2011.07.26-28 HLN & FOX (Weekly) News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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So Sexy.


To think that was probably the last face Caylee saw. How sexy is this HLN?
I think the 2 times looking up chloroform instead of 84 might have helped a little. I must admitt I never thought 84 times, 84 timess, was logical when LDB kept saying it over and over. I thought that common sense told you something was wrong there. Looking up anything 84 time is serious business.!!
I think the first vote 10-Not Guilty, 2- Guilty showed the majority was on the same page. I believe the jury foreman said there was only 1 strong for Guilty. And, your right he/she could have been swayed by the majority even though that person might have truly felt kc was guilty.

I would bet money it was juror #3 and the foreman that pushed the others into a not guilty plea.
HLN discussing how beautiful, sexy casey is. I guess he missed that pic of her back with that tat. That may calm him down some.

I guess they did, Italy. I did not see HLN myself but she the post from Whisperer above. It appears someone at HLN thinks she is. jmo
Just dropped by this thread to check out what was happening in the media, and only find the usual :deadhorse:. I am no longer watching stuff on TV or reading online media, so do appreciate this thread. I hope someone has news? Is there any? How far back do I need to look?
I guess they did, Italy. I did not see HLN myself but she the post from Whisperer above. It appears someone at HLN thinks she is. jmo

Now that is sick to hear. But if they say Cindy is sexy, just send me a message it is time to die please.
I guess they did, Italy. I did not see HLN myself but she the post from Whisperer above. It appears someone at HLN thinks she is. jmo

I believe that was Mike Walker from the National Enquirer talking about how "sexy" she is and brought up the Australian connection also. I think we can see where the NE is going story wise in the near future as the trial is now over and the creative minds at that paper think of ways to keep KC in their news and papers sold at the grocery store that has a typical Hollywood slant on things!:loser:
I have followed Nancy Grace since the OJ trial, but I just refuse to watch her or any other show until Casey Anthony crawls back under the rock she crawled out of to Murder Caylee.My mindset is Casey who? Caylee was the only reason I read and watched not CFCA, she is nothing but a huge waste.
Just dropped by this thread to check out what was happening in the media, and only find the usual :deadhorse:. I am no longer watching stuff on TV or reading online media, so do appreciate this thread. I hope someone has news? Is there any? How far back do I need to look?

I was also looking for news. Went back through 2 pages of guilty/not guilty, so I am giving up. Maybe this thread should have an amended/changed title to reflect the current discussion.
I believe that was Mike Walker from the National Enquirer talking about how "sexy" she is and brought up the Australian connection also. I think we can see where the NE is going story wise in the near future as the trial is now over and the creative minds at that paper think of ways to keep KC in their news and papers sold at the grocery store that has a typical Hollywood slant on things!:loser:

Wow. Maybe he should take a peek at the best-selling Halloween mask which is a dead ringer for Casey Anthony. Sexy isn't the adjective most would use.

But, National Enquirer is sneaky. They will never stop tracking her. If anyone gets a candid shot of or candid comment by Casey Anthony, it will be National Enquirer. They have exposed more than 1 guilty person with a gotcha story.
[ame="http://cgi.ebay.com/CASEY-ANTHONY-LATEX-RUBBER-MASK-EXT-RARE-/260823841484?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cba4ffacc"]CASEY ANTHONY LATEX RUBBER MASK EXT. RARE | eBay[/ame]

Almost at $1M with 2 hours to go!
there's something super fake about those last two bids - who increases their bid by a full hundred grand???
there's something super fake about those last two bids - who increases their bid by a full hundred grand???

We got a couple people messing with the Casey mask auction. People who have just opened an account. They do not like blood money sales of any form by the looks of it. Check out the bidders histories. I rather like what they are doing.

This smells as bad as what Dr Vass said was in his cans.
Who the H=ll would pay a million dollars for such an ugly, looking latex mask. I don't care if it was a mask of Marilyn Monroe, it still wouldn"t be worth it. This is just junk. It looks like FCA but it is worthless junk. I have to admit it is scary to look at but look who it was molded after.

But they did speculate. They speculated that GA was involved...and they set free a guilty person due to speculation. You were not the one giving the punishment. You were the one deciding on Guilt. Was the jury afraid the judge would give the DP?

The medical examiner did NOT say it was a homicide just because of the tape. A child wrapped in a garbage bag and left in the woods, usually tells reasonable people there was a crime. Children who drown in the family pool do not end up duct taped, bagged and in a swamp. That is called logical deduction. No rocket science required.

This post and this analysis is exactly what happened in that jury room. Bottom line is the people on this jury were against the DP. They were thinking punishment and didn't want ICA to die. So instead they set a woman free who has killed her baby...because they are afraid that the murderer may get too severe of punishment and they don't want to carry the burden.
So they took the easy way out. They will walk around proud of themselves because, after all, they respond to a higher power.

Thank you. I have heard this from the jurors in not so many words. This was not a death-qualified jury. In fact every one of them lied when they said they would consider it. They would never have considered it and that is why the murderer is free and able to profit from her crime. The jury wears the verdict like a badge of courage. How else could they look at it?
They have to live with themselves.

I get it. I know the thinking. The majority of America says you got it wrong.

Well...my higher power is all about Justice for the downtrodden...and I would not want to cross Him so...I would say FCA has it coming...look out.

It is easy to use God as an excuse not to use your God given reasoning. Just saying.
How do you know? Were you there? Are you really one of the jurors?

We are allowed to think. To have our opinions. To speculate. Which is all EPfan did. And I fully agree with that post!!!IMO
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