2011.07.22 George & Cindy Board Private Jet for Nassau Vacation

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I wish there was somewhere to post or someone I could talk to and get this anger out of me using every cuss word in the book about all of this. I am so mad people that I can't even see straight. I hate the Anthony's so bad, each and every one of them.

How much luck can one family have FGS.

Read MissJames' post up thread. There is a hero who deserves to take her whole family on vacation on someone else's dime.

I gotta get outta here.
This is sick. I don't think anyone in that family ever gave a damn about Caylee as a person. She was a beautiful toy to them, but when she was gone she was to be discarded.

It was much more important to keep up the facade of the perfect family and never ever admit they raised a sociopath.

Keeping up appearances was what mattered after Caylee died, and it's what matters to them now.

Their little toy is gone. Let the money roll in.
According to this post: [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6941763&postcount=505"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2011.07.22 George & Cindy Board Private Jet for Nassau Vacation[/ame]

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2011.07.22 George & Cindy Board Private Jet for Nassau Vacation


I believe it's a charter. The A's were in the terminal waiting to board. A private plane passengers just hop right in. lol
That's one way to look at it. I see them as getting some respite from unimaginable and unrelenting stress for the last three years.

i understand your viewpoint, but in moo (and its all it is, moo and my view alone) they brought it on themselves...being accessories after the fact, commit perjury and have your princess demon spawn STILL reject you even after loading up her commisary account, yeah i guess id have to go on a tropical vacation, complete w/ the stretch limo to let some steam off...
I am so sorry for the pain you have had to endure in losing your son. How horrible it is that there is no pain pill, no magical solution for what you had to work through, day by day. "Life goes on", as they say, and I hate to think that some well-meaning people said this to you back then. You did what most parents do, you cry, you mourn and then put yourself back together because you had other children who needed you. You didn't make grief the focus of your life, and you didn't create ways to get charitable donations. Your grief was yours, and you did not beckon others to share in it as did CA and GA. They began to bask in their role as grieving grandparents. Worse, is what they did after that, by turning Caylee Marie's death into a profitable venture. They are still doing this, and have sold their souls.

You are too kind !

I had my odd moments :crazy: Since I couldn't sleep I called cousins I hadn't seen in awhile at 6am ,one of my youngest son's PharmD (at 8am New Years Day),I never sent out thank you notes,and I haven't been able to go back through his stuff.His dirty laundry sat on his floor for 3 years.

That's why I tried to stick up for Cindy for awhile. I've lost beloved pets and both of my parents ,but losing a child is different. That's not to take away from the gut wrenching grief that comes with other losses. They aren't less than.It's not a contest ,but it is different.

I think one of the reasons I get so angry about the money,the book deals and this ostentatious trip (limo,private jet) is that there are so many deserving people out there ,who have been through similar situations,suffered just as much trauma ,did the right thing,and got squat. We know about the parents who became advocates,like Polly Klass' dad and Jessica Lunsfords' dad,but what about the ones we never hear about or we just read a paragraph? This is like a slap in the face to them.

I don't understand what the Anthonys' finances have to do with anything. I really don't.

Or why their finances are anybody's business.
i understand your viewpoint, but in moo (and its all it is, moo and my view alone) they brought it on themselves...being accessories after the fact, commit perjury and have your princess demon spawn STILL reject you even after loading up her commisary account, yeah i guess id have to go on a tropical vacation, complete w/ the stretch limo to let some steam off...

I disagree .That is not your view alone. I share it and from what I've read,so do many others :seeya:
How so? It's been 3 years since Caylee died, should the A's never again do anything fun or relaxing? Are they expected to sit and rend their clothes forever?

Thank you, Chilly! None of us have walked in their shoes. They endured a hell I pray I never know. I am not able to condemn them for trying to move on in any way,
Guys do we know if this is the same David Deece? Who owns the boat? We have to be careful about who we are sleuthing and make sure we are bringing good information to the forum.


I disagree. So little was left of poor Caylee, it seems the most appropriate choice. I also do not believe that any Anthony other than KC knew where Caylee was when the searches were being conduted. Months down the road, it gets a bit muddier, especially with Dominick Casey searching the area.

The Anthonys could not re-animate Caylee, restore her back to what she was. I think their disposal of her remains was proper in every way. I also think both George and Cindy would have traded their own lives if they could to bring her back to life. But we know this isn't possible, and what they did after, with their daughter facing death, was understandable to me. I am not arguing that it was legal, or even moral. But I am a mother. I would go to hell and back to save my daughter from death, even a death some say she deserved. she is my daughter, my only child, and fortunately, she is a fine mother and a law-abiding citizen. But God forbid, if she somehow degenerated into a murderer, I would protect her still.

I'm a mom. It's what I do.

I think the part that really ticks people off is not that the A's supported their daughter but that they tried to implicate other people in Caylee's death. Their lies hurt other people, ruined their lives and these people will never be the same again. Support you child, yes, of course what mother wouldn't. But to be a part of a elaborate scheme to free her at the expense of others, no I would have no part of that. It's the lowest of lows. I would have been begging SA to take DP off the table if I could get KC to confessed to Caylee drowning. jmo
I don't understand what the Anthonys' finances have to do with anything. I really don't.

Or why their finances are anybody's business.

Because they have a history of handling money badly . I mean this respectfully ,but I'm surprised it's not obvious. They want to run 2 foundations,one that they will be paying themselves with. They have lost over $50,000 to gambling or a scam. Their daughter stole thousands from their account and hey let her.
Hundreds of checks according to LDB to the Court during a sidebar.

People who have a very poor track record with their own finances should not be in charge of a not for profit,and the money coming into it.
If they had to apply for the job neither of them would get it,based on their history,but they are creating the job USING OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY.
Too bad they love Casey more than Caylee who was thrown in a swamp. I would want justice!

This is the part I don't get. Caylee is dead, and her murderer was found not guilty by jury. To us, she will always be just a murderer who got away with murder. But to Cindy, George and Lee, she was a beloved daughter and sister, and it must be nigh on impossible to fully separate the personas of Casey-as-Murderer from Casey-as-Daughter/Sister. Even now. Even after all that she has said and done, they are clearly conflicted. We saw that with George's GJ testimony and also at trial. Some of what Cindy testified to was quite harmful to KC. But yet we see how she swayed it at the end.

I don't see it as loving KC more. I see it as knowing there was nothing more to be done for Caylee and them trying to save KC's life. The trial is over and they need a break now. I say let 'em have it.
Guys do we know if this is the same David Deece? Who owns the boat? We have to be careful about who we are sleuthing and make sure we are bringing good information to the forum.


Yes, grandmaj... it's registered under his zip but i'll gather more info before i post anything else :)
Because they have a history of handling money badly . I mean this respectfully ,but I'm surprised it's not obvious. They want to run 2 foundations,one that they will be paying themselves with. They have lost over $50,000 to gambling or a scam. Their daughter stole thousands from their account and hey let her.

Hundreds of checks according to LDB to the Court during a sidebar.

People who have a very poor track record with their own finances should not be in charge of a not for profit,and the money coming into it.
If they had to apply for the job neither of them would get it,based on their history,but they are creating the job USING OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY.

None of that explains why their finances are anybody's business, though. There are tons of people who don't handle their own money well but can manage a business's money just fine--I'm acquainted with some folks like that, including two accountants I can think of. And nobody knows how messed up those people's families are, either. And I just don't buy that it has anything to do with non-profits or foundations or anything like that; perhaps it has to do with intense dislike, period.

Even so, I still don't understand the fascination with their financial details. There are people I dislike in this world (in my real life, not people I don't even know like the Anthonys) and I don't know a thing about their money and what they do with it.
I wish there was somewhere to post or someone I could talk to and get this anger out of me using every cuss word in the book about all of this. I am so mad people that I can't even see straight. I hate the Anthony's so bad, each and every one of them.

How much luck can one family have FGS.

Read MissJames' post up thread. There is a hero who deserves to take her whole family on vacation on someone else's dime.

I gotta get outta here.

Oh no,Wonders,I'm blessed beyond measure . Thankfully we can do most of what we want and everything we need ,on our own.
I'm no hero ,either! I love my life . It's very "interesting".

But there are so many other people who deserve the spotlight for doing the right thing and here I sit giving too much of my time to the Anthony's .

Light bulb moment here.( I know,I'm slow:crazy:)

Time for a new plan,but only if my peeps will be part of it. Time to step away from all things A and see who we can actually help from the WS forum .

Thanks Wonders!!!!
Is that the tall, baldheaded, rather cadaverous-looking gentleman who was sitting a couple of rows ahead of the A's during the trial?


He always sat with CA and chatted, for ages, then suddenly he was over the other side of the room and they stopped hanging together...
He has been asked many times online if he has some plans for interview/movie and always denies it...
Maybe you're correct, huh ?

The child, Caylee, died several years ago

Since then, millions of dollars have been earned on the back of her death, by publications, websites and hundreds of media sources

and further millions are hoped to be grasped by continued exploitation of her death

If Caylee's grandparents and mother wish to profit from Caylee's death into the bargain, in order to 'enjoy their lives' --- they'll undoubtedly be provided the means via which to do so

for a time

And there's no doubt hundreds of invisible creatures sitting behind computer screens will also profit small-time

by posting for pay

in order to generate continued outrage and interest

Just the food-chain in action


Wow! If I knew they were paying, I'd sure have upped my postings - 824 posts in two years is mere chicken scratch. SHOW ME DA MONEY! I BE A POSTIN' FOOL!

I disagree. So little was left of poor Caylee, it seems the most appropriate choice. I also do not believe that any Anthony other than KC knew where Caylee was when the searches were being conduted. Months down the road, it gets a bit muddier, especially with Dominick Casey searching the area.

The Anthonys could not re-animate Caylee, restore her back to what she was. I think their disposal of her remains was proper in every way. I also think both George and Cindy would have traded their own lives if they could to bring her back to life. But we know this isn't possible, and what they did after, with their daughter facing death, was understandable to me. I am not arguing that it was legal, or even moral. But I am a mother. I would go to hell and back to save my daughter from death, even a death some say she deserved. she is my daughter, my only child, and fortunately, she is a fine mother and a law-abiding citizen. But God forbid, if she somehow degenerated into a murderer, I would protect her still.

I'm a mom. It's what I do.

ITA with you. If they chose to cremate Caylee then that is their choice and there is nothing wrong with it if you believe cremation is an ok thing to do. It is no different than anyone else being cremated no matter how they died or how old they were. I am not for cremation, i dont know why, i have always been against it since i was a young child and can't really give a reason. It just doesnt feel right to me or seem right in my mind. My mind says NO and reasons do not even enter my mind.

ITA with your last paragraph as well. I am a single mom who has one child, a son. He is my life and always will be. I also agree that if my child ever commits a crime no matter the crime, i will always be there for him in every way, even protecting him however i could, even tho i would not condone or agree with any crimminal acts committed.

It truely would be a living hell and nightmare! I could never imagine being in George or Cindys shoes.......Im not saying everything they have done has been right, but some people might do some similar things if they were in their shoes. I dont believe anyone, myself included, can truely say what we would do in their shoes unless we were truely in their exact shoes. The mind can change when faced with certain stressors, and if the mind changes actions also change.

I dont see any of the A's changing just because of how any one views them. People only change because their view of them self changes, or they become aware or realize something of themselves that they see needs changing. I dont know why people are so surprised to see any of the A's doing what they are doing since they have shown clearly over time how they are. I can see why people are upset at some of the things done, but not surprised.

The one thing is true, God will judge us all in the end and the anthonys will not be left out. When im concerned with retribution i pray that God handle it, because he knows all hearts & minds, and he knows what is best and when.


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