2nd Plea Deal Offered to Raven Abaroa Today! 3/11/14-

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This plea is insulting. The prosecutors should be incredibly ASHAMED of themselves. First, for not presenting a stronger case the first time around, and for now allowing this a-hole to take an Alford plea. How low.
From what I understand Roger Echols offered the plea deal. Charlene Coggins-Franks and Luke Baum were the prosecutors on this case. I believe Roger Echols is the Senior ADA that is running for District Attorney in North Carolina.

Listen, I have been one of the more vocal people here since this case broke. It is a Circumstantial Evidence case. We live in a day and age of every single channel having its very own CSI Show. In 60 minutes a crime is committed and there is a whole ton of forensic evidence and the case is solved, the murderer apprehended, there is a trial and a conviction. This isn't the real world.

There are a lot of sites out on the web with a bunch of armchair detectives and self-proclaimed experts that actually believe the CSI shows and think that is real life.

We also live in a day and age of people that don't trust authorities and we run the risk with our system of getting people on the jury that hate cops. We all have seen how many trolls hit newspapers all saying things like if they can't find "the real killer" it must be the husband. These people sit online all day long playing games on the internet. We have seen it time and time again. The people who like to state that someone is innocent just to get a rise out of people.

Casey Anthony murdered her daughter and was found not-guilty. OJ, it happens more and more frequently it seems. Raven has been slapped on the wrist his ENTIRE life. With this he's basically getting another slap on the wrist, it's wrong, but it is what it is.

He has two high profile attorneys.

Let's all look at one of our very own and beloved new posters, gajonka. We all know how he feels about "The great Mani Dexter". I believe he claimed that the lone juror hold out was due to the "great Mani Dexter" and her beauty. He has on several occasions made comments about the ADA in a not too flattering light based on her looks.

Hypothetically speaking, if someone like gajonka was a juror he would find in favor of the defendant based on the prosecutor's looks? Yes folks, there are people out there that think that way.

We have been through several high profile and controversial DA's, including Nifong and Tracy Cline. The political arena in Durham has been rough. There will be a few retrials of cases in Durham, including Michael Peterson, which cost the taxpayer a ton of money and that was a high profile media circus.

Janet's murder did NOT garner much media attention. All the news stations have called it the "High profile case of Raven Abaroa". Seriously, this is the least "high profile" case I have ever seen.

You have a family that has waited for a long time for him to take responsibility for this murder, a mother who lost a daughter to cancer and a daughter to murder who is battling breast cancer. Not sure how much more this family could take.

All I have ever wanted was for the person that killed Janet to be put behind bars. I don't want just ANYONE to pay, I want the person responsible to pay. I am satisfied. My only fear is that when he gets out, he will destroy more lives.

I would have rather it have been anyone else, but Raven. I hope Raven serves his time and he changes and comes to terms what he has done. Unfortunately, I believe he will always and forever blame others for his actions, I believe it's ingrained in him to push off blame and to not take responsibility for his actions.

I wish they would have retried the case and not offered a plea. I believed in Charlene Coggins-Franks and thought she did a great job. I believe that there was enough evidence for intelligent jurors to convict Raven, based on it being a circumstantial evidence case. All this being said, I'm content that Raven is now serving his time in Central Prison, even if it's only 4 years.
I just noticed an announcement on Tears for Janet, the family tribute site in the announcement section.

They have an updated announcement that was released on the day of the guilty plea.


"March 12th, 2014 - FAMILY STATEMENT

The family was disappointed that we did not get a conviction in the first trial – we got as close as you can get to a first degree murder conviction with an 11-1 hung jury. In that trial we all saw the dark side of the defendant – he was exposed for what he really is – an embezzler - convicted felon, sexual predator, and a narcissistic, self-absorbed individual. With all of that said, the family has accepted the decision of the DA's office and acknowledges that, given the circumstances surrounding the case and the upcoming retrial, it is our best interests to have this case legally resolved via this plea agreement

With this plea agreement today, Raven has finally admitted, after almost nine years, that he did in fact kill our beloved Janet. Not only did he kill Janet but he knowingly killed his unborn child. No amount of jail time will ever provide justice for Janet or her unborn child.

The DA's Office did consult with the family and based on those discussions we felt it best to move ahead with a plea agreement discussion, this has been a long, arduous process and one that needed to be resolved. That initial trial was extremely hard on the family and all those that loved Janet – to say it was brutal is an understatement.

The Christiansen family, and all of Janet's friends have been committed to the pursuit of justice. It is their dogged determination and persistence that have driven this case from the onset. We would like to thank the Durham Police Department, the Durham District Attorney's Office, - especially Charlene Franks and Luke Baum. The family would like to thank all of those that have supported them throughout the years, especially those young women who were victims of Mr. Abaroa and had to relive those awful moments in their testimony.

Again, this plea is not what we wanted but under advice from counsel and collaboration among the family we have decided to support it – we would have preferred that he be put away for life in a place where he could not hurt anyone ever again."
This was a triple tragedy IMO. Not only did " The Bird" take Janet's and his unborn baby's lives, he deprived K. ( the living son who was a baby when his mother was murdered- possibly in front of him) of a normal, happy childhood.
There is no way that K. could be well-adjusted with all the upheaval and dysfunction in the Bolton/ Abaroa households..

Do the Christensens ever get to see him? I guess he has a say in whether or not he sees them... I have worried about this boy for so long. Now, all hope seems to be gone. His father is the only parent he will ever remember.
As far as I know the answer is No. I agree about the dysfunction. I feel so bad for Kaiden.

Janet's family is from Virginia, after the murder Raven immediately took Kaiden and moved in with his mother Karyn (Karen) Abaroa Peters Bolton in Utah. Janet's family had to contact Raven and fly to Utah to see Kaiden and they were only allowed to see Kaiden chaperoned.

The family was told if they spoke out about him, they would not ever get to see Kaiden. For 5 years Raven was free to raise Kaiden. Before Vanessa, Raven went through multiple women.

When Raven was arrested the family tried to get custody of Kaiden, there was no way to get custody until Raven was arrested. By this time Kaiden had lived five years with Raven and his mother. Kaiden didn't know Janet's family and even with all the information regarding the dysfunction that is Raven's mother, Raven had already had plans in place for the arrest to transfer custody of Kaiden to his mother. The family has not seen Kaiden since and I doubt they will ever get to see him again. It's so very sad, I'm hoping against hope that Raven's mother isn't filling Kaiden's head with information that the Christiansens are the bad people that took Raven away from Kaiden. I'm afraid though that may be what is happening. I've noticed many posts since the plea from his mother blaming Janet's family and LE and Prosecutors for ruining Raven & Kaiden's life. She even stated in one newspaper, I believe the News Observer, that they will pay for ruining Raven & Kaiden's life.
They should have tried him again. For the safety of the next women coming down the line and believe me, there will be more. Even if he doesn't kill again, he will be involved in domestic violence. It's the way his brain is wired - sex and violence go hand in hand.

Prayers to the families - they are the ones suffering today.
Gobsmacked. After all these years of following... I am oddly not surprised though. You can bet the family will still be vocal when he leaves....they won't let him forget what they know. He will be worse than ever when he gets out...after learning new games and manipulation in prison. Poor Kaiden.... And bless Janet's fam as well

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Conviction Date: 03/12/2014
Total Incarceration Term: 10 YEARS 3 MONTHS
Projected Release Date: 08/02/2019

Projected release date includes the credit for time served, while he awaiting trial in jail.
20/20 Episode
Sleeping With the Enemy

Woman 'Lucky' to Get Away from Husband Accused of Murdering 1st Wife
March 21, 2014

Just days after Raven Abaroa -- who was accused of killing his wife, Janet Abaroa, in 2005 -- agreed to plead guilty to a voluntary manslaughter charge, his second wife said she was lucky to get away from him.

"I was lucky enough to get out," Vanessa Pond told ABC News' John Quinones in an interview this week. "Janet was not. I don't want to see that again."

Raven Abaroa entered an Alford plea on March 12, acknowledging that there was evidence to convict him but not admitting guilt. A judge sentenced him to between 95 and 123 months in jail. But, with time served, he could be out in less than four years.

"I was shocked. But ... more than that, I was shocked at what the plea deal turned out to be," Pond said. "That's not justice at all. It's not justice."

20/20 Episode: http://abcnews.go.com/US/woman-lucky-husband-accused-murdering-1st-wife/story?id=22984341

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