4 years later, what do we think of the case / verdict now?

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I’ve lost hope any type of justice will be found for sweet baby Caylee, it’s as though those who could have given some type of justice do not care. It’s been eight years since this little angel was murdered. NO ONE has done right by her, so many did wrong. They just go on with their lives as though Caylee never existed. Every time I see pennies on the ground or see a rainbow I think of sweet baby Caylee sitting on the rainbow swinging her leg and singing. We love you Caylee, we will never forget you!

I agree that the only real chance of punishing Casey was during her trial.

Our justice system just doesn't afford victims enough rights, IMO. Especially if a criminal defendant can get up and with virtually no proof, accuse the victim or someone else of abusing or attacking them and the jury can't be bothered to see if there is any real substance to their lies.

That seems like what happened. She told a bunch of lies, the jury couldn't be bothered to sort through them for the truth and they called that reasonable doubt. It still makes me angry five years later.

I recently got in a discussion with someone going around picking fights with people on one of the news articles about Casey. They had no critical thinking skills, they just couldn't put all the evidence together and take a good hard look at it. They kept insisting all the evidence in Casey's trunk was science fiction and myth. The death band hair was inconclusive, cadaver dogs make mistakes, the smell in the trunk was garbage, all the police officers, the towyard employee, Casey's own parents and oh yeah, the decomposition expert from the body farm had no idea what they were talking about.

When I brought up the fact that the bag of trash that they were alleging caused the smell in Casey's car had been retrieved and smelled nothing like it and was full of non-food matter, they insisted it was because the trash had aired out, so the smell went away. I asked them why Casey's car hadn't aired out in the three years preceding the trial if that's all it took to make the smell go away and they made some kind of vague accusation that law enforcement had tampered with evidence by drying out the trash.

They insisted Casey was "in the habit of carrying trash around in the trunk of her car" but couldn't prove it. I asked them why, if Casey habitually carried trash in her car, why her car started to stink from her habitual trash carrying only right around the time Caylee died and they went back to the "myth and science fiction" argument.

They found nothing strange about Casey parking her car near a dumpster, complaining about the smell to Amy, and then not bothering to get rid of this smell (that was bothering her enough that she felt the need to complain about it) in the dumpster that her car was conveniently parked beside.

Roy Kronk tampered with Caylee's remains and that means that he's a suspect. They decided that Kronk had moved Caylee's skull to an upright position or moved it so that it would be easier for the police to find.

Baez was just "doing his job" accusing Kronk of "being equally likely to have caused the death of Caylee" nine months after he claimed he found out that Caylee died in an accidental pool drowning.

They stated as fact that Casey was abused, because in their opinion, the way she behaved was enough evidence for them that she'd been abused. River Cruz and her hearsay statement about Caylee's death being "an accident that snowballed out of control" was the end all for them to decide George disposed of her body.

They didn't want to talk about Casey sneaking in and out of her house when her parents weren't home and borrowing the shovel at all. Totally irrelevant, they'd rather accuse George of trying to frame Casey by putting a piece of duct tape on a gas can. Robyn Adams, who compared Casey's reaction to the Blanchard Park remains to Casey's reaction to remains found on Suburban, was just a jailhouse snitch. However it made perfect sense for them to believe everything River Cruz the scorned mistress (who also had a criminal record) said.

The FBI agent just made up the heart sticker residue, blah blah blah. No common sense, they could only focus on one piece of evidence at the time, everything was coincidence.

I bet that's what was like in the deliberations room. The government really needs to start IQ testing people before they become jurors.
Casey Anthony meets the criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder, along with Jodi Arias.

The authorities made, "child molestation" as a causation of BPD. I think the more likely truth is that BPD lie about anything and everything to get people to feel sorry for them. It is just another manifestation of the disorder.
She also meets the criteria for an eraser killer. If you research it, the similarities are eerie. It's like it was written specifically about her.
This part gave me the creeps. Especially when you think about the "fool-proof suffication" search that was done the day that Caylee died.


…a form of intimate partner (or domestic) homicide that is committed…in a carefully planned manner, often through bloodless means known as a “soft kill” (such as smothering, suffocating, or strangling) so as to leave behind as little evidence as possible or with the crime scene thoroughly cleaned up. To further cover his tracks, the eraser killer disposes of his victim’s body by some means meant to ensure that it will never be found, or erases anything that links him to the death by “staging” the murder as something completely different – an accident, a suicide, or a crime committed by a total stranger…

This writer also states that when the killer has made the decision to kill the victim, they "begin purging all traces of the victim's existence from their lives." Didn't Casey delete tons of pictures of Caylee from her photobucket account right before Caylee died?
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Casey Anthony Obtains License For Home Daycare Business In Florida.

Casey Anthony, the now 30-year old woman widely referred to as ‘The Most Hated Woman in America’ after her 2011 acquittal in the murder of her 2-year old daughter Caylee Marie Anthony, is in the process of licensing a home daycare that she intends to run out of her West Palm Beach, Florida, home.


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Casey Anthony Obtains License For Home Daycare Business In Florida.

Casey Anthony, the now 30-year old woman widely referred to as ‘The Most Hated Woman in America’ after her 2011 acquittal in the murder of her 2-year old daughter Caylee Marie Anthony, is in the process of licensing a home daycare that she intends to run out of her West Palm Beach, Florida, home.



I sincerely doubt this is real. I don't see any other sources reporting on this.

It's too over the top, even for her. Even she isn't that stupid or delusional.

It's probably some sort of parody site.

However, thanks for posting this. It made me force myself to google her name and I found this. Apparently the Dr. Phil money and whether Casey got a cut of it is in question.

I'm hoping it could be related to her bankruptcy case which was reopened.

I sincerely doubt this is real. I don't see any other sources reporting on this.

It's too over the top, even for her. Even she isn't that stupid or delusional.

It's probably some sort of parody site.

However, thanks for posting this. It made me force myself to google her name and I found this. Apparently the Dr. Phil money and whether Casey got a cut of it is in question.

I'm hoping it could be related to her bankruptcy case which was reopened.


Too bad the bankruptcy court blew this off. Interesting that Jennifer's dad was quoted. Has he commented about them before or what lead to that quote?

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Today would have been Caylee's 11th birthday.
She also meets the criteria for an eraser killer. If you research it, the similarities are eerie. It's like it was written specifically about her.

I completely agree with this. A girl with BPD gets talked into keeping an unwanted baby and regrets it ever since. I think most of the time the parents took care of that little girl with a succession of friend/baby sitters. Anyone to keep KC from actually parenting. The family was very very adept at keeping appearances which helped them cope which in turn helped KC cope with the fact that she was not normal.
I actually blame the parents. Casey is pregnant, so she has the baby, and has to keep the chils, almost as a "punishment" for "sin". Her own Mother is BPD, and alternatively helps Casey out, or does not, she loves Caylee, but is manipulative, and uses the baby as a tool for attempting to force Casey into growing up.

It is obvious that CA's family had checked out on their daughter. And that is what ultimately lead to Caylee's death. They are as guilty as CA in the death of Caylee.

Poor Felon Anthony.....she has no fun...but here is an article, link and pictures that she is having a great time bowling with friends just before the anniversary of sweet Caylee.

I wonder how much the felon got paid for these 'posed' pictures, who took them, and released them to the media.

With that said, IF the felon really wanted to get a job, be a part of real society, she would have stayed low, stopped posing for paid media pictures, getting on social networks, giving interviews, and disappear into the back ground....maybe even changed her name....looks, well that would be hard....we have seen her with all colors of hair, short and long....but she could have stayed low and tried to blend in...get a job, even if it was not what she wants...but no, the felon wants handouts, sympathy and anything for free. Keeps getting in the media. I am sure the media has better things to do then 'try and follow her around'....better stories out there then the felon....she is the leak...with the help of a few people....legal ones maybe? JMO

It will be another month and we will hear from her again. JMO

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