4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 72

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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2019
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This tragedy seems to be breaking news:

Police said they responded to King Road for a report of an unconscious person. When officers arrived, they “discovered four individuals who were deceased...”

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Media Thread/No Discussion

Probable Cause Affidavit

Press photo album (compilation courtesy of WS member cujenn81)

Moscow ID Police Department Facebook page

City of Moscow re King Road Homicide

Detectives are looking to develop context for the events and people involved in the four murders at 1122 King Rd in Moscow, Idaho. Anyone who observed notable behavior, has video surveillance, or can provide relevant information about these murders:

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The following Johnny Law youtube was originally posted by Mayboy1998 earlier today but because it was not a podcast host we were familiar with and we did not have time to view it in its entirety, it was removed. Having now had time to view it, it is being approved on a one-time basis because it does seem to provide an excellent analysis of the layout of the house, where individuals may have been sleeping, and it speaks to the location of the red liquid in relation to the overall layout of the house.


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To any members who have complained about removal of their off topic posts and TOs issued for derailing the discussion.

There is a very good reason Off Topic posts are a violation of Websleuths TOS.

First of all, the threads are not personal chat or comedy rooms. Off topic posts derail the thread, making the thread all about you and what you want to talk about. Each day, hundreds of members and thousands of guests come to Websleuths to read about the topic the thread is dedicated to, not to read about you or your life or what you think is funny. It is disrespectful to the victims who these threads are dedicated to.

The one thread you post off topic in is not the only active thread that Mods and Admins deal with every day. WS has thousands of threads, 212,000+ members, and only 4 staff to deal with hundreds of active threads 24/7 .

Simple math ... if there are 200 members currently online and even 5% of those members feel it is okay to sneak in that innocuous little off topic post, and each of those 10 posts receives 10 responses and those responses receive even 2 responses each, that is 200 off topic posts alone that our volunteer Moderators would have to search for and remove in a day (in addition to all the other TOS violations they have to deal with).

This means that for your little post that you think is harmless, our staff have to go through pages and pages of posts to find all the responses to your OT post.

Please be courteous to other members, the families and guests reading here, and to our volunteer staff who work very hard in trying to keep the discussions respectful and on topic.

Thank you.

Stop bringing rumors into this discussion, and stop stating opinion as fact.

There is no approved source to support that EC was found in the hallway.

Mods have had to remove or modsnip tons of posts based on members discussing "whispers" (i.e RUMORs) and/or members theories that contain information as fact when such "fact" is actually based on rumor.

Members who violate the above TOS are subject to a temporary or permanent loss of posting privileges.
Hey everyone,

WS requires links to information stated as fact. What you "heard somewhere" or "read somewhere" "think I heard" etc is NOT an approved source. If you can't link it, you can't post it.

No link, no post !!

Reddit is not an approved source and rumors are not allowed at Websleuths.

Next member to bring Reddit or rumors to this thread will get a 1 week TO.

Little rumor, big rumor .. doesn't matter. A rumor is a rumor. Don't bring them to Websleuths.

Also, at Websleuths every family member, every parent, friend, etc. is considered a victim unless they are an officially named POI or suspect. If parents don't go public and give interviews, people think that's not right. If they give interviews, people think that's not right. You aren't in their shoes ... lay off the criticism of how those innocent people may or may not be reacting during their time of grief.

And, it's been said many, many times, stop the generalized LE bashing.

Thousands of members every day have no problem posting in accordance with our rules and policies. Please post responsibly and respectfully.

Thank you.

FYI, the podcast The Interview Room with Chris McDonough is no longer an approved source at Websleuths.

Please do not link to his podcast or his channel.

Thanks !!

Quick reminder about sources, from the Etiquette & Information link in my signature:

Information stated as fact must be supported by a link to a mainstream media or law enforcement source (or other WS approved source) to substantiate the fact, otherwise the post will be removed, along with all responses to it.

And from the Social Media link:


Victim (missing or murdered person)
Suspect (as officially named by LE)

Public Pages
Mainstream Media (MSM)
Law Enforcement (LE)
Approved group support pages for victims, such as "Help Find..." and "Justice for..." (usually a page run by family)
Legitimate non-profit organizations who provide assistance and support to victims and their families (e.g., Klass Kids, Texas Equusearch).

Please don't post random YT, Twitter, etc. links that have not been approved here.

ETA: COMMENTS on allowed sources are NOT allowed, as they can't be vetted for accuracy.

Thread is open. Three things before you get back to posting:

1. STOP replying the obvious violations of TOS. If you do, then we have to moderate the original post, and your post, and anybody who replied to your post, and so on and so forth.

2. If you can't provide a link from MSM or LE, don't post it. Don't say you'll find a link later, don't say you can't link because it's not approved here but this is what it says. If you can't link it, you can't talk about it. Like in #1, we have to clean up the original and then the responses, and the responses to responses, and so on and so forth.

3. Stay on topic, to THIS case, not just generally. Geneology research is not specific to this case, for example (and we have no indication that we're there yet, anyway). And again with the responses.

And that's how threads stay open.

Please review the links below this post for guidelines.

Nothing that Chris M says is allowed on this forum unless it is backed up by law enforcement.

Chris has personally lied to me. He accused an innocent man of being Brian Laundry. He lied about being removed from the Crow lawsuit. He was removed but then put back in the lawsuit and lost. Chris told me he was removed from the lawsuit and was not sued. He never told me he was added back into the lawsuit and lost. Chris was sued for getting a false confession in the murder of Stephanie Crow.
I could go on but suffice it to say anything he says is not allowed. Even if it is in mainstream media.

Again only if what he said is backed up by an actual law enforcement source.

Here is the documentation on the Crow lawsuit
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Ruling from 2010 which overrules Dougie's decision from 2004.

Retired judge slams Crowe case

"A federal trial judge in San Diego dismissed the bulk of the civil rights suit in 2004. But six years later, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals revived the lawsuit, finding that Escondido police violated the civil rights of Crowe and his friends during “hours of grueling, psychologically abusive interrogations.”

The above links come from a great YouTube creator called Scientific Skeptic. If you go to this video there are more links describing the interrogation tools used by Chris and others in the Crow case,

Because Chris mistakenly named the wrong man on my YouTube channel and never told me to take down the false information I made this apology video when I discovered what happened,
Here is the apology video I had to make because of what Chris said on my Livestream.

The glove that Chris found was not there on the day of the Moscow Idaho murders

The MOB Crew has a great video showing the ground the day of the killing where the glove was found later in the month. On that day the glove was not there. Go to @2:35 of this video

I am not suggesting Chris did not legitimately find the glove. Just showing you it has nothing to do with the case. I will be shocked if Chris updates the story about the glove.

For those of you who know me this is an extremely unusual step for me to take. This is how strongly I feel. I was lied to but more importantly, because of Chris' actions, people's lives were threatened in the Summer Wells case.

Please do not discuss this post on this thread. If you have any questions please email me at websleuthsvideos@gmail.com

The thread will reopen in about an hour to give members time to read the following and "Like" the post to indicate you have read and understood.

The following is not allowed:

Sleuthing or encouraging sleuthing individuals who are not officially named POIs and are not suspects at this time

Generalized bashing of or attempts to discredit LE or make insinuations/accusations about them when members have no knowledge of what LE has or has not done, what they know or do not know

Insinuations about a potential attempt at cover-up by the U of I is not based on any known fact, is wild speculation and is off limits

Members can not bring “comments” by the general public into this discussion. They are considered rumor and your post will be removed and member may face a temporary or permanent loss of posting privileges.

NO LINK, NO POST !! Even screenshots require a link.

“Opinion articles” are not allowed. Members are encouraged to form their own opinions based on what we know via MSM or LE, scholarly or other approved sources, not based on opinions of thousands of others throughout the WWW.

Hyper-focusing or nit-picking and bickering about things that don’t matter .. i.e. if someone uses a word that you think should have been another word. Scroll and roll and roll your eyes in the privacy of your home .. no need for everything that goes through your head to end up on your keyboard.

New members MUST read The Rules of this site that they agreed to upon registering at Websleuths. Ignorance of our law is no excuse ;)

Once again, a reminder to "Like" this post to indicate you have read and understood the above.

Thanks everyone.

WS Administrator

This post lands at random.

The Report feature is for members to alert us to violations of Websleuths Terms of Service, not to have us fact-checking all the minute details of every single case. WS has hundreds of alerts that our very few volunteer staff have to stick-handle every single day. We can not possibly know all the minute details of every case, and we do not have time to correct misinformation that may crop up in the various threads.

While rumors are a violation of TOS, simple misinformation or a misstatement of fact is not. If misinformation creeps into the thread, please just correct it on the thread through respectful discussion, supported by links to the correct details.

Also a reminder that, as part of victimology, discussion of KNOWN victim behavior as fact is fine as long as it isn’t accompanied with judgmental commentary or negative connotation or negative speculation that constitutes victim shaming or blaming (i.e. drugs or other illegal activity is not a KNOWN and is not allowed).

And please forego the virtue signalling. The discussion isn’t about us or our own perfect values.

Thanks !!

If you aren't sure if a source is approved, please seek approval before discussing any of the content. It makes thread cleanup so much more difficult and time-consuming when Mods have to go through pages and pages of posts to remove the OP and all the responses, and responses to those responses, etc.

Just as an example, yesterday out of many, many pages of Reports, just 2 pages alone were 40 Reports with 38 of them relating to this discussion alone. Mods are swamped with this discussion. Please don't make things more difficult for them.

Thank you.

ETA: Also, please move on from the discussion as to whether E was or was not drunk as there is nothing to substantiate either way. It is speculation that is not based on any known fact, and is not victim friendly. As per TOS:

"Discussing known victim behavior, good or bad is fine, but do so in a civil and constructive way, and only when such behavior is known to be relevant to the case."

The qualifying word in the above is "known".

Welcome to all our new members who have joined the discussion. We were all new once and it takes a while to learn all the ins and outs, become familiar with our Terms of Service, and generally how Websleuths rolls. We are not your average run-of-the-mill type of site where anything goes.

We want our new members to feel welcome, so if you have an issue please don't hesitate to contact a Mod or Admin by Reporting an offensive or inflammatory post (Report button at the bottom of each post). Just Report and let our Moderators or Administrators review the issue and deal with it rather than responding on the thread.

Glad you are here to contribute. If you have questions about our rules, just ask by using use the Report feature to jump off any post, and we will do our best to answer them for you.

From the social media rules (linked below):


Victim (missing or murdered person)
Suspect (as officially named by LE)
  • Links may be used to direct members to posts made by a victim or a suspect.
  • Paraphrasing is okay, but direct quotes, copying/pasting, screenshots from these pages is not allowed.
  • NOTE: Comments and posts by Friends on these pages are not allowed to be linked, quoted, copied or referenced. They are considered rumor. Just don't mention them.
The suspect's REDDIT account (and ONLY the suspect's Reddit account) is approved. Just don't screenshot, or copy and paste.

ETA: The account was suspended shortly after this was posted. We have no way of knowing why this happened, and no way to know whether it will be reinstated at some point. Because the source is no longer available, discussion of the contents is not allowed.

STOP with the discussion of various mental health disorders.

The ONLY thing we are aware of at this time is that his family members made reference to OCD. Beyond that we know nothing about this man's mental health or any diagnosis, so it is all speculation not based on any known fact.

Move on from the incel discussion folks. It is strictly speculation not based on any known fact and other members and guests don't come here to read the same discussion/debate over and over again.

Thank you.
Hey folks,

We aren't here to trash the heck out of a poem someone wrote. If you wish to discuss the poem, please simply discuss it in the context of how it may relate directly to the case at hand.

On another note, we appreciate members keeping on eye on the posts and alerting us to what they think could be violations of TOS, but please remember there is a difference between discussing what is in MSM vs actual sleuthing of family members.

If there is something in MSM about a friend or family member or whoever .. it is fine to discuss what is said in MSM about them or what they say in MSM. That is simply discussion and members are allowed to offer their speculative opinion about that content. By contrast, sleuthing is going beyond what in said in MSM and digging up other information about that person (i.e. addresses, where they work, what they do, driver's licence, background information, etc) when they are not a POI or suspect. THAT is what is not allowed under TOS.

Any questions, please use the Report feature to jump off any post and ask away.

Just a friendly reminder,

If you are going to post a photo and/or screenshot, an approved source link MUST BE INCLUDED! Otherwise, it and any responses to it will be removed.

This is the appropriate way of including a source link: Live

This is not the appropriate way of including a source link:


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