2016.05.17 Batch 6 Discovery Docs ***GRAPHIC Content***

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I've read 3/4 of these and it appears the girls were with sitters many half days. Only 2-3 times has there been mention of an outing with the girls and it seemed the whole family went. He took the girls to music lessons but that is not a father daughter fun time outing.

So when did he have rime to nourish this strong bond he wants people to believe he has with the girls? Did he teach them in the morning or did a tutor come certain days? He does not mention school outings which all home schooled children I know have weekly.
File #9 is loaded.

Thank you doing this tonight. I have to be honest, I need to stop reading the rest of it tonight because it's very chilling to get inside Mark's brain with this insanity. This is probably the most intimate stuff regarding him we have seen and it shows what a sex fueled freak he is. I truly think he used TS from the beginning to get what he wanted.
I have to say this! He is dumber than a sled track if he thought this record of he and his wife's intimate life would show that she had lost interest!

Any lawyer he showed this to would fall out of his chair laughing at him!:laugh:
Okay, here is a direct link to Sievers Case Google Drive Discovery Batch 6.

I received 18 emails each containing one PDF. Large files. I am having to convert each scanned image to a PDF, then make them searchable and add a watermark. Thanks in advance for your patience. I will be adding each file as I am finished converting, etc... so please check back often. This is a slow process and I promise to work through the night until they are all uploaded.

Feel free to download and save to your own hard drives.


Wth did I just read. Whoa. I stopped after the first calendar entry doc. Wth.

This guy is 13 years old.

Btw. Did he document the murder plans somewhere on the calendar as well. Or are they all just 2014 entries. Thanks.
I'm documenting toilet visits in my work calendar from now on....

Tuesday 5:30pm PHX airport...30 second urination, nice color, minimal splashing.

Wtf. Lmao. Oh snap . I need a drink. Thanks for the laugh.
Really. Where?
I do not get the idea of sex partners for a married man. Color me, behind the times?
File #10 is loaded.

I'm going to have to take a break because my laptop is overheating. lol Seriously.
Wth did I just read. Whoa. I stopped after the first calendar entry doc. Wth.

This guy is 13 years old.

Btw. Did he document the murder plans somewhere on the calendar as well. Or are they all just 2014 entries. Thanks.

That was exactly my thoughts Dex. It's like a 14 year olds fantasy life. I think the calander with MS' explicit and detailed sexual encounters with TS, was to share with CWW. And, it won't surprise me, if CWW was sharing his own with MS. MS and CWW's intertwined relationship is beyond freaky.
On my phone I do not know whose texting who. It either says ms/ts or nancy phd or something.

So I think you need to know these people numbers or I may have to view the texts from my computer. Idk.

Question. Do they show the senders name or just their number.
This guy takes the phrase "Note To Self" to a total new level. Like he has dementia or something. Seriously.

He even wrote that one of the kids cant have snacks or nacks which he spelled nakeds until after they finish their dinner.

I had to do a double take because it said nakeds. But I finally realized he meant nacks or should I say snacks. Idk.

This guy is off his rocker. Jmo.
I am confused as to why, this beautiful, talented woman, loved this man.
It's scary to me.
After two children, that she allowed him to care for. Did she not see anything?
How can that be?
If guilty of the charges against him, how could she not see, what he was doing?

So scary. I love my husband, but, if he was up to any of this stuff that was going on, I'd throw him out in a new york minute.
Crying for Theresa, and the many loving wives murdered by their deceitful, screwing around pretend good husbands. Hello Scott Peterson etal.

Thank you doing this tonight. I have to be honest, I need to stop reading the rest of it tonight because it's very chilling to get inside Mark's brain with this insanity. This is probably the most intimate stuff regarding him we have seen and it shows what a sex fueled freak he is. I truly think he used TS from the beginning to get what he wanted.
I don't believe most or any of these sexcapades ever happened. MS is portrayed like a *advertiser censored* star in penthouse. Nope, if the calander is in the cloud, it's (IMO) for CWW' gross pleasure. These two have been duping TS for years. Soo grossed out.

ETA: then, they took her life. FOR MONEY. I want the death penalty. :(
I don't believe most or any of these sexcapades ever happened. MS is portrayed like a *advertiser censored* star in penthouse. Nope, if the calander is in the cloud, it's (IMO) for CWW' gross pleasure. These two have been duping TS for years. Soo grossed out.

ETA: then, they took her life. FOR MONEY. I want the death penalty. :(

And if you're right (and I think you are) then LE will know all about this from Curtis. I think it's been pretty clear from the get go, once CWW was on their radar and definitely once they downloaded Marks phone what his lies/stories would be. I'll bet that's part of the way LE officers were able to get Curtis to accept the plea and roll on Mark. SMS is a brilliant man- they have been 3 steps ahead of good old Mark all along.
File #11 is loaded.

That's it for me and my laptop tonight. These converted much slower than I anticipated. Will finish uploading the final ones tomorrow. TIA for your patience. xo
Okay. So you would have to cross reference the numbers from the text to the people on his phone log docs? Correct or nay. Thanks.

OH, man, I don't know - it's hard for me to figure out trying to read this. I'm brand spanking new to texting and my stuff doesn't look anything like this. I think I've sent maybe 8 msgs in 3 months, lol.

I did figure out that some of the blanked out info is patient info, so that's okay! I hope the patients weren't freaking that there info would be public.

I think I need to make a cheat sheet of whose number is whose because I thought he was saying some sex stuff to the realtor, but it was to TS.

He's a freak and NOT in a good way.
This guy takes the phrase "Note To Self" to a total new level. Like he has dementia or something. Seriously.

He even wrote that one of the kids cant have snacks or nacks which he spelled nakeds until after they finish their dinner.
I had to do a double take because it said nakeds. But I finally realized he meant nacks or should I say snacks. Idk.

This guy is off his rocker. Jmo.
DEXTER, OH DEX! Where is that "FREUDIAN SLIP" emoticon when I need it? I couldn't remember the name of the first attorney MS hired who was trying to get MS's cell phone back or not allowed to be down loaded by LE?? (Anyone remember the particulars on that?) Just thinking to myself, Hollander got a chance to look at some of the "items on the phone" and decided it was time to walk away from this train wreck, named MS? (still have not downloaded any of this)
:banghead: There's a whole lotta stuff blanked out that's not patient related.

Bates 36845 (or page 47)

On "04/25/2015 at 9:40 to 10:10pm: T and I just had a talk" and there's a huge empty box where there would be a lot of text. I'm guessing about this, but I'm comparing it to other calls where the spaces/fields are much, much smaller.
:banghead: There's a whole lotta stuff blanked out that's not patient related.

Bates 36845 (or page 47)

On "04/25/2015 at 9:40 to 10:10pm: T and I just had a talk" and there's a huge empty box where there would be a lot of text. I'm guessing about this, but I'm comparing it to other calls where the spaces/fields are much, much smaller.

Agree. I just would like a transcript of all the texts he had with Curtis from January 1 2015 up until Cww arrest. And possibly if someone can identify the number on his call logs that may be the possible burner phone that CWW used as well.

Now I'm not hear to slueth his love life nor his mistresses. But I would like to see if he became particularly serious about one of them, in regards to falling in love. Because that could add on to his motives for killing Teresa, along with the life insurance policy of course.

But I also hope that the family and friends of all mentioned on the salacious details realize that we still respect things and no one will get bashed here besides MS, and CWW.

Unless we find out that some texts show that others/someone else didn't mind or even encouraged Mark to get rid of his wife so they could be together by any means necessary. Jmo.

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