48 Hours and Paradise Lost; West Memphis Three

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DNA Solves
But the point is that watching the movies you don't have to take anyone's word for anything.
The thing is, the body of evidence tells a very different story than the movies do, regarding the circumstances of Misskelley's initial confession and leaving out any mention of his many subsequent ones being just the tip of the iceberg which proves the notion that the makers of those movies were impartial presenters of the truth utterly ridiculous.

What, for each of you, was the 'entry point' for your interest in this partidular case? and when?
Back in March, when someone linked the Wiki article on the case as a canard in a discussion on Reddit. From the Wiki page I read many of the linked articles and quite a bit on Jivepuppi and googled around a bit but was unable to find the other side of the story, and went to watch West of Memphis hopping that it was documentary which would present and objective overview of the body of evidence, but since that obviously wasn't the case I kept digging, found WM3Truth and a few other places that gave the other side of the story, and shortly later wound up registering here at Websleuths in the hopes people here could further inform me.

Anyway, how did you become interested in this case, and when?
The thing is, the body of evidence tells a very different story than the movies do, regarding the circumstances of Misskelley's initial confession and leaving out any mention of his many subsequent ones being just the tip of the iceberg which proves the notion that the makers of those movies were impartial presenters of the truth utterly ridiculous.

Back in March, when someone linked the Wiki article on the case as a canard in a discussion on Reddit. From the Wiki page I read many of the linked articles and quite a bit on Jivepuppi and googled around a bit but was unable to find the other side of the story, and went to watch West of Memphis hopping that it was documentary which would present and objective overview of the body of evidence, but since that obviously wasn't the case I kept digging, found WM3Truth and a few other places that gave the other side of the story, and shortly later wound up registering here at Websleuths in the hopes people here could further inform me.

Anyway, how did you become interested in this case, and when?

The body of evidence includes, DNA that is linked to TH, witnesses that put TH with the boys when he says he never saw them, witnesses that say he was abusive to SB and his own dd. A trial that is fraught with lies and fear mongering. A confession that is coerced and has so many false statements that are proven not true in it.

It is a train wreck and a poster child for a sham trial.
Thank you KyleB for at least answering my question! UdBCrazy seemed unable to!

I answered my own question where another poster thought it better as a stand alone thread. I agree!

Click here:- [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=230022"]http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=230022[/ame]

It would be good if you could post your answer there too and then delete the one here?? If you can be bothered - it would make for better cohesion.
Thank you KyleB for at least answering my question! UdBCrazy seemed unable to!

I answered my own question where another poster thought it better as a stand alone thread. I agree!

Click here:- http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=230022

It would be good if you could post your answer there too and then delete the one here?? If you can be bothered - it would make for better cohesion.

So where is your answer about the question I asked you earlier about your interest in WS at your board I believe the reference to WS was 'wine board'.
What is happening to your board and what brings you here?
The body of evidence includes, DNA that is linked to TH, witnesses that put TH with the boys when he says he never saw them, witnesses that say he was abusive to SB and his own dd.
It also includes DNA which which may well link to other fathers of the boys too if anyone ever bothered to test them, witnesses who put the boys without Hobbs and over a half mile away from the boys when the witnesses you allude to claimed to have seen them together, and mounds of parents who whipped their children with belts but never came anywhere close to killing one let alone one along with their friends. But of course all those facts and far more are overlooked to paint Hobbs as a bogie man, much as many facts were over looked to scapegoat Byers before him.

A trial that is fraught with lies and fear mongering.
I can see how one would feel that way when being mislead by all the lies and fear mongering throughout the Paradise Lost's movies and such.
Of course the fact that most children are murdered by their parents or a family friend let alone that Jacobs also placed Hobbs with the boys is worthless.f course Kyle gleefully ignores and overlooks tis to scapegoat the wm3. Statistically the creepy kid with issues is less likely to be the murderer of a small child than the boys father. And I can see why Kyle thinks the paradise lost movies and others were misleading people with fear monte ring and lies given that he bies into the fear mongrel g lies and evasive stretchs of logic of websites like wm3 truth and others. I read those sites and they were so ridiculously emotional and manipulative I was skeptical even when entertaining the thought they were guilty. Hobbs is also suspected because his only alibi retracted his statement and he was
uncomfortable and evasive when asked directly about the case.

Statistically a boy is more likely to be killed by their parent than some freaky *advertiser censored* goth kid, so that alone meant Hobbs should have been investigated. Yet when the police did they asked softball questions. Explain why a country singers lawyer did a better job questioning him and why someone who was statistically more likely to be the murderer was ignored for 14 years and not even cursorily investigated
I can see why Kyle thinks the paradise lost movies and others were misleading people with fear monte ring and lies given that he bies into the fear mongrel g lies and evasive stretchs of logic of websites like wm3 truth and others.
Oh really, so for example the 12 hour interrogation claims are true, while the evidence cited to the contrary by WM3 Truth's refutation of those claims is false? Where can one find any evidence to prove as much, or do you just have reality turned on its head here?
That link also claims that Damien testified on May 10th but there are no transcripts or recordings. Weird.
Miskelley would have felt like a prisoner the moment the cops brought him in, and it doesn't change the fact that as brought up in other threads the police willingly omitted key areas (before one gap they had no clarification the next they did and the exact nature and time of the gap makes it painfully obvious that the police knowingly omitted it, the leading questions and words the fact that the police knowingly omitted swaths of the interrogation.) compassionate reader s gone over this with you. You just ignore it and go lalalalalalalla I'm not listening lalalalalalalla because it's easy. Missy just pointed out one area when wm3 truth definitely lied, and others have cited both instances where people have confessed

I'll link the section where compassionate reader covered it but essentially the wm3 site is as valid as David dukes views on black people and nick griffins views on Pakistanis.
It also includes DNA which which may well link to other fathers of the boys too if anyone ever bothered to test them, witnesses who put the boys without Hobbs and over a half mile away from the boys when the witnesses you allude to claimed to have seen them together, and mounds of parents who whipped their children with belts but never came anywhere close to killing one let alone one along with their friends. But of course all those facts and far more are overlooked to paint Hobbs as a bogie man, much as many facts were over looked to scapegoat Byers before him.

I can see how one would feel that way when being mislead by all the lies and fear mongering throughout the Paradise Lost's movies and such.

Sorry. It's fact. The trial was a sham.
If you want the truth, you are going to have to accept the truth as it is.

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That link also claims that Damien testified on May 10th but there are no transcripts or recordings. Weird.

They didn't say 'testified'. Here is the quote.

(They also should have recorded the May 10, 1993, interrogation of Damien Echols. Damn, I would love to hear those tapes.)

What they are talking about is his interrogation and polygraph that he failed.
You can find all of those documents here by looking under 'E' for Echols:
Sorry. It's fact. The trial was a sham.
If you want the truth, you are going to have to accept the truth as it is.

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The truth is that there were two trials and when those were thrown out all three men plead guilty to murder. I think that was a real shocker to most supporters after claiming they had evidence to 'prove them innocent'. So much for that.

The truth is that there were two trials and when those were thrown out all three men plead guilty to murder. I think that was a real shocker to most supporters after claiming they had evidence to 'prove them innocent'. So much for that.

I don't think it shocked that many people that they chose to be released from jail immediately rather than risk another trial after being wrongfully convicted and spending 18 years in prison/on death row. Of course it's disappointing that events didn't transpire differently, but I won't complain.

I know you are convinced of their guilt, but if you can imagine for a minute believing in their innocence and putting yourself in their place. If you had been convicted of a murder, you didn't commit, would you want to risk another trial, rather than agreeing to some BS to be freed immediately? Would you trust the legal system that had already taken half your life?

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The truth is that there were two trials and when those were thrown out all three men plead guilty to murder. I think that was a real shocker to most supporters after claiming they had evidence to 'prove them innocent'. So much for that.

No. That is not really true. They pleaded that they were innocent of the charges and yet entered a guilty plea to satisfy the state.

I have no issue with this as they did enough time for something they did not commit. If they were all just doing time maybe wait it out but one was on death row and since I have never spent 17 years in prison for some crime I did not commit I am not going to judge their decision to just get the heck out.

I believe in the end they will be exonerated. But it won't be by this pathetic state. It will be because others are fighting hard for justice fir these little boys.

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