2011.07.22 George & Cindy Board Private Jet for Nassau Vacation

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The A's could be upfront about lying on the stand about the chloroform searches, and it wouldn't make any difference to me. I say go for it!

The depos are for public consumption. Anyone can view them at any time.

The stories about GA blowing money, the family being behind on mortgage payments, that's the story of America. If they need money to live, then I support the A's getting money to live.

Generally,people who are dishonest and also have gambling problems OR can be taken in by a scam,should not be in charge of money,especially other peoples money.

Now ,if anyone wants to donate and doesn't bother to look into the foundation,so be it. It's a shame,though ,when that money could be going to a cause with a solid reputation.

It was fairly easy to discover the criminal backgrounds of the founders of KidFinders . They also had a bankruptcy or forclosure and stayed with the A's awhile.Hopefully the A's reputation will give donors pause before they throw their money away.
CA can't very well lie that she can't function. lol We've seen her outselves on TV. Has no problems that we can see.

When you are writing a book you get a down payment and so much after you turn portions of the book in. My guess is she is finished with the book and the money is coming in and that is why the foundation was set up. She does not need SSI. CA has probably been getting payments all along. That's why we saw her feverishly writing in court. jmo

remember the 2nd bond was some entertainment co. out of Tenessee I wonder what their cut was of future earnings as I know they didnt shell out 50K just out of the kindness of their hearts. Anyone know who they were and what the deal was on that?
Even Casey can't be in Fla and CA at the same time...another thread here has her in Palm Springs...FWIW
Well, I'm glad the media gives a d**m about the A's activities because I sure as h**l don't! I read the title of the thread, made this post and that's all the attention I'm giving them.

:highfive: Good for you ! I wish I could,but as I said earlier,

"Hi,I'm MissJames and I'm a WSaholic :crazy:
The A's could be upfront about lying on the stand about the chloroform searches, and it wouldn't make any difference to me. I say go for it!

The depos are for public consumption. Anyone can view them at any time.

The stories about GA blowing money, the family being behind on mortgage payments, that's the story of America. If they need money to live, then I support the A's getting money to live.

..i'm all for them getting money to live, too.

..when cindy went on disability ( per her sworn depo ) it was due to:

CA: "I was starting to really have a hard time dealing with everything that I went to my doctor and started asking for some medication to help me sleep and help me -- I was -- you know, I was down 37 pounds, and not eating, and not sleeping and just had a very hard time. Most of the days I couldn't get out of bed."

"So they put me on short-term disability. My short-term disability ran out in January and I've been on long-term disability. I've been approved for two years on long-term disability."
CA: "Yes. I'm hoping to go back at some point. I just want to get through some of this so I can focus and concentrate. It's hard to do that."

...well----"this" is now over.

...thanks to her ( big part ) in giving LE and the public the royal runaround for 3 years, lying in her sworn statements, lying some more on the stand------ta da!-----her daughter is free!

..surely, 3 years later, she's had ample time to grieve---she told "us" 3 years ago that she was a "grievin' grandma" back then!

..( what other employer gives anyone 3 years off for grieving? i know in my case, you get an entire 4 DAYS to get over it...)

...both cindy&george made it very clear that it wasn't a physical problem to drive down to the courthouse----sit for long periods of time IN court---for days/weeks on end.

..i fully support them both getting off their *advertiser censored**es-----getting back to work in their respective fields, contributing to society, and paying their taxes.

..THAT'S-----"the story of America" too.
Bella Vita. I'm so sorry Caylee. Everyone has a better life since you were murdered. No one could afford these trips, these private jets. They lived from hand to mouth. But now private jets, vacations, cruises, stardom.

omgosh i agree 100%! I just don't get it, I just don't... JB "fielding" offers, ICA possibly making millions, GA & CA heading off into the sunset in a private jet.... I KNOW without a doubt that if anything so horrible happened in my family not one of us would make a dime because of it....

Don't they realize that every perk, every cent, is because a beautiful little girl was murdered and thrown away like garbage? They are not CELEBRITIES!

im sick, sick, sick!
That actually describes what Casey did. Well,except it wasn't her money she was counting.

There are people in this world who are selfish. They love,but care more about themselves. They experience grief,but perhaps not as deeply ,as gut wrenching as others,who give their whole heart to a child.
I really can't say that I believe Cindy and George have grieved with the complete range of emotions anyone would.

Where I would expect a helpless grandmother to cry and beg anyone for help getting her grandaughter back,I saw Cindy angrily telling the viewing audience to get off their A$$$$ and look for her grandaughter!

When Tim Miller brought his team and oversaw thousands of volunteers ,looking for Caylee,Cindy Anthony bashed him in the media and left a nasty threat on his voicemail.

I can't say I've ever seen true grief from Cindy. I don't count the performance at the trial. Cindy heard that tape repeatedly in hearings and never cried before. Cindy's never been anything but difficult,arrogant, deceitful and mean.

My 15 year old son committed suicide just a few days after his birthday.We had 6 other kids,dealt with the coroner,detectives,CSI went through our home. There were questions from tactless aquaintences.
Over 800 people came to his funeral .Almost 3 times that to the wake.

I didn't deal with the same scenario Cindy did,but both suicide and the death of a child ,are considered complicated grief.
I tried to stick up for Cindy in the beginning. After a while I just couldn't anymore.
I really believe she loved Caylee,but based on her actions,I'm not convinced it was that deep abiding love .Maybe more like a pet you love to accessorize .Okay,maybe not that shallow,but somewhere in between.

I also have a son with medical and developmental complications (we had 3 ,adopted the youngest 4) .He knows no danger,doesn't answer when called and doesn't come back (he's starting to answer,though!)
He went missing one night and we did a quick run through the house then I called 911,my husband and older son took flashlights out to look around the property and a friend took his car to look around the street. I had to stay on the phone with 911 and was beside myself because I couldn't leave the house to look. My son had taken his wagon in the pitch dark out to the road with our dogs,and was pushing his wagon down the middle of the road.
I get queasy just reliving it. He was only gone a few minutes!
We now have an autism service dog who also tracks.

I know everybody is different,but Cindy has never shown that well of emotion that we normally see with the family of missing/murdered children.
All,just my opinion.

I am so sorry for the pain you have had to endure in losing your son. How horrible it is that there is no pain pill, no magical solution for what you had to work through, day by day. "Life goes on", as they say, and I hate to think that some well-meaning people said this to you back then. You did what most parents do, you cry, you mourn and then put yourself back together because you had other children who needed you. You didn't make grief the focus of your life, and you didn't create ways to get charitable donations. Your grief was yours, and you did not beckon others to share in it as did CA and GA. They began to bask in their role as grieving grandparents. Worse, is what they did after that, by turning Caylee Marie's death into a profitable venture. They are still doing this, and have sold their souls.
Large gifts count as income for everybody not just those on SSI.

Oh,I know. I posted earlier that I hoped the IRS and SSI were paying attention.

But we were talking about the disability at the time ,I think :waitasec:

Anyhoo,I'm tired of seeing them rewarded for bad behavior. Guess this where that saying comes from "Good guys finish last" .
heres the article about her babysitting and DCF investigating


heres the article about her babysitting and DCF investigating


Since when does DCF investigate a disability claim? on a 50yr old woman?
please someone help! HONESTLY -I'm mean for real.Unless CA is got TANF or the food program- I guess she may qualify as mediaclly disabled.
IMO DCF IS WAY too overloaded to check on babysitting $

I knew she was still baby sitting! over 20 years in pediatrics...
bless those of you that disbelieve, but I cannot stand it!

& I don't like them working with missing kids
How soon after Caylee died did CA starting watching the little girl?
:waitasec: Caylee dies... CA quits her job and starts babysitting.
WHY? GA driving all over town with the find Caylee trailer
(going by RK's)

▼ ▼ I don't like it! - I'm fussing here ▼ ▼
In My Professional Opinion

form the interviews and the GP's & "Hollywood" theatrics
WE have no proof! OF anything!---
I can't explain it but I have questioned parents,
of infants and children with objective injuries
they came in for or a well child check or a sick visit
(even brought in with a sibling whose
mother had no plans for us to see "that")
Usually physical and Caylee was not black and blue!

With these poor kids geting knocked around
It is so "normal" in the family that those KNOWING
the were coming to see the Dr. didn't hide it.
it's "normal" to them there is never a need to explain normal it's NORMAL!
when a parent or caregiver starts telling an MD what's normal it gets hinky
Guess if they were cool with it we should hsve just ignored it too
No story prepared... like a deer in headlighs!

Mom gives a story and will ask a SIBLING!!!
isn't that what happened? The 5 yr old will say "uhhhh huhhh"
they change the subject and deflect they blame another child
even their own child! (not Caylee here) I have had parents tell me "oh it was her fault"! (the child) SHE had an skull open fracture! The top of her head was "spongy"! SHE WAS 3 wks old! "What exactly sir did this NEWBORN do to freacture her skull like this? she "jumped" out of his lap.laying on her back head ar his knees and she did a cut away dive LANDED ON THE FLOOR! *carpet no less. This man would not allow the woman to speak to tell ehr side. Everytime we asked a question he finish her answer. He didn't trust ger to get the story right. And mama didn't trust him! :waitasec: I hope he is still in jail.

9 x out of 10 an innocent caregivers blame themselves
Trust me If mom blames mom and dad blames mom...
Dad will have a LOT more questions to answer.

About the A's
Now I am not saying the A's ever did..
speak out loud and say this is my fault I feel so bad
no "woulda choulda shoulda's"... ehh it's KC's fault

Parents/grandparents that reside with the child
and have a "Z E R O" % chance of being able to
do anthing to prevent that accident
I mean they still really ache and blame themselves-
a car wreck with the uncle thar had an aneursym
when it burst and the child was killed. For months they say it!
and well the A's are "different"

I can't get past that subtle disconnect! and no so subtle
ALL I shoulda said wow this is odd. ☻
..i'm all for them getting money to live, too.

..when cindy went on disability ( per her sworn depo ) it was due to:

CA: "I was starting to really have a hard time dealing with everything that I went to my doctor and started asking for some medication to help me sleep and help me -- I was -- you know, I was down 37 pounds, and not eating, and not sleeping and just had a very hard time. Most of the days I couldn't get out of bed."

"So they put me on short-term disability. My short-term disability ran out in January and I've been on long-term disability. I've been approved for two years on long-term disability."
CA: "Yes. I'm hoping to go back at some point. I just want to get through some of this so I can focus and concentrate. It's hard to do that."

...well----"this" is now over.

...thanks to her ( big part ) in giving LE and the public the royal runaround for 3 years, lying in her sworn statements, lying some more on the stand------ta da!-----her daughter is free!

..surely, 3 years later, she's had ample time to grieve---she told "us" 3 years ago that she was a "grievin' grandma" back then!

..( what other employer gives anyone 3 years off for grieving? i know in my case, you get an entire 4 DAYS to get over it...)

...both cindy&george made it very clear that it wasn't a physical problem to drive down to the courthouse----sit for long periods of time IN court---for days/weeks on end.

..i fully support them both getting off their *advertiser censored**es-----getting back to work in their respective fields, contributing to society, and paying their taxes.

..THAT'S-----"the story of America" too.

Very well said :goodpost:

Actually, CA looked very tan at the trial, like she lays out in the sun alot. And she sure gained the weight back. Could be to meds, but who knows? She also doesnt seem depressed that much she keeps her hair colored and its obvious she goes to a hairdresser because theres no way I could cut my hair like that lol GA looks pretty fit, too.
CA imo, shes a good actress.
I couldn't agree with you more. If I had a .05 for everyone that posted "I am done", I will not read anything Casey", "I will boycott all things Casey", I would be in the Bahamas right now.

For all those that say the above, to quote Shakespear:

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

It continues to be 'one big con'

LOTS of people are milking this artificially induced outrage

They're FEEDING from your outrage

because if you're 'outraged' and disgusted,

then they have you right where they want you ---- following this disgusting farce -- buying into it -- investing interest and emotion in it

People are EATING and PAYING THEIR RENT from your outrage and digust

and great efforts are being made to keep you invested in this circus

It stops when YOU decide it stops

In the meantime, you are dancing to their stinking tune
I have no problem with cremation. In fact, it's how I intend for my remains to be desposed of

However, cremation cannot be considered an honourable disposal of one's supposedly loved family member ... a child no less

-- when the body is first thrown into a swamp for several months

-- when the family insists the deceased is 'missing' for several months

-- when extreme efforts are made to conceal the manner of the deceased's demise

-- when more effort is expended in concealment of the manner of that demise than upon honouring the victim by according them a decent burial

-- when the deceased's family members reportedly speculate about 'Going to Hollywood' on the back of the deceased and before they have even recovered or honoured the deceased

-- when it's insisted the search for the 'missing' deceased not go near the swamp in which the deceased is decomposing

No, cremation in light of the above and more is not a decent or honourable act. It's too little, too late, imo


I disagree. So little was left of poor Caylee, it seems the most appropriate choice. I also do not believe that any Anthony other than KC knew where Caylee was when the searches were being conduted. Months down the road, it gets a bit muddier, especially with Dominick Casey searching the area.

The Anthonys could not re-animate Caylee, restore her back to what she was. I think their disposal of her remains was proper in every way. I also think both George and Cindy would have traded their own lives if they could to bring her back to life. But we know this isn't possible, and what they did after, with their daughter facing death, was understandable to me. I am not arguing that it was legal, or even moral. But I am a mother. I would go to hell and back to save my daughter from death, even a death some say she deserved. she is my daughter, my only child, and fortunately, she is a fine mother and a law-abiding citizen. But God forbid, if she somehow degenerated into a murderer, I would protect her still.

I'm a mom. It's what I do.
Originally Posted by rotterdam
Large gifts count as income for everybody not just those on SSI.

Lying in court counts for everybody too, I guess just not for the Anthonys.
I can't figure out why these <unusual people> are newsworthy? Why do we care if they took a plane, limo, hopticopter, or boat. Feeding them only makes it worse. I just think in the back of mind that perhaps I'll be lucky enough to read that Cindy get bitten by a huge jellyfish while at the island or gets so sick from sunburn, that she has to stay in her bedroom the entire trip. But I'm kinda snarky that way ;)



nothing wrong with the snarky... :skip:
I do begrudge them their island getaway. They are dancing on a child's grave.

That's one way to look at it. I see them as getting some respite from unimaginable and unrelenting stress for the last three years.
omgosh i agree 100%! I just don't get it, I just don't... JB "fielding" offers, ICA possibly making millions, GA & CA heading off into the sunset in a private jet.... I KNOW without a doubt that if anything so horrible happened in my family not one of us would make a dime because of it....

Don't they realize that every perk, every cent, is because a beautiful little girl was murdered and thrown away like garbage? They are not CELEBRITIES!

im sick, sick, sick!

Hold on dear! Just wait alittle while-all these "unusual" people are doing nothing more but heaping karma upon karma!! When it all finally hits back-it ain't gonna be pretty!!IMO:cow:
Why would anyone care to see what the Anthony's do on a vacation?

I'm still hoping this private citizen owns a video camera and is not opposed to using it and sharing both sound and pictures when he gets home....:innocent:
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