3 year-old Kicked Off Plane After Tantrum

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I agree with the airline as well. It's a pretty good score for the parents, too-three free round trip tickets on the airline. I hope my three year old never acts up if I fly with him, they are a bit unpredictible at times-but I would gladly leave a plane if he were disrupting the flight schedule.
Whew.. I was afraid to respond to this earlier, because I feel the airline was 100% correct in choosing the actions they did. (I didn't want to start a huge fight!)
rayray said:
Whew.. I was afraid to respond to this earlier, because I feel the airline was 100% correct in choosing the actions they did. (I didn't want to start a huge fight!)

Oh come on, don't be a lightweight say it and take your licking! :D

I find that something like "Despite my firm belief that abortion is murder, this is one child that probably would have benefitted from being aborted because her parents are dumbasses!". Something like that would really get these ladies mobilized with artillary and all! :D

Now before all you ladies go sharpening your claws, I am just trying to help old Ray Ray out her...sort of an indoctrination! :D

calus_3 said:
Oh come on, don't be a lightweight say it and take your licking! :D

I find that something like "Despite my firm belief that abortion is murder, this is one child that probably would have benefitted from being aborted because her parents are dumbasses!". Something like that would really get these ladies mobilized with artillary and all! :D

Now before all you ladies go sharpening your claws, I am just trying to help old Ray Ray out her...sort of an indoctrination! :D

Now that's the Calus we all know and love!:bang::bang:
Glad to read everyone so far is in agreement, because those were all my first thoughts too. How inconsiderate of the parents to inconvenience everyone else on the plane for their child. And if the child acts that way at age 3, hitting them and Lord knows what else, they are in for a rude awaking in a few years. So many parents nowadays think their child should have all the rights and they are entitled to act any way they want. It's a recipe for disaster.
And they want to make spanking illegal.... This precious little thing sounds like he/she could have used one. I wonder if the plane would have erupted in cheers (even the folks who are dead set against spanking). My kids hadn't ever flown until they were 8 and 10. I have a friend who comes from France once a year to visit and brings her 4 young boys. When she has to come without her husband, she is a complete mess when she gets off the plane and usually bursts into tears herself. Not that her kids are bad on the plane but I'm sure they have their moments and she has to sweat it out and try to keep everyone happy in such a small space for hours. That is why my IUD better stay put.
pedinurse said:
They were reimbursed for the trip and given three round trip tickets to anywhere the airline flies. You know, that seems pretty fair to me. This wasn't a baby - it was a preschooler who should be able to follow directions such as "sit down in your sit".
Depending on the child it could have taken her another 15-30 minutes to get her "calmed down" if it was that bad. I think the airline made the right choice on this one.
I don't think they should have even have had to do that. If your child won't listen to you, why should all the other passengers be subjected to the child's tantrums? JMO! But.... I didn't fly with my kids when they were that age. And I really hate it when I'm on a flight and someone wont/can't control their kid. I'm a mother- my kids are still pretty small... but it really bugs me! Same thing about restaraunts, etc... UNLESS they are really kid-friendly restaraunts, I get very irritated if I have to listen to a tantrum at the next table, and parents who try to placate their out of control child without disciplining them.

Of course, I don't mean take the kid outside and beat them, or anything... but I do remember that when my kids were that age, if they didn't behave in public, I would just leave wherever we were and take them home. They would be disciplined at home. But I never would have subjected other people to my kids' bad behavior. And my children learned very quickly that they needed to behave in restaraunts or we would just leave. Grocery store too. Anywhere.
Phew, sweat, phew. i'm sooo grateful those posters i know who are parents have responded in this way as i genuinely was anxious to state my feelings on this story about "the brat who wouldn't".

gawd, but it irritates me beyond the beyond people treat their little precious darlings as if they can do no wrong and gawd knows how many times i've had to listen to endless bawling and tiny-tot rage on planes with absolutely no discipline.

the family actually lucked out by being given so much by the airline. more fool them for not taking advantage of a free round trip. :doh:

complete dimbows, IMO.
:laugh: :laugh:

curious1 said:
The mother had the how dare you attitude then she said, well he's 3 and I can't control him. The mangement lady got this look on her face like WTF?, I looked the 'mother' straight in the eye and said, well if you can't control him at 3 I suggest you get the visiting hours for the local prison because that is where you will be visiting him in about 15 years. The management lady had to stifle a giggle, she cleared her throat and said the mtg was over.
I'm laughing here! I would never have had the nerve to say this! Hahaha!
Smurf said:
And they want to make spanking illegal.... This precious little thing sounds like he/she could have used one. I wonder if the plane would have erupted in cheers (even the folks who are dead set against spanking). My kids hadn't ever flown until they were 8 and 10. I have a friend who comes from France once a year to visit and brings her 4 young boys. When she has to come without her husband, she is a complete mess when she gets off the plane and usually bursts into tears herself. Not that her kids are bad on the plane but I'm sure they have their moments and she has to sweat it out and try to keep everyone happy in such a small space for hours. That is why my IUD better stay put.

I don't know why the kid was freaking out. She could have been scared to death. So, the proper way to handle a frightened three-year old on an airplane is to hit her? :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz:
calus_3 said:
Oh come on, don't be a lightweight say it and take your licking! :D

I find that something like "Despite my firm belief that abortion is murder, this is one child that probably would have benefitted from being aborted because her parents are dumbasses!". Something like that would really get these ladies mobilized with artillary and all! :D

Now before all you ladies go sharpening your claws, I am just trying to help old Ray Ray out her...sort of an indoctrination! :D

Haha Calus.. I am just extremely aware of how people are very defensive about parenting techniques. I know I would be if I had children, however, enough is enough. Children need to be taught right from wrong and how to behave correctly.
rayray said:
Haha Calus.. I am just extremely aware of how people are very defensive about parenting techniques. I know I would be if I had children, however, enough is enough. Children need to be taught right from wrong and how to behave correctly.

And that CAN happen without violence.
Jeana (DP) said:
I don't know why the kid was freaking out. She could have been scared to death. So, the proper way to handle a frightened three-year old on an airplane is to hit her? :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz:
I just saw the mother on Inside Edition talking about this. She said that they believe that the little girl suffered ear pain on the flight down to Florida and was just scared to death getting back on a plane. She said they were doing everything they could to calm her down.

I do agree with the airlines, though. It is a safety issue.
Maral said:
I just saw the mother on Inside Edition talking about this. She said that they believe that the little girl suffered ear pain on the flight down to Florida and was just scared to death getting back on a plane. She said they were doing everything they could to calm her down.

I do agree with the airlines, though. It is a safety issue.

Thanks for the info. Now that we know the little girl was already in pain, a spanking is the last thing she needed! :)
Jeana (DP) said:
I don't know why the kid was freaking out. She could have been scared to death. So, the proper way to handle a frightened three-year old on an airplane is to hit her? :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz: :razz:
Great post, Jeana. I do agree that the airplane made the best decision they could in a tough spot. But spanking the child would have probably only made it worse. Most 3-year-olds who are having tantrum need love and some time to calm down. The airline made sure she got the latter.
Pepper said:
I'm with you. This sounds like an occasion when a good swift swat on the backside could work wonders!
:clap: :clap: :clap: yeppers
So I guess people don't dope their children up with Dimetapp 30mins before flight anymore? (hehehehehehehe) I gave my 3 kiddos the speech before we left for our flight to Germany. I bought each of them a bookbag (carry on) and filled it with crayons color books snacks game boys etc etc.. They didnt make a peep the whole 11 hours besides to ask me if they haaaaaaaad to eat the airline food? ;)
Kudos to the airline. Would love to know what this little girl is like at 16. Never in a million years would I allow my child to act like that. I understand that they get upset to the point were they are unconsolable but, hitting her parents is just plain out of control.
sleuthin4fun said:
..... Never in a million years would I allow my child to act like that. I understand that they get upset to the point were they are unconsolable but, hitting her parents is just plain out of control....
Wow, you must have tapped into some special power that is unavailable to me that allows you to control the way other people act! You should bottle this and become obscenely wealthy. :dance:

I've known a number of 3-year-olds who hit and wail and scream and generally act like lunatics when they are having a tantrum. Most tantrums I've experienced from little people are plain out of control - that's what makes them tantrums.

Good parents do indeed remove a child from the public eye when such an event occurs and then administer appropriate consequences. Doing this consistantly, coupled with the natural maturity of aging that allows a child to slowly learn to get a handle on their emotions, eventually produces positive results for everyone. But it can take some time.
Well, my kids are FAR from perfect, and have certainly thrown their own fair amount of tantrums, however NEVER have they struck me or even attempted to strike me or my DH. Seriously, not once---and I have 3 kids.

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