2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

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I wish CM would keep his mug off the tv. I'm so tired of his high and mighty attitude regarding Casey. His poor poor Casey is ruining my breakfast - poor Casey, she's been in a "cage" for 3 years, poor Casey will never get over the loss of her daughter (oh that's rich) and poor Casey will have no life because of the lynch mob. Well poor Casey put herself in the cage with her lies, her lack of reporting her daughter missing or dead and leaving the real VICITM lying in the swamp. I don't care if she has to hide for the rest of her life!!! I heard this morning that the BAEZ/CASEY team turned down the million dollar deal because the terms included a lie detector test. hahahahaha now that made my breakfast!
I think Baez and Mason wanted to whisk FCA to their offices right away to sign a big agreement with both of them. I wonder what percentage both will be getting out of any first videos/appearances?

I'm thinking the whole team was at the office and had another champagne toast, LOL! They all know she should be on death row, or doing life. That she is out and cannot be tried for murder again makes them all so happy. BARF!

I hope FCA has missed all of her favorite foods to the point she over eats and gains massive amounts of weight! I gained 8 pounds watching jury selection and the trial, so I hope she gains at least 5X that.

FCA honestly thinks she is a diva now and will probably be making all sorts of demands. Baez and Mason wanted her found not guilty, so let them babysit. They all deserve each other.

I will forever be angry at the not guilty verdict, but will always remember little Caylee Marie Anthony. I hope FCA realizes just how much people truly dispise her. I hope it is 'in her face' all the time.

I wish CM would keep his mug off the tv. I'm so tired of his high and mighty attitude regarding Casey. His poor poor Casey is ruining my breakfast - poor Casey, she's been in a "cage" for 3 years, poor Casey will never get over the loss of her daughter (oh that's rich) and poor Casey will have no life because of the lynch mob. Well poor Casey put herself in the cage with her lies, her lack of reporting her daughter missing or dead and leaving the real VICITM lying in the swamp. I don't care if she has to hide for the rest of her life!!! I heard this morning that the BAEZ/CASEY team turned down the million dollar deal because the terms included a lie detector test. hahahahaha now that made my breakfast!

oooh tennisgirlsc, that made my day, turned it down b/c it required a lie detector? ooooooh the irony is rich indeed...
what the sociopath afraid she cant pull one over on a lie detector? for once be called out on her lies?
I have come to the conclusion that she is at a private residence and not of anyone of major importance. Otherwise she'd have been sold out by someone on the periphery in a heart beat.
I have come to the conclusion that she is at a private residence and not of anyone of major importance. Otherwise she'd have been sold out by someone on the periphery in a heart beat.

Mrs JB: <mod snip> When I said to stop your effing around & to get your arse home where it belongs...
I didn't mean for you to bring HER with you!"
WHO is paying for this? Who paid for the airplane? The lodgings! Who, who, WHO?????
Like grieving acceptance takes time. There is no recommended timeline for that. For some acceptance will be attained in days but for others months will pass and it will still be a struggle.

I am not ready to accept the jury's verdict. I am not ready to 'move on' from Casey Anthony just yet. I am not ready to turn away because I want to see divine retribution in action. Everyone of us is different and for that reason I would greatly appreciate those that wish to continue posting and/or reading others opinions to do so.

But for those that don't please respect that just like grief everyone must move on in their own time, at their own pace. Thank you.

Thank you so much for this post!!! My sentiments EXACTLY. You said it so much better than I could have. Thanks, thanks, thanks.
I wish CM would keep his mug off the tv. I'm so tired of his high and mighty attitude regarding Casey. His poor poor Casey is ruining my breakfast - poor Casey, she's been in a "cage" for 3 years, poor Casey will never get over the loss of her daughter (oh that's rich) and poor Casey will have no life because of the lynch mob. Well poor Casey put herself in the cage with her lies, her lack of reporting her daughter missing or dead and leaving the real VICITM lying in the swamp. I don't care if she has to hide for the rest of her life!!! I heard this morning that the BAEZ/CASEY team turned down the million dollar deal because the terms included a lie detector test. hahahahaha now that made my breakfast!

How would they possibly be able to do that interview? Most everything that comes out of her mouth is a lie. No way would they get the truth out of her. Doubt JB gave to much thought to that interview. He would be exposed along with his girl.
WHO is paying for this? Who paid for the airplane? The lodgings! Who, who, WHO?????

I am thinking it is just as it seems - she went on the private plane of her former lawyer - he paid for that. The residence she is staying at is paying for her food etc. She probably has some new clothing someone paid for (or charged to the state as part of a "court clothes" allowance).
I am thinking it is just as it seems - she went on the private plane of her former lawyer - he paid for that. The residence she is staying at is paying for her food etc. She probably has some new clothing someone paid for (or charged to the state as part of a "court clothes" allowance).

and the parasitic lifestyle continues.....
morning all.....blessings.....I know that this has prob already been discussed, but I heard on tv last night that one of the TH said they were standing next to someone that was receiving texts fro JB. JB wanted to know if they wanted to buy some photos of FCA's first day out of jail, that FCA had a camera with her and was willing to sell the photos of her first day out......then something was said about they wanted photos of her, not photos she was taking to which JB responded "well we can put her in the photos".....I about fell on the floor laughing!! This is what JB is up to....guess no one has bid on the photos yet...I haven't seen any, have you?? Or maybe JB will sneak a few photos of her and sell for himself....LOL
I think they kinda need to feed the beast so to speak unless she is going to be in hiding for a VERY long time - people will hunt her down in not so pretty ways.
Like grieving acceptance takes time. There is no recommended timeline for that. For some acceptance will be attained in days but for others months will pass and it will still be a struggle.

I am not ready to accept the jury's verdict. I am not ready to 'move on' from Casey Anthony just yet. I am not ready to turn away because I want to see divine retribution in action. Everyone of us is different and for that reason I would greatly appreciate those that wish to continue posting and/or reading others opinions to do so.

But for those that don't please respect that just like grief everyone must move on in their own time, at their own pace. Thank you.

TA And if I was ready to move on I would not be looking at this site. I am surprised at myself. Each day I say..look the jury has spoken and that's it..no more to say. And here I am again!lol I will not watch any "shows" NG, Dr. Drew JVM ect. They are rehashing everything.. no new infor and it's just the media hanging on to its ratings blitz. You guys are soo much more interesting IMO
morning all.....blessings.....I know that this has prob already been discussed, but I heard on tv last night that one of the TH said they were standing next to someone that was receiving texts fro JB. JB wanted to know if they wanted to buy some photos of FCA's first day out of jail, that FCA had a camera with her and was willing to sell the photos of her first day out......then something was said about they wanted photos of her, not photos she was taking to which JB responded "well we can put her in the photos".....I about fell on the floor laughing!! This is what JB is up to....guess no one has bid on the photos yet...I haven't seen any, have you?? Or maybe JB will sneak a few photos of her and sell for himself....LOL

Are BAEZ and MASON retired? Was Casey their only client? Seriously! Shouldn't these two move on to their next client instead of trying to milk every little drop of the Casey Cow????
My personal belief is that Casey Anthony is hiding her butt right there in Orlando Florida..
all this noise about jetting around the country, or holed up in some resort is all BS.

There is no money to be had for all this expense she would be causing, Baez has no money, Cheney is a self described cheap skate..to fly her anywhere would be very expensive and I don't see anyone coming forward with that kind of money unless there was something in it for them. I also don't think CA would be willing to go, she needs her mommy the ultimate enabler and will be in contact with her soon if not already.

There is no doubt in my mind Casey will blame Baez for the sex abuse accusations and all will be forgiven in the Anthony household. Casey and Cindy will get together and Baez will be wishing he had never laid eyes on Casey Anthony.

Baez needs to be knocked down a few pegs, and Casey is the one to do it.
I can't believe people got out there in the middle of the night with their kids and posterboards and stood outside that jail chanting their chants and holding their signs, as if it affects Casey Anthony one bit. The girl probably thinks she's a celebrity with all those people hanging out there.

And then people wonder why tv networks wouldn't pay top dollar for some sort of interview.
My personal belief is that Casey Anthony is hiding her butt right there in Orlando Florida..
all this noise about jetting around the country, or holed up in some resort is all BS.

There is no money to be had for all this expense she would be causing, Baez has no money, Cheney is a self described cheap skate..to fly her anywhere would be very expensive and I don't see anyone coming forward with that kind of money unless there was something in it for them. I also don't think CA would be willing to go, she needs her mommy the ultimate enabler and will be in contact with her soon if not already.

There is no doubt in my mind Casey will blame Baez for the sex abuse accusations and all will be forgiven in the Anthony household. Casey and Cindy will get together and Baez will be wishing he had never laid eyes on Casey Anthony.

Baez needs to be knocked down a few pegs, and Casey is the one to do it.

I also believe that the tension between FKC and JB will build, and Explode

the more there is no one who wants to buy interviews and or Pictures.

With no money coming in, FKC is of no use to JB...
I don't think Casey will contact Cindy for a while. I think she's going to torture her for a while first....she knows how desperately Cindy wants to see her - she's going to use that as much as she cans until she actually needs something only CA can provide.
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