2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

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From reading some of the FB pages....Nancy Grace and Casey Anthony Updates, she does have a lot of fans. Not surprisingly, mostly males.:innocent:
"Others are speculating that she's going to leave on the other jet at the airport in the hanger, owned by Todd Macaluso and out of Carlsbad, CA, or going to Palm Springs, CA. Both in Southern Calif. I'd much prefer if she didn't go to Calif! "

WFTV is reporting that a plane left the Orlando Executive Airport around 3 am. It taxied out of the hanger without lights. At the end of the runway, lights came on, it took off. No flight plan was filed. Aircraft was a single engine turbo prop, registered to an address in California where Macaluso has his office.
Kill your child and lie to investigators = $150,000
Equusearch tries to find your child = $112,000
Ridiculous jury finds you not guilty and you walk out of jail = priceless

For everything else, there's MasterCard.
I shut my computer down at 12:00am. I just was so tired and did not want to waste precious sleep time to watch FCA sashay out of jail.
Question...How long do you think it will take the media to find her. The reason I ask is this-I want FCA to know she can run but she can't hide, hoping she feels like..well, she is under the microscope and this is now her life.
As far as how the internet comes into the play, there will be so many "sightings", probably mostly false, that Casey might actually benefit a little bit. Honestly, I wish the media would move and don't want to have to hope for a major disaster for it to happen. Unless she shows up on a TV screen near you soon, she really isn't news anymore. One thing I am sure of, I am thrilled to be able to turn off HLN once and for all...I admit to using it during the trial at times...
You mean there wasnt a helicopter following the car? :floorlaugh: darn it! I wont to know where she went and with whom!

Helicopters followed the car to the parking deck at CM's office. Several cars left soon after and they followed one but it wasn't likely her. WFTV says sources tell them that she left around 3AM local time for Orlando Executive Airport. That flight filed a no tracking request. There was video showing a woman with a very long pony tail running from a car to the hangar that held that plane. This was aerial view so I couldn't tell for sure but it was very possibly her. Clothing was changed but there was plenty of time for that to happen.

Reporters at the Anthony neighborhood reported that their house was dark. Could they have been at CM's office? I can't imagine them not at least watching her release on TV.
At the Anthony home

There was a collective sigh of relief from homeowners in the neighborhood where George and Cindy Anthony live on Hopespring Drive now that it's less likely Casey Anthony will return to her parent's home after her release from jail.
No porch light was not left on waiting for anyone to arrive late at night and every indication was that the Anthony's had called it a night.
Many Orange County Sheriff's Deputies patrolling the neighborhood ended their shift and also left.
George Anthony did make an appearance when walking a visitor to his car, but was tight lipped and did not answer any questions; chief among them, would Casey return home?
A question that, Sunday night, might already have been answered


The above paragraph about G&C was underneath the article of her release, just thought y'all may be interested. According to the TH's, Jose tried to negotiate a deal up until the time he went to the jail....I'm thinking he couldn't get anybody to bite which is why there was no "caravan" out the back, instead walking out the front door...doing this just made her $$$$ go down for the first photo's out of jail! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
"Others are speculating that she's going to leave on the other jet at the airport in the hanger, owned by Todd Macaluso and out of Carlsbad, CA, or going to Palm Springs, CA. Both in Southern Calif. I'd much prefer if she didn't go to Calif! "

WFTV is reporting that a plane left the Orlando Executive Airport around 3 am. It taxied out of the hanger without lights. At the end of the runway, lights came on, it took off. No flight plan was filed. Aircraft was a single engine turbo prop, registered to an address in California where Macaluso has his office.


I know that name and it does not bring up wholesome feelings...would anyone be kind enough to refresh my memory? Only one word comes to my mind: slimeball. This may be a hit and run post; I'm in the middle of a move...ugh. Literally. I hope soon we'll be settled in and I can contribute to more sleuthing here.
I don't wish any harm on Casey. I do hope the media drops the story sometime this week, there are plenty of important things going on the world...where she is sent to hide out is not one of them.

My opinion differs with due respect.

I wish her the same harm that she did to her daughter.
According to google Todd Macaluso was a lawyer on the Casey team at some point...I wasn't following the case from the start, so I did not know that. Was that the plane that eas headed to Ohio?

I can't figure out how to link a picture, but this picture is priceless. A big grin on her face the second she gets in the car.

Wozzers FCA does not even look shook up one bit. People shouting baby killer at her does not seem to phase her. Why am I shocked? This is typical FCA that we have seen for three years. Apparently baby killers have a celebrity status to her. She just needs to wait a while until someone sees, and recognizes her and is not so nice. Maybe it will sink in no one holds her with high regard. Pretty much the opposite.
Wozzers FCA does not even look shook up one bit. People shouting baby killer at her does not seem to phase her. Why am I shocked? This is typical FCA that we have seen for three years. Apparently baby killers have a celebrity status to her. She just needs to wait a while until someone sees, and recognizes her and is not so nice. Maybe it will sink in no one holds her with high regard. Pretty much the opposite.

Nope! She was not scared!!!!! :innocent:
I gotta say this or I'll bust! If I were Casey Anthony (Good Lord, Forgive Me), & Cheney Mason was running his mouth about 1,000's of dollars coming into his office for me & they had me walk out of that jail dressed like that.............and those tennis shoes looked like they were too big for her! Hey Cheney, where's the money????????????? yea, right!:seeya:
I wish JVM would stop speaking for me. I do not think ICA is a mystery or an enigma. Sadly she is a immature, narcissistic, lying little girl who has not taken responsibility or been held responsible for her actions. I think Mike Brooks hit the nail on the head when he said it was the B & C show. If they truly thought they were going to walk out the front door with their heads held high because neither one has done anything wrong then why was it done under the darkness of night????
I'm so glad that no one was hurt and this situation is finally over. The only picture I want to see of ICA is one on an FBI Wanted poster and the only thing I would want to send her is a roll of duct tape to use on herself to silence anymore lies that are going to come out of her monkey mouth. The only advice to her is to use that big wad of cash in her pocket to purchase some cleanser to get rid of those zits on her face.
The only book I would like to see is a childrens book entitled " When Mommy Hurts Me I Should Tell Someone" written by someone who would donate the proceeds to a missing childrens fund or TES. The only movie I would watch would be one from Caylees point of view because she's the one that has no voice left to tell her story.
As far as I can see ICA is nothing but a bad storm that has left a path of destruction behind her and the only sympathy that is warranted is to the Grandpa, Grandma and Uncle that will never know what happened to a beautiful little 3 year old that was taken from them by her own mothers hand.
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