4 Univ of Idaho Students Murdered, Bryan Kohberger Arrested, Moscow, Nov 2022 #84

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Something else new (to me) is the mention of the car capture on Ridge Road. I don't recall a mention of Ridge Road capture of a white car before? Anyone else recall Ridge Road being mentioned anywhere?

From the objection to States motion for protective order: Page 2

One area of the investigation had to do with white sedan seen on camera located at 1112 King Road first glimpsed by officers on November 18, 2022. By November 25, 2022, police believed the car to be white Elantra and asked law enforcement to be on the lookout for one. Precisely how the police came to believe the car was an Elantra is still unknown. A report from an analyst for the FBI dated March 21, 2023 shows the analyst heavily relying on video of car heading in the wrong direction and at the wrong time on Ridge Rd.

Looking up Ridge Road. Walenta forks left and right. Left is Ridge Road which loops all the way back up to Taylor (there was a white car capture on Taylor that did not make it into the PCA iirc 2:45-3:15). Right is Walenta. MOO

Recalling the PCA...the white car makes three passes at King then exits Walenta. Comes back at 4:04. So maybe it went this way and looped around to return? But then JWL says it was the wrong time and the wrong direction so???

Something that has always bothered me is that they don't have any captures of the elantra exiting the neighborhood (at least that we know of). I still sometimes think there are two different cars. MOO

This car was seen by officers on November 18th, not early hours of November 13th. Moo
Normally (if that is the word) the massacre of multiple people in their home would absolutely be tragic, scary and heartbreaking, but this case has always felt so much worse, at least to me. I think one reason for that is because we have in a way been taken inside the house by a witness/survivor, and so are better able to comprehend the fear, the terror, and the sheer evil that was there that night. And that makes it very very difficult to keep this crime at arm's length. JMO
RBBM: I was curious about Motion to Compel timing and perception of a delay or it being otherwise addressed in a sluggish fashion. I went through the docs and did not find any untimely delays by any parties but rather what appears to be a confluence of circumstances. Added to this we don't know what items have indeed been handed over by the State since the initial Motion to Compel. Moo

*4th May: Initial Motion to Compel.

*11th May: Notice of Remote Hearing re Motion to Compel - for 22nd May.

*12th May: State's Detailed Response to Motion to Compel.

*19th May: Defense Motion for Enlargement of Time to File
".. pretrial motions of at least twentyeight days from the receipt of the requested
grand jury materials
and other discovery materials previously requested."

*19th May: Order to Enlarge Time to File Pre-trial Motions.

*23rd May: Minutes from Motion to Compel/scheduling hearing held on 22nd May

p3 https://coi.isc.idaho.gov/docs/case/CR29-22-2805/052323 Court Minutes - Scheduling Conference.pdf

"10:50 Court addressed the Defendant's Motion to Compel, as well as Defendant's Motion Requesting Release of Grand Jury Materials Under Qualified Protective Order and Motion to Make Available the Record of All Proceedings of the Grand Jury Pursuant to I.C.R.6.2. Court noted it granted Defendant's Motion to Enlarge Time to File Pretrial Motions and Memorandum in Support.
10:51 Ms. Taylor moved to set a hearing on Motion to Compel and subsequent motions for the week of June 26th. There being no objection, Court set a Motion to Compel hearing for June 27,2023, at 1:30 p.m.10:52 Mr. Thompson noted it had not received copies of the other two motions, but will be prepared to address them on June 27, 2023."
Exellent work @jepop!
I missed that May 19th "and other discovery materials".
That alleviates my concern about the delay in hearing the first motion to compel.
TY for your all your work looking into the Motions to Compel in detail!
It will be interesting to see how the Judge rules on these motions. Motions to compel - standard.

The Defense is fighting tooth and nail for ALL GJ material. GJ are done in secret for a good reason and while I think they will get a lot of the GJ material, they won't get specific juror identification, juror notes or their deliberations. I do think they'll get the juror selection criteria, and audio or transcript of the proceedings (including witness testimony).

Defendants motion to stay proceedings, they have a weak argument IMO. They are basically asking to stay the proceedings while they look for information to exonerate their client, which they say they are SURE exists, but need extra time to find it. Cart before the horse kind of thing.

ETA: Add'l info

Anne Taylor, Kohberger’s lead public defender, asked last week in a filing that Judge at that time also rule on the defense’s request for a pause. Led by Latah County Prosecutor Bill Thompson, the prosecution objected on procedural grounds.

“Mr. Kohberger seeks to stay the proceedings,” Taylor wrote in a court filing. “He is exercising his due diligence to discover the grounds upon which to file a motion to dismiss related to how the grand jury was selected. He is being delayed through no fault of his own.”


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Why did the prosecution go the route of a GJ? I'm not at all familiar with GJs, but I know they are secret. Were they protecting witnesses? What other reasons do they do them, and wouldn't the defense always have complaints due to the secrecy?
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Why did the prosecution go the route of a GJ? I'm not at all familiar with GJs, but I know they are secret. Were they protecting witnesses? What other reasons do they do them, and wouldn't the defense always have complaints due to the secrecy?
Check out my above linked article, it should explain a lot of your questions T.

Plus, this is how investigations work. You have a hypothesis. You attempt to prove it. If the path leads to a dead end you pursue another avenue. And most of the time that's all happening simultaneously.

Some folks want to chastise the prosecution for not overturning every stone as a miscarriage of justice (not thorough enough) WHILE simultaneously pointing to examples of prosecutors turning over too many stones as a sign of a weak case (too thorough).

You can't have it both ways.

The Sentra is a perfect example. BK defenders are currently pointing to LEs (reportedly) initial interest in a Sentra as a sign of reasonable doubt (nonsense IMO). But If LE had a cause to but had not looked into a Sentra...BK's defense team would still be pointing to that as part of a case for reasonable doubt.

You're damned if you do, youre damned if you don't.

It's classic misdirection and noise. Look everywhere but here.

This is all MOO and JMO.

It has been widely reported that n the night of the murders, DM heard the male voice of a killer say 'It's okay, I'm here to help you'. It has always been so strange to me.

Because how would that even work?

Scenario 1 - If the killer is already killing you - why would he say that to you as he is killing you? There are a thousand more mean and horrible things he could say to you at that moment. He is trying to convince you that he will help you as he is killing you simultaneously. Does not really add up.

Scenario 2 - He is killing your loved one as you lay injured and he realizes that you are not dead yet (possible scenario with Ethan and Xana) and he is telling you he will help you - you will for sure not believe him and you will scream as hard as you can so you get help. I might be mistaken but I remember only crying being heard from Ethan and Xana and no blood-curling screams.

To cut a long story short - this comment always seemed off to me and I could not understand why would that be said at all. Now that we know there is DNA recovered of 3 males that were at the crime scene and not accounted for I have this nagging feeling that it might be in fact a comment that one killer said to the other - and in that context, it makes perfect sense.

It might be that one killer went upstairs and killed M and K and the other was with Ethan and Xana (where there was some fighting and resistance from what we know), the first killer comes down and sees a fight going on - says those words 'It's okay, I'm here to help you' to reassure him and helps the second killer complete the horrible deed.

This is all just a bit of my female intuition leading me through this case and of course MOO and JMO.

One other MOO and JMO.

This entire case is so tragic. Four beautiful young people lost and their hopes, dreams and lives perished forever. The one thing that I would hate to happen more than anything to have one more innocent life lost due to the incomplete investigation of the crime.

I am not saying that I think BK is not guilty. He might be.

But if he is not and he ends up on death row or in prison for life and at the same time the real killers walk free that would magnify that tragedy immensely. If not guilty he is also just a young man that is fighting for his life amidst the horrible set of circumstances that changed his life forever.

I hope that the justice system gets this right.

MOO and JMO:
This is all MOO and JMO.

It has been widely reported that n the night of the murders, DM heard the male voice of a killer say 'It's okay, I'm here to help you'. It has always been so strange to me.

Because how would that even work?

Scenario 1 - If the killer is already killing you - why would he say that to you as he is killing you? There are a thousand more mean and horrible things he could say to you at that moment. He is trying to convince you that he will help you as he is killing you simultaneously. Does not really add up.

Scenario 2 - He is killing your loved one as you lay injured and he realizes that you are not dead yet (possible scenario with Ethan and Xana) and he is telling you he will help you - you will for sure not believe him and you will scream as hard as you can so you get help. I might be mistaken but I remember only crying being heard from Ethan and Xana and no blood-curling screams.

To cut a long story short - this comment always seemed off to me and I could not understand why would that be said at all. Now that we know there is DNA recovered of 3 males that were at the crime scene and not accounted for I have this nagging feeling that it might be in fact a comment that one killer said to the other - and in that context, it makes perfect sense.

It might be that one killer went upstairs and killed M and K and the other was with Ethan and Xana (where there was some fighting and resistance from what we know), the first killer comes down and sees a fight going on - says those words 'It's okay, I'm here to help you' to reassure him and helps the second killer complete the horrible deed.

This is all just a bit of my female intuition leading me through this case and of course MOO and JMO.

That detail is really disturbing to me, too. When the PCA first came out, I remember the "help you," bit being discussed a lot, trying to figure if it was the killer, or EC who said it. Personally, I think it was the killer, and it is warped, whatever the scenario.

This is JMO, but I think BK is the killer and he acted alone. I'm concerned about the unknown DNA samples, but it's coming more from the worry that the defense could use it to instill reasonable doubt, rather than that there were actually multiple attackers that night. I think BK would give up other names if there were any. That's just where I'm at today, anyway.

But what was said, likely to X right before her death, proves just how demented the killer was, imo. It's terrifying.
To my mind, the 'it's OK, I'm here to help you...' comment is most likely to mean a few things (other ideas are also available, just my speculation):

- a house mate has awoken and become alert of something, maybe they woke from a deep sleep and see the horror next to them, they're about to start screaming and are assured by a figure 'it's OK, I'm here to help you...'

- there is more than one perpetrator in the home and one is addressing the other

- perpetrator is speaking to himself in a reassuring manner as he has a habit of doing so (only people who know him well would be able to comment on that)

Another far less likely but possible idea is

- the perpetrator has an extremely serious mental health disorder whereby their personality fragments into different personas and a 'helping personality' emerged, therefore he is speaking to himself.

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To my mind, the 'it's OK, I'm here to help you...' comment is most likely to mean a few things (other ideas are also available, just my speculation):

- a house mate has awoken and become alert of something, maybe they woke from a deep sleep and see the horror next to them, they're about to start screaming and are assured by a figure 'it's OK, I'm here to help you...'

- there is more than one perpetrator in the home and one is addressing the other

- perpetrator is speaking to himself in a reassuring manner as he has a habit of doing so (only people who know him well would be able to comment on that)

Another far less likely but possible idea is

- the perpetrator has an extremely serious mental health disorder whereby their personality fragments into different personas and a 'helping personality' emerged, therefore he is speaking to himself.

If I recall correctly, Dennis Rader (BTK) said something similar to at least one of his victims to help control the situation. It seems plausible to me that BK might have done the same. MOOooo
I believe all but Xana's mother are in favor of the DP. She is for LWOP.
That's true for all that we know about. E's parents have not made their preferences known. But as discussed before when both M and K's families chose to announce their preference for the DP, the families don't "vote" for what will be done.
This car was seen by officers on November 18th, not early hours of November 13th. Moo

Is there any significance to the 18th specifically? 5 days after the murders. Disturbed by the events of 11/13, I know I didn't go over that way, driving around near the investigation seemed inappropriate on so many levels. This is a University Heights neighborhood adjacent to fraternities adjacent to UI. What business could BK have there, even entry to the arboretum for a run is easily accessed on Nez Perce or below. There are also plenty of more convenient places near his location.

I'm just saying a resident moving to Pullman attending WSU originally from Pennsylvania had no business in this area. I'm going to guess he was parking above and doing some investigating of the investigation himself. Ballsy, IMHO.

Gotta say no one needs to be for or against BK specifically. Just want the truth and for the justice system to do its thing (which takes time). Whoever gets caught in the net, we have reason to be suspicious of, at minimum. It can be difficult but you have to stay open-minded. JMOO.

Thank you, @al66pine.

I’d still like to respond. Not defending newsnationnow, never! Lol. However, imo, newsnationnow, most likely plans to keep this case in the news, as it’s a hot topic/case. There's a lot of ongoing activity with this case and I suspect they want to be first to report (also while staying on top of the case). Additionally, there is less than 30 days left before a decision must be made regarding the death penalty for suspect BK. But, then you already know all of this, others may not. May it's a reminder?

Moo - guessing and no factual info.
I wish I could assume that having the results of the Amazon warrant withheld means that they have proof BK bought the knife there. Unfortunately, things have been all over the place - LE has this, LE doesn't have it, LE found this, LE found nothing, that I'm beginning to feel like I'm trying to follow a game of 4D chess. My brain is smoking ya'll, LOL.

I went down another rabbit hole this morning: I found very interesting that AT said they didn't find the victims DNA anywhere, but did not say that they found no evidence at all. This would have been a perfect time to point out every shortcoming in the state's case. But she stopped at DNA. Time will tell on that. But I feel Mr. Taylor would be in an abrupt career decline (like terminal velocity abrupt) if they have charged BK with so little evidence that the case is truly not winnable. Or that they went the GJ route because the case was so weak they felt the judge would throw it out.

As I was typing this, I remembered something else. Upcoming speculation: Remember when that rumor went around that BF saw a naked man flee the house? What if BK undressed AFTER DM saw him? He could have gone to the house wearing nothing BUT coveralls, shoes, gloves and the mask. You could strip that off pretty quickly outside, jump into the car wearing underwear or nothing, and take off. I could totally see BK's attorneys claiming that meant there was someone else there, when it was really just a naked BK. MOOooo
I wish I could assume that having the results of the Amazon warrant withheld means that they have proof BK bought the knife there. Unfortunately, things have been all over the place - LE has this, LE doesn't have it, LE found this, LE found nothing, that I'm beginning to feel like I'm trying to follow a game of 4D chess. My brain is smoking ya'll, LOL.

I went down another rabbit hole this morning: I found very interesting that AT said they didn't find the victims DNA anywhere, but did not say that they found no evidence at all. This would have been a perfect time to point out every shortcoming in the state's case. But she stopped at DNA. Time will tell on that. But I feel Mr. Taylor would be in an abrupt career decline (like terminal velocity abrupt) if they have charged BK with so little evidence that the case is truly not winnable. Or that they went the GJ route because the case was so weak they felt the judge would throw it out.

As I was typing this, I remembered something else. Upcoming speculation: Remember when that rumor went around that BF saw a naked man flee the house? What if BK undressed AFTER DM saw him? He could have gone to the house wearing nothing BUT coveralls, shoes, gloves and the mask. You could strip that off pretty quickly outside, jump into the car wearing underwear or nothing, and take off. I could totally see BK's attorneys claiming that meant there was someone else there, when it was really just a naked BK. MOOooo

I immediately thought of that scenario strip it off jump in the car, drive a few blocks jump out and put on dry clothes. I have the weirdest mental image of a Jack in The Box. Each time I think of all the information we found out about BK, he seems to challenge the norms. Not a lot of us used heroin in the high school, might have a background in B&E (drug seeking behavior to obtain things), writing about being emotionless, so why not a little bit of streaking?!

I take strange comfort in his non-conformity that this is the guy, along with evidence, timing of relocation to the area, and also difficulties we know about him even just since being at WSU. Socially-awkward, argumentative, misogynistic, I mean what else could you ask for in someone who looks out of place, even his age? Being in Moscow versus Pullman, things just don't add up with him. It's almost like somebody who is trying to stand out, question authority, punk you! IMO.
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