2011.07.17 Casey Released From Jail

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BBM...I hate to see those who have been linked to this case targeted unfairly. Dr. Krop has an esteemed career. This was simply his expert "OPINION". Opinion is not fact and many will disagree with his determination. But he did spend 20 hours with her and that is more than any other "expert" who has weighed in on this case.

FYI...In his career, the "fool" has evaluated over 2,000 murder cases. He was formerly employed by the State of Florida and currently works in private practice. He is also an associate professor in the Department of Psychiatry at UF.

Each professional has the right to be assessed by each opinion they choose to publicly express. For all of his qualifications and 2000 evaluations, he did some pretty hasty backpedaling on his second appearance of Dr. Drew. It is all very well to state an opinion, but why attempt to partially rewrite it because your peers are laughing at you?
Originally Posted by Lovejac
and his opinion can be bought, like so many others related to this case.

I have a feeling if 100 psychologists evaluated her and came up with the same conclusion people would say:
1. she fooled them
2. they were bought
3. they don't know what they are doing

etc etc

But if 1 media "doctor" who had never evaluated her said she is a sociopath people would say "Yup they got that right."

Can't we show some professionals some shred of respect instead of accusing them of being bought?[/QUOTE]

Well said! It really makes me sad that we have become so jaded and skeptical because of this case. Just my...:twocents:
+Chloroform mixer
+Duct tape/shovel salesperson
+Lie detector machine salesperson
+Car detailer assigned specifically to trunks
+*advertiser censored* actress
+Apartment rental specialist

...shot girl
...event planner (LOL)
Yeah, and her mom didn't press charges. She had to have known Casey was not working. She knew her daughter was troubled and she just went on her way ignoring there was something wrong with her daughter hoping for the best. She had an obligation to her grandchild and there is more than enough proof she knew how bad Casey was. When you grow up with a head in the sand mom and a messed up cheating dad, it WILL mess you up. But it was more important for Cindy to live in her fantasy world, and I dont blame her, it had to suck to have a messed up daughter and no good husband. Being away for 3 years was the best thing that happened to Casey. I hope she thrives and gets honest and does good.

My mom does blame her, but other than that, she said the exact same thing. :peace:
That depends. What if you've been trying to help that same child for years while he stole, lied, and even endangered the lives of others? At some point, you accept that you cannot control what your adult child does, and it's up to him to make positive changes.

So a 22 year old who is showing obvious mental problems is not worth helping, especially when you know they are taking care of your grandchild?
I agree with you but what breaks my heart is all the blatant hatred. I am so shocked at the amount of hatred in peoples hearts. I just can't understand it.

You are a good soul RoseRed. Thanks for the comment. I really think it is more outrage than hatred however. But, you make a good point.
That depends. What if you've been trying to help that same child for years while he stole, lied, and even endangered the lives of others? At some point, you accept that you cannot control what your adult child does, and it's up to him to make positive changes.

Agree, it is one thing to love and believe in your child, it is another thing to enable them with the ability to get the very thing that will lead to their destruction. What kind of parental love is that?
I do not know if this is legit, or if anyone else has posted about it, but
tweeted by JakeSchalmo
Name Schalmo Productions
Location OHIO
Bio Owner and CEO of Schalmo Productions

@CFNews13Casey YES, It is true, I have offered #CaseyAnthony a $5,000,000 check for the first interview with my production company. Waiting for response
2 minutes ago via web


Seems like a coinky dink that that one plane (supposedly for golfers) was headed to Ohio. hmmmm....
and his opinion can be bought, like so many others related to this case.

His opinion means nothing. He hardly knows her. Don't get caught up in the word "Forensic". I also have the word in my title when I worked. It is not special. It simply indicates you work wiith and treat criminals that have MH dx.

The MMPI is subjective. I still don't believe she passed the validity. In fact, I would like to know where and when she took the test. For him to say she doesn't have an AxisII is ludicrous.She is a Cluster B and then some.
Yeah, and her mom didn't press charges. She had to have known Casey was not working. She knew her daughter was troubled and she just went on her way ignoring there was something wrong with her daughter hoping for the best. She had an obligation to her grandchild and there is more than enough proof she knew how bad Casey was. When you grow up with a head in the sand mom and a messed up cheating dad, it WILL mess you up. But it was more important for Cindy to live in her fantasy world, and I dont blame her, it had to suck to have a messed up daughter and no good husband. Being away for 3 years was the best thing that happened to Casey. I hope she thrives and gets honest and does good.

So it's all her parents' fault! I see.

She is a victim of her parents. What she did was her parents fault.

Person responsibility????
She was an adult when she did this.

SHE did this. THEY did not.
While I would not shed a tear if Casey were struck my lightening, hit by a bus or shot by a sniper, I really don't think the public have much to worry about with her being free. She was accused of killing her child, not a stranger's child. She's certainly no Ted Bundy, although some here would beg to differ.

I'm as pissed off as the next person that she's walking free but let's face it, she's no Nightstalker or BTK killer. As long as everyone keeps their cheques locked up and no one impregnates her, she should be good to go! <tongue in cheek> ;)

My advice for the people that seem to be having a difficult time coping with the verdict, take a break from here and the news, do something completely different, go to the beach, go camping...whatever to distract you from it.
Last week I was so mad I could spit nails, then I went camping for 4 days with no internet or tv and I am in a much better frame of mind and seeing things in a whole new light. :)

Apart from killing her child, she has shattered so many lives already in her young life. She has stolen, lied, thrown strangers, friends and family under the bus with the most OUTRAGEOUS accusations.
How do you think that influences people? I think she is an extremely dangerous individual. I am wondering when she will throw JB under the bus too with some wild allegations. EVERYONE should stay clear of her, like you stay clear of a Python or a Tiger.
All kidding aside, if she made a real effort to go though college and work, she would probably be accepted into society. It would be fascinating to see someone so reviled at one time, fight her way through. Who knows? She can't hide forever.

A lot of things can be forgiven in this world, but she will always be known as the woman who killed her daughter and got away with it, in some circles, somewhere.
You don't let them continue to live under your roof and steal from you and lie. You do try to get them into therapy, NONE of which Cindy did.

It's not that cut and dry when a baby is involved. If Cindy threw Casey out, Caylee went to. Cindy knew that Casey could not be trusted to take care of Caylee. How do we know Cindy didn't try to get Casey into therapy or that Casey never went?
I have a feeling if 100 psychologists evaluated her and came up with the same conclusion people would say:
1. she fooled them
2. they were bought
3. they don't know what they are doing

etc etc

But if 1 media "doctor" who had never evaluated her said she is a sociopath people would say "Yup they got that right."

Can't we show some professionals some shred of respect instead of accusing them of being bought?

I do not profess to being a medical doctor only using common sense here. Casey a convicted liar talks to a psychiatrist/psychologist and answers questions. The good doctor listens to the convicted liar's answers and comes up with no significant disorder.

If I were a medical doctor examining a convicted liar, I might take what the convicted liar says with a grain of salt and i WOULD talk to everyone who has come in contact with the convicted liar and see what they have to say. Then and only then would I determine the extent of the convicted liar's illnesses.

Did he even take the time to check out anything that she said to him or did he just believe everything that came out of the liar's mouth.

Seems to me she hasn't changed ONE BIT and will continue to fool and lie if it gets her what she wants.
The only criminals who can sucsessfully rehabilitate themselves really need to feel remorse for what they have done, and work to change their behaviour. I don't have names, but I have heard of criminals that have left jail and said "yes, I did this or that", and now have the freedom to move on. Acknowledgement and "owning it" is the only way to set yourself free - IMHO.

FCA won't even acknowledge the lying charges and wants to appeal those. The cheshire cat grin getting into the SUV last night tells me she has no remorse, no guilt, no nothing (yes, I did deduce that from a smile at such an inappropriate time). Just pure joy that she got away with not reporting her child missing for 31 days, and whatever happened during that time.

She really needs to explain it and get the truth out before she can ever begin to move forward. Until then she will be like a caged animal.

JMHO - Thanks.

Not gonna happen!
Yeah, and her mom didn't press charges. She had to have known Casey was not working. She knew her daughter was troubled and she just went on her way ignoring there was something wrong with her daughter hoping for the best. She had an obligation to her grandchild and there is more than enough proof she knew how bad Casey was. When you grow up with a head in the sand mom and a messed up cheating dad, it WILL mess you up. But it was more important for Cindy to live in her fantasy world, and I dont blame her, it had to suck to have a messed up daughter and no good husband. Being away for 3 years was the best thing that happened to Casey. I hope she thrives and gets honest and does good.
Casey got where she is by having this same mentality. "It's not my fault, it's someone else's." Lots of people have messed up parents and lots of people have parents who did the best they could with what they had. Casey is responsible for Casey's actions...not her mom, not her dad, and not her brother. I am so tired of seeing Cindy blamed for Casey's actions. Cindy is responsible for her horrible actions and Casey gets to claim responsibility for her own.
I do not know if this is legit, or if anyone else has posted about it, but
tweeted by JakeSchalmo
Name Schalmo Productions
Location OHIO
Bio Owner and CEO of Schalmo Productions

@CFNews13Casey YES, It is true, I have offered #CaseyAnthony a $5,000,000 check for the first interview with my production company. Waiting for response
2 minutes ago via web


I refuse to watch or listen..........BOYCOTT! Save your money JAKE, many of us do NOT care about KC only CAYLEE!
I do not know if this is legit, or if anyone else has posted about it, but
tweeted by JakeSchalmo
Name Schalmo Productions
Location OHIO
Bio Owner and CEO of Schalmo Productions

@CFNews13Casey YES, It is true, I have offered #CaseyAnthony a $5,000,000 check for the first interview with my production company. Waiting for response
2 minutes ago via web


Seems like a coinky dink that that one plane (supposedly for golfers) was headed to Ohio. hmmmm....

Hope the check is NSF, it would serve Casey right.
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