2011.07.26-28 HLN & FOX (Weekly) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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Perfect example again of illogical thinking people. GA was not on trial. There was NO evidence of a drowning.

A child drowning and being ductaped and thrown out like garbage is not indicative of an accidental drowning.

It is not reasonable to assume Caylee drowned. There is no evidence of a drowning. The juror and who ever believes this has absolutely no ability to reason logically. Thinking she drowned is speculation and totally based on emotion which, btw, was the entire bag of tricks used by the Defense. The jury was not able to see it, thus making them a complete emotionally driven group.

I guess I can say the same illogical thinking.

There isn't any evidence of the duck tape being over Caylee's face and mouth. It was found in the hair mass, laying on the side where the skull was. One of the three pieces was found 8 to 10 feet away, yet it was always said three pieces over the mouth and nose. There was only speculation by the procecution. Sure there was plently of testimony of the duck tape being on the face,nose mouth but it wasn't proven. The medical examiner said the caue of death was homicide/murder because of the duck tape, but when asked if Caylee could have been drowned, she had to say yes because she knew you couldn't prove the duck tape was on the face, nose and mouth.

Maybe you (and many others) could have found someone guilty with this evidence and be ok knowing that there is a great possibility of a death sentance being applied, but not me. Not in a million years. I don't think that I am that brave because I have a higher judge that knows the truth and I sure wouldn't want to speculate and get it wrong and have to answer for that one. JMOO
NO. Sorry, but that is incorrect. And that is the point I was trying to make. The way the body was disposed is NOT the way an accidental death is dealt with.
As a matter of fact, ZERO PERCENT of the accidentally drowned children in Orange county were disposed of in that way previously. People call 911 and seek help.

BUT in the case of homicide, THAT is how children are disposed of. See the difference? People who ACCIDENTALLY lose their children do not party and obstruct the investigation, sit in jail for years and THEN tell their sad tale of accidental drowning.

The disposal of the body had all of the hallmarks of a homicide and none of the ones of an accidental death. So what did the jury do with that info? They decided that George may have killed her. Morons.

There is always the first time for everything.

This is statistics and you can't punish a crime on statistics.
What is normal doesn't apply with this case.
Hey. I'm not a mod, but I think we've experienced some significant thread drift here - myself included. Maybe we should drift back more to topic

I'll start. Looks like Hln has gone back to Octomom. Oh well. At least her kids are still alive. I am concerned however as they appear to have a pool

lol..I was thinking that HLN applied to the anthony case. Yes, Octomom's kids appear fine. They sure are beautiful children..my.
I guess I can say the same illogical thinking.

There isn't any evidence of the duck tape being over Caylee's face and mouth. It was found in the hair mass, laying on the side where the skull was. One of the three pieces was found 8 to 10 feet away, yet it was always said three pieces over the mouth and nose. There was only speculation by the procecution. Sure there was plently of testimony of the duck tape being on the face,nose mouth but it wasn't proven. The medical examiner said the caue of death was homicide/murder because of the duck tape, but when asked if Caylee could have been drowned, she had to say yes because she knew you couldn't prove the duck tape was on the face, nose and mouth.

Maybe you (and many others) could have found someone guilty with this evidence and be ok knowing that there is a great possibility of a death sentance being applied, but not me. Not in a million years. I don't think that I am that brave because I have a higher judge that knows the truth and I sure wouldn't want to speculate and get it wrong and have to answer for that one. JMOO

How did the mandible stay in place on the skull if there was no duct tape on the face? Do you accept dr Spitz's claim that some one came along and taped it back together in the swamp later on?

And the Death Penalty 'excuse' is a total cop out. Number one, the jury instructions say the jury was NOT to consider the penalty phase during the guilt phase. And they have admitted they ignored that. But in reality there is zero chance of getting the DP for the aggravated manslaughter charges.
With all respect to you. You should be upset with the Procecution, investigators, and others that brought the case forward.

You can't blame the jury because they based their verdic on what information/evidence that was given to them.

You can't connect anything to Casey. You can speculate all you want but that isn't evidence.
The Duck tape is not connected to Casey, it is connected to George and it was proven in court. This is suppose to be the murder weapon, according to the procecution. There isn't enough evidence with the chloroform, nothing showing any was made, nothing showing any of the ingredience was bought to make it. No connection.
Sadly, we have to be real and respect the decision because this case wasn't a first degree-death penalty case, anyway you look at it. Also, the jury found her to be NOT GUILTY, it didn't mean innocent.
It saddens me but I knew in my heart what the verdic was going to be or should have been. With the evidence provided I didn't see any other way. I had looked past the Talking Heads through, as soon as the trial started and started focusing on the evidence. All the lies people told on the stand didn't help either, it caused doubt.

I always wonder when people say there wasn't enough evidence in this case, do they believe Scott Peterson was wrongly convicted? Because he was sent to death row with much less evidence than there was in this case and there are many eery similarities between the 2 cases. Just curious..

To me, the 31 days, the duct tape and the decomposition in the trunk testimony/evidence was plenty to convict.
Not hopping on you but just wanted to say that if that were the case then Caylee got less respect with her dumping than the family pets they buried.

Totally agree.
This is a completely a sad story with a sad outcome.
The difference with the Scott Peterson jury was they had connections to the crime and Scott Peterson.
The boat that was bought, and he didn't tell anybody about it.
The cement anchors that he made.
The fact that he was fishing (and was seen) at the marina, in the boat he bought, at the same vacinity that the remains were found.
This is the difference for the jury.
What is the connection for Casey to the crime.
They said chloroform but didn't produce a connection. No proof she made it, no proof or connection she bought the ingredience to make it.
The Duck Tape, nothing to connect her to it. The only thing is she had excess to it. These two things were suppose to be the murder weapons.
There wasn't a connect to the place they found Caylee as to Casey being there.
It doesn't sound like much but it would have made a big difference if the procecution could have made some sort of connection.

The boat that was bought, and he didn't tell anybody about it.
The cement anchors that he made.
The fact that he was fishing (and was seen) at the marina, in the boat he bought, at the same vacinity that the remains were found.

The car that FCA drove that certainly smelled like a decomposing little person. Leaving it at the Amscot for days until it was finally towed. Telling friends that it smelled really bad. That the smell was probably a squirrel that had died in the engine compartment. Scott Peterson fished often. It is common for a person with a boat and who fishes to make anchors out of cement. Much cheaper than retail.
The fact that FCA did not report the child missing for 31 days while Scott Peterson reported Lacy missing right away.
The fact that Caylee was found within minutes of the home that she lived in for 2.5 years and shared with her own mother. Scott drove for miles and miles and miles to get to that marina.

If GA were involved I doubt he would have let FCA out of his sight for one moment for fear she may report his misdeeds and he may have killed her too. I doubt he said, Go have a good time beautiful. Jo Jo will take care of all of this. Don't worry. Have fun! I also don't think he would have left Caylee so "close."

MOO and I have a headache.
There is always the first time for everything.

This is statistics and you can't punish a crime on statistics.
What is normal doesn't apply with this case.

There is always a first time for everything? Seriously. The jury should look at past history, and then decide that even though it has NEVER happened that way before, there is a chance it happened tht way here? wow Sorry, but that makes no sense at all, imo. The jury is charged with figuring out what happened. You do that precisely by looking at statistics and prior forensic history.

Sorry, but if a woman is driving around with her dead child in her trunk, and she lies about it for a month straight, then it follows that she is somehow involved in the child's demise. And that is more than just 'statistics.' imo
HLN discussing how beautiful, sexy casey is. I guess he missed that pic of her back with that tat. That may calm him down some.
Hey. I'm not a mod, but I think we've experienced some significant thread drift here - myself included. Maybe we should drift back more to topic

I'll start. Looks like Hln has gone back to Octomom. Oh well. At least her kids are still alive. I am concerned however as they appear to have a pool

I think she is putting herself out there on all these shows because she is trying to get her own reality TV show. Maybe they are testing the ratings to see who is intrested. I don't know if I would watch if she did have her own show but at least maybe there would be more people around which would be good for all the kids. I persoanally don't know how she takes care of them all and keeps her sanity and the kids safe.
I honestly think the jury thought George could have had something to do with what happened to Caylee or was involved. I think the reasonable doubt is because Caylee could have drowned in the pool.
The way the body was disposed could have been after an accident just as easy as a murder. JMOO
George was NOT home...and the only one who said that he was-the DT- loud and clear in the OS...which is, by law...not to be considered evidence. No decision, should have been based on that.
With all respect to you. You should be upset with the Procecution, investigators, and others that brought the case forward.

You can't blame the jury because they based their verdic on what information/evidence that was given to them.

You can't connect anything to Casey. You can speculate all you want but that isn't evidence.
The Duck tape is not connected to Casey, it is connected to George and it was proven in court. This is suppose to be the murder weapon, according to the procecution. There isn't enough evidence with the chloroform, nothing showing any was made, nothing showing any of the ingredience was bought to make it. No connection.
Sadly, we have to be real and respect the decision because this case wasn't a first degree-death penalty case, anyway you look at it. Also, the jury found her to be NOT GUILTY, it didn't mean innocent.
It saddens me but I knew in my heart what the verdic was going to be or should have been. With the evidence provided I didn't see any other way. I had looked past the Talking Heads through, as soon as the trial started and started focusing on the evidence. All the lies people told on the stand didn't help either, it caused doubt.

your post gives me the sads. i saw a solid circumstantial case. i didn't need a video tape of KC buying the duct tape to know what she did. believe it or not a case can be built on circumstantial evidence. ask scott peterson and his "great" lawyer. should we be pounding on the door of san quention to free him since his case lacked evidence? Circumstantial evidence IS considered evidence in the eyes of the law so its hard to hear people say the state had no "evidence". the police felt they had enough evidence to make an arrest. the grand jury sure thought there was enough evidence to move forward. KC had access to the home and everthing inside of it. she had the opportunity since she was the last person seen with her daughter. her own lawyer placed her at TOD, he just neglected to mention her role in the death. I dont see the tape as "tied to GA" i see it as something KC used on her daughter. her behavior shows me that quite clearly. GA didnt hide out for 31 days pretending Caylee was on a "tour of florida" KC did. KC concocted a kidnapping story so people wouldn't be searching for a body, no one else. KC is the one who couldnt even squeeze out a fake tear. its the totality of all the evidence that should have led to a conviction. i would tick it all off but there is just too much. even the jury didnt dispute a body "could have been in the trunk". they just assumed casey drove around unaware of it i suppose. :waitasec: my goodness just the jailhouse tapes alone are enough to make one see something is WRONG. should everyone just allow casey a free pass because she "hid the remains" long enough for "hard evidence" to dissipate? a blind man can see casey is guilty of something. i understand if someone grapples with 1st degree but can you really think a full on aquittal was what the evidence allowed?

btw, i agree about all the lies. the anthony's did no favors to this investigation by lying every chance they could.
also, its DUCT tape. not thinking im special, i misspell things all the time in my haste to post but i noticed a lot of people think its called DUCK tape
I guess I can say the same illogical thinking.

There isn't any evidence of the duck tape being over Caylee's face and mouth. It was found in the hair mass, laying on the side where the skull was. One of the three pieces was found 8 to 10 feet away, yet it was always said three pieces over the mouth and nose. There was only speculation by the procecution. Sure there was plently of testimony of the duck tape being on the face,nose mouth but it wasn't proven. The medical examiner said the caue of death was homicide/murder because of the duck tape, but when asked if Caylee could have been drowned, she had to say yes because she knew you couldn't prove the duck tape was on the face, nose and mouth.

Maybe you (and many others) could have found someone guilty with this evidence and be ok knowing that there is a great possibility of a death sentance being applied, but not me. Not in a million years. I don't think that I am that brave because I have a higher judge that knows the truth and I sure wouldn't want to speculate and get it wrong and have to answer for that one. JMOO
Did you not hear the evidence that the duct tape held the mandible in place? By the way, FYI, we all answer to a higher judge. God told us to use discernment; therefore, we can come to reasonable conclusions in the justice system, not reach for unreasonable evidence.
I think the jury thought the opening statement by Baez was the whole story and the absolute truth. I don't even know if they were informed enough to realize the defense can lie all they want in opening. It seems they bought it as a fact..how pathetic!
HLN discussing how beautiful, sexy casey is. I guess he missed that pic of her back with that tat. That may calm him down some.

They should have hedged their bets better - they built this Frankenstein, now they are having to adapt to having a monster loose. "no really, it's a nice monster really see it's pretty and it can talk and we can be it's friend and don't look at that, don't look at that it gets a little excited sometimes but it doesn't mean to kill things...".

I started this post thinking of Madeline Kahn and ended up doing a riff on Dennis Hopper-which may be something very close to what has happened to all the THs
I guess I can say the same illogical thinking.

There isn't any evidence of the duck tape being over Caylee's face and mouth. It was found in the hair mass, laying on the side where the skull was. One of the three pieces was found 8 to 10 feet away, yet it was always said three pieces over the mouth and nose. There was only speculation by the procecution. Sure there was plently of testimony of the duck tape being on the face,nose mouth but it wasn't proven. The medical examiner said the caue of death was homicide/murder because of the duck tape, but when asked if Caylee could have been drowned, she had to say yes because she knew you couldn't prove the duck tape was on the face, nose and mouth.

Maybe you (and many others) could have found someone guilty with this evidence and be ok knowing that there is a great possibility of a death sentance being applied, but not me. Not in a million years. I don't think that I am that brave because I have a higher judge that knows the truth and I sure wouldn't want to speculate and get it wrong and have to answer for that one. JMOO
But it proved an "accident"? IMO...absolutely NOT!
Let's just hypothetically accept that George was NOT there (because there was NO proof that he was...just pure "speculation")...so if it's not him...then who?
Perhaps the jury couldn't make a decision PERIOD!
The boat that was bought, and he didn't tell anybody about it.
The cement anchors that he made.
The fact that he was fishing (and was seen) at the marina, in the boat he bought, at the same vacinity that the remains were found.

The car that FCA drove that certainly smelled like a decomposing little person. Leaving it at the Amscot for days until it was finally towed. Telling friends that it smelled really bad. That the smell was probably a squirrel that had died in the engine compartment. Scott Peterson fished often. It is common for a person with a boat and who fishes to make anchors out of cement. Much cheaper than retail.
The fact that FCA did not report the child missing for 31 days while Scott Peterson reported Lacy missing right away.
The fact that Caylee was found within minutes of the home that she lived in for 2.5 years and shared with her own mother. Scott drove for miles and miles and miles to get to that marina.

If GA were involved I doubt he would have let FCA out of his sight for one moment for fear she may report his misdeeds and he may have killed her too. I doubt he said, Go have a good time beautiful. Jo Jo will take care of all of this. Don't worry. Have fun! I also don't think he would have left Caylee so "close."

MOO and I have a headache.
"I doubt" means you are speculating. Sorry, that is what I think.
SP was actually seen at the marina, I think this brought all the other things into the picture.
Don't you think if Casey was seen (or her car) on Saburban Dr. parked next to the curb everything would be different? Then you would know there was the connection. Just asking!!!
HLN discussing how beautiful, sexy casey is. I guess he missed that pic of her back with that tat. That may calm him down some.

Or the jail picture taken to show the tattoo, but also showed a horrible case of back acne. EEEEWWWWW.

ETA: Didn't read your post throroughly. I just said the same thing you did. Sorry. Duh!!!
Why wouldn't the jury think that... after all:

It was GEORGE who went off for 31 days claiming (by phone to Cindy) he had Caylee with him at Disney, Tampa and other exciting places;
It was GEORGE who by his own statement had Caylee;
It was GEORGE who had Casey's car in which evidence was discovered;
It was GEORGE who told Lee that Zenaida: #1 story: Had Caylee at her place and Casey did not want to disturb her sleep; #2 story: Had held Casey down in the park and kidnapped her;
It was GEORGE who insisted Caylee was still alive he was sure that she would be home soon and they could all be a family again;
It was GEORGE who refused to talk further with FBI & investigative team
It was GEORGE who sat in jail for almost 3 years refusing to disclose that it was all just an unfortunate accident.

And now, following the jury's logic it was GEORGE who, after an accidental drowning, wrapped the beloved child in a blanket and plastic bags and disposed of her in a swampy area instead of calling 911.

This is the reasonable doubt?! The jury sounds more and more intelligent with every utterance.
...and this is what's killing me inside. I would love to hear something that proves reasonable doubt...my brain would have an easier time accepting it...even if my heart couldn't. But, FPS...this is so "unreasonable" I can't stand it!
There is always the first time for everything.

This is statistics and you can't punish a crime on statistics.
What is normal doesn't apply with this case.

"A first time for anything" is not a reasonable, logical or even remotely realistic premise for a jury to use. In fact, it is dangerous to use period, and I doubt you yourself would dare use this sort of thinking if your child went missing.

The sad thing is, I'll bet that the jury DID allow this kind of kerfluffled unreason to influence their decision.

I also respectfully differ in that this case IS a normal case, in that it happened upon Planet Earth and according to the laws of space, time and matter that we are all subject to :innocent: .

What feat of brilliance (not) on behalf of the jury consultant(s) for the defense team managed to find a jury who considered "there is a first time for everything" an intelligent way to reach their verdict?

I sincerely worry about these people's ability to make healthy decisions in their personal lives. Lord knows THIS kind of crappy thinking isn't uncommon. It was a perfect storm.

I get hung up on this: Did the prosecution fall asleep during jury selection? Did the jury consultants for the defense team deliberately FIND these people? What in the prospective jury member's feedback indicated this person was willing to suspend logic and common sense? How did they determine who was a moral coward? That's what I want to know. This is some dangerous stuff!
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