4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered, Bryan Kohberger Arrested, Moscow, 2022 #77

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I believe BK had enough time even if he’d never been in the house and even if it was very dark. I think the “something” that is throwing people off is BK’s alleged comment “has there been any other arrests”. That comment is enough to cast doubt which is why I think he said it (if he did).
It's difficult to explain since I don't understand it myself. It's like I'm looking at BK on one hand and at the murders on the other. There's no coming together or connecting the two yet. As in I can question and look at the murders and see things logically (even if I dismiss some of them - like most of the News Nation stuff); but I use the terms murderer or intruder when discussing things because I'm not putting a face to the killer. BK on the other hand, despite some odd and off the wall things that have been reported, what we know of him is extremely limited. But I am inclined to believe, based on what's been reported, that he's a rather strange young man. But there are a lot of strange and even bizarre people that aren't killers. So did he do it? Maybe. Did he act alone? Maybe. Or maybe there's some sort of connection between him and the victims that goes beyond him allegedly trying to contact them on social media or even possibly stalking them. Between him and the victims or between someone else and the victims that he could have gotten pulled into (most likely by choice). Basically an illusive something that I do think (or at least hope) will come out so things will fall into place. Again, I can't really explain it because I don't understand it. I do think I'll have an Eureka moment if /when the missing information comes out though.
This is so well stated. My thoughts are similar; there is just something. I think part of it is the lack of reliable information as you said. If we learn that there is DNA evidence from the victims on any of BK's belongings, I'll still have questions, but I'll be more convinced that he's guilty, regardless of those questions.

If BK is indeed the killer, I will chalk it up to some type of personal defect that compelled him to murder four (maybe) strangers.
Is there any proof those are tire marks made by his car? Maybe I missed something in the PCA? Maybe they have before & after video of some kind?

I've always wondered how something fairly commonplace could be attributed to BK & how/why it matters in the trail of evidence. Seems innocuous to me even if left by his car but forensically I must be missing something.

It has never been confirmed that the tire marks were from BK's car TIAAO. Only assumptions due to the interest shown by LE in videos and images. IMO
I’m generally pretty dispassionate about these cases, and I’ve ended up on the opposite side of the “popular” view in controversial cases before (sometimes I’ve been right, at least once I’ve been very wrong), but I don’t even see a point of controversy here. The totality of the circumstances looks like a landslide to me.

The “how long would it take” argument just reminds of that super creepy 3D animation someone did of the house, his movements, and the timeline.

Very angry guy, super hyped up, overkill. If anything, an accomplice would have complicated matters, made things take longer and been much noisier, and would have generated some kind of digital trail. And from everything I’m read, this guy didn’t really know how to make friends.
I believe BK had enough time even if he’d never been in the house and even if it was very dark. I think the “something” that is throwing people off is BK’s alleged comment “has there been any other arrests”. That comment is enough to cast doubt which is why I think he said it (if he did).
If he said it is the big question. Personally I thought he was still in shock and was asking about the other people in the house (his parents and possibly his sister).
I believe BK had enough time even if he’d never been in the house and even if it was very dark. I think the “something” that is throwing people off is BK’s alleged comment “has there been any other arrests”. That comment is enough to cast doubt which is why I think he said it (if he did).
I'm one of the "something" people. I haven't even thought about the possbility that BK asked if there were "other arrests."

I would not be that "efficient," if you will, in a house with such an unusual layout, especially in the dark, unless I'd been there previously. Stairs creak, there's a random step on the 2nd floor, there could have been random stuff on the floor in rooms, etc.

Of course, I was also the kid who got turned around in my "modern" middle school every afternoon trying to find my way out! Other people have better spacial abilty, so maybe it's possible, if tricky.
IIRC it was a reporter who asked the question about "other arrests", not Bryan.
I recall it being BK himself so I Goog'ed for it. I suppose if you took the time (I didn't) to find a MSM source that says a reporter asked that, and not BK, one might be found. lol). Anyway, here's one source saying it was BK:

After being booked into Monroe County Jail, the Washington State University criminology student allegedly asked police whether anyone else had been arrested, NewsNation correspondent Brian Entin reported.

And from BE himself:
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I recall it being BK himself so I Goog'ed for it. I suppose if you took the time (I didn't) to find a MSM source that says a reporter asked that, and not BK, one might be found. lol). Anyway, here's one source saying it was BK:

After being booked into Monroe County Jail, the Washington State University criminology student allegedly asked police whether anyone else had been arrested, NewsNation correspondent Brian Entin reported.

And from the horse's mouth:
Hardly what I'd call the horse's mouth. Secondhand at best, possibly tenth hand, who knows?
DOCTOR, ALL EVIDENCE has to have a foundation and be connected to the actual crime on a factual basis!

My point was that security videos usually have time stamps. Stomach contents do not.

I'm sure you know that no two individuals digest food at the precisely same rate of speed, so the best the stomach contents will give is a range of time when the victim would have been alive and eating.

I expect X will be key, since we know when her last meal was delivered, but MM and KG also brought food home from the food truck, so their stomach contents will help round out the picture.

But that still isn't going to give prosecutors a to-the-minute time like "4:15 a.m."

I don't think it will, anyway.
If a person is at home, phone on and connected to, presumably, both the house wifi as well as pinging the closest cell tower, will the phone/router/cell tower record actual phone activity?

In other words, can the technology distinguish between a person awake and actively engaging every few moments with their device, versus when that person goes to sleep, leaving phone still on and connected but no more activity happening?

What I'm wondering is whether the four victims, maybe the two survivors as well, were awake and interacting with each other for a bit in the 2am range when they had reportedly all arrived home. Phone activity might show when each person went to bed/sleep?
I believe BK had enough time even if he’d never been in the house and even if it was very dark. I think the “something” that is throwing people off is BK’s alleged comment “has there been any other arrests”. That comment is enough to cast doubt which is why I think he said it (if he did).

Nah, that's not it. Many of us have detailed why it doesn't add up in posts. It's our opinion and there are quite a few reasons why we feel this way and at least in my case (and the cases of people who've posted), I think his comment plays no or a very minimal role in our feeling about this case, based on what's been posted. MOO.
I think I would indeed be surprised if that's true ;) I fully agree with the inconsistencies you noted. Almost like the actions of two (or more) people, with some being better at things than the other(s). I'm not ready to consider, and don't believe at this point, that BK might be so mentally unwell that his own personas or illness could explain the inconsistencies. It's more that there's just "something" (like you said) that doesn't add up...

It's definitely true and I don't think there's anything wrong with normalizing having a different opinion. Even the "totality of evidence" isn't close to a slam dunk, IMO, when there are so many holes. Nothing wrong with saying that.

Who Asked about Other Arrest? Context?
I recall it being BK himself...here's one source saying it was BK:

After being booked into Monroe County Jail, the Washington State University criminology student allegedly asked police whether anyone else had been arrested, NewsNation correspondent Brian Entin reported.
snipped for focus @Gemmie
Just jumping off your post w the helpful quotes & links. TYVM.

Someone else (sorry, forgot who) said (or suggested?) that BK asked this question while being arrested at his PARENTS' HOUSE and at that time, maybe he thought LE arrested his parents or sister.

I imagine a bit of chaos ensued after LE's entry & cuffing BK and search of home, but per the above link & quote:
BK asked Q. AFTER being BOOKED into Monroe County JAIL.

Of course, BK could have asked Q
- at parent's home
- during transport to jail,
- at county jail,
- all ^ or
- none of ^.

If BK did ask Q, IDK if location or context tells us much.

Regardless, any reporter could have asked the Q too.
@Gemmie. Thanks for tracking it down
Long time reader, first time poster with some thoughts...all JMO

1 - JMO, Kaylee, Madison get posthumous degrees, the others honorary. Colleges hand them out to folks that give commencement speeches. If not, probably a scholarship in their names. Just a thought and a new acronym: MWT (My Wishful Thinking).

2 - Way back in Thread 18 - 25 (maybe also in MSM section) Kaylee's sister was interviewed and said Murphy was a very timid dog and would probably hide in the closet vs bark. MOO that the bark caught on the neighbors cam wasn't Murphy. Agree thud was BKs trunk closing causing another dog to bark. It is MWT that his is the "animal hair" found at BKs apartment.

3 - JMO, 12 to 15 min is plenty of time for KB to do this. Try this: set an alarm clock for 12 min and sit still. It's an eternity. In me thinking out loud (MTOL) there is time.

4 - The house? Yes it's odd, but it's not a mirror maze or a place with 15 hallways; come in from slider and you're in the kitchen, then, you're in a living room. Which way to go? Try the hallway, turn, go up the stairs...2 bedrooms. Try a door. OOPS, dog! Close door. Try the other, bingo!
What the?! TWO GIRLS! At the end of what's happening in Madisons room BK hears the shout to be quiet, gets nervous/concerned, forgets the sheath and, as postulated earlier, BK goes back down stairs, sees light from Xana's room and we know what happens there. He then leaves, walking past DMs room to slider.

4 - For the evidence (which we know the PCA only divulged a fraction of) each item by itself seems almost insignificant, however, piece it all together and you have a lot of the puzzle coming together.
There's a fraction of evidence in the PCA because I highly doubt (again, mooo) that with the small amount of stuff disclosed in the PCA would it take up thousands of pages, thousands of pictures? And the DA keeps handing over more. Oh! (ala Perry Mason) there's also his DNA on the knife sheath.

Sorry if this is all disjointed, hope it makes sense. Have had an interesting journey through all 77 threads, keep it up!

Long time reader, first time poster with some thoughts...all JMO

1 - JMO, Kaylee, Madison get posthumous degrees, the others honorary. Colleges hand them out to folks that give commencement speeches. If not, probably a scholarship in their names. Just a thought and a new acronym: MWT (My Wishful Thinking).

2 - Way back in Thread 18 - 25 (maybe also in MSM section) Kaylee's sister was interviewed and said Murphy was a very timid dog and would probably hide in the closet vs bark. MOO that the bark caught on the neighbors cam wasn't Murphy. Agree thud was BKs trunk closing causing another dog to bark. It is MWT that his is the "animal hair" found at BKs apartment.

3 - JMO, 12 to 15 min is plenty of time for KB to do this. Try this: set an alarm clock for 12 min and sit still. It's an eternity. In me thinking out loud (MTOL) there is time.

4 - The house? Yes it's odd, but it's not a mirror maze or a place with 15 hallways; come in from slider and you're in the kitchen, then, you're in a living room. Which way to go? Try the hallway, turn, go up the stairs...2 bedrooms. Try a door. OOPS, dog! Close door. Try the other, bingo!
What the?! TWO GIRLS! At the end of what's happening in Madisons room BK hears the shout to be quiet, gets nervous/concerned, forgets the sheath and, as postulated earlier, BK goes back down stairs, sees light from Xana's room and we know what happens there. He then leaves, walking past DMs room to slider.

4 - For the evidence (which we know the PCA only divulged a fraction of) each item by itself seems almost insignificant, however, piece it all together and you have a lot of the puzzle coming together.
There's a fraction of evidence in the PCA because I highly doubt (again, mooo) that with the small amount of stuff disclosed in the PCA would it take up thousands of pages, thousands of pictures? And the DA keeps handing over more. Oh! (ala Perry Mason) there's also his DNA on the knife sheath.

Sorry if this is all disjointed, hope it makes sense. Have had an interesting journey through all 77 threads, keep it up!

Nice to see you jump in with your post!
I believe BK had enough time even if he’d never been in the house and even if it was very dark. I think the “something” that is throwing people off is BK’s alleged comment “has there been any other arrests”. That comment is enough to cast doubt which is why I think he said it (if he did).
Newsweek couldn't verify that he said this.

Yes, if he said it, it is to cast doubt (red herring) and it worked. Much speculation has gone around on wondering if he had an accomplice.
Much ado about nothing.

Forensics can tell if the knife wounds are from the same knife or from different knives. I assume the same, which shows one perpetrator. Many details in a crime scene can show likelihood of multiple perpetrators, including footprints.

2 Cents
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No case is ever a slam dunk.

BK had the the time. There was enough light, he had athleticism, he had fight training, his DNA was found at the crime scene.
His phone was tracked entering the area, and leaving the area in the early morning hours of 11/13/22. A car matching his car was caught in camera turning around at King St. And entering Queen St. aproximately 4:07 and speeding away at 4:20.
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Newsweek couldn't verify that he said this.

Yes, if he said it, it is to cast doubt (red herring) and it worked. Much speculation has gone around on wondering if he had an accomplice.
Much ado about nothing.

Forensics can tell if the knife wounds are from the same knife or from different knives. I assume the same, which shows one perpetrator. Many details in a crime scene can show likelihood of multiple perpetrators, including footprints.

2 Cents
I agree. Much ado about about the statement.
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