2016.02.26 Mark D. Sievers: Charged with Murder in the 2nd Degree

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Awww Msboo- no worries! Hope everyone feels better so you can enjoy the remainder of Spring Break. How's the weather there?

It wouldn't have surprised me at all if Mark was dumped by Faga, but alas it wasn't true. At least not yet. Boy, is Faga in for a surprise when he gets his hands on discovery.

Will he have access to CWW's plea agreement? Anyone know?

His mother and her partner must be capable of some pretty intense denial- where else would that $250K surety bond come from? Thank goodness if Mark does ever make bond we'll be privvy to where that money comes from.

Thanks, Frigga, allergies mixed with bipolar weather in Ky.... LOL. Been sleepin' with a box of Puffs Plus---husband's used to my 'other lover'. Mid 60s w/lows in mid 40s-50s THEN comin' up will be like 50 w/upper 30s at night. We'll be outa the woods soon. Years back had a little snow with ice on the ground for Derby Day. Mother Nature should be thrown in the klinker with MS!

BS partner seems to be hangin' right in there with her as to MS situation... hunky-dory. THAT makes it seem even more probable that she might agree to helping him get bail no matter what. Wish those two weren't a factor in all this. The less 'mess' the better.

Good morning Frigga, and good afternoon msboo :wave:
I thought I throw in my 2 pennies and take a guess on what Marks mom and stepmom? might be doing to get 250k big bucks for the murderers bail. Possibly using their own condo/home as collateral? 2nd mortgage? I'm sure their condo is paid for. Selling Marks condo in Missouri?

msboo, we only live about 80 miles away from each other and have had 70's and a few 80 degree days already. I even had my air on a couple of days! Rained last night and now it's 63 today. Colder weather on the way though, then Monday 80! cold snap after that.
Sorry about my OT ~
Back to our regularly scheduled topic.
BS partner seems to be hangin' right in there with her as to MS situation... hunky-dory. THAT makes it seem even more probable that she might agree to helping him get bail no matter what. Wish those two weren't a factor in all this. The less 'mess' the better.
brother from other mother
sister from another mister
maybe BS friend can be called "the lover that likes to hover" since maybe that's why request to lower bail and all the skyping
. . . The man has no brains.....

More like he doesn't have a soul. I never followed the Jody Arias case, didn't know what it was about. After seeing that her prosecutor was on Websleuths Radio, I looked up the case and even listened to her full initial interview, at the end of which she was arrested. I have a feeling that Mark's interviews will be much the same--i.e., an exercise in total psychopathic, narcissistic denial. Arias kept saying, "There was no reason for me to kill him," when, for example, she was confronted with GPS data showing she'd been at the murder site despite her insistence she'd been elsewhere (rental car GPS--guess CWW should have studied that case). She clearly expected to win over the detective doing the interview strictly with her acting ability. Of course, later she changed her story multiple times to accommodate her having been at the scene. I'd guess Mark is a male Jody Arias--not stupid in terms of IQ, but stupid emotionally in expecting others to believe any lie he chooses to tell.
Didn't his "new" lawyer say the other day that it will be hard to try this case in the current county due to high publicity? I wonder if the mass emails is trying to win over sympathy that he still cares. He might even have his lawyer say that he still has business matters to finish up so he needs to have his bond lowered. The man has no brains.....

That's okay....we can try him down here in my County....I promise, we'll be fair :tantrum:
Hang tight. I just tried to move all the topical posts to a new thread but it hasn't posted yet??? Spinning. We haven't lost them. I promise. I can get our tech guy to find them if it doesn't generate soon.
OMG, the gate is still open?! Please don't tell me the gate's been that way since MS arrest. We know he had a lawn guy for mowing. My daughters's bf called me after driving by the Jarvis home, saw the gate open & mower in back, asked me if MS was mowing the backyard when arrested---that was 1-2 weeks after the arrest. mckazpm.... Agree with your post. Jarvis House is a daily reminder of TS demise, add to that the menacing past presence of MS. I don't think he'll get a reduced bond & released but I don't totally trust these judges as we've all seen crazy things happen. If I lived there I'd get the neighbors together, as mentioned in my post, just in case. Like getting ready for battle, guns loaded. MS is 'playing the game', messin' around, hoping to get lucky. That needs to be stopped if possible but his attorney will do what he has to for his client.

How far
can bail/release issue be 'pushed' before the court say 'enough', The End?
Like another poster said, I think the Jarvis house should be knocked down. I think its existence causes more pain than good.

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From Wikipedia:

Individuals with schizophrenia may experience hallucinations (most reported are hearing voices), delusions (often bizarre or persecutory in nature), and disorganized thinking and speech. The last may range from loss of train of thought, to sentences only loosely connected in meaning, to speech that is not understandable known as word salad. Social withdrawal, sloppiness of dress and hygiene, and loss of motivation and judgment are all common in schizophrenia.[17] There is often an observable pattern of emotional difficulty, for example lack of responsiveness.[18] Impairment in social cognition is associated with schizophrenia,[19] as are symptoms of paranoia. Social isolation commonly occurs.[20] Difficulties in working and long-term memory, attention, executive functioning, and speed of processing also commonly occur.[11] In one uncommon subtype, the person may be largely mute, remain motionless in bizarre postures, or exhibit purposeless agitation, all signs of catatonia.[21] About 30 to 50% of people with schizophrenia fail to accept that they have an illness or their recommended treatment.[22] Treatment may have some effect on insight.[23] People with schizophrenia often find facial emotion perception to be difficult.[24


Thanks, AlwaysShocked, for that definition of schizophrenia. I have known a couple of people in my lifetime who were diagnosed with schizophrenia, and that explanation pretty much describes them. The main thing they complained of (amongst a lot of other things) was hearing voices.
Sorry for my Fraud Rant, of course you WSs know what to do but this stupid $h#t that MS & Boy Roy have done makes my blood boil. CWW's probably involved as well OR maybe MS & Boy Roy had their 'plan' all along, as Beach suggested, unbeknownst to MS Dribbling Sibling---if so, CWW would be green with envy.

All sooooooo unnecessary, like they won't get caught & every other thing you can imagine THEY THOUGHT would NEVER happen to them bc they're smarter than anyone.... I'm sure they thought even LE wouldn't pay attn or figure it out OR they'd be gone by that time.

Hey Marky Boy.... how that's 'fund raisin' for bail goin'? I would joke here about Go Fund Me abbreviated... but I won't. Nancy Grace will most likely need psychiatric care as YESTERDAY WAS FRIDAY, FOLKS! BREAKING NEWS happened yet AGAIN on a Friday. She'll EXPLODE on Monday so don't watch her in HD.
Closing while I''m moving some OT posts to the topical thread.

This thread is too long anyway so we need a fresh one which I will open asap.
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