4 years later, what do we think of the case / verdict now?

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That makes no sense to me... In order for that to be true you're accusing george of some pretty horrific abuse...It's bad enough that jbaez and fca, and the rest of the dt, smeared him and made horrible accusations without any evidence, especially since they did it in such a cowardly way where no one had to be crossed examined on the matter and they abused the process by getting it in through opening statements, with no intention of showing any proof or evidence of it during the trial. They knew they didn't have any evidence... It was a hit and run...

What piece(s) of evidence led you to believe george molested Caylee and got rid of her body?.... That's a very serious accusation, one I would assume (hope) you put some thought into it before repeating it... I think, for anyone, to come to a public forum and say something like this about another human being should have the integrity to explain why, and back it up with facts... Or it's no better... a hit and run...

All jmo.

There is no evidence. George did not lie to and evade the Police or anyone else. He did not create several different explanations for what 'really happened' to Caylee. He did not lie as to his whereabouts. He had no dead body in his car.
He didn't try to dig up the backyard to bury Caylee, Casey did.
He told the Police and his closest friend that he knew Casey had done something, but she was just lying about everything and would not answer his questions. All of his conversations and movements came under the closest scrutiny and no LE or anyone else found anything suspicious about him, other than people who either gave Casey blind support, or liked to troll sites such as this.
He spent weeks disseminating information about Caylee, drove all over Orlando searching and trying to get ideas as to what happened during the time they still thought she had been kidnapped. Meanwhile Casey sat at home. She knew what she had done with Caylee, so what was the point of searching?
There are masses of evidence to convict her of murder and none to implicate George at all. Her defense atty is the only one who suggested he was involved, and provided no proof whatsoever. Bear in mind this story about George was only the latest in their attempts to blame someone else. First it was Zanny, then she tried to involve Jesse Grund, then when she realized those wouldn't hold up under cross examination, she blamed her father.
Baez is among several defense attorneys representing Nick Gordon if/when there is are criminal charges filed against him in the death of Bobbi Kristina Brown.


Yuck. That's so annoying.

He's like a cockroach. He never goes away.

Oh well. One day he's going to mess up and get outed for doing something he shouldn't have been doing like his buddy Todd Macaluso. Then he'll get disbarred and possibly end up in jail.

When that happens, I can totally see him deciding to be his own lawyer. THAT would be a fun trial to watch.
Just because it took 6mo. to find the remains so that Caylee was too decomposed to determine cause of death- when it was a soft kill anyway (not like you're going to find a gunshot/stab wound/ trauma to the bones), doesn't mean she should've gotten off. It just means she found a good hiding spot in which to dispose of her. Casey collapsed in jail when they told her the remains had been found! The duct tape still attached to Caylee's skull should have been the bottom line to prove it was murder.
As far as a good defense, I'm not sure throwing your father under the bus, is a good one, but it's all they had and it apparently worked for these stupid jurors who refused to judge or deliberate.

I wouldn't even say she found a good hiding spot. She got lucky because tropical storm Faye blew through and Caylee's remains were underwater for months. Otherwise the searchers probably would have found them.

I really wish the jurors had taken into consideration the reason that it took them so long to find the remains. It was because Casey refused to cooperate with the police and deliberately misled them.
So here's something I don't quite understand that maybe someone can explain - whats the purpose of not allowing the jury to discuss the testimony of each day with one another? I, obviously, get why you wouldn't talk with people outside the jury, but since they must come to a conclusion together eventually, why doesn't it make sense to have them debate thoughts thru the trial? If it was a total blind vote during deliberations and that was that, I'd get it. But since they are supposed to come to an agreement on guilt together, why not thru the trial?
I still think GA was there that morning and Cailee accidentally drowned. He had to get rid of her body in order to cover up the abuse. Since GA was ex-LE, he told CA to go on with her life and he'd take care of it. Cindy, well, as some of you mentioned, just an enabler.

No one ever said she was not naive.


Give me one piece of evidence that suggested that he was abusing Caylee. I have hundreds of pieces of evidence that point to FCA killing Caylee in cold blood i.e. Google searches, lying, no remorse, last person to see her alive, proof of death in HER car... misleading and lying to LE, not reporting her accidental drowning, blaming others for her child's accidental death, going on a DATE the day that her baby girl "drowned"... I could go on and on.
So here's something I don't quite understand that maybe someone can explain - whats the purpose of not allowing the jury to discuss the testimony of each day with one another? I, obviously, get why you wouldn't talk with people outside the jury, but since they must come to a conclusion together eventually, why doesn't it make sense to have them debate thoughts thru the trial? If it was a total blind vote during deliberations and that was that, I'd get it. But since they are supposed to come to an agreement on guilt together, why not thru the trial?

I think so that they will wait until they have heard all the evidence and arguments. It seems like overkill to me too.....
Give me one piece of evidence that suggested that he was abusing Caylee. I have hundreds of pieces of evidence that point to FCA killing Caylee in cold blood i.e. Google searches, lying, no remorse, last person to see her alive, proof of death in HER car... misleading and lying to LE, not reporting her accidental drowning, blaming others for her child's accidental death, going on a DATE the day that her baby girl "drowned"... I could go on and on.

Here are 20 reasons Casey Anthony was guilty. I can think of more..

If it really was an accidental drowning, why did Casey willingly sit in jail for 3 years facing the death penalty over an accident? The drowning lie was made up by Baez at the last minute in between his press conferences and instructing his interns how to troll the internet on behalf of his client.

In the emails between Rick and candy he says he thinks she drowned and ca says she would not be sitting in jail if there had been n accident therefore it must be a kidnapping

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thx ZsaZsa, I hadn't read that one... This is such a hard case to let go of, it's such a tragedy... Emotionally, certain things still take me right back, and reading that reminds me of my initial reaction toward the jury when I first learned their reasons for acquitting her (believing accidental drowning/george involvement), I was so angry with them for thinking they knew better than Dr. G... Like I couldn't figure out how 12 people would, essentially, take it upon themselves to change the COD from homicide to accidental death. (That's how I saw it)... Dr. G told them the duct tape was covering her face and explained why (attached to the hair, jaw in place, etc) - not that it slipped from the trash bag and wandered to her skull - she told them her body was hidden, concealed in trash bags, etc, etc. And she even further explained why it wasn't ruled an accident....... I just remember thinking the arrogance, to think they knew better....

Almost five years later her death certificate still says homicide, btw...

All jmo.
So here's something I don't quite understand that maybe someone can explain - whats the purpose of not allowing the jury to discuss the testimony of each day with one another? I, obviously, get why you wouldn't talk with people outside the jury, but since they must come to a conclusion together eventually, why doesn't it make sense to have them debate thoughts thru the trial? If it was a total blind vote during deliberations and that was that, I'd get it. But since they are supposed to come to an agreement on guilt together, why not thru the trial?

So one jury member can't be constantly pushing his interpretation of the various testimony and evidence on the rest of them. They're all supposed to bring their life experience and opinion into the trial, there shouldn't be one person convincing the rest of them how they should think and look at each piece of evidence as it is introduced.

When that happens, it also colors the way the jury continues to think about the evidence that's still being released. They think, oh we had this discussion about George the other day, and now that I think about it, he does seem sort of suspicious. This bit of evidence kind of confirms everyone's suspicions.
Then when perhaps something more exonerating comes about, they ignore it. Then they discuss it again and reinforce each other's opinions. Which was what appears to have happened here.

Basically while doing that, it isn't twelve different people bringing their opinions and life experience into the verdict fresh because some of those people have already been talked out of their opinions.

It's a couple more vocal people pushing their life experience on everyone else for a period of weeks or maybe months. Especially in the cliquish atmosphere of sequestration.

I kind of think that's what happened here. That blathering foreman pushed his bias and his point of view on the rest of them and convinced them way before the verdict that they should be considering the evidence the same way he did. That's why they all seemed to have their minds made up way before the verdict and all that was left for them to do, was, as Jennifer Ford put it, think about looking at evidence and then shrug and say "not my problem, no cause of death."

Honestly, I think that if the jury makes a mistake that's so severe that a criminal defendant who was convicted of a crime gets their conviction thrown out and a whole new trial based on the jurors' actions alone, the jurors who blatantly disregarded the rules should be held responsible. It isn't fun play time, it isn't junior high, "Ashton was putting us all to sleep, but Baez was sort of hot" (Jennifer Ford was actually quoted as posting that on her facebook) or "George has cooties, we don't like him," it's a murder trial.

I get so mad at that jury whenever I think too hard about this.

They failed at their duty and blatantly disregarded the rules of the court. They should have been fined or punished for it, not given free trips to Disneyland and softball interviews on the various news circuits.

I get that some people out there think that stricter punishments like this would deter people from being jurors, but if it deters the sort of person from becoming a juror who just does what they want, doesn't pay attention and doesn't take the rules of the court seriously, I really don't see the negative in it.

This wasn't even a case of jury nullification. Jury nullification involves a jury clearly understanding the law and then proudly making a stand against it. Jury nullification, in one of the US's earliest trials in which Alexander Hamilton was a defense attorney, helped cement our rights to freedom of speech.

So yeah, this was not even close to jury nullification. This was a travesty. It was just pointless and stupid.

It was a group of idiots misinterpreting the law and making no sense whatsoever, then believing they did "the right thing because they swore to follow the law" despite the tears they claimed were rolling down their cheeks and that sick and disgusted feeling they got in the pit of their stomachs.
I want to correct something in my above post... I referred to the COD as homicide... I meant the manner of death was homicide, my bad... I was tired, lol... But, I did end up going back over the special with Dr. G from a couple of years ago... She really was a warrior for little Caylee... I :heartbeat: Dr. G...

All jmo.
So one jury member can't be constantly pushing his interpretation of the various testimony and evidence on the rest of them. They're all supposed to bring their life experience and opinion into the trial, there shouldn't be one person convincing the rest of them how they should think and look at each piece of evidence as it is introduced.

When that happens, it also colors the way the jury continues to think about the evidence that's still being released. They think, oh we had this discussion about George the other day, and now that I think about it, he does seem sort of suspicious. This bit of evidence kind of confirms everyone's suspicions.
Then when perhaps something more exonerating comes about, they ignore it. Then they discuss it again and reinforce each other's opinions. Which was what appears to have happened here.

Basically while doing that, it isn't twelve different people bringing their opinions and life experience into the verdict fresh because some of those people have already been talked out of their opinions.

It's a couple more vocal people pushing their life experience on everyone else for a period of weeks or maybe months. Especially in the cliquish atmosphere of sequestration.

I kind of think that's what happened here. That blathering foreman pushed his bias and his point of view on the rest of them and convinced them way before the verdict that they should be considering the evidence the same way he did. That's why they all seemed to have their minds made up way before the verdict and all that was left for them to do, was, as Jennifer Ford put it, think about looking at evidence and then shrug and say "not my problem, no cause of death."

Honestly, I think that if the jury makes a mistake that's so severe that a criminal defendant who was convicted of a crime gets their conviction thrown out and a whole new trial based on the jurors' actions alone, the jurors who blatantly disregarded the rules should be held responsible. It isn't fun play time, it isn't junior high, "Ashton was putting us all to sleep, but Baez was sort of hot" (Jennifer Ford was actually quoted as posting that on her facebook) or "George has cooties, we don't like him," it's a murder trial.

I get so mad at that jury whenever I think too hard about this.

They failed at their duty and blatantly disregarded the rules of the court. They should have been fined or punished for it, not given free trips to Disneyland and softball interviews on the various news circuits.

I get that some people out there think that stricter punishments like this would deter people from being jurors, but if it deters the sort of person from becoming a juror who just does what they want, doesn't pay attention and doesn't take the rules of the court seriously, I really don't see the negative in it.

This wasn't even a case of jury nullification. Jury nullification involves a jury clearly understanding the law and then proudly making a stand against it. Jury nullification, in one of the US's earliest trials in which Alexander Hamilton was a defense attorney, helped cement our rights to freedom of speech.

So yeah, this was not even close to jury nullification. This was a travesty. It was just pointless and stupid.

It was a group of idiots misinterpreting the law and making no sense whatsoever, then believing they did "the right thing because they swore to follow the law" despite the tears they claimed were rolling down their cheeks and that sick and disgusted feeling they got in the pit of their stomachs.

I just learned this. I thought the jury couldn't discuss a case until it was finished. I wish I would have been on webslueths when this case was going on.
By all accounts FCA loved her???? WTH. By most accounts FCA never wanted her to begin with, foisted her off at every opportunity, did nothing to support her except pretend to work, never took her on a play date--too busy pretending to work and texting all day, etc. etc.

George was NOT there.

And just to state the obvious, an overly protective "mother" would not have spent 30 days ho-ing around after her child's death, even if it was an accident, which IMO, it most certainly was not. Not even Jose Baez was OK with the knowledge of that baby thrown away like garbage and left by herself to rot.

I was not part of this forum until recently. I had only watched the trial, and read the books. I did not have all of this info. Y'all are awesome. Thank you for showing me what I missed.
I would never buy Ablow's book (or jbaez's, for that matter)...I refuse to waste my time or money supporting anyone who would exploit the death of a child for their own financial gain/agenda. Ablow never evaluated fca, he played no role in the trial, and I have no interest in reading, or listening, to anything he has to say... As far as the family having deep psychological issues, the facts are fca, and her defense, tried, and failed, to find a psychologist who would support their theory of PTSD, compartmentalization, or any other psychological issue that would help explain away her behavior and aid them in their defense... Other than the conclusion that she was pure evil, it was a resounding thud and the defense had to remove them from their witness list... I don't know about the rest of the family having any deep psychological issues, they weren't evaluated and they weren't on trial, so we'd only be speculating...

Here's a little refresher of how things went down with Dr. Danziger, who, again, was hired by the defense to evaluate fca:

• During Danziger's deposition with the state, Ashton asked Danziger if he recalled a conversation he had with Burdick at the courthouse, in which he said words to the effect of, "I have no explanation for this other than she's just pure evil."

• Dr. Jeffery Danziger, the psychologist who examined and tested Casey Anthony said that she did NOT exhibit the signs of a molested person, and he was VERY uncomfortable being used by the defense to hint that she was abused by George.

(I'm trying to find a link that works for the article I'm quoting, however, the info is also available in the the thread on fca's psych evals)


These are the facts that we have in evidence, anything else is speculation... Sometimes people kill because they're evil, sometimes that's your explanation...

All jmo.

Thank you for the refreshing.
Hey Sky... I just checked the sticky thread that had the links to all the docs, and apparently docstop closed in December, so... some other ways to find what you need is to do a search of the forum using key words. It's all covered in the forum... The first link below (docs thread) doesn't have many working links, but there's a list of the interviews with the link to the Websleuth thread that discusses it... Btw, the sticky threads are located on the top half of the Caylee forum pg and have a lot of great info in them... One of those is the Resource Links, Case Calendar, & Time Line thread, which is the second link below, it provides cell pings, a break down of each day, among other things...



All jmo.

Thank you. I am learning my way around.
I think Baez did his job and he done it well... he created reasonable doubt. He was alive in the courtroom - ready - the prosecution- not so much IMO

The refusal to charge Cindy for LYING NUMEROUS... Well, that as only one mistake they made IMO

He did as a person that just watched the trial. The jury didn't have all the evidence they could have.
Sky, you have to look at all the evidence before you make claims like this... It's just not true, fca was chewing her arm off (her words) she wanted to get away from the house so bad, it was night after night of her sitting home, frustrated, waiting for her mom to get home, etc. I'm not going to rehash it all, there's way too much evidence that debunks your post ...You really only need to review her instant messages to realize that you've been played by the defense... After doing that if you're still not convinced let us know and we'd be happy to point you to more evidence that should help straighten it out for you...

All jmo.

Your right. I was recounting what I remembered from watching the trial.
Locking your child in their room so they can't get out to use the bathroom or escape in case of fire is protective??? No, that's child abuse and lazy parenting. None of those friends had kids, who are they to judge what a "good" mother is. Casey only had her with her at those times for lack of anyone else to babysit.

I meant when they would sleep together at night. I remembered there being a lock in reference so no one could come in while they slept.

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