2016.02.26 Mark D. Sievers: Charged with Murder in the 2nd Degree

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Maybe its just me but MS's smug, aggressive, ice cold demeanor is so similar to Drew Peterson.

Screen Shot 2016-02-28 at 11.06.45 PM.png
Prestige? Be the head honcho?
I agree with this. Someone like MS would just love the continued prestige of 'running' (owning?) a sucessful medical practice. Plus 4 million is a great start, but if you have the opportunity to keep raking the money in while sitting on your useless behind... why not keep the free $$$ rolling in?

JMHO- MS is a perfect example of the type of person for whom enough is never enough.
Yea....that's the part I don't get. What was the reason to bring a new doctor on board? He fully expected to collect on the life insurance policies and live a cushy lifestyle. That wasn't enough $$$? Greed I guess.

Unlikely...but if the business borrowed money, maybe MS feared lenders would start worrying.
Where is the idea that they were placed with LS coming from? The last name of the temporary placement was said during the shelter hearing and it wasn't Spiska.
I think a few sleuthers have just suggested that the S family may be a good choice to temporarily take in the kids.
Yea....that's the part I don't get. What was the reason to bring a new doctor on board? He fully expected to collect on the life insurance policies and live a cushy lifestyle. That wasn't enough $$$? Greed I guess.

MS could be thinking he would be less likely considered suspect if he could continue the business aspect, all the while getting the life insurance money, and no one the wiser. But the "3 wise men" (NOT) didn't cover their tracks.

I don't know, I don't think there will be any more bombshells. I think the intricate twists and turns have basically come out. But we will see!
Maybe no more bombshells, but I think there will be some interesting fallout, filling in of the blanks, the "affairees" to start. So far we have SH already doing an interview where she shows her text message from MS not to go over. I think this is where we will be filling in all the little empty spaces.
If CWW dies, however unlikely, most of his statements will be used against MS under former testimony or statement against interest exceptions to the hearsay rule.

Statement Against Interest. A statement that:
(A) a reasonable person in the declarant’s position would have made only if the person believed it to be true because, when made, it was so contrary to the declarant’s proprietary or pecuniary inter- est or had so great a tendency to invalidate the declarant’s claim against someone else or to expose the declarant to civil or criminal liability; and

(B) is supported by corroborating circumstances that clearly indicate its trustworthiness, if it is offered in a criminal case as one that tends to expose the declarant to criminal liability.

Like in the Perry March trial. His father testified on camera to the fact that he helped Perry dispose of Janet's body. He knew he was dying and made a deal to testify against his own son.
Where is the idea that they were placed with LS coming from? The last name of the temporary placement was said during the shelter hearing and it wasn't Spiska.

Folks were just guessing. The guessing was going on before the name was mentioned in the shelter hearing
"Originally Posted by Dmacky
This is all I could find: very ODD wording
.... http://www.stltoday.com/news/nationa...46e5168b2.html
I'm assuming the term used for murder in Missouri is slay.
I know the meaning is the same, but I can't say I've ever heard it used in all the cases I have followed."

Sorry but people in MO don't go around saying the word "slay" instead of murder! Murder, Kill, Shootings, Beatings...all common terms. Unless your talking about Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Then yeah, she's not the Vampire Murderer of course, but Hollywood probably picked that term and that's CA for ya.

Agreeing w Webjunkie ^ that ppl gen'ly, regardless of location, don't use the word "slay" as a synonym for murder.

I see "slay" used more often in newspapers (DVT) as it saves space in hardcopy headlines. Website stltoday.com is online version of a very old St L. MO newspaper, the St. Louis Post Dispatch, so makes sense that an article w 'slay' is simply a cut & paste in web version too. Same source, same reporter, no re-writes.

Also before crim charge - manslaughter, murder 1, murder 2, felony murder, etc - is made, reporter using 'slay' covers several types of killing.

JM2cts, could be wrong.
This case is what made me sign up for WS, and I'm so glad I did. I never posted, just read and still have a lot to catch up on, but it is so cool to see so many smart sleuthers in one place. :loveyou:

I look forward to MS getting the conviction he deserves, and I'm glad I get to follow it with you all. We don't know each other, but I already adore you all and hope to be able to add to the community in due time.
This case is what made me sign up for WS, and I'm so glad I did. I never posted, just read and still have a lot to catch up on, but it is so cool to see so many smart sleuthers in one place. :loveyou:

I look forward to MS getting the conviction he deserves, and I'm glad I get to follow it with you all. We don't know each other, but I already adore you all and hope to be able to add to the community in due time.

Welcome InLiberataRegina.....glad u joined us here! I don't post much.....just love to follow the great minds who do. It's an amazing group to be a part of so feel free to add your thoughts & opinions anytime....your insight will always be appreciated!
MS will not go down easily. He wants to win his game at all costs. Conflicting reports in the media, but he was found in his neighbours yard when LE went to his house to serve the warrant. He's a flight risk and I compare him to Josh Powell. Tomorrows DSH hearing will be interesting. He will fight the other family for custody. He wants it his way

Oregon - when I read your posts, it's like you are my sister from another mister. :dance:

That being said...I too think MS will not go down easy either. I seen on nbc2 news last night (I couldn't find a link though) that there is a 2nd plan in place for the girls that does not involve TS's family. Her family will be in court today though.

I also think (as you have mentioned before) there is some type of prescription fraud using TS that she did not know about. Especially given the fact that she was licensed in MO, which makes no sense to us here.

IMO - MS is a narcissist that thinks everything is all about him and he wants to go to trial so he is up front and center.
Oregon - when I read your posts, it's like you are my sister from another mister. ��

That being said...I too think MS will not go down easy either. I seen on nbc2 news last night (I couldn't find a link though) that there is a 2nd plan in place for the girls that does not involve TS's family. Her family will be in court today though.

I also think (as you have mentioned before) there is some type of prescription fraud using TS that she did not know about. Especially given the fact that she was licensed in MO, which makes no sense to us here.

IMO - MS is a narcissist that thinks everything is all about him and he wants to go to trial so he is up front and center.

TCA....I agree with everything u said 100%!

"Sister from another mister" lol!
Oregon - when I read your posts, it's like you are my sister from another mister. :dance:

That being said...I too think MS will not go down easy either. I seen on nbc2 news last night (I couldn't find a link though) that there is a 2nd plan in place for the girls that does not involve TS's family. Her family will be in court today though.

I also think (as you have mentioned before) there is some type of prescription fraud using TS that she did not know about. Especially given the fact that she was licensed in MO, which makes no sense to us here.

IMO - MS is a narcissist that thinks everything is all about him and he wants to go to trial so he is up front and center.

Thanks "sister". Lol
What Really draws me in to a true crime story normally are video and/or pics that let me feel like I am there. We have ton's of pics, etc but what I really would like to see are some fun action video's of MS. I want to hear how he speaks, how he laughs, his immaturity others have spoke about. I would like to see some video of CWW/AW wedding reception with MS joking around, etc. Did he gradually join a conversation or jump right into a conversation and quickly want attention? Does he look you in the eye and communicate or does he ask you a question then look away as you answer his question? Sorry, long winded this morning, but I would like to know more of the inner workings of a man that puts a contract on his children's mother. Maybe I will get a short video in some future doc


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I'm with you on that. I've thought of this hundreds of times since the beginning. Both NARCISSISTS. IMO.... :jail:

Just MO, but I think MS's mug shot when he was booked into jail in Lee County is even scarier than Drew Peterson. It scares me more than the mug shot of CWW or Hammer. It is the face of pure evil, if you ask me. I can't stand to look at it! Justice for TS!!!
I'm late to the news of his arrest because my best friend got married this weekend and I didn't have a chance to check in. I am so thankful that the children are safe and I hope they are placed somewhere (wherever that might be) where they are loved and greatly cared for.

I am also on the I don't think MS will go down easily train. There's just something about him that screams narcissist.
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