48 Hours and Paradise Lost; West Memphis Three

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
You have your opinion, jt, and I have mine. However, I know that neither Pam nor JMB are getting rich off of any monies they might have received from supporters. As I stated before, IMO, no parent would aid and abet the release of the murderers of his/her son.

And, you're right in that the thrust of the supporter movement is to free the three innocent men in prison. We'd also like to see the real killer behind bars. That will finally bring justice for the three little boys who were brutally murdered almost 20 years ago.
Pamela Hicks would agree with you if you told her a goat killed those boys. Hardly a reliable source of anything.

This is a VERY low blow. Put yourself in her situation once and have your child murdered only to find out that possibly the people that were convicted for it are really innocent. She gets the opportunity to go through these trials AGAIN and live through it AGAIN. Also if TH really is the perp and is convicted of these crimes, she gets to live with herself for the rest of her life that she shared the bed with a man that murdered her own son. I don't know how I would handle that and honestly very few people could say they know how to handle that.

ALL of the families have been through HELL and they all were told by the WM police that the right murderers are in jail. If there was any question or any doubt, the 3 in jail would NOT be getting new trials and would NOT even be getting a hearing to show new evidence. Something went wrong somewhere and now the case is being questioned.

And with JM confessions....do some research. People confess to crimes they haven't committed a lot. Just look at John Mark Carr and Jon Benet Ramsey.

You know it is one thing to bash Damien Echols and the other two but it's REALLY low to bash a family member of the victims. IMO you Nons are getting desperate and scared because I seriously think you are questioning your belief that the right killers are in jail. You run yourselves around in circles and when you don't have the right answer you blame everyone else, and resort to name calling and bashing.

What I said in MY opinion only.
This is a VERY low blow. Put yourself in her situation once and have your child murdered only to find out that possibly the people that were convicted for it are really innocent. She gets the opportunity to go through these trials AGAIN and live through it AGAIN. Also if TH really is the perp and is convicted of these crimes, she gets to live with herself for the rest of her life that she shared the bed with a man that murdered her own son. I don't know how I would handle that and honestly very few people could say they know how to handle that.

ALL of the families have been through HELL and they all were told by the WM police that the right murderers are in jail. If there was any question or any doubt, the 3 in jail would NOT be getting new trials and would NOT even be getting a hearing to show new evidence. Something went wrong somewhere and now the case is being questioned.

And with JM confessions....do some research. People confess to crimes they haven't committed a lot. Just look at John Mark Carr and Jon Benet Ramsey.

You know it is one thing to bash Damien Echols and the other two but it's REALLY low to bash a family member of the victims. IMO you Nons are getting desperate and scared because I seriously think you are questioning your belief that the right killers are in jail. You run yourselves around in circles and when you don't have the right answer you blame everyone else, and resort to name calling and bashing.

What I said in MY opinion only.

Not just your opinion: mine, too. I thought the goat business went too far.

And PH not only shared her bed with TH, she brought him into her home and gave him access to her child. I am NOT blaming her for that; but if I were she, I'd sure be blaming myself.
This is a VERY low blow. Put yourself in her situation once and have your child murdered only to find out that possibly the people that were convicted for it are really innocent. She gets the opportunity to go through these trials AGAIN and live through it AGAIN. Also if TH really is the perp and is convicted of these crimes, she gets to live with herself for the rest of her life that she shared the bed with a man that murdered her own son. I don't know how I would handle that and honestly very few people could say they know how to handle that.

ALL of the families have been through HELL and they all were told by the WM police that the right murderers are in jail. If there was any question or any doubt, the 3 in jail would NOT be getting new trials and would NOT even be getting a hearing to show new evidence. Something went wrong somewhere and now the case is being questioned.

And with JM confessions....do some research. People confess to crimes they haven't committed a lot. Just look at John Mark Carr and Jon Benet Ramsey.

You know it is one thing to bash Damien Echols and the other two but it's REALLY low to bash a family member of the victims. IMO you Nons are getting desperate and scared because I seriously think you are questioning your belief that the right killers are in jail. You run yourselves around in circles and when you don't have the right answer you blame everyone else, and resort to name calling and bashing.

What I said in MY opinion only.

Very,very well said. I have a son and cannot imagine if I were in her shoes and came here and read that about myself. Seems heartless and a turn off when reading here.
You are already covering your *advertiser censored* by saying they won't convict the "real killer" because they "won't admit they were wrong". They won't go after TH because there is NO evidence against him - physical OR circumstantial. Nothing.

So if they do get released (which they won't) - would you invite Damien over to your house? Do you have kids? Maybe he could babysit? Would you be cool with that?

I'm not speaking for CR, but I don't understand what "CYA" has to do with it. One can find TH suspicious, as I do, and still recognize that after 18 years and a badly botched investigation, there may never be enough evidence to charge him, must less convict him.

There is evidence against Terry Hobbs: there is the hair in the bindings, there is testimony that he was the last adult seen with the kids, there are odd and conflicting statements in the Pasdar depositions. But whether that's ENOUGH evidence is another matter. At the moment, I'd have to say no, probably not enough.

How is that "covering my *advertiser censored*"?

(ETA and BTW, no, I see no reason to worry about children or anyone else around DE.)
IMO, the WMPD will try to shirk their responsibility with the old "too much time has passed" line. I'm hoping that the citizens won't let them get away with it. I firmly believe that more evidence against the real killer will come out at the hearing.

BTW, I just learned that Judge Laser has forbidden any electronic media in the courtroom (except, I assume, microphones). I also believe that he will allow pens and paper, as long as they're not electronic. Those of us who can't be present will have to rely on the notes of those fortunate enough to be there. It's been done before; now, it'll have to be done again.
IMO, the WMPD will try to shirk their responsibility with the old "too much time has passed" line. I'm hoping that the citizens won't let them get away with it. I firmly believe that more evidence against the real killer will come out at the hearing.

BTW, I just learned that Judge Laser has forbidden any electronic media in the courtroom (except, I assume, microphones). I also believe that he will allow pens and paper, as long as they're not electronic. Those of us who can't be present will have to rely on the notes of those fortunate enough to be there. It's been done before; now, it'll have to be done again.

Wow! Too bad. If ever there were a case that cried out for total transparency, this is it...
Glad we know the truth now and they have a plea agreement of Guilty on all counts. Wish the sentencing could have been longer, but 10-year parole is pretty long.

Now we know who the real killers are and the police always had the right guys in custody all along.
No way they let guilty child murderers out of prison with a plea - this is an OBVIOUS way for the state to save face. They are not allowed to admit they made mistakes, period. It's the way the political machine works. Having said that, my goal is to work as a prosecutor someday - I don't disparage what they do 99% of the time, but these situations bring out the ugly reality that there can be situations where politics will dictate how people do their jobs. Hopefully when the dust settles, they find "new evidence" and move on to find justice for these little boys.
Didn't hobbs and jacoby go on a trip for two days after the diappearance? I think he may be the killer. Steve branch's mom thinks he could do it. Speaks volumes.

There is a website- jivepuppi.com; that runs through the viability of Hobbs as a suspect. It is interesting, and I had asked for the GG aruba-cnn transcript to check replies like his, but in a few of his depositions, he NEVER mentions Steve/Stevie by name. He refers to him as "that little boy" or "my stepson.". This is odd, when you love someoNe, anmd you are sincere, and innocent, you say the victims name.
I think Hobbs is a trainwreck- based upon the facts.
Book 'em.
Time off for good behavior in Arkansas. I have links to two documents that explains why prisoners are released earlier than the actual sentence. Oh, it goes by what law was in place at the time of the crime.

Arkansas Sentencing Commission

Arkansas Board of Corrections

This might help explain why they are no longer in prison, but they do have a 10 year parole stint with recall of up to 21 years.
It is quite clear, and apparent to everyone that the wm3 didnot do it. No prints, no dna, no nothing. There is no rational basis from which to draw a conclusion they are guilty other than a coerced confessipn <modsnip>.
Not sure what you're thinking.
I've just watched Paradise Lost, both editions. Based on the preponderance defense evidence discussed in the films, as well an investigative and court documents available for viewing, it's clear that this investigation and trial was an amateur effort at best and the convicted parties deserved a new trial. However, the tragedy and what is haunting me right now is to imagine the life of the little Byers boy. There wasn't enough film to give me much of an impression of the families of the other 2 boys, but it's pretty clear that Christopher never had a chance in life even if he hadn't met his brutal demise as a child. My heart breaks to imagine his life with those two whack jobs. That poor little boy. I wonder what he endured on a regular basis during his short time on earth. I'm off to do more reading about Stevie Branch's "family". From the brief footage I saw of his mother, I'd say he probably was growing up in similar circumstances to Christopher.
Finally. It's been so long, too long. The plea isn't perfect but at least they can continue to fight for their innocence while free without the fear of the death penalty weighing on their minds. For the 2 non death penalty recipients, it was a big sacrifice for one the one death row. I hope and wish for that small town to finally face up to what happened. You got caught up in some satanic nonsense, and you screwed over some kids who dressed in black and listened to music you didn't approve of, you know...they were different before it was different. The evidence tells you who did it, DNA evidence. A better witness than the people in your town. And when they prove their innocence I hope they get the maximum amount of money they could possibly get. Your ignorance and flagrant disregard for the law will demand it.
Unfortunately, the plea means that they can't sue the State.

Hopefully, the evidence against THe real killer will continue to mount until it meets critical mass.
It is quite clear, and apparent to everyone that the wm3 didnot do it. No prints, no dna, no nothing. There is no rational basis from which to draw a conclusion they are guilty other than a coerced confessipn by a *advertiser censored*.
Not sure what you're thinking.


:woohoo: thank you gajonka

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