2016.03.01 Discovery Documents - Batch # 5

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
LOL. CK was also mad at Mark when he bragged that Teresa was okay with swinging but she was not swinging with other men. Only a female friend that Mark would truly have access to.

So CK was like Hold up. Why are the females that you mentioned this to called your wife a .. But it seems like you are the only one that benefits from the entire females-only involved perspective.

So imo. Teresa probably told Mark that we can swing. But I'm going to have me some male fun as well. And that's when Mark knew that he was replaceable. Especially if she found another male swinging doctor that she didn't have to support like her deadbeat husband. Jmo.

Motive 101. Mark wanted his cake and eat it to while Teresa was getting tired of cake and started to look for long term stability once again. Jmo.
Another interesting correlation is that Skinner in the early months reported MS told/encouraged LE to scrape her fingernails (reference his dedicated thread), and then when talking to CK he says she was hit from behind, so no DNA would be found.

If this isn't premeditated murder, I don't know what is.
It really made me sad to read that AW's son was sleeping in the bed with them when LE stormed in with the search warrant. I understand why they had to sneak in early in the morning like that and catch CWW unsuspecting. It just makes me sad that that little boy had to wake up to that kind of panic and chaos. Of course, he's probably been exposed to much worse living with those two.

It is unfortunate, but both CWW and MS had guns in their possession and JRR did too at some point as evidenced by his parole violation. LE just couldn't take that chance given the information they had at the time investigating a brutal murder.
LOL. CK was also mad at Mark when he bragged that Teresa was okay with swinging but she was not swinging with other men. Only a female friend that Mark would truly have access to.

So CK was like Hold up. Why are the females that you mentioned this to called your wife a .. But it seems like you are the only one that benefits from the entire females-only involved perspective.

So imo. Teresa probably told Mark that we can swing. But I'm going to have me some male fun as well. And that's when Mark knew that he was replaceable. Especially if she found another male swinging doctor that she didn't have to support like her deadbeat husband. Jmo.

Motive 101. Mark wanted his cake and eat it to while Teresa was getting tired of cake and started to look for long term stability once again. Jmo.

Another interesting correlation is that Skinner in the early months reported MS told/encouraged LE to scrape her fingernails (reference his dedicated thread), and then when talking to CK he says she was hit from behind, so no DNA would be found.

If this isn't premeditated murder, I don't know what is.

That wasn't lost on me either.
If you look at the quick progression it appears the plan was hatched at the wedding and initiated the next 7 days and plan set in motion:
May 2 (Sat): MS attends CWW wedding
May 3 (Sun): MS fies home
May 4 (Mon): I assume MS sends CWW a Next Day Air package as he asks CWW on Tues if he received his card and wants to ensure hthe gift didnt fall out
May 5 (Tues): MS text to CWW "Did you get your card?"
May 7 (Thurs): MS mails CWW a burner phone
May 8 (Fri): A Siever purchases family plane tickets for a June trip to CT
May 9 (Sat):MS text to CWW "Did you get mail"

I agree that the plan was solidified with inclusion of CWW during the wedding visit, but I believe that MS had been planning this for far, far longer when he began squirreling away the cash until (in his mind) the right time.
That is so, so, so awful and chilling about the video at the funeral.

They can't get the video to play and it's looping "Hi I'm Dr Teresa, Hi I'm Dr Teresa." And there had been a problem just before that with a slide show, which CWW got up and fixed. CF tell CWW he should fix the video. What does good old Curtis do? Does he fix it? Cause you know, he's the tech guru? Nope. Instead he sits there like a toddler having a fit shaking his head going "nuh uh, I'm not doing it."

And CK's thinking (I love her by the way, she is amazing) is that he didn't want to see her alive. The slides were OK because they're "flat." But "he'd have to hear her voice." It's like something out of a movie - SMS was right.

And then, sorry my thoughts are all jumbled because I stayed up way too late last night and the night before reading, but then, the FB post about TS's death that CWW responded to and said something like he was going to give comfort to the girls. What a psycho.

And taking the girls back to the house the night before the funeral to swim in the pool? WTELF?

Someone said it before, but these guys remind me of the movie Deliverance. And I don't mean Jon Voigt and Burt Reynolds. I mean who DOES this? CWW, OK, he's got a rap sheet, I can see it. But Mark? I don't know, how do you keep that hidden for so long and never act on it? Was he always a sociopath? Can sociopaths be dormant and then it pops up in a crisis?

I'm just, wow. CK, if you are on here, and I hope you are because you are an amazing sleuther, but I think you're a hero. I really do.
Good questions. I'd love to hear a psychoanalyst perspective.

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"That is so, so, so awful and chilling about the video at the funeral. "

I was there, and it was very creepy/weird for all of us. But had to be even more so for the killer.
That is so, so, so awful and chilling about the video at the funeral.

They can't get the video to play and it's looping "Hi I'm Dr Teresa, Hi I'm Dr Teresa." And there had been a problem just before that with a slide show, which CWW got up and fixed. CF tell CWW he should fix the video. What does good old Curtis do? Does he fix it? Cause you know, he's the tech guru? Nope. Instead he sits there like a toddler having a fit shaking his head going "nuh uh, I'm not doing it."

And CK's thinking (I love her by the way, she is amazing) is that he didn't want to see her alive. The slides were OK because they're "flat." But "he'd have to hear her voice." It's like something out of a movie - SMS was right.

And then, sorry my thoughts are all jumbled because I stayed up way too late last night and the night before reading, but then, the FB post about TS's death that CWW responded to and said something like he was going to give comfort to the girls. What a psycho.

And taking the girls back to the house the night before the funeral to swim in the pool? WTELF?

Someone said it before, but these guys remind me of the movie Deliverance. And I don't mean Jon Voigt and Burt Reynolds. I mean who DOES this? CWW, OK, he's got a rap sheet, I can see it. But Mark? I don't know, how do you keep that hidden for so long and never act on it? Was he always a sociopath? Can sociopaths be dormant and then it pops up in a crisis?

I'm just, wow. CK, if you are on here, and I hope you are because you are an amazing sleuther, but I think you're a hero. I really do.

This is a very good question! My own answer to it would be "Yes". Because we seem to see it all the time - especially in these murders of family members. How about the guy who fairly recently killed his wife and two children in Minnesota. He had some popular website that he maintained. And it was another one of those "I've known him for years. He's a great guy. He could have never, ever done anything like this." But he did it. And in that case, mercifully, he then killed himself.

And how many respected ministers have we seen who have killed their wives? Respected and successful doctors who have killed their wives? It just goes on and on. And in many of these cases the murderer is not young, has successfully gotten through life without displaying outward signs of apparent inner sociopathy.

I don't know, perhaps we are using the term "sociopath" incorrectly. But to me, deliberately planning and then killing one's spouse, parent of one's children, is pretty darn sociopathic!
It is unfortunate, but both CWW and MS had guns in their possession and JRR did too at some point as evidenced by his parole violation. LE just couldn't take that chance given the information they had at the time investigating a brutal murder.
similarities: All 3 men had a minivan in his possession when search warrants were initiated. All 3 men had a hammer convenient to them. CWW & JR both had Dodge Caravans when searched . Both had hammers close by. Both had a very submissive partner. Both owned a Kia Rio
It will be interesting to learn what set the plan in Marks mind and when. I agree that the CWW and AW wedding was when he actively began to set things in motion but I bet he started well in advance to get CWW to hate Teresa.

2013 seems to be the year that things really began to go downhill.

The charity auction was in February and if CK is correct in her thinking then Mark bid on and won his very expensive suit and the portrait of the girls in their dresses that evening.

That SOB bragged all over social media about that event- it also happened to be the final event Teresa participated in before stepping down from her position at OMH.

Someone on here stated they thought Teresa was the spender... spending AND giving away their money... poor Mark... boo hoo. That *advertiser censored* purchased both of those items most likely knowing full well what he planned to do in the near future. I can just see Mr Bigwig, big spender making sure he won the bids for his precious items and at big fundraisers with expensive items you are definitely getting a huge deal but you are still paying plenty. He had plans for the girls to raise $50,000.00- selling $5 bracelets! Isn't he just the father of the year?

He told CK two years prior about the 'soft swinging'- 2013.

Who the heck calls it that? Mister sleazy *advertiser censored* guy does apparently- and do any of us think this man wasn't accessing *advertiser censored* to get his "several times a day" sex quota filled? I have only ever heard the term soft core *advertiser censored* or hard core *advertiser censored* but NEVER 'soft swinging'!

Now we hear from the air conditioning guy that there was a nanny there- of course he wouldn't know if she was actually the 'tutor' but why wouldn't Mark use the 'tutor' as a nanny? I bet he did.

This man does have ice in his veins and his own mother would know it- if he does. That is MO. She may not want to believe it but on some level she would know it. Every other person said Teresa yelled and she would yell at Mark- often- but oh no... BS says their picture would be in the dictionary next to 'good marriage'. Every other person talks about how inappropriate Mark was with women and what a ladies man he is- CK says his whole life basically- but Bonnie sees him devoted and never cheating. I find that interesting.

There is a lot that will be revealed when the rest of discovery comes out and I doubt it is going to be revelations about Teresa- it's going to be revelations about Mark the deceiver and we are all going to breath a huge sigh of relief to know that he will no longer have two vulnerable little girls in his grasp.

I want to say this- I was not as sad about AW's young grandson being in bed with those two when LE stormed the house as I was about the sheer fact that young boy was in bed with these two people- PERIOD!

I think about what Susnoat has said all along about these folks and if we knew the FULL truth it would make our heads spin and our stomachs turn.

Poor Teresa. My heart aches for her today.
Lmao. I'm offering 1 million dollars to the female sluether that called another female sluether A sister from another mister.


I can't find who stated that. Lol.

Anyways. It was definitely a chuckle /lyao moment.

Much obliged.

It was Truecrimeaddict that stated that to me....:loveyou:
It will be interesting to learn what set the plan in Marks mind and when. I agree that the CWW and AW wedding was when he actively began to set things in motion but I bet he started well in advance to get CWW to hate Teresa.

2013 seems to be the year that things really began to go downhill.

The charity auction was in February and if CK is correct in her thinking then Mark bid on and won his very expensive suit and the portrait of the girls in their dresses that evening.

That SOB bragged all over social media about that event- it also happened to be the final event Teresa participated in before stepping down from her position at OMH.

Someone on here stated they thought Teresa was the spender... spending AND giving away their money... poor Mark... boo hoo. That *advertiser censored* purchased both of those items most likely knowing full well what he planned to do in the near future. I can just see Mr Bigwig, big spender making sure he won the bids for his precious items and at big fundraisers with expensive items you are definitely getting a huge deal but you are still paying plenty. He had plans for the girls to raise $50,000.00- selling $5 bracelets! Isn't he just the father of the year?

He told CK two years prior about the 'soft swinging'- 2013.

Who the heck calls it that? Mister sleazy *advertiser censored* guy does apparently- and do any of us think this man wasn't accessing *advertiser censored* to get his "several times a day" sex quota filled? I have only ever heard the term soft core *advertiser censored* or hard core *advertiser censored* but NEVER 'soft swinging'!

Now we hear from the air conditioning guy that there was a nanny there- of course he wouldn't know if she was actually the 'tutor' but why wouldn't Mark use the 'tutor' as a nanny? I bet he did.

This man does have ice in his veins and his own mother would know it- if he does. That is MO. She may not want to believe it but on some level she would know it. Every other person said Teresa yelled and she would yell at Mark- often- but oh no... BS says their picture would be in the dictionary next to 'good marriage'. Every other person talks about how inappropriate Mark was with women and what a ladies man he is- CK says his whole life basically- but Bonnie sees him devoted and never cheating. I find that interesting.

There is a lot that will be revealed when the rest of discovery comes out and I doubt it is going to be revelations about Teresa- it's going to be revelations about Mark the deceiver and we are all going to breath a huge sigh of relief to know that he will no longer have two vulnerable little girls in his grasp.

I want to say this- I was not as sad about AW's young grandson being in bed with those two when LE stormed the house as I was about the sheer fact that young boy was in bed with these two people- PERIOD!

I think about what Susnoat has said all along about these folks and if we knew the FULL truth it would make our heads spin and our stomachs turn.

Poor Teresa. My heart aches for her today.

I agree with all you said here. I'd like to add that at least two people interviewed said that MS gave as good as he got as far as yelling at TS AND AND AND he did it at her office!
I know I should probably post this in "Newbies" thread but didn't want to scare any newbies off. Many of us have slowly acquired many details of TS murder over last 8 months. Can you imagine jumping in now and start clicking on these threads and seeing all the pages. I was just clicking on batch 5 and as I was scrolling down "More Jeffco Day 2" after about 15 minutes I see the little "page 26 of 862" and it intimidated me. Who was I to think way back in the day we had tons of details in the OJ trial? It would be so easy as a newbie to just decide to sit this one out

So glad you didn't sit THIS one out.

The BS and notebook is telling, IMO. Gotta keep track of everything. Honestly I can't imagine being insightful enough to bring that item to an interview with LE (unless prompted to do so). But that's just me.
I agree with all you said here. I'd like to add that at least two people interviewed said that MS gave as good as he got as far as yelling at TS AND AND AND he did it at her office!

Thank you FelicityLemon!

I believe that MS manipulated TS into having arguments.

MS certainly demonstrates narcissistic behavior.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least if we discovered that MS would trigger TS into yelling at him in public. It is almost basic npr (narcissistic personality rage) that individuals with this personality don't necessary have to go into rages but they manipulate, manipulate, manipulate people and situations to make it appear as if the other party is at fault.

After all - if he is a narcissist then he is of course perfect. Perfect in his eyes and his main goal is to look perfect in the public's eyes.

If he could try to make people think that TS was unreasonable and yelled at him for everything - well that would just be the icing on the cake - that is if MS is a narcissist.
Another interesting correlation is that Skinner in the early months reported MS told/encouraged LE to scrape her fingernails (reference his dedicated thread), and then when talking to CK he says she was hit from behind, so no DNA would be found.

If this isn't premeditated murder, I don't know what is.

YES - I knew that "check under the fingernails" was funky. I knew it. Detectives don't need to be told how to do their job.

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