2011.07.16-17 HLN & FOX (Weekend) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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I am going to watch too, but if Jose talks about how innocent she is i will turn the channel. He is just going to throw more gas on the fire I bet. He is not very smart going on Geraldo so soon.

That 1 million deal you know she will have to fork half of that over to Baez and then the civil suits are coming up soon. I wish there was a way for someone to immediately grab that money.

Let's not forget that the IRS will want their share of the pie! She won't have much left for a shopping trip to Target!:D
Anyone get the feeling JB is standing right next to her as he is talking to GR?
I just need to rant for a second. I'm seeing articles and quotes now about her release. One on CNN opinion article that says how we all should forgive because it's good for us. Well ya know what? Most of the time it is, but this is so reprehensible it's not possible for me. Ya know why? the TRUTH was never told. NO RESPONSIBILITY was ever taken.


Then the defense lawyers, like Baez... "I will say that when a person is acquitted in a court of law, that should mean something.”

Yeah it sure does, it says that all your and her the lies and deceit worked flawlessly... Congratulations.

And this chick, I am assuming she was the one jumping up and down for freeing a murderer of a child

“I hope that she receives compassion from the world — that would be my hope,” Ms. Sims said. “She was found not guilty of these crimes. It’s time to move on.”

That's a nice thought, but being found not guilty doesn't mean she wasn't guilty..

I wont forgive, but I will move on. As much as I can't stand Nancy Grace I'm glad there is so much awareness of this injustice.

Well said.......exactly how I feel. Just because she was found NG does not mean she is NOT GUILTY!!!!:banghead:
Sounds a little defensive. Interview will be sold overseas so it will not be boycotted.

Guess they are getting some heat from US viewers. Do they think that international countries don't use a lot of the same sponsors as here in the US. They really are sick, aren't they. jmo
LP thinks Casey is with Mark Hawkins.
Well, I think ole LP may be wrong!
MO, is that MH maybe was a friend, a former friend. That's all she has now, former friends!
No way will any of them want to insert themselves in her sick life!
JB on GR:

A personal message from me:
The IRS will get their portion of it first along with the money she already owes them.

If it's true that they will get a million I'm glad he is blabbing all over national tv so JB can't hide it.
Guess they are getting some heat from US viewers. Do they think that international countries don't use a lot of the same sponsors as here in the US. They really are sick, aren't they. jmo

Question is, are people in Europe and Latin America that interested in Casey?
Let's not forget that the IRS will want their share of the pie! She won't have much left for a shopping trip to Target!:D

If the interview really happens, the money can be wired directly to an account out of the country. The IRS won't be able to touch it.
According to producer with a million
(on Fox)
A deal has been made with JB
A TV personality will interview (undecided at this time)
It will happen this week
A lie detector will be involved as well as an attorney judging
They'll sell it internationally where there is no boycott
Interesting. KC refused a lie detector test three years ago but will now be taking one? It all depends on the questions asked and now she has one to prepare for. Anyone can beat a lie detector test if prepared and taught.
I think they know what Casey did & CA was willing to spend 15 years in jail just to save her daughter from the death penalty...just save her from sure death...that's why she lied. Doing so, we're condemning her for doing for Casey what Casey should have done for her daughter...protect her to the end because a mother isn't suppose to ever give up on their child, a mother's love is unconditional.

Having said that & to add in the horror that GA just went through with Casey & the DT, I'd like to hope they are trying to do something good to remember Caylee. Something that will always be a part of her, a new law that will forever bring justice to other children. I would hope they are trying to start over without their evil daughter...she won't/can't see them because she can't look them in the eye....she knows what she did & if they don't know they feel it. This statement was the last paragraph of an article on *************:

Casey Anthony’s ultimate label will be that there is a law named after her deceased child, Caylee’s Law” and the tot mom Casey Anthony will have done nothing to support it. How many laws have there ever been made to protect children that are not endorsed by the parent of the child who either went missing or was murdered? I know of none.

Only flaw in all that in my opinion is that if CA/GA and LA wouldnt have lied then we could have been brought closer to the truth and Casey wouldnt have been facing the DP. i think the DP was used as leverage to try to get her and her family to talk. they charged her with It before the remains were even found briefly. its was a hope tactic. there would have been a fair plea bargain if things had been handled differently. CA and GA could have held their heads high, Casey would have had a prision sentence that allowed her to get an education in jail and come out at 35 with skills, and a clear conscience by unburdening herself with admitting she was culpable and she wouldnt be facing public outrage. casey started the lies but CA's insistance on supporting them and lavishing casey with attention before JB got a hold of her prevented casey from possibly realizing she would be better off admitting something. even a half truth. probably as close as she can get to honesty. it all really feel apart when JB promised her the moon instead of working out a fair plea. he used her to be famous and she dependened on him so much she turned on her family. the people who were willing to go to hell for her if necessary. they hung in here supporting her lies and begging for crumbs of attention feeding her huge ego. if they stood firm b4 JB got to her she would have been stunned her parents tuned their backs and would have done anything to get their attention back. there was a short window where a little tough love might have gone a long way in the outcome. maybe just a dream but ive seen tough love break even the strongest manipulators. casey depended on and needed CA's groveling and it turned this case into a national mess.

btw, i dont think CA was willing to go to jail for 15 years. i think she felt untouchable and it never occured to her she would be charged and she was right. the anthony are made of teflon. she knew SOA would "feel bad" for her and not want to look cruel in the public eye going after grieving mom/grandma. she banked on it and relished in her power over the situation. the power to make or break casey and the power to hold the SOA in her hand. she played her role very well at the trial. she played all sides so that she would would have a story no matter the outcome. if casey walked the martyr CA would insist casey owed her. if casey went to jail or on DR CA ould have been a sympathetic person who the public felt so sorry for and donatated to all her causes. she had a book ending for each scenerio. grieving mom or saint/mama bear who went against the state to protect her beloved child. each anthony has found a way to make Caylee's death all about them. and if CA wanted to protect her child she should have done that long ago by having her arrested on check fraud. teaching her right from wrong and consequence could have "saved" casey. she would have been on probation and been offered services to better her life and her childs. CA did her a great disservice by enabling her behavior

and people being nauseous over the anthonys wanting Caylees law? its because they feel they need MONEY to make it happen. and casey wanting it? why now? according to her Caylee wasnt missing. she was dead and tossed so why would casey care. she walked due to her lies and it makes people feel she is disservicing Caylee's memory by promoting her name when Caylee died due to Casey negligence or murder. this wasnt a kidnapping or the murder of a child by someone else. its seems bizarre. like by promoting it it somehow is supposed to excuse her behavior in the 31 days and after.

i dont know. i cant analyze this family without going crazy. they are just too buried in BS. how about donating some of their time. not demanding compensation for every move they make while "making a difference"
Nice try Jose, saying she was acquitted and she should be able to live her life..

What a joke! No one cares that he is saying that, he is not helping her.

OMG now saying now million dollar deal???? He was going to and now changing his mind. So he just said it, he just watched JJ... and I LOVED LOVED
that JJ was talking to Casey when she did her final speech, so we KNOW Casey heard it! She is such a joke!
JB: "I'm not a therapist" in response to GR asking how FCA is doing

Blah, blah. Not guilty, we need to respect the jury verdict... his greatest fear is that people not acknowledging jury's verdict.
Won't say if she left Fla, or if she's changing appearance.
JB is back to: she has been acquitted, needs to get on with her life.
Phone interview and it's going in and out. GR told him to stand by window.

How's she doing?
JB: (all I got) I'm a lawyer not a psychologist.

Are there threats?
JB: blah blah blah blah

Me: These are just yes or no questions, Biaz.

(Seems he's conveniently making his voice go in and out. Or he should be somewhere where the waves are better for this interview.)

JB: Not sure when Casey will talk. Blah blah blah round and round.....
up and down...... in and out!!!!!
#Josebaez Says he was going to meet with Al Taylor. Now not going to. "Producer" offering 1 mil for interview. bob kealing tweet
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