4 years later, what do we think of the case / verdict now?

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You don't have to be a beauty to get media coverage...The media just has to convince people you are. If you're young and thin, your face would have to be seriously busted for your looks to hold you back from getting coverage. As long as you have the basic qualities, you're good. I think the threshold to be considered "attractive" in the true-crime world is not that high. I also think the media overdoes it with some victims and killers when describing their looks.

I agree. They way over-commercialize it, maybe to draw in viewers. It's pretty sad.

I couldn't care less whether a murderer is attractive or not. They're still a murderer and that's what people should be focusing on. Not what they're wearing to court or whether their hair is up, down or in a Snookie ponytail. HLN drove me crazy with that when they were covering the Casey Anthony trial.

It wasn't the red carpet, it was a courtroom.
I agree. They way over-commercialize it, maybe to draw in viewers. It's pretty sad.

But the viewers, once there, "stick" to a given story for a reason.

I know we can't know EVERY reason one case goes "viral" and another doesn't, but there are often some commonalities.

(That said, the new injustice *advertiser censored* trend (Adnan/Steven Avery) is kinda proving me wrong.)
I know it's not a popular thing to say but she looked pretty dang good in some of her "glamour" shots as a blonde. If she'd been the victim rather than the murderer, people would have been talking about how pretty she was. (Especially before her librarian trial look.)

And I'm certain lots of people thought TA was handsome.

Not trying to get anyone riled up, just a trend one begins to notice after X years.

I think a lot of her oictures were photo shopped by her.
I think the "photogenic looks" of the people involved is just a small part of why the case got so much coverage. I think the Sunshine laws, the circumstances, and the antics of the Anthonys also played a big role. I don't think there was any factor of this case where you can point to it and say "It's crazy that the media was so interested in the case despite X!" With most cases, after a couple of weeks, the news dries up. There's nothing happening and nothing to report. If you have a case that is continuing to produce news for months, that's an anomaly. I really wouldn't put Casey and Caylee's looks at the top of the list as to why this case was such a big story. I think the fact that the media had something to talk about every day for an extremely long time is why the case stayed in the news for so long, why it was able to develop a huge audience, and why the media was able to cover the trial with the intensity they did.

i think the case's popularity can be explained like this: You have a case where a young woman takes 31 days to report her daughter missing. So from the start you have a shocking circumstance to grab people's attention. Then you have the Sunshine laws that allow the case to stay in the news for months. Every day, new info is coming out where keeps the public interested in it. The case goes to trial and the media chooses to cover it because so many people are following it, that they are guarnateed high ratings. People are familiar with the circumstances and the players involved at this point. When the verdict of not guilty comes in, it causes shockwaves across the world. If you had avoided the case up until that point, it was now impossible.


I agree with your post, however, for me, Caylee's little face, her big brown eyes and cherub face is what first drew me in, contrasted with that innapropriate expression of delight that flashed across fca's face as she was first brought through the doors at the police station in handcuffs and the blue hoodie she stole with AH's money... It was definitely emotions that drew me in. Their family looked like mine, they looked like my neighbors, like my friends... I wanted to protect Caylee... When all the evidence started coming out I knew what fca had done to her, I knew it wasn't going to end good for Caylee, and I despised fca so much... I had young kids at the time and I couldn't even fathom driving around in my car with my daughter, the love of my life, rotting in the trunk... Yah, there's no doubt for me it was emotions, I wanted justice for Caylee. I still feel that way..... But, it certainly doesn't mean I can't be logical, at the same time... Those that are team fca love to say that everyone just hates fca, therefore, we're using our emotions and somehow not thinking clearly. That's one of their catch phrases... But, unfortunately for them it doesn't change the evidence, and the evidence says she's guilty. Someone can be truly despicable and still be guilty at the same time... I will not watch tomorrow when the defense team is interviewed, I feel sick every time their given a platform to lie....

All jmo.
You're fine. You're entitled to your own opinion. :):)

I just don't see it. Maybe her evil soul is clouding my judgment.

I don't get it either. To me beauty is so much more than appearance, and I don't even think she qualifies as attractive.
What I see when I look at a photo of Casey is that smirk she had on her face when first arrested, she found it amusing, even as her child lay decomposing. Then the day she did the High 5 with Lee, I wanted to reach out and smack her, I found her so disgusting.
Half of Orlando was out searching for her child and she was wondering how many media would show up, would they have helicopters out, who she could flirt with in the van........... I couldn't treat an animal the way she treated her child. How anyone could describe her as pretty is really beyond me. Ugh, that's what I see, just a sickening killer.
That jury had the option to find her guilty of lesser charges, including manslaughter due to child neglect and they couldn't even manage to convict her of that! So what makes you think they would have found her guilty of second degree (which they also had the option of doing)? For some reason, they didn't WANT to find her guilty of ANYTHING, and I'd love to know why.
We've all heard that arguement before about a liar doesn't make a murderer. My response: how many murderers are honest??? They don't want to get caught, they are selfish. They want no repercussions from their actions. I watched an old episode last night of one of my top 3: Dateline/48 Hours/20/20. The woman had her husband killed because she "suspected he was molesting their sons", but when she asked the son after the murder, turns out it wasn't true!!! She just wanted a reason other than the real one to have him killed. She didn't even consider divorce, just have him killed.
I'm not seeing any reputable news source reporting on her "being pregnant" so far.

Okay, I admit it. In a moment of weakness and curiosity, I broke down and bought the issue of InTouch magazine last night, but I haven't read it yet...
I don't get it either. To me beauty is so much more than appearance, and I don't even think she qualifies as attractive.
What I see when I look at a photo of Casey is that smirk she had on her face when first arrested, she found it amusing, even as her child lay decomposing. Then the day she did the High 5 with Lee, I wanted to reach out and smack her, I found her so disgusting.
Half of Orlando was out searching for her child and she was wondering how many media would show up, would they have helicopters out, who she could flirt with in the van........... I couldn't treat an animal the way she treated her child. How anyone could describe her as pretty is really beyond me. Ugh, that's what I see, just a sickening killer.

I feel like I ought to clarify: CASEY doesn't look that special to me, when I think of the "telegenic" aspect of that case I'm referring to Caylee.

There was another little girl, I feel awful but I can't remember her name--which shows the difference in media attention--who was killed by a similarly worthless mother/BF in summer of 2013. There were a lot of similarities, including months before her body was found, hindering COD. But mom and tot were more "baseline" in terms of looks, and it didn't go viral despite being a huge deal locally (I want to say Ohio).

I know there are some here who follow and weep for every toddler case (and I know some of you know who I mean above), and I don't mean to diminish that.
I thought concealing a death was a crime and she admitted that when Jose Baez claimed Caylee drowned in the pool in June and Casey had known it that long. Even if she blamed George for taking the body away, wouldn't she still be an accessory? She would still be concealing the death of a child.

I'm currently rereading Jeff Ashton's book about the case. There were a lot of details I'd forgotten. I was never certain whether Casey deliberately killed Caylee or if death happened due to neglect or a criminal act like drugging her while Casey partied. Either way, I don't think Casey regretted the death. The same night Caylee was last seen, Casey was out and about with the boyfriend. Whether intentional or accidental, Casey rejoiced in her new freedom.


Her behavior following the death is why I couldn't see this as being an accident... That would just be too big of a coincidence that fca would be that relieved and overjoyed that Caylee just so happened to accidentally die at the exact moment she did...when fca desperately wanted to go out and spend the night at a boyfriend's place, who didn't allow overnights with kids, and at the exact time her mom put her foot down in regards to babysitting and wanting fca to start acting like a mom, etc, and at the exact time her boyfriend was putting pressure on her to come over at night, etc.. And the biggest coincidence of all, she "accidentally" died shortly after fca googled foolproof suffocation. And she was found with duct tape over her face, in trash bags, thrown in a swamp...

All jmo.

I agree with your post, however, for me, Caylee's little face, her big brown eyes and cherub face is what first drew me in, contrasted with that innapropriate expression of delight that flashed across fca's face as she was first brought through the doors at the police station in handcuffs and the blue hoodie she stole with AH's money... It was definitely emotions that drew me in. Their family looked like mine, they looked like my neighbors, like my friends... I wanted to protect Caylee... When all the evidence started coming out I knew what fca had done to her, I knew it wasn't going to end good for Caylee, and I despised fca so much... I had young kids at the time and I couldn't even fathom driving around in my car with my daughter, the love of my life, rotting in the trunk... Yah, there's no doubt for me it was emotions, I wanted justice for Caylee. I still feel that way..... But, it certainly doesn't mean I can't be logical, at the same time... Those that are team fca love to say that everyone just hates fca, therefore, we're using our emotions and somehow not thinking clearly. That's one of their catch phrases... But, unfortunately for them it doesn't change the evidence, and the evidence says she's guilty. Someone can be truly despicable and still be guilty at the same time... I will not watch tomorrow when the defense team is interviewed, I feel sick every time their given a platform to lie....

All jmo.

Yuck. They're interviewing the defense too? Why now all of the sudden?

I hope this isn't paving the way for Casey to get interviewed.

She will not be happy with the results if she's interviewed and neither will the network interviewing her. People still hate her and will be outraged.

Her behavior following the death is why I couldn't see this as being an accident... That would just be too big of a coincidence that fca would be that relieved and overjoyed that Caylee just so happened to accidentally die at the exact moment she did...when fca desperately wanted to go out and spend the night at a boyfriend's place, who didn't allow overnights with kids, and at the exact time her mom put her foot down in regards to babysitting and wanting fca to start acting like a mom, etc, and at the exact time her boyfriend was putting pressure on her to come over at night, etc.. And the biggest coincidence of all, she "accidentally" died shortly after fca googled foolproof suffocation. And she was found with duct tape over her face, in trash bags, thrown in a swamp...

All jmo.

I agree. This was no accident. Casey is a very selfish person who killed Caylee because she was angry at her mother for finally making an attempt to call her out on her despicable behavior by threatening to throw her out and get custody of Caylee.

Her claim to the detectives that she would have given Caylee to her mother if she didn't want her anymore was a bald-faced lie. Casey wouldn't have done that because Cindy humiliated her and Casey did not want to let her "win."

I remember Cindy telling the detectives in one of her depositions about how after Casey took off with Caylee, she would grab Caylee's bear and sleep with it because it smelled like Caylee. She said she mentioned that to Casey over the phone and it mysteriously disappeared soon after that.

Poor Cindy, she was way too deluded to realize that Casey hated her and there was something very wrong with Casey. So she sold her granddaughter (who had given her nothing but unconditional love) out to defend the person who most likely killed her.

Well either that or she was fully aware of what a mess Casey was and was covering for her out of personal embarrassment and guilt over the fact that her and Casey came to blows on the 15th of June and her stupid family was nowhere near as perfect as she tried to pretend that they were.

Richard Grund said that Casey used to come by their house and wait around for Jesse to get off work, and while doing so all she would do was go on and on about her mother, how much she disliked her, how she didn't want to be like her and she was sick of her mother trying to control her and her father.

Another red flag, IMO, is the fact that she broke up with Jesse because she "thought he loved Caylee more than her." Hardly something a wonderful mother would do, deprive her child of a loving father.

So I think there was an element of jealousy there as well. She expressed it perfectly in her first call home from the jail "all anyone cares about is Caylee," before she caught herself. I also think that diary entry was very recent and she viewed Caylee's life as something that she "had given" and that she had the right to take away to punish the people who she felt didn't appreciate her enough.

I'm also quite certain that Casey made an effort to frame Jesse for Caylee's murder. Sometime during the thirty one days, she made a bizarre visit to his house asking to use his shower. Jesse said she didn't look dirty. I think she was looking for something in the bathroom that she could plant on Suburban Dr. She may have found something and planted it, but most of the forensic evidence was gone by the time Caylee was found.

Jesse also said she called him out of the blue around the same time and asked him to go clear across town to put gas in her car at Amscot. He said he refused because it was too far. Richard Grund was concerned that she was trying to get his fingerprints on her car. I agree with him.
In the past weeks, I read reports that the felon is living with her investigator wanting to be a photographer, that the felon was possibly pregnant, now the felon's attorney (Baez) has given an interview 5 years later (got a post on a media site, that I do not think I can post here, but is was posted today)...which I just cannot listen to.

IMO, I have noticed that every so often, the felon's team, tests the waters of public opinion on their feelings about her. IMO as soon as the public lets up there will be a book or movie out by the felon, setting her up and others with lots of money.

Of course many people remember all to well...and for now the waters are very rough.

Also, IMO, they all get paid for these interviews or pictures to tide them over with monies as they await the day they can publish a book or sell the rights to a movie...and that will be only her point if view and not truthful.

Back to lurking...
In the past weeks, I read reports that the felon is living with her investigator wanting to be a photographer, that the felon was possibly pregnant, now the felon's attorney (Baez) has given an interview 5 years later (got a post on a media site, that I do not think I can post here, but is was posted today)...which I just cannot listen to.

IMO, I have noticed that every so often, the felon's team, tests the waters of public opinion on their feelings about her. IMO as soon as the public lets up there will be a book or movie out by the felon, setting her up and others with lots of money.

Of course many people remember all to well...and for now the waters are very rough.

Also, IMO, they all get paid for these interviews or pictures to tide them over with monies as they await the day they can publish a book or sell the rights to a movie...and that will be only her point if view and not truthful.

Back to lurking...
I think the print media people just start these rumors periodically to drive up traffic to their websites and/or increase gossip magazine sales, which it does. You only have to go to one of those sites and look at the comments, there are hundreds of responses, the great majority are against hearing any thing from CA. Probably most of those people (myself included) would not have read any of their articles otherwise.
Roy Kronk's lawsuit against CA is still pending, I feel sure once that is settled/disposed of, she will come out of the woodwork looking to spill her guts...
I think the print media people just start these rumors periodically to drive up traffic to their websites and/or increase gossip magazine sales, which it does. You only have to go to one of those sites and look at the comments, there are hundreds of responses, the great majority are against hearing any thing from CA. Probably most of those people (myself included) would not have read any of their articles otherwise.
Roy Kronk's lawsuit against CA is still pending, I feel sure once that is settled/disposed of, she will come out of the woodwork looking to spill her guts...
BBM - I hope he keeps her (and her lawyers) tied up for years.
I think the print media people just start these rumors periodically to drive up traffic to their websites and/or increase gossip magazine sales, which it does. You only have to go to one of those sites and look at the comments, there are hundreds of responses, the great majority are against hearing any thing from CA. Probably most of those people (myself included) would not have read any of their articles otherwise.
Roy Kronk's lawsuit against CA is still pending, I feel sure once that is settled/disposed of, she will come out of the woodwork looking to spill her guts...

I think there's a good chance Kronk will win this one:

1) They spread nasty rumors about him outside of a court of law.
2) They openly accused him, not of hiding the body and keeping it for months (which was bad enough) but claimed on national TV that he should be a suspect in Caylee's murder. This long after Baez claimed in his book that Casey told him the truth about what happened and Caylee drowned in the pool.

Honestly, he should be suing Baez too, IMO. Baez crossed several lines and I think he has grounds. If Baez wants to use the media to try his case outside of the courtroom (although he repeatedly claimed that's the last thing that he wanted) he should have to face the consequences.

Well Kronk will win if the court ever makes Casey's sleazy attorneys stop filing for extensions and stalling.
It says she stiffed her winning attorney Baez to the tune of $400,000.00

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