4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered - Bryan Kohberger Arrested - Moscow # 76

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On the topic of the gag order restraining comment by attorneys associated with the case (and their agents) I wondered if anyone would like to comment on Idaho Rule of Professional Conduct 3.6, below.

I wonder what the press would like these people to say that they can ethically say, under this rule:


(a) A lawyer who is participating or has participated in the investigation or litigation of a matter shall not make an extrajudicial statement that the lawyer knows or reasonably should know will be disseminated by means of public communication and will have a substantial likelihood of materially prejudicing an adjudicative proceeding in the matter.

(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), a lawyer may state:

(1) the claim, offense or defense involved and, except when prohibited by law, the identity of the persons involved;

(2) information contained in a public record;

(3) that an investigation of a matter is in progress;

(4) the scheduling or result of any step in litigation;

(5) a request for assistance in obtaining evidence and information necessary thereto;
6) a warning of danger concerning the behavior of a person involved, when there is reason to believe that there exists the likelihood of substantial harm to an individual or to the public interest; and

(7) in a criminal case, in addition to subparagraphs (1) through (6):

(i) the identity, residence, occupation and family status of the accused;

(ii) if the accused has not been apprehended, information necessary to aid in apprehension of that person;

(iii) the fact, time and place of arrest; and

(iv) the identity of investigating and arresting officersor agencies and the length of the investigation.

(c) Notwithstanding paragraph (a), a lawyer may make a statement that a reasonable lawyer would believe is required to protect a client from the substantial undue prejudicial effect of recent publicity not initiated by the lawyer or the lawyer's client. A statement made pursuant to this paragraph shall be limited to such information as is necessary to mitigate the recent adverse publicity.

(d) No lawyer associated in a firm or government agency with a lawyer subject to paragraph (a) shall make a statement prohibited by paragraph (a).



[1] It is difficult to strike a balance between protecting the right to a fair trial and safeguarding the right of free expression. Preserving the right to a fair trial necessarily entails some curtailment of the information that may be disseminated about a party prior to trial, particularly where trial by jury is involved. If there were no such limits, the result would be the practical nullification of the protective effect of the rules of forensic decorum and the exclusionary rules of evidence. On the other hand, there are vital social interests served by the free dissemination of information about events having legal consequences and about legal proceedings themselves. The public has a right to know about threats to its safety and measures aimed at assuring its security. It also has a legitimate interest in the conduct of judicial proceedings, particularly in matters of general public concern. Furthermore, the subject matter of legal proceedings is often of direct significance in debate and deliberation over questions of public policy.

[2] Special rules of confidentiality may validly govern proceedings in juvenile, domestic relations and mental disability proceedings, and perhaps other types of litigation. Rule 3.4(c) requires compliance with such rules.

[3] The Rule sets forth a basic general prohibition against a lawyer's making statements that the lawyer knows or should know will have a substantial likelihood of materially prejudicing an adjudicative proceeding. Recognizing that the public value of informed commentary is great and the likelihood of prejudice to a proceeding by the commentary of a lawyer who is not involved in the proceeding is small, the rule applies only to lawyers who are, or who have been involved in the investigation or litigation of a case, and their associates.

[4] Paragraph (b) identifies specific matters about which a lawyer's statements would not ordinarily be considered to present a substantial likelihood of material prejudice, and should not in any event be considered prohibited by the general prohibition of paragraph (a). Paragraph (b) is not intended to be an exhaustive listing of the subjects upon which a lawyer may make a statement, but statements on other matters may be subject to paragraph (a).

[5] There are, on the other hand, certain subjects that are more likely than not to have a material prejudicial effect on a proceeding, particularly when they refer to a civil matter triable to a jury, a criminal matter, or any other proceeding that could result in incarceration. These subjects relate to:

(1) The character, credibility, reputation or criminal record of a party, suspect in a criminal investigation or witness, or the identity of a witness, or the expected testimony of a party or witness;

(2) In a criminal case or proceeding that could result in incarceration, the possibility of a plea of guilty to the offense or the existence or contents of any confession, admission, or statement given by a defendant or suspect or that person's refusal or failure to make a statement;

(3) The performance or results of any examination or test or the refusal or failure of a person to submit to an examination or test, or the identity or nature of physical evidence expected to be presented;

(4) Any opinion as to the guilt or innocence of a defendant or suspect in a criminal case or proceeding that could result in incarceration;

(5) Information that the lawyer knows or reasonably should know is likely to be inadmissible as evidence in a trial and that would, if disclosed, create a substantial risk of prejudicing an impartial trial; or

(6) The fact that a defendant has been charged with a crime, unless there is included therein a statement explaining that the charge is merely an accusation and that the defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.

[6] Another relevant factor in determining prejudice is the nature of the proceeding involved. Criminal jury trials will be most sensitive to extrajudicial speech. Civil trials may be less sensitive. Non-jury hearings and arbitration proceedings may be even less affected. The Rule will still place limitations on prejudicial comments in these cases, but the likelihood of prejudice may be different depending on the type of proceeding.

[7] Finally, extrajudicial statements that might otherwise raise a question under this Rule may be permissible when they are made in response to statements made publicly by another party, another party's lawyer, or third persons, where a reasonable lawyer would believe a public response is required in order to avoid prejudice to the lawyer's client. When prejudicial statements have been publicly made by others, responsive statements may have the salutary effect of lessening any resulting adverse impact on the adjudicative proceeding. Such responsive statements should be limited to contain only such information as is necessary to mitigate undue prejudice created by the statements made by others.

[8] See Rule 3.8(f) for additional duties of prosecutors in connection with proceedings.
I decided that I can't stay away. But instead of debating I'll just contribute where I can. This is all MOO.

I agree with everything but the GPS data being a hindrance for trial. The cell tower data is much much stronger than lack of GPS data is.

For one, the only reliable place to retrieve historical GPS data in a Android device is the Google Maps Timeline feature. If BK had the Timeline feature turned off (as many privacy focused people do) or didn't have Google Maps installed at all LE not finding GPS data would not be very surprising. We also know (via the video from the Indiana stops) that his Elantra was equipped with the base infotainment system option that contains absolutely no GPS hardware whatsoever.

Secondly, GPS data is extremely easy to spoof on Android devices. Either on the device via easily accessible apps (you can literally download them in a minute or two) or via a desktop emulator. You could essentially create an entire trail of breadcrumbs. Though most of the uses I've seen have nothing to do with quadruple murders.....cheating on Pokemon Go, cheating on a spouse, making Netflix think you totally should have access to that spanish novella.

Cell towers on the other hand are pretty much IMPOSSIBLE to lie to. This is by design. They to rely on a few things. I'll talk about two of them. Unlike GPS....IMEI which is unique to each and every cellular device is extremely hard to spoof. And the fact that spoofing those identifiers will get you thrown in jail (read: illegal) makes it a lot more difficult to find apps or anyone openly creating tools to do it. IMEI (and the other standard I'm going to mention) have been designed with global crime fighting in mind.

Let's say that you managed to successfully spoof IMEI. It would essentially be a gigantic waste of time because the IMSI encrypted on your SIM card is going to get you caught. And the encryption utilized on the latest version of IMSI has all prevented people from cloning them. If anyone wants to read anymore about this look up LE's use of Man in the middle attacks, specifically Stingray's, Cell Site Spoofing and privacy advocates and the criminal world seeking to stop them.

Just another quick comment about smartphones.

If BK more recently deleted anything on his phone LE will likely be able to recover all of it in a unstructured state, fragments of it or references to it. The only way to really avoid this is to use specialized tools/apps or to override every single bit of available hard drive space multiple times over with new data. Effectively wiping out anything that might have been stored on a sector somewhere by the operating system.

Here goes such a tool

I'm sure the cell phone equivalent is out there somewhere but keep in mind that this is only the first step in destroying a hard drive. After they are confident that a tool like Bitraser has wiped the drive they usually drill it full of holes, shred it in a hard drive shredder, and might even melt it.

Again, MOO and only mine.

IMO if BK did do it and is successful in wiping out all remnants of any sinister data then LE could look at the places collecting crazy amount of user information often unbeknownst to said user.

First, Go ahead and Copy and Paste this link into your browser...(this link is showing a preview but it's Google's GPS timeline and will likely only work for people clicking on this link from an Android device)

Then copy and paste this one here.....should work for all Google account holders...even if you don't have an Android device. Unless you've explicitly turned this feature off.....

If you have a Google account and nothing appears under either of those links...CONGRATULATIONS!

2 months left! Then we'll know more!
Thank you, @schooling, for sharing this information. It's very helpful to have your perspectives on the background and meaning of some of the complex technical aspects of this case, and practical applications, IMO.

Regarding BK's cell phone's locational data as reported by LE, do you think there is any merit to the possibility that AT&T, the carrier servicing BK's cellphone as stated in the PCA, is typically "less specific" in terms of locational accuracy, and/or requires "additional triangulation" compared to other carriers?

Just curious if there is much difference between carriers in terms of ease of locating a cellphone with greater or lesser accuracy, and partially, if there was any specific reason you can think of why the PCA specifically mentioned they determined BK's cellphone carrier was AT&T?

Just a quick reminder that DM was probably awake for several minutes before opening her door for the third time when she saw the intruder. So, IMHO, was wasn't all that groggy as when she was first awakened.

"Mortensen, who also slept on the second floor, later told police in an interview that she opened her door three times after waking up at around 4 a.m. to what she thought "sounded like Goncalves playing with her dog in one of the upstairs bedrooms, which were located on the third floor," according to the affidavit.

"A short time later, D.M. said she heard who she thought was Goncalves say something to the effect of 'there's someone here,'" the affidavit says. However, investigators pointed out that it could have been Kernodle's voice, since records from a forensic download of her cell phone "indicated she was likely awake and using the TikTok app at approximately 4:12 a.m."

Mortensen told police that she "did not see anything" when she looked out of her bedroom for the first time after hearing the voice. When she opened her door a second time, after hearing what she believed was "crying coming from Kernodle's room," Mortensen said that she heard a man's voice say "something to the effect of 'it's ok, I'm going to help you,'" according to the affidavit.

Mortensen said that she heard crying again later and opened her door for the third time, investigators said in the document. . ."
I'm still a bit "off" or groggy until after I have lunch most days so I don't think we can assume any level of awareness. Maybe she was more fully awake having opened her door more than once but maybe not. As other non-morning people can attest, awareness when awoken is variable. As I age, I wake up for 30 minutes then sleep again for an hour or more. The "norm" range from sleep to full awareness can be quite wide IMO.
My 2 cents only
Speculation: (also in the interests of changing the subject)

By June, I think we will see:

  • evidence that the slider was opened by a gloved hand; evidence as to the order of the murders
  • Victim DNA evidence from an obscure part of the car; I predict that not many people had been in BK's Elantra, but that will have to be sorted out; I believe this evidence will come from blood cells not epithelial cells. Car will also show various signs of repeated cleaning.
  • Internet searches of many kinds (maps, shopping, how-to videos, perhaps even training videos). These may have been deleted from BK's various devices, but the search engine owners will have complied with the sealed warrants
  • GPS data. This is crucial. It will either back up the cell tower pinging or it won't. If it doesn't, then I am not sure this will go on to trial. But I do believe it will show an even more extensive and detailed account of BK's whereabouts for quite a period of time, including that of the murder run. I also believe it will show that he was frequently on the U of I campus on weekends perhaps even showing he had attended parties near the University
  • More cell tower data (from secondary masts around Moscow)
  • More video data, from neighbors' cams but also business cams around the area, most of it about the Elantra
  • Footprints from outside the house matching the ones inside
  • Car track analysis (likely weak but will be presented)
  • Fiber analysis showing at least a few fibers from BK's car inside 1122.
  • Possible hair analysis showing a hair of victim or Murphy at BK's Steptoe apartment
  • A record of what BK purchased at Albertson's
  • A record of BK using multiple Tinder accounts to try and find women, also showing a pattern of preferring college women who are blonde
  • A record of BK reaching out (perhaps both anonymously and also with his own name) to three of the victims, via attempts to "friend" on Insta, Insta messages and possibly also Tinder messages
  • A record of BK downloading pictures of one or more of the victims from Instagram
  • Very little data that BK ever did much research on digital forensics (esp. of apps and phones) before the crime
  • Evidence of more than one stop on his first trip leaving Moscow and of the terrain where he stopped
  • Receipts for various items related to the crime
  • Possible forensic radiology evidence pointing to a Ka-Bar knife along with autopsy evidence showing that the murder weapon was the size of knife that fits in that sheath
  • Forensic examination of BK's skin on hands and arms (whether exculpatory or not)
  • More evidence from the sheath
  • Very little BK DNA inside the house, possibly only the sheath (showing great care to leave no trace)
  • Analysis of both bloody and latent footprints showing that the killer got very little blood on himself on the third floor, but got at least one foot bloody during Xana's struggle with him
  • Footprints showing that BK has the same size shoe as the killer, but also the same overall length of toes, height of arch, size of heel bone, etc. The toe pattern will be one that's shared by less than 1% of the population because yes, toe patterns vary a great deal. Vans have such a flexible sole that I'm optimistic about this data.
  • All the more obvious stuff (BK had nitrile gloves; BK had the proper wardrobe items; BK had some boxing/kickboxing training; BK was active at night; his phone and car return to the scene of the crime, etc.)
This will be summarized by the prosecution as pointing to a masked man wearing gloves, dressed in coveralls, wielding a Ka-Bar knife, entering the house at 1122 King Road at the same time period that BK's car was parked right outside.

There may be witness testimony, for example, that one of the women had noticed a "weird dude" staring at her in more than one context. The boyfriends of two of the women might have interesting things to say. There may be multiple strands of evidence that 1-2 of the young women (or more) were worried about some stranger who matched BK's general appearance - that would be huge. It's also possible they will bring in the matter of BK's issues as WSU and his suspension from his T.A. job, although I would think that could wait until trial.

What we won't hear at the Prelim is anything from Kohberger and I do wonder how his attorneys will try to counter the evidence. Yep, I'm guessing/speculating on a few things, and I am sure there are some I've forgotten. I do wonder if they'll use KB's own self-descriptions from any of his online musings and postings. I doubt they will, at this stage (maybe not ever). I don't think he has an alibi. I keep wracking my brain thinking what advice I'd give to the defense in this case.

I think he'll be bound over on the DNA evidence (as its existence is a matter of fact and therefore is something that should go to a jury). I think the footprint analysis may be important, combined with the car and phone travel pattern (there will be way more evidence on this by June). And I do believe there's going to be at least one true bombshell (such as a successful use of a drain swab at BK's apartment or the location of a BK hair or some DNA at 1122, perhaps from the forensic vacuum technique). I am not very optimistic about this last thing, though.

End speculation.
BK should read this and plead out. Unfortunately, I'm betting he is looking forward to all the drama & continued escalation of the pain he has caused the victims.
I decided that I can't stay away. But instead of debating I'll just contribute where I can. This is all MOO.

I agree with everything but the GPS data being a hindrance for trial. The cell tower data is much much stronger than lack of GPS data is.

For one, the only reliable place to retrieve historical GPS data in a Android device is the Google Maps Timeline feature. As it comes installed and turned on by default on the majority of Android devices. If BK had the Timeline feature turned off (as many privacy focused people do) or uninstalled Google Maps before the crimes LE not finding GPS data would not be very surprising. As the only other way to have GPS data in there would be to Ask an App like Waze for Directions to the Crime Scene. I could be wrong but I don't think Android's default settings allows any other apps to passively collect location data. But if I am wrong then this makes BKs predicament only worse.

We also know (via the video from the Indiana stops) that his Elantra was equipped with the base infotainment system option that contains absolutely no GPS hardware whatsoever.

Secondly, GPS data is extremely easy to spoof on Android devices. Either on the device via easily accessible apps (you can literally download them in a minute or two) or via a desktop emulator. You could essentially create an entire trail of breadcrumbs. Though most of the uses I've seen have nothing to do with quadruple murders.....cheating on Pokemon Go, cheating on a spouse, making Netflix think you totally should have access to that spanish novella.

Cell towers on the other hand are pretty much IMPOSSIBLE to lie to. This is by design. They to rely on a few things. I'll talk about two of them. Unlike GPS....IMEI which is unique to each and every cellular device is extremely hard to spoof. And the fact that spoofing those identifiers will get you thrown in jail (read: illegal) makes it a lot more difficult to find apps or anyone openly creating tools to do it. IMEI (and the other standard I'm going to mention) have been designed with global crime fighting in mind.

Let's say that you managed to successfully spoof IMEI. It would essentially be a gigantic waste of time because the IMSI encrypted on your SIM card is going to get you caught. And the encryption utilized on the latest version of IMSI has all prevented people from cloning them. If anyone wants to read anymore about this look up LE's use of Man in the middle attacks, specifically Stingray's, Cell Site Spoofing and privacy advocates and the criminal world seeking to stop them.

Just another quick comment about smartphones.

If BK more recently deleted anything on his phone LE will likely be able to recover all of it in a unstructured state, fragments of it or references to it. The only way to really avoid this is to use specialized tools/apps or to override every single bit of available hard drive space multiple times over with new data. Effectively wiping out anything that might have been stored on a sector somewhere by the operating system.

Here goes such a tool

I'm sure the cell phone equivalent is out there somewhere but keep in mind that this is only the first step in destroying a hard drive. After they are confident that a tool like Bitraser has wiped the drive they usually drill it full of holes, shred it in a hard drive shredder, and might even melt it. There's a reason they go through these lengths....

Again, MOO and only mine.

IMO if BK did do it and is successful in wiping out all remnants of any sinister data then LE could look at the places collecting crazy amount of user information often unbeknownst to said user.

First, Go ahead and Copy and Paste this link into your browser...(this link is showing a preview but it's Google's GPS timeline and will likely only work for people clicking on this link from an Android device or if you're a Google Maps on iPhone user)

Then copy and paste this one here.....should work for all Google account holders...even if you don't have an Android device. Unless you've explicitly turned this feature off.....

If you have a Google account and nothing appears under either of those links...CONGRATULATIONS!

2 months left! Then we'll know more!

Edit/Update: I don't want to edit this into the stuff I wrote above because I don't have the time to go over it. But if BK was a frequent user of Google Maps in the area (Maps would recognize this and maintain the area in it's cache for quicker access) or explicitly downloaded the map to his cellular device (option on Android). He could use Google Maps to navigate without needing to have cellular turned on. GPS is independent of cellular and is a phone to satellite / satellite to phone connection. Even turn by turn directions would still work, it just wouldn't utilize live traffic data. The cellular network is only involved to enhance GPS data (surrounding POIs, time you leave for work, traffic etc).
Cell phone locations from tower pings are done by CAST technology.
A single tower ping provides the data of distance from the tower in a thirty degree arc.
A second tower ping provides the same, and where the arcs cross is the location of the phone.

Satellite location is seperate.
@schooling Great info as usual! I like how you explained this in an easy to understand way. Your google links didn't show anything on my phone because I don't have a google account. I guess there's still the cell tower stuff but his phone didn't connect to a tower during the murders. Is there another way?
Can we shift to 2021 for a minute? IIRC there are a few different things which seem to point back to 2021.

An interview (Fox) with a former tenant who lived at 1122 King during their junior year: Idaho murders: Footsteps can be heard on 'every floor,' former tenant says

Were there not pings from BKs cellphone to the wifi at 1122 King as early as June 2022? I don't have a link for that.

BK worked as a security guard in Pleasant Valley until August 2021 according to this link: Kaylee Goncalves’ family see ‘connections’ to Bryan Kohberger after arrest

"The six-foot, 185-pound suspect worked as a part-time security officer at Pleasant Valley School District, which listed his mother as a paraprofessional, until at least August 2021, according to school agenda records."

There is the account connected to Tinder with the dates of between March 1, 2021 and March 31, 2021 (apparently there are about 20 redacted accounts) https://coi.isc.idaho.gov/docs/case/CR29-22-2805/030723 Order to Seal Redact - Match Group LLC 4.pdf

I'm not really sure where I'm going with the 2021 thing, just trying to change up the subject. The 20 some odd redacted Tinder accounts likely belong to BK and were probably part of his stalking tactic. How many other dating accounts were there? Apologies for being repetitive.

Kaylee reddit 1.1.2021. Warrant dated 12.1.22, motion for extension 12.14

BK Google. 1.1.2021. Warrant dated 1.3.23

notice how BK's warrant is dated after they had PC to search and arrest - that is true for these as well:
BK Tinder 6.1.2022. Warrant dated 1.25.23
BK Yik Yak 6.1.2022 (edited to add). Warrant dated 1.25.23
warrants are not about checking things off a list or just clearing people

Kaylee Tinder 1.1.2021. Warrant dated 11.29.22.
Maddie Tinder 1.1.2021. Warrant dated 12.6.22

Tinder 19 or 20 redacted 11.3.2022 to present. Warrant dated 12.6.22 same date as Door Dash
Then finding something
Tinder from March 1, 2021 to March 31, 2021 for 20 redacted accounts - that's not just LE being Tinder curious imo (last match warrant). warrant dated 12.22.2022

Those are the additional dates and here is the additional information re probable cause. These are not random choices. For LE to get the warrants, they weren't just investigating randoms. There was something linking the places to be searched, things to be seized and nexus to the crime:

skip to -- although this is about geofencing, it lays out PC in layman's terms
Geofence Warrants and the Fourth Amendment

you'll find nicely written descriptions that explain: defining what is searched, probable cause, and particularity
Although it's Harvard Law Review, it's not stuffy, but is written in language for humans imo jmo
But imo jmo ime what we know from the 4th amendment of the constitution and a ton o'case law supporting it:

LE cannot get a warrant to demontrate what is 'normal'. LE investigates to get a warrant; they don't get warrant to investigate (other than with geofencing and that's the issue discussed). imo jmo & the 4th Amendment
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I'm still a bit "off" or groggy until after I have lunch most days so I don't think we can assume any level of awareness. Maybe she was more fully awake having opened her door more than once but maybe not. As other non-morning people can attest, awareness when awoken is variable. As I age, I wake up for 30 minutes then sleep again for an hour or more. The "norm" range from sleep to full awareness can be quite wide IMO.
My 2 cents only
Same with me - I'm much brighter after lunch. Not very switched-on prior.
I'm still a bit "off" or groggy until after I have lunch most days so I don't think we can assume any level of awareness. Maybe she was more fully awake having opened her door more than once but maybe not. As other non-morning people can attest, awareness when awoken is variable. As I age, I wake up for 30 minutes then sleep again for an hour or more. The "norm" range from sleep to full awareness can be quite wide IMO.
My 2 cents only
Had DM been drinking? We know she had been out that night with friends. That is certainly going to raised.
Had DM been drinking? We know she had been out that night with friends. That is certainly going to raised.
Of course. Everyone gets this. She'll be cross examined about anything that might have affected her perception. Still, how remarkable is it that her untutored perception is consistent the guy whose DNA is on a knife sheath next to the dead body of her roommate, whose car is seen speeding away from the scene at the time, etc. etc. In context, I doubt the cross examination will damage the credibility of what she has to say. Just sayin, respectfully. MOO.
Had DM been drinking? We know she had been out that night with friends. That is certainly going to raised.
Possibly. I don't find it pertinent to what we know about that night right now. Her blood alcohol level was not likely tested so pursuing that line of inquiry would be speculation IMO. I guess we will have to see where the defense goes in the PH. Feelings are still running high & will be for a long, long time. The defense should be able to strenuously defend BK without attacking the victims. An innocent man doesn't need to "go there" to be cleared. A guilty man will find no lasting advantage in doing so.
BK should read this and plead out. Unfortunately, I'm betting he is looking forward to all the drama & continued escalation of the pain he has caused the victims.
I'm not sure he'll be offered any deal other than, "Plead guilty to all charges and take your chances on the death penalty."

Can we shift to 2021 for a minute? IIRC there are a few different things which seem to point back to 2021.

An interview (Fox) with a former tenant who lived at 1122 King during their junior year: Idaho murders: Footsteps can be heard on 'every floor,' former tenant says

Were there not pings from BKs cellphone to the wifi at 1122 King as early as June 2022? I don't have a link for that.

BK worked as a security guard in Pleasant Valley until August 2021 according to this link: Kaylee Goncalves’ family see ‘connections’ to Bryan Kohberger after arrest

"The six-foot, 185-pound suspect worked as a part-time security officer at Pleasant Valley School District, which listed his mother as a paraprofessional, until at least August 2021, according to school agenda records."

There is the account connected to Tinder with the dates of between March 1, 2021 and March 31, 2021 (apparently there are about 20 redacted accounts) https://coi.isc.idaho.gov/docs/case/CR29-22-2805/030723 Order to Seal Redact - Match Group LLC 4.pdf

I'm not really sure where I'm going with the 2021 thing, just trying to change up the subject. The 20 some odd redacted Tinder accounts likely belong to BK and were probably part of his stalking tactic. How many other dating accounts were there? Apologies for being repetitive.

"There is the account connected to Tinder with the dates of between March 1, 2021 and March 31, 2021 (apparently there are about 20 redacted accounts) https://coi.isc.idaho.gov/docs/case/CR29-22-2805/030723 Order to Seal Redact - Match Group LLC 4.pdf"

This is likely one reason why they are investigating earlier dates, before BK even moved to Washington:

A new look at court documents shows that investigators are examining whether suspected killer Kohberger actually targeted the four young students long before he started attending the Ph.D. program at nearby Washington State University.

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Possibly. I don't find it pertinent to what we know about that night right now. Her blood alcohol level was not likely tested so pursuing that line of inquiry would be speculation IMO. I guess we will have to see where the defense goes in the PH. Feelings are still running high & will be for a long, long time. The defense should be able to strenuously defend BK without attacking the victims. An innocent man doesn't need to "go there" to be cleared. A guilty man will find no lasting advantage in doing so.
She obviously wasn't passed out cold or anything because she remembered noises PLUS what she saw. There is also evidence she was texting the other surviving roommate during the time around the murders. Hopefully, it wasn't a bunch of nonsensical emoticons like I get when my 3 year old grandson and I "text talk". JMO
BK should read this and plead out. Unfortunately, I'm betting he is looking forward to all the drama & continued escalation of the pain he has caused the victims.
If the state wants to pursue the DP (& that's an an if at this point) there would be no reason for the state to offer a plea deal. The only thing the state can offer in a deal is taking the DP off the table. And I don't see any motivation to deal-- it's not as though he can lead LE to a missing body, for example. And it's unlikely there are other guilty parties involved so he can't offer to finger anyone else. I don't see a deal being made even if BK wanted to.

If the state wants to pursue the DP (& that's an an if at this point) there would be no reason for the state to offer a plea deal. The only thing the state can offer in a deal is taking the DP off the table. And I don't see any motivation to deal-- it's not as though he can lead LE to a missing body, for example. And it's unlikely there are other guilty parties involved so he can't offer to finger anyone else. I don't see a deal being made even if BK wanted to.

I think the motivation to deal would be that a plea saves the extensive number of victims from further drama & trauma. Of course, I realize that legally that may not be a viable route for the prosecution to pursue. The prelim should tell us what we need to know with respect to the DA's strategy. With the gag order so extensive, darkness as to all of this is our fate until & if that is lifted. Irks me but perhaps it will serve justice as intended by the judge even if presumption of public access is denied in the process.
Possibly. I don't find it pertinent to what we know about that night right now. Her blood alcohol level was not likely tested so pursuing that line of inquiry would be speculation IMO. I guess we will have to see where the defense goes in the PH. Feelings are still running high & will be for a long, long time. The defense should be able to strenuously defend BK without attacking the victims. An innocent man doesn't need to "go there" to be cleared. A guilty man will find no lasting advantage in doing so.
If I'm innocent and on trial with the prospect of being put to death, I doubt I'd care whether or not a witness felt attacked on the stand. As a human, I'd care, but my in this case, life trumps feelings. The defense attorney doesn't want to risk turning the jury against her client, but if she's doing her job, IMO, she will go wherever she needs to go within the bounds of the law.

That is the interesting dichotomy of a case like this. Though some people have decided that BK is the killer, at the moment, we don't have and may never have conclusive evidence that he is. Someone murdered four people and we (I hope) want someone to pay for that. However, if we go by the US assumption of innocence unless proven otherwise, IMO, we should be as vigilant in determining if everything LE thinks they know is true. I have no interest in trading one (potentially) innocent life for four others.
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If the state wants to pursue the DP (& that's an an if at this point) there would be no reason for the state to offer a plea deal. The only thing the state can offer in a deal is taking the DP off the table. And I don't see any motivation to deal-- it's not as though he can lead LE to a missing body, for example. And it's unlikely there are other guilty parties involved so he can't offer to finger anyone else. I don't see a deal being made even if BK wanted to.

The incentive would be on BK's side--if he is guilty and/or has evidence of a co-conspirator. If the state is considering the DP, they could offer a plea with the agreement that the sentence is LIP.

He avoids the DP and they avoid a lengthy trial and their guy is still in prison. They also avoid the issue of jurors who are not in favor of the DP in general.

If they aren't pursuing the DP, I agree, there isn't anything to offer in exchange.
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