2011.07.11- 07.18 Sidebar Thread (Post-Verdict)

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From my understanding the jurors believe she drowned in the swimming pool and George covered it up, triple bagged her and duct taped her and threw her in the swamp. What person on that jury would think a grandmother and grandfather would do that??? I also have heard that the jurors did not believe ONE word George Anthony said, so I can only assume they think he is the guilty party and also sexually abused FCA. Personally except for the affair, I think George was believable.

Yeah...some comment came out that he was so hostile and antagonistic towards JB on the stand...so they didn't believe hi,. WTH do they expect a man to act like??? The attny questioning him accused him of putting his penis in the mouth of his 8 year old daughter.....of freaking course he was hostile.
A local woman in Jacksonville is being harassed cause her name is the same as juror #3.

She said threating messages being left at home and on facebook.

She said that if she would be on that jury she would have found her guilty.

(jax woman is different race than the real juror #3)

Story on TV right now their web site is news4jax.com

Nor sure if story is there right now.

Ugh, that is just wrong. As much as I am floored at the verdict in this trial, disappointed that the jury seemed to quick and lazy, as much as I resent how the As circled the wagons (although I think GA was never quite with the program)-I am disgusted by anyone who would threaten or harass the jurors, the As, even <that woman> once she is out. IMO, harassment and threats are outside the purview of free speech. It's totally fine to disagree with the jury and dislike the players in the case. It is wrong to bully and harass them.


ETA: Besides stating I think the jury messed up and the defense played unethically, I am responding by keeping the tv coverage off, boycotting any attempt by jury, the A's or the defense from making a buck from the death of Caylee. And I hope every day that she has no idea or concern about what is going on in our world-in a place where this world can no longer touch her.
"manatee": Just said on HLN Tim Miller is coming to Florida tomorrow to find out what he can do to get some of the funds back he spend on Caylee's search.

...go tim miller! i hope he gets back every cent !!
Rob Dick on HLN stating that there should be a Federal investigation into this case - that there were depositions not taken - such as RC's girlfriend.

Saying that JB had to have known what happened prior to August 11, 2008 when RK went to the woods looking for a bag of bones when everyone else was looking for a live Caylee.

Tim Miller also talking about how MAD he is.
Rob Dick on HLN stating that there should be a Federal investigation into this case - that there were depositions not taken - such as RC's girlfriend.

Saying that JB had to have known what happened prior to August 11, 2008 when RK went to the woods looking for a bag of bones when everyone else was looking for a live Caylee.

Tim Miller also talking about how MAD he is.

They showed the video of JB and KC when he said..she has a missing daughter!!
Video with link to petition for Casey Anthony to be tried in Federal Court. 3,462 signatures strong already...in only 4 days!
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPab7YIuGqM&feature=youtube_gdata_player"]YouTube - &#x202a;Help Get Justice for Caylee in Federal Court&#x202c;&rlm;[/ame]
Why wasn't it ever brought to light the DC and JB were in cahoots? Could that have tied KC directly to the crime scene. I know that's probably reaching...

I'll never figure this out
I think the bottom line is the SA tried to stay as far away from any thing even hinting of gossip, innuendo or of an unfounded salacious nature.

I believe they understood the magnitude of a capital murder case with it's ultimate penalty of death.

I believe they tried at all costs to be both ethical and professional.

I also believe they never considered the jury only wanted to hear and would believe gossip, innuendo and unfounded theories.
I think it was bc of LP-he was a loose cannon and the DT would have had a field with him!!

I think LP would have been a DP witness to counter Tracey and the only one having a good time would have been Padilla...
Could jurors suffer from "burn out" after sitting through all that testimony?

The only people suffering "burn out" is us.

I think the pop tart jurors had approximately 4 weeks if not less of testimony displayed in front of them. Between the sidebars, the depositions, the 2 hour lunches, the "special" breaks, Casey sick days,..........
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