2011.07.11 Greta Van Sustern interview with Jury Foreperson

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But he did not show his face, not really. He did back of the head, and side shots only. They will need to buck up some more cash to get the frontal view. If we want to see the Clooney wannabe in all his glory someone needs to pony up some more cash. Yuk
So Mr. noIcan'tshowmyface wants money.:loser:
I don't care if he looks like Brad Pitt AND George Clooney combined---- I won't watch any program he's on. He's taking blood money off the murder of a child.
He is not a super star. He imo is a foul juror who allowed a murderer to walk.
Nope, not over it today either.
Apparently she was the "den mother" type. Very helpful. Even washed all his clothes and folded his underwear. He didn't know underwear could be folded.

THat is interesting given what some WSer's guessed about her 'dropping' out of her former life after the jury duty. Her husband said she did not return home, she left for good. Some wondered if she maybe wanted out of her marriage and former life perhaps and this gave her a good excuse.

If this 'den mother' felt the need to do the foreman's laundry even folding his underwear, then it seems like that is how she was expected to behave at home as well. Maybe she got sick of it. LOL
If the other 11 jurors allowed themselves to be "bullied" by the foreman, that is on them, not on the system. This isn't a schoolyard where the "bully" is bigger and tougher than they are. Everyone had the right to hold out, if they did not agree with the group decision. And if they "caved", well, we are dealing with humans here, not machines, it happens. Probably lots more than we know, but this case is getting all of the attention. JMO.

I put much of the blame on the jury foreman. I think he discussed the case and the outcome with the other jurors way before they gave the verdict.
GA did not report the smell to LE from the tow yard because CA would have told him she had been texting KC. Who knows what GA was thinking only that he thought it smelled like a dead body had been in the car and wanted to know, from KC, what was going on. We can all see CA saying, "George, let me handle it." So GA went to work.

So the jurors say GA did not call the police but they know the A's are lying on the stand to protect their daughter. If KC had been telling CA Caylee was with the Nanny why would any of the family immediately think it was Caylee. When GA smelled the trunk his thoughts went right to hoping it was not KC or Caylee. When the trunk was opened he was relieved and thinking what has KC gotten herself into now. Once he meets up with CA out front with the car their concern is to get it home and find KC for an explanation as to why the car smells. This is why I think GA did not call police. He really never believed it was ever Caylee at that point but more of who is KC hanging with now and what are they into. jmo

I personally have a good understanding of the denial mode you can get into when dealing with a child who is a young adult. I think GA knew in his head the smell was human decomp, but when he and the tow yard guy opened the trunk and they found the bag of garbage, GA could go into a huge denial mode and say, O.K. it was that bag of garbage that really smelled, and stay that way until he got home. Then when he got home and CA got a whiff, they both probably knew it was decomp, but CA said, as you say, "go to work, George, I will handle this", or something to that effect. Even though he knew it was decomp, denial can be so strong you just don't want to think it could be that, so for a little bit, I think GA was happy to see that garbage and attributed the smell, in his denial, to that. IMO, MOO, etc. Don't know if I explained this clearly, or not. Thanks.
Apparently she was the "den mother" type. Very helpful. Even washed all his clothes and folded his underwear. He didn't know underwear could be folded.


Tell me that he, in all of his wisdom, did not say that on national TV? Really?
THat is interesting given what some WSer's guessed about her 'dropping' out of her former life after the jury duty. Her husband said she did not return home, she left for good. Some wondered if she maybe wanted out of her marriage and former life perhaps and this gave her a good excuse.

If this 'den mother' felt the need to do the foreman's laundry even folding his underwear, then it seems like that is how she was expected to behave at home as well. Maybe she got sick of it. LOL

You know, the more I look into what the jurors are saying, the worse I feel about everything. Every detail about how they made their decision and, now, this glimpse into some of their personalities and interactions; it all makes me sick.

Either they should quit talking or I should quit listening and reading. But it's like watching the scene of an accident in slow motion ~ after the collision! :banghead:
I have TWO major problems with that.

Number one, how do we know he didn't break his sequestration--the deputy was not looking over the guys shoulder every second. He could have sent and received im's or emails to/from anyone.

Two, doing an online college course is very time consuming and mentally challenging. I have helped my son with editing some of his essays for his BA in criminal justice. Those online classes can be very time consuming and difficult. It is hard to imagine that this foreman could listen to forensic testimony all day long and then study for his masters in the evenings and keep it all straight. And he didn't. imo

Exactly...I just recently finished my MS online and not only was it extremely time consuming; but it required constant, in-depth research through other websites that were NOT linked and/or associated w/ the university.

There is NO WAY he completed any online studies without accessing other websites. I also agree w/ you that there is NO WAY that the deputy could've seen his every move online.

Every time I hear something from these jurors my hinky meter goes up!!!
Here is our foreperson in all his glory, on Good Morning America. Ashley Banfield interviews him. Folks, it just keeps getting better and better. :sigh:

(It starts about 20 seconds into the video, after the commercial.)


Juror #12 was washing all his clothes?

and he said Jurur #12 then folded his underwear after washing his clothes!! Good Lord, I stopped listening after that little morsel!! IMO. MOO.
Oh dear, I'm going off the deep end...I watched the first few seconds of the video, with no sound, so that I could see this juror's face...LOL!

jury foreman.JPG
Apparently she was the "den mother" type. Very helpful. Even washed all his clothes and folded his underwear. He didn't know underwear could be folded.

Okay...this is just odd on so many levels. I can't fathom giving a stranger my underwear to wash. Beyond that I can't imagine relating it as an amusing ancedote on national television. This guy is so smug and every time I see or hear him...I can't help it, his demeanor and attitude reminds me of Scott Peterson. He really needs to just go away.
Exactly...I just recently finished my MS online and not only was it extremely time consuming; but it required constant, in-depth research through other websites that were NOT linked and/or associated w/ the university.

There is NO WAY he completed any online studies without accessing other websites. I also agree w/ you that there is NO WAY that the deputy could've seen his every move online.

Every time I hear something from these jurors my hinky meter goes up!!!

So what if he was accessing other websites (about the case)? He wasn't meant too but do you seriously think he stumbled accross pro-KC media coverage? It is far more likely that if he did he would have stumbled accross anti-KC, pro-prosecution media coverage.

Anyway, this all assumes that he was surfing other websites which is pure speculation.

Anyway it's late here so I am off.

Night peeps/
And where did she go to do this laundry? Were their palatial suites equipped with washer/dryers as well?
So what if he was accessing other websites (about the case)? He wasn't meant too but do you seriously think he stumbled accross pro-KC media coverage? It is far more likely that if he did he would have stumbled accross anti-KC, pro-prosecution media coverage.

Anyway, this all assumes that he was surfing other websites which is pure speculation.

Anyway it's late here so I am off.

Night peeps/

If he wasn't "meant to" then he shouldn't have been doing it and/or should have reported his unauthorized behavior to the judge.

I personally don't care if it was pro or anti KC media...because, IMO, he lacks adequate deductive reasoning skills to decipher the difference anyway.

Either way, someone who is so committed to doing their "civic duty" should be mindful of his or her civic responsibilities.


Tell me that he, in all of his wisdom, did not say that on national TV? Really?

JF: "She took care of us. She would, she would actually go and do my laundry and, ya know, she would come back with my . . ."

AB: "She did your laundry?"

JF: "She'd do my laundry, yeah. She'd actually fold my underwear. I didn't even know you could fold underwear. She would. So . . . " laughter

AB: "A den mother." laughter

JF: "Yep, she's our den mother." laughter

JF: "She took care of us. She would, she would actually go and do my laundry and, ya know, she would come back with my . . ."

AB: "She did your laundry?"

JF: "She'd do my laundry, yeah. She'd actually fold my underwear. I didn't even know you could fold underwear. She would. So . . . " laughter

AB: "A den mother." laughter

JF: "Yep, she's our den mother." laughter

JF: "She took care of us. She would, she would actually go and do my laundry and, ya know, she would come back with my . . ."

AB: "She did your laundry?"

JF: "She'd do my laundry, yeah. She'd actually fold my underwear. I didn't even know you could fold underwear. She would. So . . . " laughter

AB: "A den mother." laughter

JF: "Yep, she's our den mother." laughter

Okay, this begs the question... what kind of underwear?

Because if this guy has been wearing boxers for X number of years and doesn't realize they can be folded... then we REALLY have issues. :waitasec:

So I think he just revealed to the world what kind of underwear he wears. How nice is that? :innocent:
JF: "She took care of us. She would, she would actually go and do my laundry and, ya know, she would come back with my . . ."

AB: "She did your laundry?"

JF: "She'd do my laundry, yeah. She'd actually fold my underwear. I didn't even know you could fold underwear. She would. So . . . " laughter

AB: "A den mother." laughter

JF: "Yep, she's our den mother." laughter


OMG ... OMG ... OMG !!! Is this for REAL ?

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