4 years later, what do we think of the case / verdict now?

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I think its either fake, or an attempt to drum up interest/test the waters.

I agree. But then again she isn't very smart. There are settings to not allow people to post, allow to approve first, and among other things. I wonder if this is to start it back in the media to get her to do an interview.
I just learned this. I thought the jury couldn't discuss a case until it was finished. I wish I would have been on webslueths when this case was going on.

Actually, I wish I hadn't been following this case while it was still going on. Watching her get found not guilty after reading and watching and listening to years of discovery that incriminated her was like getting sucker punched. By discovery, I don't mean I just listened to the talking heads. I would go through the various court files as they were released.

No way did I think the jury would believe everything Baez told them despite the lack of evidence and the fact that he failed to prove most, if not all, of his opening statement.

Even Cheney-Mason condemned him for that later at a seminar and told the audience that you should never put something in your opening statement that you don't intend to prove. Allegedly Baez blindsided him along with the rest of Casey's legal team and did it repeatedly...

That, IMO, is just another example of his narcissism. He had to be in control, he had to be the star. He wasn't going to let some death-qualified lawyer with decades of experience steal his thunder!
I meant when they would sleep together at night. I remembered there being a lock in reference so no one could come in while they slept.

I do know that Caylee slept with Casey every night. I don't remember anything about a lock though. If you read about it in Baez's book, there's a very good chance it isn't true. Both him and his client are huge liars.

Or wait, did you read it in Ablow's book? He never met or interviewed Casey. Apparently he was using a tin foil hat or something to see inside of Casey's head via his psychiatric superpowers and a flux capacitor to go back in time and see what the Anthony house was like when Casey was growing up.

IMO, he's just blowing hot air.

I don't believe Casey's abuse stories because she's a liar, but also because she failed to remain consistent.

Version 1: Her father never touched her. Lee did.
Version 2: (while she's in jail after her father's grand jury testimony puts her away) She seems to have some sort of repressed memory of her father touching her. Jodi Arias's fog must be permeating her cell from Az.
Version 3: Her father stopped long before Caylee was born.
Version 4: Her father didn't stop long before Caylee was born. Casey was worried Caylee might be his.
Version 5: Suddenly she has this elaborate story filled with grooming details. And she rips off South Park. Or George did, somehow before the episode was aired.
Actually, I wish I hadn't been following this case while it was still going on. Watching her get found not guilty after reading and watching and listening to years of discovery that incriminated her was like getting sucker punched. By discovery, I don't mean I just listened to the talking heads. I would go through the various court files as they were released.

No way did I think the jury would believe everything Baez told them despite the lack of evidence and the fact that he failed to prove most, if not all, of his opening statement.

Even Cheney-Mason condemned him for that later at a seminar and told the audience that you should never put something in your opening statement that you don't intend to prove. Allegedly Baez blindsided him along with the rest of Casey's legal team and did it repeatedly...

That, IMO, is just another example of his narcissism. He had to be in control, he had to be the star. He wasn't going to let some death-qualified lawyer with decades of experience steal his thunder!


Imo, that talk ChMason gave was so self-serving. (Pace University).. After the verdict CM went on a campaign to sell America an "innocent" fca... It was meant to clear the way for Mason & fca to cash in on the death/murder of Caylee... Imo, both he and fca knew full well what they were going to do to george in opening statements, and they knew majority of Americans were outraged with them for doing it... I don't there's a chance in heck that ChMason (or fca) would've just sat there and allowed jbaez to rogue like that...remember, at that point most people thought fca would be convicted, including ChMason, he was the one who pushed her to take the plea at trial, he didn't think the case was going well for them... So, if jbaez told some outrageous story blindsiding them, which would be crossing ethical lines & without a good faith basis (CM admitted jbaez said it without any evidence), ChMason would've been in chambers so fast. He wouldn't sacrifice himself for jbaez's wild antics. And fca would've been furious, she'd never just sit there and allow anyone to go rogue and derail her case, and we certainly would've seen her throw another one of her courtroom tantrums against jbaez if he did anything to displease her (or if something wasn't being done her way)... CM and fca's insistence that it was all jbaez doing that stuff is typical behavior of these two... blame someone else, throw them under the bus, and protect your own interests at all cost... They knew they had to get past the opening statements to get around all the boycotts and backlash, etc, because most of America was/is so disgusted with their OS's and believe that's why she got off... So they've said it's all jbaez's fault.. They tried to the make him look like the bad guy and fca the innocent victim (as usual) in hopes that the backlash against her would settle down enough for doors to open and they could cash in and land that big deal...$$$$

ChMason knew the theory of defense, what he didn't know was that she would get a full acquittal and they would receive all the backlash because of it, preventing him the fame and fortune he expected would come from representing her...It backfired on all of them, and now they're all pointing fingers at each other...

All jmo.

Imo, that talk ChMason gave was so self-serving. (Pace University).. After the verdict CM went on a campaign to sell America an "innocent" fca... It was meant to clear the way for Mason & fca to cash in on the death/murder of Caylee... Imo, both he and fca knew full well what they were going to do to george in opening statements, and they knew majority of Americans were outraged with them for doing it... I don't there's a chance in heck that ChMason (or fca) would've just sat there and allowed jbaez to rogue like that...remember, at that point most people thought fca would be convicted, including ChMason, he was the one who pushed her to take the plea at trial, he didn't think the case was going well for them... So, if jbaez told some outrageous story blindsiding them, which would be crossing ethical lines & without a good faith basis (CM admitted jbaez said it without any evidence), ChMason would've been in chambers so fast. He wouldn't sacrifice himself for jbaez's wild antics. And fca would've been furious, she'd never just sit there and allow anyone to go rogue and derail her case, and we certainly would've seen her throw another one of her courtroom tantrums against jbaez if he did anything to displease her (or if something wasn't being done her way)... CM and fca's insistence that it was all jbaez doing that stuff is typical behavior of these two... blame someone else, throw them under the bus, and protect your own interests at all cost... They knew they had to get past the opening statements to get around all the boycotts and backlash, etc, because most of America was/is so disgusted with their OS's and believe that's why she got off... So they've said it's all jbaez's fault.. They tried to the make him look like the bad guy and fca the innocent victim (as usual) in hopes that the backlash against her would settle down enough for doors to open and they could cash in and land that big deal...$$$$

ChMason knew the theory of defense, what he didn't know was that she would get a full acquittal and they would receive all the backlash because of it, preventing him the fame and fortune he expected would come from representing her...It backfired on all of them, and now they're all pointing fingers at each other...

All jmo.

Good post.

I think Baez did blindside the rest of his legal team (I never said he blindsided Casey) at times though. Because he had to be the "head attorney."

Cheney had a decent reputation. I still remember his pre-legal team commentary about there being a "circus trial" and it eventually resulting in a conviction. He drug himself through the mud defending Casey. Pretty pathetic of him. I still remember him giving the finger through that huge plate glass window while they were drinking at that bar down the block right after the trial.

And fca would've been furious, she'd never just sit there and allow anyone to go rogue and derail her case, and we certainly would've seen her throw another one of her courtroom tantrums against jbaez if he did anything to displease her (or if something wasn't being done her way)...

She did react that way. When Cheney Mason suggested that she take a plea. I think Baez was doing more or less what she wanted.However, she was getting angry at him because she wanted to insinuate that George had murdered Caylee and Baez was stopping at it being an accidental drowning that was covered up.

However, I also agree that there is a certain level of fingerpointing going on after the trial that isn't entirely sincere.
What Emails? Does someone have a link??

Quote Originally Posted by seattlechiquita View Post
Oh snap. I had never seen these emails. OMG
[QUndyOTE=RosemountGAL;12359459]What Emails? Does someone have a link??

Quote Originally Posted by seattlechiquita View Post
Oh snap. I had never seen these emails. OMG[/QUOTE]

At the time I was talking about Rick Plesea's emails to his sister Cindy, written when Caylee first went 'missing'. They are all on the
ACandyrose website- not sure if it would be OK to link it here....
He did as a person that just watched the trial. The jury didn't have all the evidence they could have.


Actually, with the exception of the fca/ca hearsay fight, the jury did have a lot of the evidence that we've been discussing, it just wasn't brought out during the trial, but it was entered into evidence for the jury to use in deliberations. Of course, the jury never saw any of it because they didn't discuss, go over, or consider any of the evidence... The cell pings, ga & ca work logs, phone/computer messages & activity, cell records, info showing fca's movements/actions on June 16th (through arrest), etc, were all entered into evidence for the jury to use when weighing the evidence and determining what really happened (they skipped this crucial part)... I don't know if it would've made a difference with this group, but many of us believed it was a mistake for the state to not bring this out at trial and to not put more of a focus on refuting the defense's theory, and showing what really happened that day... Unfortunately, the prosecutors trusted that the jurors would at least verify the defense's claims by going over any supporting/refuting evidence before letting her just walk free... Had the jury done this they would've seen that the accidental drowning scenario didn't match up with the evidence... But, this was a very unusual jury...one who didn't need evidence... And it just so happened they had a leader who could read people, and he could tell by being ten feet away from george that he was lieing and involved, and possibly even killed Caylee. :doh: ...Yah, he really said that...

I promise I'm not picking on you Sky, I really appreciate your willingness to take a second look and consider another point of view... It's a rare thing here.... :wink: (and maybe we can change your mind...let us know how we're doing, lol)

All jmo..

Actually, with the exception of the fca/ca hearsay fight, the jury did have a lot of the evidence that we've been discussing, it just wasn't brought out during the trial, but it was entered into evidence for the jury to use in deliberations. Of course, the jury never saw any of it because they didn't discuss, go over, or consider any of the evidence... The cell pings, ga & ca work logs, phone/computer messages & activity, cell records, info showing fca's movements/actions on June 16th (through arrest), etc, were all entered into evidence for the jury to use when weighing the evidence and determining what really happened (they skipped this crucial part)... I don't know if it would've made a difference with this group, but many of us believed it was a mistake for the state to not bring this out at trial and to not put more of a focus on refuting the defense's theory, and showing what really happened that day... Unfortunately, the prosecutors trusted that the jurors would at least verify the defense's claims by going over any supporting/refuting evidence before letting her just walk free... Had the jury done this they would've seen that the accidental drowning scenario didn't match up with the evidence... But, this was a very unusual jury...one who didn't need evidence... And it just so happened they had a leader who could read people, and he could tell by being ten feet away from george that he was lieing and involved, and possibly even killed Caylee. :doh: ...Yah, he really said that...

I promise I'm not picking on you Sky, I really appreciate your willingness to take a second look and consider another point of view... It's a rare thing here.... :wink: (and maybe we can change your mind...let us know how we're doing, lol)

All jmo..

Yeah. I doubt it would have made a difference to this very unique jury. If the evidence had been brought out, I doubt they would have noticed, seeing as the foreman still thought there was a chance that Cindy made the searches and Jennifer Ford thought Casey would get the death penalty if they convicted her of anything. But you know, Ashton was putting them all to sleep, all the evidence the state provided was just so boring. They came there to hear salacious gossip, not think or connect the dots.

You know they're bad when Casey Anthony's own aunt calls in to Nancy Grace furious and raging about how she's appalled by the verdict and she doesn't know if the jury is just "lazy or not very bright."

Actually, with the exception of the fca/ca hearsay fight, the jury did have a lot of the evidence that we've been discussing, it just wasn't brought out during the trial, but it was entered into evidence for the jury to use in deliberations. Of course, the jury never saw any of it because they didn't discuss, go over, or consider any of the evidence... The cell pings, ga & ca work logs, phone/computer messages & activity, cell records, info showing fca's movements/actions on June 16th (through arrest), etc, were all entered into evidence for the jury to use when weighing the evidence and determining what really happened (they skipped this crucial part)... I don't know if it would've made a difference with this group, but many of us believed it was a mistake for the state to not bring this out at trial and to not put more of a focus on refuting the defense's theory, and showing what really happened that day... Unfortunately, the prosecutors trusted that the jurors would at least verify the defense's claims by going over any supporting/refuting evidence before letting her just walk free... Had the jury done this they would've seen that the accidental drowning scenario didn't match up with the evidence... But, this was a very unusual jury...one who didn't need evidence... And it just so happened they had a leader who could read people, and he could tell by being ten feet away from george that he was lieing and involved, and possibly even killed Caylee. :doh: ...Yah, he really said that...

I promise I'm not picking on you Sky, I really appreciate your willingness to take a second look and consider another point of view... It's a rare thing here.... :wink: (and maybe we can change your mind...let us know how we're doing, lol)

All jmo..

Thank you. I am working my way around. I appreciate your kindness to me being new.
I do know that Caylee slept with Casey every night. I don't remember anything about a lock though. If you read about it in Baez's book, there's a very good chance it isn't true. Both him and his client are huge liars.

Or wait, did you read it in Ablow's book? He never met or interviewed Casey. Apparently he was using a tin foil hat or something to see inside of Casey's head via his psychiatric superpowers and a flux capacitor to go back in time and see what the Anthony house was like when Casey was growing up.

IMO, he's just blowing hot air.

I don't believe Casey's abuse stories because she's a liar, but also because she failed to remain consistent.

Version 1: Her father never touched her. Lee did.
Version 2: (while she's in jail after her father's grand jury testimony puts her away) She seems to have some sort of repressed memory of her father touching her. Jodi Arias's fog must be permeating her cell from Az.
Version 3: Her father stopped long before Caylee was born.
Version 4: Her father didn't stop long before Caylee was born. Casey was worried Caylee might be his.
Version 5: Suddenly she has this elaborate story filled with grooming details. And she rips off South Park. Or George did, somehow before the episode was aired.

Yes. It was in Beaz book I believe. I don't think I actually finished Albows book cause I moved straight to a parenting book to help with my sons dyslexia.
Yes. It was in Beaz book I believe. I don't think I actually finished Albows book cause I moved straight to a parenting book to help with my sons dyslexia.

Do you realize you bought a book from a "Lawyer" that defended the Mother of a DEAD 2-year-old whom she never EVER reported dead or missing? You do know that Caylee was duct taped and thrown away like trash, don't you? Do you know that the FCA spent years in jail because she would not tell what happened to Law Enforcement, NOR HAS SHE EVER EXPLAINED HOW HER POOR INNOCENT CHILD ended up dead in the WOODS to rot and be eaten by animals? Do you know that author of that book had at least 6 different accounts of what happened to Caylee, NOT including an accidental drowning of which he offered ZERO proof? Do you also know that he implicated 5 different people in the murder of Caylee before the trial? Did you read Aston's Book? He is the Attorney that fought for the truth about Caylee's MURDER to be heard.
Do you realize you bought a book from a "Lawyer" that defended the Mother of a DEAD 2-year-old whom she never EVER reported dead or missing? You do know that Caylee was duct taped and thrown away like trash, don't you? Do you know that the FCA spent years in jail because she would not tell what happened to Law Enforcement, NOR HAS SHE EVER EXPLAINED HOW HER POOR INNOCENT CHILD ended up dead in the WOODS to rot and be eaten by animals? Do you know that author of that book had at least 6 different accounts of what happened to Caylee, NOT including an accidental drowning of which he offered ZERO proof? Do you also know that he implicated 5 different people in the murder of Caylee before the trial? Did you read Aston's Book? He is the Attorney that fought for the truth about Caylee's MURDER to be heard.

Yes. I have admitted that I didn't have all the evidence that you had and am looking forward to reading about it.
Do you realize you bought a book from a "Lawyer" that defended the Mother of a DEAD 2-year-old whom she never EVER reported dead or missing? You do know that Caylee was duct taped and thrown away like trash, don't you? Do you know that the FCA spent years in jail because she would not tell what happened to Law Enforcement, NOR HAS SHE EVER EXPLAINED HOW HER POOR INNOCENT CHILD ended up dead in the WOODS to rot and be eaten by animals? Do you know that author of that book had at least 6 different accounts of what happened to Caylee, NOT including an accidental drowning of which he offered ZERO proof? Do you also know that he implicated 5 different people in the murder of Caylee before the trial? Did you read Aston's Book? He is the Attorney that fought for the truth about Caylee's MURDER to be heard.

I actually got it free on kindle. ;)
Also, I don't care for the prosecutor (Ashton? ). When I read he was on Ashley Madison, I judged him personally. So I never finished his book. :)
Also, I don't care for the prosecutor (Ashton? ). When I read he was on Ashley Madison, I judged him personally. So I never finished his book. :)

But, jbaez doesn't offend you?... He had no problem pointing his finger at a man, on national tv, and accuse him of having his genitals in his daughter's mouth, knowing darn well it wasn't true... It was made up to try and explain away fca's behavior during the 31 days... I think that was probably one of the lowest, sneakiest, nastiest most repulsive things I've seen one human being do to another.... He was willing to destroy a man to get a child killer free...

All jmo.
Also, I don't care for the prosecutor (Ashton? ). When I read he was on Ashley Madison, I judged him personally. So I never finished his book. :)

Yet you finished Jose's book??? Do you know his history with women and child support?? Did you know the reason's why it took him so many years after law school to take the bar? I would take Ashton's morality over Jose's any day of the week! Besides, which one of these two people got a killer off and which one wanted justice for Caylee's murder?
TNN: Trial News Now ‏@TrialNewsNow 8m8 minutes ago

There are reports out that Casey Anthony is pregnant. #caseyanthony
Do you realize you bought a book from a "Lawyer" that defended the Mother of a DEAD 2-year-old whom she never EVER reported dead or missing? You do know that Caylee was duct taped and thrown away like trash, don't you? Do you know that the FCA spent years in jail because she would not tell what happened to Law Enforcement, NOR HAS SHE EVER EXPLAINED HOW HER POOR INNOCENT CHILD ended up dead in the WOODS to rot and be eaten by animals? Do you know that author of that book had at least 6 different accounts of what happened to Caylee, NOT including an accidental drowning of which he offered ZERO proof? Do you also know that he implicated 5 different people in the murder of Caylee before the trial? Did you read Aston's Book? He is the Attorney that fought for the truth about Caylee's MURDER to be heard.


But, she'll be happy to talk if the price is right... This is a "supposedly" innocent mother who refuses to talk until her bankruptcy and civil suits are behind her... and then she expects to get paid an absurd amount of money with stipulations that even then they can't ask her anything about her daughter or her death, it can only be ALL ABOUT HER... No one will ever be allowed to ask her about Caylee...

All jmo.
TNN: Trial News Now ‏@TrialNewsNow 8m8 minutes ago

There are reports out that Casey Anthony is pregnant. #caseyanthony
OMG!!! Can't believe she actually admitted it this time around, but if it's true hope the child is yanked away from her the second it is born!!!

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