2011.07.13 HLN News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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HLN just announced that ICA has told TPTB that she is "Unavailable for depostion"..WTH?? She's in jail, FGS!!

If the court lets her get away with this, is there really anything for us left to hold on to?

I just spontaneously combusted!:furious:
I hope Dr. Drew has that Dr. Krop back tonight and ask him some good questions. Would you have classified Danny Rollings as only immature, average intelligence and with no mental illness? please Dr. drew?
HLN just announced that ICA has told TPTB that she is "Unavailable for depostion"..WTH?? She's in jail, FGS!!

If the court lets her get away with this, is there really anything for us left to hold on to?

Sure we have something to hold onto ! We have ourselves -- our values, ethics, integrity, sense of personal responsibility, sense of justice and injustice

See -- there's always a silver lining

As a wise man once said: ' Keep your face to the sun and let the shadows fall behind you '

There's an agenda afoot to make us lose hope, to despair, to give up

But we have the homespun philosophy of, ' When the going gets tough, the tough get going '

Stay strong
So, #3 was also "shocked" when the prosecution rested. Samething as #11 the other night. Guess they really just needed a video.

I've been wracking my brain trying to remember what identical statement they both made-thank you. To me that is highly suspect, that they both say the exact same thing.
For the most part I thought the prosecution was laying the case out for the jury according to the timeline so it would unfold for them as it unfolded to LE. So one could stack each circumstance on top of the next, culminating in a clear picture of who was responsible for Caylee's death. Apparently they didn't do it with enough pizazz, or showbiz element.

HLN just announced that ICA has told TPTB that she is "Unavailable for depostion"..WTH?? She's in jail, FGS!!

If the court lets her get away with this, is there really anything for us left to hold on to?

Supposedly her lawyer said he was unavailable, so obviously she is too... unless, of course, they're forced to.

And I fully expect the court to let them get away with it... one thing I've learned.. these people? Nothing(or almost nothing) sticks. It's why I think she'll be right back here again in a few years. Why shouldn't she? She's gotten away with everything.
Hanging by a thread here....

Having been employed and worked with the worst of the worst of inmates, I am still shocked. I thought I saw it all. However, defense attorneys have managed to make inmates look good by comparison. The thought processes of these type of attorneys isn't normal. I am not allowed to say what group of people they belong to but they are of the type that don't believe in DP and the jury was on the same wave length. They "Feel" must protect the victim felons.

Baez said on Victory Day, I can go home and when my 8 yr old child asks me what I did to today, I can tell her, "I saved a Life today"...Grrrrr. How sanctimonious of him! :banghead:
Simms is disturbed at the way the jury has been treated? She must have missed all the outrage being expressed in the social media outlets for the past three years.

She is getting her face out there now and has had a make-over, she is enjoying every single minute of this.
HLN just announced that ICA has told TPTB that she is "Unavailable for depostion"..WTH?? She's in jail, FGS!!

If the court lets her get away with this, is there really anything for us left to hold on to?

I hope Dr. Drew has that Dr. Krop back tonight and ask him some good questions. Would you have classified Danny Rollings as only immature, average intelligence and with no mental illness? please Dr. drew?

This doc just met her...GMAB! He is defense buy-out! It would be a good bet, he had not seen her for more than hour. These people do the psych test for the psychiatrists. It takes about 15-20 hrs to do the testing...All of which is subjective in giving results.

I can tell you that ICA would never be able to give a valid MMPI. So there is not much criteria for this man to evaluate. He can do as good a job as any other psych who has observed her and knows the crime and listens to the family.
Simms is disturbed at the way the jury has been treated? She must have missed all the outrage being expressed in the social media outlets for the past three years.

She is getting her face out there now and has had a make-over, she is enjoying every single minute of this.

Between DS and Dr. Krop, the DT isn't scoring any touchdowns with the Casey Rehab Tour by trotting out these <unusual individuals >. DS was the weakest link on the defense, and I don't even want to get started on the merits of Korp. jmo
This doc just met her...GMAB! He is defense buy-out! It would be a good bet, he had not seen her for more than hour. These people do the psych test for the psychiatrists. It takes about 15-20 hrs to do the testing...All of which is subjective in giving results.

I can tell you that ICA would never be able to give a valid MMPI. So there is not much criteria for this man to evaluate. He can do as good a job as any other psych who has observed her and knows the crime and listens to the family.

I just find it INCREDIBLE that this DT would have hired the SAME psychologist that treated Florida's worst serial murderer! AMAZING! Why would they want to associate their client's name with the same doc as Rolling :waitasec:

"At the end of Krop's questioning, he prepared to leave, confident that Rolling was in fact competent and sane, but Rolling interrupted Krop as he started to leave.

Rolling asked Krop if he could talk about crimes other than the armed robbery and if everything he said was confidential. Krop told him yes, unless his speech presented a future threat.

Rolling told Krop there was no threat - his murders had already happened.

For the next three hours, Rolling recounted to his confidant the brutal details of his murders. Krop said Rolling seemed relieved after his confession
. " :waitasec::sick:
Simms is disturbed at the way the jury has been treated? She must have missed all the outrage being expressed in the social media outlets for the past three years.

She is getting her face out there now and has had a make-over, she is enjoying every single minute of this.

With all of these lawyers IMO it is about their own rehabilitation and a work up for future cases to work on. It's about them and not really about ICA at all - the inside track on ICA is just the hook they are using to even get on the show.

Speaking of work - I heard Joy Behar say last night that Roseanne Barr will be on her show tonight. Now what the heck she could contribute to any information about ICA should be interesting, but at least we know it will be cryptic and outlandish and I hope Joy is ready for it!
Krop is kookoo for Cocoa Puffs. Nothing said inside of a prison or jail is confidential..nothing. The inmates are schooled on that fact and so is every staff memeber. I see why the serial killer is sane but nothing raised suspicion prior to him telling him about the murders? This type of inmate is very crafty. I have watched this type wrap psychs around their fingers.....easily. First of all, many mental health staff are actually scared of these inmates. They fear getting them riled up. Many don't read the crime history but rely on psych evals only. Reading the crime HX gives much more insight but it does take alot out of you and many staff don't want to go there.

If they had to read about their crimes, they fear they would not be able to do their jobs for long, because it would affect them too much...I kid you not..
I just find it INCREDIBLE that this DT would have hired the SAME psychologist that treated Florida's worst serial murderer! AMAZING! Why would they want to associate their client's name with the same doc as Rolling :waitasec:

"At the end of Krop's questioning, he prepared to leave, confident that Rolling was in fact competent and sane, but Rolling interrupted Krop as he started to leave.

Rolling asked Krop if he could talk about crimes other than the armed robbery and if everything he said was confidential. Krop told him yes, unless his speech presented a future threat.

Rolling told Krop there was no threat - his murders had already happened.

For the next three hours, Rolling recounted to his confidant the brutal details of his murders. Krop said Rolling seemed relieved after his confession
. " :waitasec::sick:


Cause all the other shrinks declined or came up with an analysis they couldn't use? Baez had quite a few of them passing through the visitor room with ICA last summer but no one but this guy and one other "stuck".
Simms is disturbed at the way the jury has been treated? She must have missed all the outrage being expressed in the social media outlets for the past three years.

She is getting her face out there now and has had a make-over, she is enjoying every single minute of this.
I know. She acts like this just started recently. How blind of her.
20 hours is nothing. I contend he spent 19 hours on subjective testing and had a one hour interview if that.

What instruments would have been used in Casey's psychological evaluation? Dr. Krop mentioned IQ percentile, so it makes sense that one of the adult intelligence tests was administered (probably a couple-three hours right there). What other methods of evaluation might have been used?
What? She was just back on IS today? You'd think she would have learned after BEhar! GMAB! They went out a side way and a few people were asking questions but they were NOT being accosted by an angry mob at that point. JB and CM had just given their statement...noone interrupted them or threw tomahhhtos!

It's an odd thing you know, but think back to those HLN reports about the Defense Team in the restaurant.

Don't you remember that HHJP was in the same restaurant, where he apparently very frequently goes for lunch? He was there with some of his court staff, and the door was locked behind them to keep the media out.

I didn't see HHJP jumping up and down doing any toasting or drinking champagne or celebrating.....in fact we didn't see him or the staff at all. So obviously there are ways the DT could have been discreet.
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