com published a story earlier today stating that sources said George Anthony did not want Casey Anthony to return to the family home when she is released from jail. George Anthony's lawyer Mark Lippman has denied that George Anthony made that statement. "George has not expressed his feelings one way or the other. At such a time when he is ready, he will express what he wants to say," Lippman said.

Here we go again. The A's say something, then thier lawyer says they didn't, but he can't really talk becuase of client confidentiality blah, blah, blah. IMO the A's are doing the media spin/messaging again.
ABC didn't quote George, they did the old, "a source" b.s.

Whenever a newsmedia claims "a source" or "someone close to the investigation" or "an anonymous blah blah said", I take that information with a grain of salt. If they are not willing to give the name of the person who's making those claims then I'll go with it's more blah blah, nothing I can take seriously.

Throughout this trial we've had 'unnamed source' and for each one I took it as, oh, another joe blow making an unsubstantiated comment.
She's not going home, and I sure hope she is not coming to Puerto Rico. I was, born, raised and currently live in PR. There is no way Casey is going to be able to "hide" here. The case has been on all the major local newspapers, TV News, and even the highest rated TV gossip show in the Island, La Comay. I have followed the story on Cable/ HLN since the beggining, and many of my local friends, coworkers and acquaintances too. It has been all over the place, and this week major newspapers and TV shows have informed about the rumor that she might be coming here, so people will be on the lookout. If she goes to a small town, even worse, since in Puerto Rico everyone wants to know who their neighbors are, if someone's new on a small town, everyone knows. We also have TV shows with paparazzi and they will be on the looking out for their scoop, believe me, there's no way she will go undetected in Puerto Rico. Plus, people like her are not welcome here, in fact most people I've talked about this are outraged at the idea of her coming to live here. Anyway, what kind of people are Jose Baez's family if they would harbor such a monster in their home? I hope she does not come here at all. There's even a FB page called "Puerto Rico does not want you Casey Anthony".
ABC didn't quote George, they did the old, "a source" b.s.

Whenever a newsmedia claims "a source" or "someone close to the investigation" or "an anonymous blah blah said", I take that information with a grain of salt. If they are not willing to give the name of the person who's making those claims then I'll go with it's more blah blah, nothing I can take seriously.

Throughout this trial we've had 'unnamed source' and for each one I took it as, oh, another joe blow making an unsubstantiated comment.
Except... unless a reporter can promise not to use the name, people will not talk. And as much as I would like to have names too, that relationship between the reporter snd source is extremely important. We would not know 90 percent of the information we have without it
Except... unless a reporter can promise not to use the name, people will not talk. And as much as I would like to have names too, that relationship between the reporter snd source is extremely important. We would not know 90 percent of the information we have without it

It makes the story much less credible. Unfortunately, many people believe anything and everything they read. As long as a 'reporter' can claim that it's an 'unnamed source' they have carte blanche to say almost anything short of slander.
Except... unless a reporter can promise not to use the name, people will not talk. And as much as I would like to have names too, that relationship between the reporter snd source is extremely important. We would not know 90 percent of the information we have without it

My guess is that George did say those things, but he said them to someone that wasn't supposed to repeat them. Back stabbed again, George. Are you wearing a target or what?
My guess is that George did say those things, but he said them to someone that wasn't supposed to repeat them. Back stabbed again, George. Are you wearing a target or what?

I wonder how many friends they have left. Maybe GA had a week moment and said something he did not clear through CA first. Since the quote about supporting "Caylee's Law" was not rescinded he obviously talked with someone. jmo
Agree with the majority of your post except for the BBM re Ann Finnell. Did you watch Jury Selection? Ann Finnell was there to do a job and is the ultimate professional. But it was clear to see that for the main part she ignored ICA who was sitting next to her or looked at her with clear dislike when she couldn't ignore her.
Ann's face when the verdict was read was classic - she could not hide her shock! No way will Ann be babysitting ICA. Ann signed on assuming ICA was guilty and was there to do the penalty phase so ICA would not get the death penalty. That was it. She is a fine lawyer with a wonderful reputation. No way on that one. IMO.

I shudder to read her name and that of Rosie Bolin in the same sentence.

Oh I agree. Now if she were to write a book, I would buy it.
If only the media would stop following them around and trying to provoke them into talking. If only people would stop clicking on links to see what they have to say.

People were calling for George to say that Casey could not come home. Now that he has, people are attacking him for it. I don't agree with the "kick George while he's down" attitude. Poor guy has been through enough.
I'm glad George is talking. I'd like to see him talk more...let him get everything off his chest. Let him explain why he may not have been he entirely honest in his depos for fear that it would seal Casey's fate. Yup...George telling the truth would be a breath of fresh air.
Here's the disclaimer ABC News just published:

ABCNews.com published a story earlier today stating that sources said George Anthony did not want Casey Anthony to return to the family home when she is released from jail. George Anthony's lawyer Mark Lippman has denied that George Anthony made that statement. "George has not expressed his feelings one way or the other. At such a time when he is ready, he will express what he wants to say," Lippman said.
Oh well...nevermind.
My impression is the defense is protesting too much. I am reading she won't be going home to the A house, I am reading that she might be moving and getting a disguise, and I just don't look for that to happen. A name change might be used though. This is the defense version of distraction and diversion again.

I look for her to go back home at least for a while. First all the money she has right now is what is in her jail account. That lets out anything but a bus ticket or a hotel room. She doesn't even have enough to rent an apt., even if she could find someone to rent to her. (Rental would be hard for her, not because of her daughter but because it is well known that she is a poor financial risk.) IMO I believe that CA will allow her home, and GA will be told it is going to happen and he can live with it or leave. It will be justified as KC did what she had to do to save her life, and she had no other choices.

KC will possibly be on parole when she gets out and she will need to be in the county for that. Also she will need time to review and sign any contracts, deals and etc. So she has to remain close.

I predict she will be outed though. Some neighbor will see her and let it out. And if everything is signed, she will go and CA won't hear anymore than she did during the 31 days. Until KC runs out of money. Or if she gets pregnant again. And yes, I do predict she will get pregnant again. She will want to have a baby to throw in CA's face.

Oh, here is another prediction. She will be opening a new facebook acct. as soon as she gets some time alone. It may be under another name and she may try a disguise, but she will open one.
My guess is that George did say those things, but he said them to someone that wasn't supposed to repeat them. Back stabbed again, George. Are you wearing a target or what?
if GA didn't say it then...I wonder who did?

IMO Casey still doesn't know the difference between fear and hate .
KC was brought up "on the tracks" She hears that train coming and
starts to run... she stops turns around stands there and waits for it.
She was found NG GA "washed his hands" of her.
I saw her mouth "nice knowing ya". She has consistently refused their visits yet someone feels the need to tell her one more time, she's not welcome.
Who will be on TV whining about needing privacy?
Just when KC can relax a little and try to recover they just have to run over her again.
I saw a statement from CA I can not find now, but basically after ICA was found NG... she was asked about whether KC would be moving back home.Cindy said "George and I will decide at what point KC is "free" to return to our home."
:waitasec: huh?
KC has been dealing with this cr@p her whole life!
Lemme tell ya it is NO fun!- I didn't kill ...(yet)
I'd be wanting to turn around and go back in!
And I'm sure a lot of people would be ok with that if she did.:doh:
mabey she will put up a hut in the area where she threw her baby away .. she wont be welcome anywhere else .. how fitting that would be imho
Looks like Cassie might not get to keep all this money that is being offered to her. A man in SC is claiming to be Caylee's father. He is offering to take a paternity test. He said he intends to sue. Where was he all this time.....before any mention of money?

NEVER MIND........I heard that on the news today but no details. Just looked up the story and its junk. Its a SC prisoner who was in jail when Caylee was conceived.

Found this very interesting folks!

When Casey Anthony is released on Sunday she will be bound by the rules of her probation for one year, for a cheque-fraud charge she pleaded guilty to in 2010.
Court documents reveal that the she must:
Meet with a probation officer on the fifth day of every month
Pay $20 per month toward the cost of supervision, plus a four per cent surcharge
Not change her residence or employment or leave the county without first getting consent from her probation officer Not 'use intoxicants to excess'. She cannot visit places where intoxicants, drugs or other dangerous substances are unlawfully sold, dispensed or used
'Work diligently at a lawful occupation and support any dependants to the best of your ability'
Answer her probation officer's questions promptly
Not possess marijuana or other controlled substances
Not knowingly associate with others engaged in criminal acts

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ob-justice-release-delayed.html#ixzz1SFFwhiHW

Also......regarding passport......

Does a person get denied a passport if they are on probation?
Yes, unless he or she obtains an order from the court that mandated the probation (or a higher court) that allows the person to leave the country

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Does_a_person_get_denied_a_passport_if_they_are_on_probation#ixzz1SFGzDTxd
I just had a thought..... I know, that is rare.

But would KC be eligible for a halfway house for ex-cons?
Are we sure that ICA is even on probation. I have heard she is not on probation when she leaves jail.



SOB..............are you serious? You have GOT to be kidding me~I just read that and am still confused if she is or not.....but then again it's 3:32am and I need to get some sleep! Nighty night......now I will toss and turn till dawn over this crap!
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