2011.07.26-28 HLN & FOX (Weekly) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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i would like to submit that if someone is willing to pay 25 thousand for a mask of Casey, surely there is a market for a Casey interview? again, not on this board of course, but imo there is too much faith in the general american public to be outraged in this instance, curiosity killed the cat as they say.

I don't see this bid as real. Of course, with my track record of predictions in this case, the chances of my being right is low.
OMG ... with 22 hours left on the bidding, KC's Halloween mask is up to $25,000.


UPDATE: 86 bids, still 22 hours left for bidding, now up to $25,100. !!!!

Do they take Disney dollars (I.e., ABC) with a Mickey Mouse portrait?

Has anyone seen this video about KC's former roomates?

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The two men who lived with Casey Anthony during the 31 days when her daughter Caylee was missing spoke to WPBF 25 News.

For the first time, Clint House and Nathan Lezniewicz are sharing details they never told anyone, not even the jury.
<snipped>"I taught her words," House said. "I taught her how to say alligator and what an alligator was. We liked Caylee coming over more than we liked Casey coming over."

Read more: http://www.wesh.com/news/28573478/detail.html#ixzz1TH3DJnOb

I don't see this bid as real. Of course, with my track record of predictions in this case, the chances of my being right is low.

even if the bids were fake, as i have said before (maybe in this very thread) the average joe blow would tune in to a casey interview imo. just to see what she'd have to say. i don't think the average american, not invested in the case would even give a second thought to it.
even if the bids were fake, as i have said before (maybe in this very thread) the average joe blow would tune in to a casey interview imo. just to see what she'd have to say. i don't think the average american, not invested in the case would even give a second thought to it.

Yup... I'll tune in and watch.... but I will also be watching the commercials to see who is sponsoring it..... and will not buy their products for a VERY long time...!!!!

Kinda like a double edged sword for the sponsors. isn't it???

Because I will equate their products with an evil women who murdered her child.....
Here's a wonderful (but quite long) article just posted a while ago in Today's News Discussion that is well worth the read, and it will make you feel a whole lot better than listening or thinking about Jean C.

I wish someone would mass produce those mask for Halloween.

Thanks Thinker Belle for that auction link. It made me laugh! I wonder what the fees are to list at $50K? Or was it a free listing day? lol
I smell a rat, something is hinky about this Defense, it's funding, the Jury and, the verdict.

So many respected legal eagles have commented on the trial and that a Guilty verdict was proven beyond a reasonable doubt for Murder 1.

Something is wrong why were so many brought in to assist and assure a NG verdict,
what's the vested interest and, who invested? ABC? Why the cover-up and lack of sanctions/contempt? Who was bought off?

I seem to recall similar shenanigans in the OJ trial. Judge Ito would levy small fines against OJ's team, and that was just that.

However - re: the part I bolded -

Something fishy happened. as more facts emerge, the fish get stinkier.
Did you catch the part about a judge from Orlando calling & telling her about the state's weak case???

What was the name of that judge that was in the courtroom back in March during the pre-trial hearings? He got up and left and HHBP made a comment to JB about............Judge (was it Eaton???) has just left the courtroom.

I had the impression that JB had that judge there to hear Dr. Vass and HHBP knew what they were up to.
:floorlaugh: "That doesn't even look like me...!! I look more like Kim Kardashian, don't I..???....:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

No KC has said she looks like Alyssa Milano.. Umm.. excuse me.... :floorlaugh:
A new item listed on eBay:

[ame="http://cgi.ebay.com/CASEY-ANTHONY-DUCT-TAPE-BUMPER-STICKER-5011-/110715069135?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19c721e2cf"]CASEY ANTHONY DUCT TAPE BUMPER STICKER #5011 | eBay[/ame]
Actually, it has gone back to the 2k range. There were some questionable bids.

Folks are trying to find out the max bids of other folks and then retracting.
For a collector of macabre/famous criminal cases , the value will not be super high since there is no direct connection to the case. Those type of items are owned by the Anthonys. Besides the mask is not unique, there are 9 of them according to the seller. Plus they probably still have the mold and could make oodles more of them.
Bold mine.

Yes, CM's outrageous chart he showed the jurors, with only the top box allowed to find KC guilty of anything. I'm surprised the state didn't object to this chart being shown. 'Course the state probably thought as so many of us did that if you present a truthful case, the truth will win out. Who knew that JB and his freakish "penis" story, would have the jury entranced by him. We all thought that the jury would be sickened by JB's "Eddie Haskell-like" greetings daily, his constant smirks, disgusting opening statement, when, in reality the jury was taken in by it, and loved the DT....Go figure! :sick:

I wonder if any of the jurors have spent any time reading all the material online in this case, watching videos of various depos, and media articles, and have regrets about their decision?
Folks are trying to find out the max bids of other folks and then retracting.
For a collector of macabre/famous criminal cases , the value will not be super high since there is no direct connection to the case. Those type of items are owned by the Anthonys. Besides the mask is not unique, there are 9 of them according to the seller. Plus they probably still have the mold and could make oodles more of them.

Yeah, I think you are right. I suppose fans of the artist might bid, but even 2k seems high to me :)
I would think it would be an easy thing to reproduce.
Can't KC sue people for using name and image at this point?
Well, with all of this dancing on Caylee's grave, I think they will need a new song. Poor little Caylee, she really never had a chance. I wonder if they are haunted in there dreams. When My son was small an insurance man came to my door to sell life insurance for him. I know now that that is a good thing, but I just couldn't buy it. I could never have enjoyed anything that was purchased with money from his death, he was the important thing in my life. I don't believe I ever have witnessed evil in my life as I have since the whole Anthony has appeared into our lives. I now know what Satan looks like. If I were them, I would be very worried about the only interview that will be important in their lives, and that is the one where they will meet their maker. What will they say, they need to start practicing now, because he knows all, they will not get away with the lies, and believe me, he will not pay them for their interview.
Lol.. Whisperer.. Im glad to know that I'm not alone in noticing that damn gnarled/knotted finger she's got!!

Woo-Hoo.. Had to comment as I'd yet to see anyone else mention and I'd noticed and been irritated by it for a long time..
Yeah, I think you are right. I suppose fans of the artist might bid, but even 2k seems high to me :)
I would think it would be an easy thing to reproduce.
Can't KC sue people for using name and image at this point?

I do not know, not a lawyer. I suppose they could put in a disclaimer when they start selling more of them. Like calling it a spiteful b*tch mask and any resemblance to either a living/deceased person is strictly coincidental.:floorlaugh:
Went right by HLN and the news shows again tonight .
Watched movies with my 24 year old son Adam
He stopped one in the middle and said out of the blue
"Can you believe Casey Anthony is out of jail right now?"
Crazy as it sounds but sometimes it just hits me right in the chest and I cannot believe it myself.
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