4 years later, what do we think of the case / verdict now?

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I hate to say it, but I think there may be some thread of the truth with the sexual favors for legal payment allegations. I remember when Casey was out on bail (courtesy of Leonard Padilla), and he had his associate Tracy McLaughlin basically "babysit" her 24/7, and I remember Tracy doing the talk show circuit after the verdict and telling of the bizarre things that Casey said and did while out on bail. I remember Tracy saying something about either Casey or Baez going on Howard Stern and Casey said something like Howard would ask Baez if he was "hitting it", referring to him having sex with Casey. How grotesque! She's out on bail for the murder of her daughter and she talks about things like this?

Also, I have no doubt that Baez told Dominic Casey that Casey murdered Caylee and the approximate area where she threw away Caylee's body. The other PI, his name escapes me at the moment, basically said the same thing as Dominic Casey is alleging. That they were looking for Caylee's body on the orders of Baez and were to call him immediately if they found her. Not call 911 mind you, but call him. That right there says all I need to know about the ethics of Baez. He has none. It's one thing to vigorously defend your client, but it's another thing to help them cover up a murder. I think the Anthony's knew that Casey murdered Caylee and threw her away in the swamp as well. There was that one interview with Cindy Anthony where she slipped up and said something about Caylee being thrown away in the woods. I can't remember the exact quote, but it was something like that. I don't know if the Anthony's heard it through Baez or Dominic Casey, but I think they knew that Caylee died while in Casey's care and that she ultimately threw her away where she was found. I think Cindy believes in the accident scenario, but I think George thinks Casey intentionally murdered her.

As for Dominic Casey, if anything that he alleges is true (even a tiny portion), then shame on him for not coming forward and bringing all of this up at the criminal trial. Never mind that in the circus surrounding Casey that the murder of a little 2 year old girl got lost in the shuffle. This so reminds me of the OJ Simpson case. Everyone was so closed mouthed in regards to the criminal trial, but once the civil trial came around, some of the witnesses were much more forthcoming with their information. Kato Kaelin and Paula Barbieri come to mind along with a few others. Shame on these people for not telling the truth from the get go!
When I recall not only the verdict, but the way CA (I still find it hard to say her name) went after and victimized her father, it still makes me sick to my stomach. If you care to recall the X rated opening statements of Jose Baez...
I'm amazed CA has stayed out of trouble, jail.
Please clue me in. I don't get the joke re squirrels. I'll like it because I live on 2 acres surrounded by woods, and zillions of squirrels!:blushing:

Casey blamed the smell of death lingering around her car on 'dead squirrels' she had run over [emoji51]
None of this latest news surprised me in the least. I do believe it is all true. Baez should really be disbarred and run out of town.

I feel the same as the day the verdict was rendered. I was completely stunned and devastated and I still am. I have tried not to think too much over years about the injustices this jury did to Caylee but of course it will forever be in my memory.

I certainly hope the jury is reading all of this. I hope it torments them forever.

I do not blame the verdict on the State. This jury didn't have the mental capability to link the tremendous amount of CE together to come to the correct conclusion. They weren't even news watchers and were more into CSI fantasy shows. The only way they would have convicted is if the state had a video showing the very beginning and all the acts CA did ending with showing CA throwing Caylee away like trash in the swamp. They overburdened the state. They demanded things the state wasn't even required to prove. I sure hope none of them ever serve on a missing body case where LE/DA has no forensic evidence at all nor the COD. I don't believe I have ever seen a group of 12 be so clueless as these 12.

They were told opening and closing statements weren't to be considered as evidence but they believed the drama-rama BS anyway that JB spewed even though he never backed one bit of it up with supporting evidence.

So this will still remain one of the worst injustices that has happened in our justice system. I hope that CA will continue to be a 'prisoner' even though she isn't sitting on death row where she certainly belongs.

I believe DC as far as Baez telling him not to call 911 if he found Caylee's body. I'll never forget that video of Dominic poking around in the woods near where Caylee was dumped, all the while speaking to someone on the phone. Regarding the sexual allegations, it doesn't make a difference to me one way or the other. After watching the defense teams shenanigans before, during and after the trial, it is already apparent that, as much as the truth and FCA are strangers, ethics and Baez are strangers.
I just started reading through this thread. In past months I had been reminded of the Anthony case because of similarities with the murder of baby Chance Walsh by his parents in Florida last year. Initially, Chance's "parents" told conflicting stories. But unlike cool calculated CA, Chance' drug addled murderers couldn't keep their stories straight. It was rather pathetic. After a couple of days in jail, monster KB cracked and confessed, directing LE to Chance's battered, decomposed body buried in a shallow grave in the woods. (Chance was shoved into a dirt hole, clad only in a diaper. Caylee at least was triple bagged! with a blanket!, but I digress..)
People including her own mother were upset when KB received only 25 years in exchange for her guilty plea and testimony against husband, cretin JW, who beat the 5 week old, then gagged him with a diaper wipe.
I'm just worried it's not going to be enough for some jurors. I read here that some totally drink the CA koolaid believing everything JB served up hook, line, sinker...So with this case, I'm afraid jurors won't like that KB got a deal. Maybe they won't like that KB told LE hubby was wearing plastic gloves as he was digging that hole and they'll find some way to acquit. (Because you recall if it doesn't fit....oops, that's the other jury)
I better get off and feed my pets now.
The most interesting part of the CA case is the part that the jury played in this entire process.

I really wondered how JB found 12 of the most gullible, dogmatic people in the world. People who needed to have a movie, and 12 witnesses to believe CA killed her daughter. 12 people who could not find any "evidence" of proof, that CA is a stone cold killer.

The best moment of the trial was watching Nancy Grace, and the floored expression on her face when "Tot Mom" was not convicted.

The trial was on HLN, and I watched the entire trial. Same as I watched the OJ trial. I wonder what effect on the entire proceedings being televised makes...
The most interesting part of the CA case is the part that the jury played in this entire process.

I really wondered how JB found 12 of the most gullible, dogmatic people in the world. People who needed to have a movie, and 12 witnesses to believe CA killed her daughter. 12 people who could not find any "evidence" of proof, that CA is a stone cold killer.

The best moment of the trial was watching Nancy Grace, and the floored expression on her face when "Tot Mom" was not convicted.

The trial was on HLN, and I watched the entire trial. Same as I watched the OJ trial. I wonder what effect on the entire proceedings being televised makes...

Personally, I think Baez somehow got to one or two of them and had them work on the others. Even if they failed, they still could have hung the jury and caused a mistrial.
Interesting. JB certainly had financial motivation for this trial to win, it turned him from a legal hack to a household name.

I think the jury foreman, the teacher, had a lot of opportunity to "strut" himself, and he used his "education" to subtly bully the other jurors.

As I watched the trial, I literally could not get past the issue that no one reported this little girl missing for over a month. The Mother has that responsibility. Casey drugged that baby, and she died. While Casey was partying it up.
I just started reading through this thread. In past months I had been reminded of the Anthony case because of similarities with the murder of baby Chance Walsh by his parents in Florida last year. Initially, Chance's "parents" told conflicting stories. But unlike cool calculated CA, Chance' drug addled murderers couldn't keep their stories straight. It was rather pathetic. After a couple of days in jail, monster KB cracked and confessed, directing LE to Chance's battered, decomposed body buried in a shallow grave in the woods. (Chance was shoved into a dirt hole, clad only in a diaper. Caylee at least was triple bagged! with a blanket!, but I digress..)
People including her own mother were upset when KB received only 25 years in exchange for her guilty plea and testimony against husband, cretin JW, who beat the 5 week old, then gagged him with a diaper wipe.
I'm just worried it's not going to be enough for some jurors. I read here that some totally drink the CA koolaid believing everything JB served up hook, line, sinker...So with this case, I'm afraid jurors won't like that KB got a deal. Maybe they won't like that KB told LE hubby was wearing plastic gloves as he was digging that hole and they'll find some way to acquit. (Because you recall if it doesn't fit....oops, that's the other jury)
I better get off and feed my pets now.

Casey couldn't keep her story straight either. She changed it three times by the time she went on trial. She just had the dumbest jury in the world. If they had a video tape of her murdering Caylee, they would say "Uh', I'm not 100% sure that's her, George could have hired someone who looks just like her since he's an ex cop and all" and acquit her anyway.

They seemed to accept that George was there solely on Casey's word. There was no other evidence of it.They claimed he was "suspicious" because he wasn't being pleasant to Baez on the stand after Baez accused him in his opening statement of having his penis in Casey's mouth every morning before she caught the school bus. One even stated on national TV that they thought George may have killed Caylee.

I hate that jury. I really do, Even now, the thought of them fills me with rage.
Interesting. JB certainly had financial motivation for this trial to win, it turned him from a legal hack to a household name.

I think the jury foreman, the teacher, had a lot of opportunity to "strut" himself, and he used his "education" to subtly bully the other jurors.

As I watched the trial, I literally could not get past the issue that no one reported this little girl missing for over a month. The Mother has that responsibility. Casey drugged that baby, and she died. While Casey was partying it up.

I think there's enough proof to say that he tampered with evidence ala Laura Buchanan claiming she searched the woods and later getting busted for lying about it. If he's willing to tamper with evidence to win, I see no reason why he wouldn't stoop to jury tampering .
I think Casey's family helped her clean up after the fact.
They are all guilty.
The most interesting part of the CA case is the part that the jury played in this entire process.

I really wondered how JB found 12 of the most gullible, dogmatic people in the world. People who needed to have a movie, and 12 witnesses to believe CA killed her daughter. 12 people who could not find any "evidence" of proof, that CA is a stone cold killer.

The best moment of the trial was watching Nancy Grace, and the floored expression on her face when "Tot Mom" was not convicted.

The trial was on HLN, and I watched the entire trial. Same as I watched the OJ trial. I wonder what effect on the entire proceedings being televised makes...

I still remember going home on lunch break just to watch the trial... sometimes that lunch break would stretch out like 2 hours just because it was so riveting. Cindy going on the stand was priceless in rebuttal when they showed her she was punched in at work, logged into her pc while those internet searches were taking place at home. What was going on in her mind just knowing deep down what KC was going on- line to do? Watching her re live those 911 calls was heart breaking to see.
I’ve lost hope any type of justice will be found for sweet baby Caylee, it’s as though those who could have given some type of justice do not care. It’s been eight years since this little angel was murdered. NO ONE has done right by her, so many did wrong. They just go on with their lives as though Caylee never existed. Every time I see pennies on the ground or see a rainbow I think of sweet baby Caylee sitting on the rainbow swinging her leg and singing. We love you Caylee, we will never forget you!

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