25 October 2011 Main Stream Media coverage of Baby Lisa

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But Elizabeth Smart's sister didn't identify her sisters captor until six months later. Are we to discount that?
I'm not sure that's accurate. I thought her sister reported it right away, but LE didn't believe her for six months until she recognised the abductor's voice?
There's a discussion about Baby Lisa's case on The View right now w/ ABC news chief legal reporter Chris Cuomo right now.
Sorry if this has been posted already.
I haven't had a chance to catch up yet.
By her own admission, she put a baby into her crib at 6:40 pm, got drunk, and doesn't know if she ever checked on her. And the child had a cold. And she defends her right to have "adult time" and doesn't think she did anything wrong at all. Would you describe that as "good parenting?"

Bad, uneducated, parent does not a murderer make. I've already stated that I question or judge her as a mother.

I grew up in foster care and I'm not a foster parent and serve as a mentor to parents who regain custody- I see much, much worse parenting on a daily basis- by people who don't murder their children.

I don't approve of her parenting choices, I just see a bigger gray area is all.
Speaking on the topic of this thread -

It seems MSM is slowly pushing this story down in the queue list. I've only seen 2 or 3 mentions of it this morning on FOX - and those were just small "blurbs" - nothing of any length. Sadly, this will continue as long as no new news surfaces. We see it here all the time. MSM is very fickle and will move on to the next "breaking news story" because its all a ratings game.

I'm frustrated that LE didn't conduct any searches yesterday (see Nursebeemee's post in the searches thread - has a link to this). I'm aggravated that the parents are refusing to sit down with LE and answer the hard questions. I'm angry that the print media is publishing statements by the parents and their attorney about their "economic status" and "wants for a better (private) education" for the boys - instead of trying to find Baby Lisa.

With that - I'm off to my backyard. Its a beautiful day here and we are now "eyeing" Rina to my south. I'm not liking what I'm seeing and this weekend - probably Halloween could be a nasty nasty weather event. Don't like the ones that come up and hit us from behind - those are always the worst.

I'll check in when I take my breaks. And I really hope to see the Baby Lisa has been found.

At this point, when I see where this case is going with their "team" throwing out all this spin, I think it would be a blessing if all media would ignore this story altogether and let the police do their job. If they want to release video surveillence footage that makes sense, then fine, release it to local media who would air it on local news and ask for people to come forward with information. I highly doubt either the white blob or the guy in the red truck who drove past the white blob watch GMA or Nancy Grace. And I think we all know what a red herring that footage is. Whos to say that the gas station owner didn't already tell LE about it, they dismissed it because there is no wooded area where white blob was walking, and then the gas station owner contacted national media for their own cut of "licensing fees".

If the parents no longer have a captive audience to tell their story to, perhaps they'll decide that their story is best told to members of LE, including the FBI if they want some answers as to what happened to their daughter.

I'm not sure that's accurate. I thought her sister reported it right away, but LE didn't believe her for six months until she recognised the abductor's voice?

The sister of course didn't wait 6 months to report it. She knew the voice sounded familiar but it took her some time before she came up with the name of the suspect. Police didn't really believe she could recognize the suspect by voice after all this time. Granted that is extremely rare. I don't recall any other case where a child recognized a suspect by voice after several months.
BBM ~ I agree completely.

I became interested in the baby Lisa case from day one and found this WS forum via a link on Twitter. I was very excited, as I was looking forward to intelligent and open-minded discussion related to the case. <modsnip>
Fine, everyone here is entitled to their opinion. But it is obvious that for many here, no matter what Deb does it will be twisted to make her look bad and prove her "guilt".

Yes I realize that there is a chance that DB is guilty. But based on the evidence and my own observations thus far, I do not believe that Deborah harmed her child, accident or otherwise. I believe it is possible that someone abducted Lisa (without knowledge/direction of DB and/or JI). I also believe it is VERY possible that JI has everyone fooled and is behind all of this, and that Deborah might be threatened or manipulated into helping cover for him. That would explain a lot, her admitting to behavior that makes her look bad, changing timelines etc. that make her look guilty... did it ever occur to anyone that some of the decisions DB made were to benefit (cover for) someone OTHER than herself? Someone started a thread to discuss Jeremy's involvement in Lisa's disappearance (LDT thread), but very few of us even bothered to give it any consideration. <modsnip>

LE has spent HOURS interrogating this couple and HOURS searching not only THEIR property but the uncle's property where they are staying. They have collected bags of evidence. They have interviewed countless people. Someone please explain to me why Deborah has not yet been arrested, if it is so obvious that she murdered Lisa.

Has it also occurred to anyone that perhaps LE does not or no longer suspects DB at all, but is allowing that impression to linger so as to not tip off their actual suspect?

Or, perhaps, LE doesn't have a freakin clue as to what happened to Lisa. They announced their lack of objectivity in this case loud and clear the day they announced to the public so early in the case that the parents were "no longer cooperating". No way around it, that was a verbal attack on the parents and has done NOTHING to help find Lisa... they could have easily stated something to the effect of "we have more questions for Lisa's parents and are urging them to provide us with answers promptly".

I could go on and on... I think what bothers me most is that many here know EXACTLY how they would act if this happened to them. I used to feel that way about some of my annoying whiny attention-seeking drama-creating patients... until I had my own disastrous and agonizing hospitalization. I was surprised at how I "acted", and ashamed at how I had judged the behavior of some of my former patients. Until you walk in someone's shoes...

Anyways, still holding on the hope that Lisa is alive and safe somewhere... prayers for her and those that love and miss her.

MOO of course

I can confidently state that, for me, the one person responsible for making DB look 'bad' and appear guilty is DB herself.

MOO of course. ;)
I've never heard that version. I read that he suddenly remembered he had his work cell phone in his pocket. :waitasec:

IIRC (which any more is a 50/50 shot) he/she said JI ran to the neighbors. At that time, taking it at face value (which I know better) I assumed he ran next door to the drinking buddy. Made sense to me, as according to DB's story du jour, drinking buddy was at the house that night.
Now I know I heard Wild BS state on JJP that he ran across the street. Seeing as this is WildBS, who seems to gt would up and lets loose, I wonder if anyone else has said this. And I wonder if when I heard JI ran to the neighbors, if it ws indeed the neighbors across the street.

This case is rapidly becomming yet another trip down a rabbit hole.
Holy Moly!!!! And JI ran across the street (according to PI and JT) to see if Lisa was there?
This was stated (could have been local broadcast) on the very first day. Not new news from either. This was an interview by a neighbor who heard him yelling 'please tell me you have the baby' over and over.
Lets put another 'spin' on it. If this was a daycare provider or a nanny that was 'drinking on duty' there would be outrage with or without an accident. But because its mom, its okay? Whether there was an abduction or she did something herself, she is responsible. Her actions (drinking to 'black outs') were directly or indirectly responsible for what happened. Either way.

If she was in fact drunk.

That analogy doesn't stand, because the same can be said about many other things.

A parent can spank their child legally, a babysitter can not.
A parent can give permission for a 5 year old to ride their bike in the front unattended, a babysitter should not.
A parent can choose to have a friend over and let their kids watch 5 hours of TV, a babysitter can not.

If you're paying someone to do a job, it IS different than when you are the parent.
edited to add: Mountain Kat I meant to quote you too (post 57) "Let us just take a second and review"

Word to you both. I would like to add that that if my baby daddy was supposed to be home from his job at 10:30pm (IIRC) and then did not show up until 4:00am, I would have been the one calling the cops around midnight to find out if there had been a wreck! I think it is very strange that on his first night shift, he was 5-6 hours late from work, no call and no show, and she just drinks and goes to bed...

Oh wait wait wait... I had to watch my grandson so I am pages behind now... What is this about JI supposed to be home at 10:30 ?? I didnt hear that. He didnt show up until 4am?? I know he came home around 3:30am and they didnt make the call until about 4am to LE about Lisa missing, because there is that time period on why there was the delay, hence them using the cell phones were stolen IMO. Anyway, where did this come from. each day I am more and more confused. Let me continue reading here and please if no one commented on this time frame again, please do so...
Short said the couple is trying their best to keep life as normal as possible for the boys as the search for their missing 11-month-old sister continues.

&#8220;We had a talk just yesterday about her wanting to provide the kids a Catholic education, and how important that would be to her,&#8221; Short said.

Read more: http://www.kmbc.com/news/29579101/detail.html#ixzz1boKD9XJt

Oh boy, next week it will be the college fund.

Who do they have for the spiritual adviser, the Pope?
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