2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

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Why is that bad if it is the plan? She has to make money somehow, since everyone does not seem to think that she is hireable?

Why is she even comparable to Osama Bin Laden? In some far-fetched way, I can see O.J. Simpson. I think Ted Bundy is a farther stretch. From the way people are condemning her based on her looks, I have yet to see someone compare her to Aileen Wournos.

I am guessing the obvious link between her and OBL is that he was in hiding and now she is in hiding and most people hate both of them.
Meh... he thinks he's a master at spinning. Last night on Geraldo he said that CA did NOT lie on the stand when she was talking about the chloroform searches. He said SHE never said it was the dates in question, that it was LDB that said it was the dates and that she only said something like, 'well if you say it's those dates then okay....'.


CA testifed that if the dates that LDB mentioned were the dates of the chloroform searches, then those must be dates she was home from work.
Obviously, Gentiva records tell a far different tale. There were also NO searches for the word chlorophyll is any spelling. If that is lying, I don't know what is ...
Forgiveness should be more easily disposed by everyone, and I admire the ones who can. But, we're all molded differently.
And, for me, forgiveness is like driving on ice - I want to do it to save my own life, and even though I'm the one at the wheel, something more powerful is in control (no front wheel drive). As much as I prefer to be the good guy who so easily forgives and forgets, I'm not. I've never taken a defensive driving class.

I'd have an easier time forgiving someone who tells the truth, it's too hard to forgive a liar - you don't know what you're forgiving them for. Start talking, I'll know the truth when I hear it.
My guess is that's why she can't and won't be left alone - people are waiting for the truth.
You don't have to sell truth, only lies - keep the books.

Forgiving someone who is so utterly selfish that her baby was of so little importance is hard enough all by itself - the lying makes it almost unforgivable and unforgettable.

I'm flawed and human, but not so divine. Sorry.

Here is the link to send comments to The Today show, if anyone wants to let them know they don't support them having the DT on their show. I sent my comments!

here's what I sent:

I have been a fan of the Today show and actually your whole network for many years. However, I am prepared to boycott and contact the sponsors of your shows and boycott them too if you feature Casey Anthony, Cindy Anthony, George Anthony, Lee Anthony, the members of Casey Anthony's defense team, or members of the jury that acquitted her of the charges against her.

Please listen to the many people who are contacting you. I personally have no interest in supporting a network who puts money in the above mentioned people's pockets.

Thank you.
I just came to this Anthony forum to read about Caylee's Law and I'm amazed at how people are still talking about Casey, speculating on where she is, what she wore for her release, and monitoring every move and facial expression she makes from the jail to the car to the plane, etc. By continuing to talk about her, one is only feeding the 'machine'. Even if what one is saying is negative, threads that have hundreds and hundreds of posts like this are used as proof to the network bigwigs that interest in Casey is still high, and therefore she is worth the big bucks to bring in the big ratings. I would love to see everyone move on and not give this monster a second thought. Who cares where she is, what she is wearing, who she is with? She is not Lady Gaga, or even Paris Hilton - she is a murderer. She deserves no adulation or fame of any kind. Let her sink into oblivion and rot. Let's not contribute to this killer's celebrity, people.

There are so many other missing and murdered children and adults whose loved ones need our ears, eyes, and assistance.

RIP Caylee Marie Anthony. I am sorry justice failed you, but I will not be visiting your murderer's 'space' anymore and giving her any more attention that I know she will feed on.

Thank you for your interst in Caylee's Law. Hopefully this law will prevent another child from going through what Caylee went through. I believe FCA is not a celebrity, I hope she will very soon sink into oblivion and rot, but for me, I don't want to stop reading here at WS. I set Caylee free from me, for me Caylee sits on a rainbow kicking her leg and singing, for me Caylee is at peace. BUT I still want to know what's going on with FCA so I come here to read, and sometimes I post, and sometimes I look at the videos and the photos of FCA. I believe I am not contributing anything to FCA, I don't watch anything on TV, nor will I buy anything written about or by anyone who has not done right by Caylee. When the time is right for me I also will stop coming here to read about FCA, but until that time I will keep coming here.
OK, so apparently Baez went on Geraldo last night according to news reports this AM and stated he did not accept that money from AL TAYLOR....for that interview for 1 million dollars that he is getting a huge chunk of even though he has been paid by the state of Florida... AL TAYLOR ON NEWS THIS MORNING WITH EMAIL FROM BAEZ ACCEPTING THE OFFER AND TELLING HIM TO BRING THE CHECK.. She gets half up front and the rest after the .The interview will be held in Europe and filmed here for free so that it can't be boycotted. STATE OF FLORIDA WAKE UP..... This is corrupt and this man has no business practicing law! He is accepting blood money from a murdered little girl.. His reason for getting KC off.. PROFIT :maddening:

This just makes me BEYOND angry.. I have followed this case since the beginning, and I never in a million years thought she would be acquitted and now since she is accepting this million dollars,she needs to start paying off her own attorney fees and no more freebies from the state of FLORIDA. That is why Baez is flat out LYING about this interview, because he wants to keep getting paid by the state. He will probably put the money in an account in a different name so she won't have to pay her civil lawsuits coming up and can remain INDIGENT.. :banghead:
This man is corrupt and needs to be investigated by the State of Florida and the Florida Bar..

OK, so apparently Baez went on Geraldo last night according to news reports this AM and stated he did not accept that money from AL TAYLOR....for that interview for 1 million dollars that he is getting a huge chunk of even though he has been paid by the state of Florida... AL TAYLOR ON NEWS THIS MORNING WITH EMAIL FROM BAEZ ACCEPTING THE OFFER AND TELLING HIM TO BRING THE CHECK.. She gets half up front and the rest after the .The interview will be held in Europe and filmed here for free so that it can't be boycotted. STATE OF FLORIDA WAKE UP..... This is corrupt and this man has no business practicing law! He is accepting blood money from a murdered little girl.. His reason for getting KC off.. PROFIT :maddening:

This just makes me BEYOND angry.. I have followed this case since the beginning, and I never in a million years thought she would be acquitted and now since she is accepting this million dollars,she needs to start paying off her own attorney fees and no more freebies from the state of FLORIDA. That is why Baez is flat out LYING about this interview, because he wants to keep getting paid by the state. He will probably put the money in an account in a different name so she won't have to pay her civil lawsuits coming up and can remain INDIGENT.. :banghead:
This man is corrupt and needs to be investigated by the State of Florida and the Florida Bar..


Can you provide the source? All the reports I've read state the the Baez/Casey Team turned down the offer because a lie detector was required to secure the deal.
OK, so apparently Baez went on Geraldo last night according to news reports this AM and stated he did not accept that money from AL TAYLOR....for that interview for 1 million dollars that he is getting a huge chunk of even though he has been paid by the state of Florida... AL TAYLOR ON NEWS THIS MORNING WITH EMAIL FROM BAEZ ACCEPTING THE OFFER AND TELLING HIM TO BRING THE CHECK.. She gets half up front and the rest after the .The interview will be held in Europe and filmed here for free so that it can't be boycotted. STATE OF FLORIDA WAKE UP..... This is corrupt and this man has no business practicing law! He is accepting blood money from a murdered little girl.. His reason for getting KC off.. PROFIT :maddening:

This just makes me BEYOND angry.. I have followed this case since the beginning, and I never in a million years thought she would be acquitted and now since she is accepting this million dollars,she needs to start paying off her own attorney fees and no more freebies from the state of FLORIDA. That is why Baez is flat out LYING about this interview, because he wants to keep getting paid by the state. He will probably put the money in an account in a different name so she won't have to pay her civil lawsuits coming up and can remain INDIGENT.. :banghead:
This man is corrupt and needs to be investigated by the State of Florida and the Florida Bar..


BBM: Do you have a link for this? Please?
OK, so apparently Baez went on Geraldo last night according to news reports this AM and stated he did not accept that money from AL TAYLOR....for that interview for 1 million dollars that he is getting a huge chunk of even though he has been paid by the state of Florida... AL TAYLOR ON NEWS THIS MORNING WITH EMAIL FROM BAEZ ACCEPTING THE OFFER AND TELLING HIM TO BRING THE CHECK.. She gets half up front and the rest after the .The interview will be held in Europe and filmed here for free so that it can't be boycotted. STATE OF FLORIDA WAKE UP..... This is corrupt and this man has no business practicing law! He is accepting blood money from a murdered little girl.. His reason for getting KC off.. PROFIT :maddening:

This just makes me BEYOND angry.. I have followed this case since the beginning, and I never in a million years thought she would be acquitted and now since she is accepting this million dollars,she needs to start paying off her own attorney fees and no more freebies from the state of FLORIDA. That is why Baez is flat out LYING about this interview, because he wants to keep getting paid by the state. He will probably put the money in an account in a different name so she won't have to pay her civil lawsuits coming up and can remain INDIGENT.. :banghead:
This man is corrupt and needs to be investigated by the State of Florida and the Florida Bar..



It could be filmed on Mars and still be boycotted............and if she's in Europe how do you film it here? Makes no sense......:waitasec::waitasec:
I don't believe there were any legit death threats towards XICA. It's about as believable as the Anthony's saying Caylee was alive.

Why is that so hard to believe? Just look at all the posts on here that wish harm to her. Some crazy would LOVE to be known as the person who took Casey Anthony out.
Can you provide the source? All the reports I've read state the the Baez/Casey Team turned down the offer because a lie detector was required to secure the deal.

The strange thing is a lie detector may not work on Casey. She is so used to lying, she believes her own lies. And that is the only way to beat a lie detector test. No heart, no emotions and no nerves to work with here.IMO
Who owns the rights to the release photos/video?
Can you provide the source? All the reports I've read state the the Baez/Casey Team turned down the offer because a lie detector was required to secure the deal.

Al Taylor said last night on the Judge Pirro show that he and Baez have a 'verbal' agreement (and emails to prove it) and that if Baez renigs he plans to sue him.

It was after this on GR that Baez said he changed his mind about dealing with Al Taylor.

The funny thing about them saying she is traumatized is that she was writing all these happy letters in jail and they were saying she was a model prisoner. She was always giving googly eyes, winking, smiling and all kinds of junk in court, unless of course her jury was in the room then she was suddenly traumatized.

She knows how to play the game. I'll say that for her.

I agree. She has gone in and out of trauma as the situation dictated. She was an approprate and loving mother despite her "abuse" but was not appropriate after child dies because of "abuse". she was traumatized into a party girl for 31 days and now is traumatized by a first degree murder trial which has made her sad and unable to be deposed. wow, she can work it.
CA testifed that if the dates that LDB mentioned were the dates of the chloroform searches, then those must be dates she was home from work.
Obviously, Gentiva records tell a far different tale. There were also NO searches for the word chlorophyll is any spelling. If that is lying, I don't know what is ...

She may have talked her way around the search dates, but she also said she searched for chlorophyll and there were never any searches for that. She also said they were not allowed to show overtime on their time sheets and she had many time sheets with overtime. Her time sheet for the week of March 17th shows 48 hours, but she said she worked some short days that week because of her anniversay and FCA's birthday.
JB sounding a little desperate, LMAO!

Has he changed hats now? Given up the attorney gig and is now a full time PR/agent? Snort. Loser. JMO, of course!

For being an attorney for what three years quite presumptuous of him to think he should be able to retire and bask in his glory. He won, his client got off, if he had one ounce of decency in his body he would try to actually build a law firm from this case. Well he will get his interview, I'm certain of that, it won't make the money he thinks it should make and then what?? Not like he can then write a book "How to Defend the Un-dfendable" I really don't see that being a best seller. He will fade into the sunset, become a blip on the screen. But her, she will make the news over and over again, because once a felon, always a felon. JMO
Al Taylor said last night on the Judge Pirro show that he and Baez have a 'verbal' agreement (and emails to prove it) and that if Baez renigs he plans to sue him.

It was after this on GR that Baez said he changed his mind about dealing with Al Taylor.

This must have been when he found out that the lie detector was required...:woohoo: Can you imagine his face!!! Oh I woulda loved to have seen that!
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