2011.07.22 George & Cindy Board Private Jet for Nassau Vacation

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Bella Vita. I'm so sorry Caylee. Everyone has a better life since you were murdered. No one could afford these trips, these private jets. They lived from hand to mouth. But now private jets, vacations, cruises, stardom.

grandmaj, you've said it all. :candle:

I appreciate your point of view and to a certain extent share it. However, taxpayers are entitled to question where their tax dollars are going, and if all or part of the Anthonys' disability payments come from taxpayer funds, that gives them a right to question their legitimacy.

Again, that may be your view and others might well share it. However, I'm not interested in knowing who is receiving disability payments, whether through the government or an insurance policy. And I'm not interested in knowing the details of how anyone spends their income, whether it comes in the form of a paycheck, disability payments, unemployment benefits, or any other source of income. And yes, I pay taxes, too. I'm just not one to scrutinize someone's personal spending that way, and I wouldn't want anybody going over mine with a fine-toothed comb and making judgments about what I do with my money.
I don't understand what the Anthonys' finances have to do with anything. I really don't.

Or why their finances are anybody's business.

They are when there is a suspicion that scamming is involved thru non profit foundations and soliciting monies under false pretenses. I do not care about book deals/interviews. Rather distasteful but that is all.
Very well said :goodpost:

Actually, CA looked very tan at the trial, like she lays out in the sun alot. And she sure gained the weight back. Could be to meds, but who knows? She also doesnt seem depressed that much she keeps her hair colored and its obvious she goes to a hairdresser because theres no way I could cut my hair like that lol GA looks pretty fit, too.
CA imo, shes a good actress.
...she was focused enough to write and write and write some more.
I thought if you were unable to work and got disabilty - you could not earn anything? I have members in my family that are on disability and they can't earn anything because if they work and earn m oney - they are not disabled.

If I did not hate to waste the money, I would by every book and post them online to be read for free - that is a good idea someone had. BTW, I turned tabloids backward at Publix again today, some guy looked at me and I shrugged and kept turning them.


I can't speak for LTD from a job, but regarding SSI benefits, I know those declared disabled are allowed to make a certain amount of money. I used to be the program director for a non-profit agency whose clientele was developmentally disabled adults, most of whom were on disability. There is a cap to their earnings, and if they exceed it, they lose their benefits. We had one poor lady, a bagger at a grocery store, who one Christmas season worked a bunch of extra hours and put herself into OT, and subsequently, just a few dollars (under $50) over the annual cap for her benefits. It was an absolute nightmare to try to get her benefits reinstated. She lost her apartment and was briefly homeless.

Not knowing the status of their disability, I would still say both can earn a certain amount and still collect.
Let me carefully say this...I don't believe for one minute that the A's aren't meeting KC in Nassau. The whole blame game during trial was planned and orchestrated to accomplish exactly the outcome of that trial! And, if Lee isn't going I find that telling.

Lee could write the most interesting book IMO if he would tell the truth, that is.
That kind of 'news' report is just tabloid-level, gossipy stuff. It's not news, it's not important, it doesn't matter.

I couldn't care less where the Anthonys go on a vacation or how they pay for it or what they do there. That's their business. The trial's over. It's done. The Anthonys all need to get on with their lives, the jurors need to get on with their lives... and most definitely a lot of members of 'the media' need to get a life, period. They need to find a new story to latch onto, to be their next claim to fame.

BBM. That's only your opinion, although it was stated as fact. I DO care that these people are benefiting from their grandbaby's horrible death.
How about justice for Caylee? For her memory? Did she not deserve that, even if she was dead? Does this innocent's life and brutal death mean less than this murdering Felon's life?


Caylee had her justice in the courtroom, and we see how that played out. Neither we nor George and Cindy can change that sad outcome, although I believe they wished KC had gotten convicted of a lesser charge than 1st degree murder. I believe George testified truthfully about the salient points at trial. I saw Cindy give some testimony that I know did not favor KC, and then we all saw what she did at the end. KC getting a 1st degree murder conviction and possibly death would not bring Caylee back to Cindy and George and could only hurt them further. They tried to keep that from happening.
I believe it's a charter. The A's were in the terminal waiting to board. A private plane passengers just hop right in. lol
I was going by this...


The workers said a charter flight can cost around $8,000 alone.

I think of a charter as a plane that takes people on regularly scheduled flights...anyone can take it. I think this plane was hired privately...meaning no other passengers...except for the As and their party...at least that's what would warrant that kind of price.

I have no idea how they're paying for this vacation and don't care about that, either. That's also none of my business, and not just when it comes to the Anthony's. They're private citizens taking a trip.

As soon as they flaunt it in public, then it becomes MY business. Just like someone up-thread stated, they want the publicity because they will soon be hawking their book.
""The Anthonys aren’t paying for this. It's a gift, and I'm glad we took them up on it," Lippman said.
He said a friend, east Orange County businessman David Deese, is paying for the trip. Deese made the offer some time back, Lippman said.
"I investigated him to make sure he's not some kook. They are comfortable with him and this family," he said."


Frankly, I don't see anything wrong with taking this person up on a chance to get away for a few days. No matter what we may think of them, they have been through hell and will suffer for Casey's actions every day and night for the rest of their lives.
I feel Caylee will have her justice, just like so many other children who have been killed by their parents, relatives, friends or strangers. There's a stronger community now and it's still growing! Kind of like using Miracle Glow. xoxo
Cindy paid into her SSI.

SSI is like an insurance policy that everybody pays into thru regular taxes. It is in everybody's interest that only legitimate claimants are approved. It is not from the social security taxes/fund that you get after 65 or whatever the age is now.

The quote should be attributed to vplate, not akashana. So sorry to both of you. No clue what happened here. I am innocent, I swear.
So "unknown" people puts the cash up for support put money??? What a strange situation. If one supports any cause with their hard earned money, they let it be know as a rule. If you think your actions of support are wrong, then you hide yourself. Hold on here. If you think it is wrong, YOU DO NOT GIVE. So will some kind person please explain this to me.
I keep banging my head here. What can they say that would be important to know. Is FCA going to tell us about her new awakening and she wants to go to law school? Are the parents going to oh so proud of her again? Will they look pitiful talking about Grandparent rights? Is cindy going to bring a bear along? She's done this before with her tiny bears for LE to give children...Puhleese! There has been a definite plus in her financial status as I noticed her new wardrobe for the trial. They are living high on the hog right now.

Bold mine.

I guarantee that Cindy will say something like, 'we thought that we would learn what happened to Caylee, throughout the trial, but alas, we still don't know.'

Makes me so mad that their <modsnip>'s not guilty verdict will enhance their lies about not knowing what happened to Caylee! :banghead:

But we all know who dun it, don't we?! :maddening:
Sorry if this sounds ignorant. I live north of the 48th parallel and my constitution doesn't do extreme heat well. For example no Canadian I know, except for the <modsnip> who testified for the DT, would ever go to Florida between May and October.
Pray tell, who in their right mind goes to the Bahamas in summer? I can fly there for peanuts from here today if I want to because nobody wants to. So are the A's the only tourists there? :crazy:
No...actually with their companion flies free promotion that comes out in the early part of the summer and discounted hotel rates...Nassau and Paradise Island are hopping. Believe it or not, I always take my summer vacations in the Caribbean 'cause it can actually be easier to bear the heat...bathing suit, Caribbean Sea, yummy drinks with the little umbrellas...I'm all set.
I hope everyone that ever considers donating to one of their "foundations" sees this picture.

They just continue to make one wrong move after another.The public in general will never feel sympathy for them with images like these constantly popping up.

BBM. The Anthony's have the HUGEST sense of entitlement I have ever come across. It is truly sickening how much they feel they deserve for being liars and for having a murderess for a daughter. KC also has this overwhelming sense of entitlement... they all think the world owes them... it must run in the family. :banghead::banghead:
Narcissists breed narcissists. FCA and CA reflect and feed off of each other. They are one and the same...don't ever forget it.

Yeah...from the same cloth! As in cheap cotton! :crazy:
SSI is like an insurance policy that everybody pays into thru regular taxes. It is in everybody's interest that only legitimate claimants are approved. It is not from the social security taxes/fund that you get after 65 or whatever the age is now.

These quotes are messed up. Anyway - SSI is paid to a lot of "diabled" who I don't feel deserve it, and it is not paid to a lot of people whom, on the other hand, I feel deserve SSI. If it were up to me, recovering drug addicts and those with treatable illnesses shouldn't get it - my friend dying from ovarian cancer should. Where's the ire about these injustices?
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