2011.07.11 Greta Van Sustern interview with Jury Foreperson

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He said there was one person who was felt strongly about her guilt. Whoever that juror is, please come forward and tell what really took place.
Didn't juror #2 state that he was the last hold out? Of course, we would need verification of that.
They keep talking about how upset they all were and how they knew she was guilty but how did they know that if JA, etc. did such a bad job? And I don't think most of them were upset about this verdict at all. They seem almost hostile towards the State whose job it was to find justice for Caylee. There is just something weird about it. Juror #2 was the only one who came across as feeling distressed. I think he might be the one who wishes he'd hung the jury. The rest are almost beligerent.

Wow! Excellent point! And one I never thought of. Thank you!!
Oh my! I'm not watching but did he really say that??


That tells me all I need to know about how they arrived at their verdict!

He didn't really say it in those exact words, but we all know (from observing his body language, lol) that's what he meant.
No, their job was to prove premeditated murder beyond a reasonable doubt. They didn't do that, IMO. The jury can't just "give" a guilty verdict because they want to find justice for Caylee. It doesn't work that way.

Gladiator, trust me, we dont think that. We think they did prove premeditated murder beyond a reasonable doubt. I dont think anyone thinks they should have convicted her just because someone had to pay. We believe that because it was proven. i know you dont agree, but I hope you believe me when I tell you that I really believe in the evidence, and do not just want to convict on emotion.
When he was talking about emotion, I think he realized he said something he shouldn't or was about to, because he got nervous and started stumbling over his words and Greta helped him out. I need to listen to it again.
The alternate? Thanks. Do you remember which interview this was stated in? TIA

The Dateline interview.

It was astounding. This kid just watched HOURS of videotape of Casey LYING to cops, to friends, to her family. BALD FACE LYING ---and he says " I watched her body language and she seemed SINCERE to me. Of course she could be acting."

YA THINK?????????????????????????
ITA. None of them still seemed so upset when they began talking except Juror 2. He seemed truly in distress to me. He was the last holdout and I still think from reading his interview he's horribly haunted by it.

I'm hoping he will come forward with what they actually did.How did they convince him to go from felony murder to NG? He does seem distressed .
He said there was one person who was felt strongly about her guilt. Whoever that juror is, please come forward and tell what really took place.

So he 'felt' it was his duty to convince that juror that he/she was wrong?
DCS is regurgitating the nonsense spewed by Baez: odor was from garbage, cars have chloroform--it is in air & water--and it (choloroform) was "a whole lotta nothin'". She has even bought into the so-called "grief expert".

Caylee never had a chance from day 31. I am sick.


So I guess the jury believed Whiskey Sally about people grieving in different way and were impressed with her contributions to the "Chicken Soup" books .... :waitasec: :crazy:
i find it laughable (and sickening at the same time) that he distrusts George because he remembers more about the last time he saw his granddaughter than he does about a gas can... Is that really hard to understand, why he MIGHT be more prone to remember something as important as Caylee, but not remember some duct tape or gas can that he had for 20 years? I mean, you consider that a sign of guilt, but not Casey's ridiculous lies and 31 days? It makes no sense.
They keep talking about how upset they all were and how they knew she was guilty but how did they know that if JA, etc. did such a bad job? And I don't think most of them were upset about this verdict at all. They seem almost hostile towards the State whose job it was to find justice for Caylee. There is just something weird about it. Juror #2 was the only one who came across as feeling distressed. I think he might be the one who wishes he'd hung the jury. The rest are almost beligerent.

YES. Something Juror #3 said that sticks with me is that she said her freedoms were taken away in being sequestered - twice she used the word freedoms.
JUROR #2 Please tell us what took place in deliberations

We promise to be nice.:seeya:
The Dateline interview.

It was astounding. This kid just watched HOURS of videotape of Casey LYING to cops, to friends, to her family. BALD FACE LYING ---and he says " I watched her body language and she seemed SINCERE to me. Of course she could be acting."

YA THINK?????????????????????????

I hope someone shows him the videos of ICA when the jury isn't in the courtroom.
IIRC, he said sometimes he'd look over at ICA & think if he voted "guilty" she could get the DP even tho he was told by JP not to consider that during the trial phase.

He's given us more then enough reason to believe he had most of the instructions butt-backwards & this is WHO the jury thought was the BEST choice to be 'foreman'? Scary!
He said there was one person who was felt strongly about her guilt. Whoever that juror is, please come forward and tell what really took place.

Maybe it is the one that wanted big money to speak.
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